The Secret Realm of Fighting for Immortals, Area 251.

The young man in blue flew all the way into this area. He originally wanted to pass directly and quickly go to the next area.


Suddenly sensing something, he raised his brows and immediately turned around and approached a direction in the area.

Discovering something, he immediately restrained his breath.


Just heard a slightly sad roar of a bear.

The next second there was a loud "boom", and a huge bear king with a size of more than 500 meters and six circles of silver patterns on its body fell from the sky.

It hit a mountain stream heavily.

boom! boom!

At the same time, an astonishing energy burst out in the sky above.

A human being and a ghost clan were blasted so hard that they both vomited blood and flew away.

I saw a man in black gold robe standing on a hundred-meter giant python, looking at the humans and ghosts who were blown away in front of him: "From Area 201 to here, you are really good at running!"

Seeing this, the young man in blue narrowed his eyes slightly, restrained his breath and did not show up. He hid aside and watched with interest.

In the sky.


The handsome young man with long blue hair and holding a bone sword had blood gushing from his mouth.

He is none other than Lord Qingjian.

Looking at the man in black gold robe in front of him, Master Qingjian's expression turned slightly gloomy.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the ghost angel beside him.

The latter understands.

"Ice Bone Fighting Spirit!"

Qingjian Zun immediately raised the Ice Nether Bone Sword high, and a hundred-meter-long ice skeleton soul roared out, and the temperature of the surrounding world instantly dropped several degrees.

"Ice Netherworld - the world freezes!"

A green-blue ice light emerged from the eyes of Lord Qingjian, and with the blessing of the Ice Skeleton War Spirit, the raised Ice Bone Sword was slashed out.

The dazzling sword light caused a blue icy storm to blow across the entire world, sweeping forward.

"An offensive in vain!"

The man in the black gold robe showed disdain in his eyes, and the giant 100-meter-long python beneath him opened its bloody mouth and spurted out a piece of dark purple corrosive liquid.

After hitting the blue ice storm, in just a moment, the dark purple corrosive liquid invaded the storm and directly corroded the sword light in it on the spot.


But at the same time, from the upper level of the ice storm, Qing Jianzun suddenly rushed out with the Ice Nether Bone Sword. A sword brought up a 100-meter-long sword light, pointing directly at the man in black and gold robes and piercing him.

"Don't show off your little tricks like this!"

The man in black gold robe raised his mouth with a hint of disdain, raised his hand slightly, and swept out a black-purple energy filled with immortal power.

A single encounter wiped out the light of a hundred meters of sword, and swept towards the Lord Qingjian.

"not good!"

Qingjian Zun's expression changed drastically and he quickly retreated.


But how could the man in the black gold robe let him go so easily? A cold light flashed across his eyes, and the black and purple immortal energy was swallowed directly towards the Green Sword Master.

He was about to swallow the latter completely...

"The netherworld is wiped out!"

At this moment, a dark color suddenly appeared in Lord Qingjian's pupils.

The next second, a circle of dark light swept across the world, and a large amount of black and purple fairy energy was directly wiped out.


The man in black gold robe was shaken, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"All ghosts roar!"

Before he had time to think about it, a roar suddenly came from the side.

He saw thousands of ghost spirits filled with ghost power rushing towards him overwhelmingly at this moment.

"Damn it!"

The man in the black gold robe's expression darkened, and black and purple immortal power surged from his body, directly wiping out the ghosts one after another.

But the ghosts kept coming, and they were still swallowed up in an instant.

"Snake Guard!"

At the critical moment, the man in black gold robe stepped down, and the giant python underneath him roared and rolled up its body, protecting him inside.

Thousands of ghosts and spirits rushed to bite the giant python.


The giant python screamed in pain.

Soon the entire giant python was chewed to pieces, but most of the ghost power filled by thousands of ghosts and spirits was consumed.

"The Heavenly Snake Immortal Dance!"

At this moment, the man in black gold robe shouted angrily.

The entire body of the giant python exploded, and wrapped in a black-purple fairy energy, it turned into countless small snakes and rushed out.

Thousands of ghosts and spirits were swept away in an instant.

"Damn you bastards, I want you to die!!"

The man in black and gold robe roared.

"Ice Netherworld - Freeze!"

But at this moment, a cold air suddenly swept from one side.

"not good!"

The angry man in black gold robe reacted quickly, his expression changed, and he quickly turned his head.


The Bingyou Bone Sword, which surged with Bingyouming, failed to pierce his neck, but made a bloody gash on his right shoulder.

A large amount of ice congealed when it encountered blood, directly freezing his entire right shoulder and half of his body on the spot.


Qingjian Zun opened the robe of the man in black gold robe with a sword, and more than a dozen immortality tokens and dozens of fairy balls fell out.


The face of the man in black gold robe suddenly changed.

But before he could make a move, Master Qingjian had already taken advantage of the situation and grabbed more than a dozen Immortal Fighting Tokens.

‘The contender number 89 has been eliminated! ’

Along with a message appeared on the Immortality Token.

The man in black gold robe was wrapped in teleportation energy.


Qingjian Zun was relieved when he saw this, but the continuous explosions caused by his injuries made his body tremble at this moment. He opened his mouth and spurted out another mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

But he didn't care. While wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth with his sleeve robe, he gave a thumbs up to Guitian next to him: "Good job!"

"Young Master is so powerful!"

Guitian smiled and said: "This guy chased us all the way. I'm afraid he never expected that we would turn him back..."


His expression suddenly changed in the middle of speaking, and he wanted to remind him.


But before he could make a sound, a blue celestial energy filled with a destructive aura surged from one side and swallowed up the entire Qingjian Master.

"Little Lord!!"

Guitian looked pale.

"What a noisy battle..."

A faint voice came, and the young man in blue appeared and flew forward.


Guitian was furious, and the ghost power in his body surged wildly, forming a ghost claw that shot through the air and fell towards the man in blue.

The man in blue didn't even look at it, he just flicked his finger.

call out!

A wisp of blue fairy power was like a sharp arrow, directly passing through the ghost claws.

At the same time, the young man in blue was preparing to grab the Immortality Tokens and Fairy Balls that were about to fall.


But when I looked over, I was surprised to find that there were no immortality tokens or fairy balls dropped.

"Ice Netherworld - the world freezes!"

Just heard a cold shout.

The Green Sword Lord, who was swallowed by his blue immortal power, was actually swept out intact under a layer of broken barriers, cutting out an icy storm.

"Life-saving charm?"

The young man in blue looked surprised, but his hands were not idle and he swiped lightly.

A burst of blue fairy power directly wiped out the ice storm.


The impact force carried by it directly aggravated the injuries on Qingjianzun's body, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

There was no time to react.

The young man in blue flipped his palm, and a large amount of blue immortal power swept directly up, swallowing it up like an overwhelming force.


Qingjian Zun's expression changed drastically.

Buzz—! !

At this moment, a teleportation light suddenly bloomed from him.

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