Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 734 The young man in blue in District 29

Zhang Yun was a little confused.

He didn't know which area Qingjian Zun and his party had arrived in, but according to the normal speed, they should have arrived.

Did you encounter any delays on the way?

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head slightly.

Now each of his disciples has a disciple guardian talisman.

In order to prevent accidents, when he gave the guardian talismans before, he left a restriction on each guardian talisman.

As long as the guardian talisman is triggered, he will receive the induction.

At present, the guardian talisman on Qingjian Zun's body has not been triggered, which means that there is no big crisis!

With the Master and Disciple teleportation talisman around, he wasn't too worried.

‘The Immortal Fighter Number:. ’

‘Region: Area 306. ’

‘Identity: Champion of District 306, gaining control of half of District 306. ’

‘Current number of fairy balls acquired: 400. ’

‘Number of Plunder Immortal Tokens: 792. ’

‘Participation rounds: second round. Countdown to the end of the current round: 59:30:10. ’

Zhang Yun took out the Immortal Fighting Token and looked at it, raising his eyebrows slightly.

The number of Immortal Fighting Tokens can no longer be directly calculated as the number of adults.

Because many of the Immortal Fighters eliminated previously had more than one Immortal Fighting Token, and some even had dozens of Immortal Fighting Tokens.

After all, in addition to the one they own, these immortal contenders have obviously also eliminated and plundered many tokens from other immortal contenders. It is estimated that some of them started plundering in the first round like him.

He couldn't count how many immortal contenders there were outside Area 306.

But it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, there is still one and a half days left. As long as other contenders are not allowed to break into Area 306 during this period, the fight for immortality will be basically over!

The entrance connecting Area 306 and Area 303 is a group of peaks composed of many towering peaks.

At this moment, outside this group of mountain peaks, a group of three people greeted them.

Yes, it was the strong man in black armor and three other black-armored soldiers.

"Finally we're here!"

Looking at the top of the highest mountain deep in the mountain group, which is also the entrance to Area 306, the strong man in black armor said with firm eyes: "Let's go! No matter what this time, we must enter Area 306!!"

"Yes, sir!"

The two black-armored soldiers behind him were fighting in high spirits.

These two consecutive entrances hit a wall and were forced to take detours, which made them somewhat suffocated at the moment.

At this entrance, I have to rush in no matter what!

But as they approached the highest mountain peak, the three strong men in black armor felt that the surroundings became a little eerie for some reason.

Especially as we move forward, we can see a lot of blood stains on the tops of some surrounding mountains. Judging from the color of the blood, it was obvious that it had been left not long ago.

Just looking at the highest mountain in front, there was nothing there.

But the next moment, a ghost face suddenly appeared on it.

The three strong men in black armor were so frightened that their whole bodies trembled.

Before they had time to think, they saw a huge black claw print falling from above their heads.

"Black Immortal Slash!"

The strong man in black armor focused his eyes, and immediately drew out a long black sword from his waist. A magical power filled the blade, directly dividing the black claw mark into two.

"Ghosts eat the world!"

Just as they cut off the claw marks, the ghost face on the highest mountain in front suddenly enlarged a hundred times, and opened its big black mouth full of ghost power to devour them.

"Black-armored guard!"

At the critical moment, the black armors of the strong man in black armor and the two black armored soldiers shone together, and together with the black swords they held in their hands, they formed a dark barrier filled with immortal power.

Blocking the big black mouth full of ghost power.

But it only blocked it for a moment, and cracks appeared on the barrier.

"Young Master Ghost, I'll leave right away!!"

The three strong men in black armor also recognized this method and shouted quickly.

At the entrance to Area 306 on the highest mountain, Gui Wei, who was wearing a ghost mask, glanced briefly, thought for a moment and waved his hand.


The ghost faces dispersed, but the barriers of the three strong men in black armor also exploded, and they all vomited blood and flew out.

Not daring to stop at all, they turned around and flew out of the mountain peaks.


Flying all the way out, the three strong men in black armor were breathing heavily. While looking at the highest mountain peak in fear, they couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

Gui Wei, the young master of Guitian Palace!

And he is a descendant of immortals! !

The three strong men in black armor were going crazy!

What is going on?

Why are there descendants of immortals guarding every entrance to Area 306? ?

"Sir, what should we do now?"

"Take a long detour and go to the entrance behind Area 306!"

"But sir, if there is someone over there..."

The strong man in black armor was about to say 'impossible', but when he thought of coming all this way, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

After thinking for a while, he glanced at the tallest mountain in the distance and gritted his teeth: "Wait! Wait for the other people here to join forces and kill this ghost!!"

The two black-armored soldiers looked calm and nodded: "Understood, sir!"

The strong man in black armor looked ferocious.

These descendants of immortals are so crazy that they help guard the entrance to District 306. But if you can't enter area 306 within two days, you will be eliminated, so you have to fight!

In the hall filled with fairy spirit.

"These black-armored troops are really interesting!"

"It's a pity that the black-armored city lord is not here, otherwise his expression would have been wonderful!"

Looking at the three strong men in black armor in the picture, many immortals smiled.

"It's the little guy from Area 29. It's strange, why is he still wandering in such a front area?"

At this time, an immortal suddenly looked at a picture and made a sound.

All the immortals looked over.

That's the scene from Area 220.

Because the central area is Area 306, the screen displayed in front of the main hall has changed from the top 100 areas to the screen between Areas 220 and 320.

At this moment, in area 220, a rich and handsome young man in blue was chasing several immortal contenders.

After forcing these immortal contenders to exhaust all possible means, the young man in blue solved them and seized the fairy ball and the immortal token.

It looked like a normal robbery, but when the immortals saw it, they all frowned.

They were deeply impressed by this young man in blue, whose performance at the start was second only to Zhang Yun.

However, because all the attention was attracted by Zhang Yun, and the scene was changed to the back area, the young man in blue never appeared, so the immortals forgot about each other for a while.

It's very strange to see it now.

According to normal circumstances, the young man in blue should have arrived in Area 306 long ago.

Why is this still in Area 220?

Many immortals paid attention to the young man in blue.

Shi Laoxian in the hall narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, grabbed a handful of fairy melon seeds, put them in his mouth and nibbled them rhythmically.

Within the 220 area.

The young man in blue suddenly moved his brows, and soon looked as if he had thought of something. He took out his Immortal Token and looked at it.

"That's enough for a hundred fairy balls. I think we've almost finished playing in area 306, right? You can move over there!"

Just listening to his mumbling to himself, he headed towards Area 306.

Seeing this scene in the picture, all the immortals looked astonished.

"This little guy is quite calm!"

"First grab a hundred fairy balls outside and let them be consumed by the fight in area 306... Now go and harvest them. It's quite an idea!"

"I just don't know if this little guy can defeat the blood trick of the guy in Area 306?"

"Look, the opponent of the champion boy in District 306 is here!"

Looking at Zhang Yun in the scene in Area 306, and then looking at the blue-haired young man in Area 220 heading towards Area 306, all the immortals were very interested.

"┭┮﹏┭┮, I couldn't update four times yesterday, and I promised five updates today. But it's probably difficult, so I made a compromise, three updates today, and three updates tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to make up for it~"

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