Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 723 Recruiting descendants of immortals as thugs

Under the ghost-masked man's mask was a pale young man's face, as pale as a kidney failure.

At this moment, his whole body was stripped naked, and his face couldn't help but turn paler, and he looked at Zhang Yun in front of him in horror.

Zhang Yun didn't care. After searching, he looked at the two of them and said, "Do you still want to continue participating in the fight for immortality?"

The white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man were startled and looked at him in confusion.

Zhang Yun said calmly: "Listen to my orders and help me during the next battle for immortality. I will let you advance and continue to participate in the subsequent battle for immortality!"

Hearing this, the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man looked slightly condensed, but did not hesitate: "Okay!"

As descendants of immortals, they competed for the chance to become immortals.

If they were eliminated in such despair, they would have no shame in going back to see their respective immortal ancestors.

Looking at Zhang Yun in front of them, they felt bitter in their hearts.

Where the hell did this monster appear?


If they had known this, they would have come slower and let others encounter this guy first...

Fortunately, there are seven immortal fates in this competition. Even if the monster in front of you takes one away, there will still be six.

Zhang Yundao: "Make a blood oath!"

The white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man did not hesitate and made their vows one after another.

"Then...what about that, Fellow Daoist Challenger. Can you add me?"

At this time, the voice of a green-haired man came from the side.

Zhang Yun glanced at the huge turtle shell next to him and said nothing.

The green-haired man in the turtle shell said quickly, "Fellow Daoist Challenger, I am very strong, definitely no worse than these two guys!"


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and said: "Okay, hand over all the treasures you have and let me see your sincerity!"


The green-haired man opened his mouth.

Zhang Yun glanced at him: "You don't even have this bit of sincerity?"

The green-haired man smiled bitterly: "Fellow Taoist Master, I can help you fight for immortality, and I will obey your command. But please see if you can let me keep the things I have on me..."

"Then don't talk about it!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand directly.

The green-haired man was anxious: "No, fellow Taoist Master, do you think this will work? You let me keep the things I have on me, but when I compete for the Immortal Queen this time, I will give you three hundred strands of original energy as compensation!"


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

Seeing that he was moving, the green-haired man quickly said: "I can swear a blood oath!"

Zhang Yun did not answer, but looked at the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man next to him, pointed at the huge turtle shell of the green-haired man and asked: "How much original energy is this fairy turtle shell worth to you?"


The white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man hesitated for a moment before replying: "If we put it up for auction, we should be able to fetch at least two thousand strands of original energy..."

"Two thousand silk?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately glanced at the turtle shell.

The green-haired man twitched the corner of his mouth and said quickly: "Fellow Taoist Challenger, five hundred silks! I'll give you five hundred..."


Zhang Yun interrupted him directly and said calmly: "Give me a thousand strands of original energy afterwards, and I won't want anything from you!"


The green-haired man opened his mouth.

"I don't want to pull him down!"

Zhang Yun turned around and prepared to leave.


The green-haired man hurriedly said: "Fellow Taoist Challenger, I will give it!!"

Zhang Yun then turned to look at him and said, "Swear an oath!"

The green-haired man reluctantly made the oath.

Zhang Yun smiled: "Okay, now we are in a group, you can come out of the turtle shell!"

The green-haired man smiled bitterly, put away the turtle shell and walked out.

He could huddle inside the turtle shell, but the shell could only last two days.

After waiting out, Zhang Yun can take him down in minutes.

Zhang Yun looked at the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man, picked up the things he had just collected from them, and asked, "Do you want to take these things back?"

The white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man were startled.

"I don't want more, the same thousand strands of original energy!"

Zhang Yun raised a finger and said: "Make an oath. After the fight for immortality is over, each of you will give me a thousand strands of source energy, and I will return these things to you!"

Upon hearing this, the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man's eyes lit up, and they immediately made an oath.

Qiansi Origin Energy has a lot of energy, but compared to these things they carry, it is far inferior.

After all, most of them are immediate combat supplies, as well as some elixirs for recovering injuries. They had just been seriously injured by Zhang Yun, and now they were all still injured and needed treatment.

Zhang Yun didn't waste any time and returned the things to the two of them.

In doing so, he had several considerations.

First, these two people were injured and lacked combat power, which would not be conducive to being his big hand in the future.

The second is two thousand strands of original energy!

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but be speechless.

Taking back such a large amount of original energy is enough to give his disciples a big boost.

These guys from the immortal forces in front of me are really rich. When they go to the Red Sea and Blue Sea, they must create a wave of original energy!

Third, and most importantly, these two people are most likely descendants of immortals.

The immortal elders of these three people may be paying attention to the process of competing for immortality at this moment.

It was also because of this consideration that he did not directly plant the soul-pressing seal on the three of them.

After all, the human ancestor is watching, and he has really planted a mark on them. Maybe the three immortals will come to him to settle accounts as soon as the fight for immortality ends.

Currently in other people's territory, Zhang Yun doesn't want to do such a risky thing.

At this moment, by exchanging the thing for a thousand strands of original energy, he was definitely at a loss, but it could be a smooth favor.

As long as the immortal ancestors behind these three people are watching, they will definitely have a good impression on him.

You see, you haven’t eliminated other people’s descendants, you have to help other people’s descendants advance, and they don’t only accept a thousand strands of original energy as ‘reward’ for their treasures…

Gee, he is so kind!

In addition, he has a fourth consideration, which is that he will probably encounter other similar descendants of immortals competing for immortality in the future.

If this were to be eliminated directly, it would undoubtedly be a problem for the narrow-minded Immortal.

Now that we have collected these three descendants of immortals, we can let them take action when we face other descendants of immortals.

Three thousand strands of original energy were earned in vain, and three more immortal descendant thugs were added...

This transaction is not a loss!

Zhang Yun looked at the three of them with a smile.

Seeing his smiling eyes, the three of them shrank subconsciously.

Zhang Yun waved his hand, "It's okay. You heal your wounds quickly, and then you two separate to guard the other two entrances!"

He pointed to the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man, and gave the coordinates of the other two entrances.


The two white-haired women nodded.

Zhang Yundao: "By the way, tell me your name. Then I can drive you...well, let me call you!"

"Ma Fangya!"

"Ghost Wei!"


The three of them spoke.

Zhang Yun nodded: "Which district are you from?"

"District 90."

"Area 77."

"Area 71."

Listening to the three people's answers, Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Now that the first hundred districts have arrived, the stronger immortal contenders should arrive one after another.

Although the realm of the three people in front of them has not reached the semi-immortal realm, they are all at the peak of the second-level thunder realm, and they can freely mobilize their immortal power with the help of tools.

In terms of strength, he is not much worse than a half-immortal.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yun didn't say any more, and returned to Area 306 with the injured Man Cangqiong.

He found a place for Man Cangqiong to sit down.

Man Cangqiong said: "Sir, I can do it myself!"

"Stop talking nonsense and sit back and relax!"

Zhang Yun summoned the holy elixir energy from the energy storage room and patted it into Man Cangqiong's body along with his palms.

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