
The transparent spirit body that looked like a boy kept struggling, but could not break free from the claws filled with purple fairy energy. It could only look at the creature in front of it with fear on its face.

"This spirit of the secret realm was born not long ago, so it is naturally not much stronger!"

At this time, a faint voice came from the side.

When the young-looking spirit of the secret realm heard this, he immediately opened his pupils wide and looked at the person next to him who spoke.

The one who spoke was surprisingly Shi Laoxian who was the first to leave.

At this moment, in addition to Shi Laoxian, there are more than twenty immortals in the hall who are filled with immortal energy.

The person holding the spirit of the secret realm is a handsome young man in a purple tuxedo. Both of his hands were inhuman purple claws.

Shi Laoxian said calmly: "The spirit of the secret realm, cut out the scene on the side of Xianyuan Cave!"


The spirit of the secret realm whimpered, and there was resistance on the transparent young man's face.

The immortal who looked like a handsome young man suddenly tightened his claws.

"woo woo woo woo--!!"

The whole spiritual body of the spirit of the secret realm was suddenly squeezed, and it screamed in pain.

Shi Laoxian said calmly: "I don't have much patience. If you want to disappear, I can help you directly!"

The spirit of the secret realm looked frightened and stopped screaming immediately.

Seeing this, the young immortal slightly loosened the beast's claws.

The spirit of the secret realm fluctuated throughout its body, and a huge picture suddenly appeared in the void in front of the hall.

In the picture, it is the scene of many immortals riding on auspicious clouds, gathering in the sky above the Seven Paths Immortal Fate Cave.

Shi Laoxian glanced at the spirit of the secret realm: "Which immortal cave did the little beast of the challenger enter before?"

The spirit of the secret realm raised his hand and pointed at a fairy cave in the center.

A little giant next to him who was over ten meters tall and had a pair of two-meter giant fists asked: "Shi Laoxian, is this boy with the dead immortal power you mentioned in this cave?"

Shi Laoxian nodded.

Hearing this, the eyes of the immortals present were all burning.

Not long ago, Tianxian Pavilion and Ten Thousand Immortals Hall, which offered a reward for the Kuli monks of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, raised the price of the reward again. Especially for the creatures with dead immortal power in the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy.

Nowadays, every living creature with dead immortal power living in the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy is equivalent to a mobile treasure house.

"Don't be careless, everyone, Red Light Immortal Lord and Blue Immortal Lord are not that easy to deal with!"

Shi Laoxian said, looking at the little giant immortal and the handsome young immortal and said: "I will take action later. I will deal with the Red Light Immortal. Giant Fist Immortal, you go and hold the Blue Immortal; Purple Feather Immortal, you go to the Seven Paths Immortal." Get the core of the fairyland from the depths of Yuan Cave!"


A nod to the little giant known as the Giant Fist Sennin.

Purple Feather Immortal said: "I will bring that boy with withered immortal power out, I want his bounty!"

“We’ll talk about this later!”

Shi Lao Got it!”

"rest assured!"

Immortal Ziyu nodded.

"It won't be too late!"

Immortal Shi said: "Red Master and Blue Master can't delay for too long. Capture this boy, get the core of the Seven Paths Fairyland, and evacuate immediately!"

All the immortals present nodded.

Shi Laoxian finally looked at the yellow-robed immortal next to him: "Huang Laoxian, you stay here to control the spirit of the secret realm. If you find any fluctuations outside the secret realm, sound the alarm immediately!"

Huang Laoxian nodded.

"The spirit of the secret realm, the Immortal Realm Formation!"

Shi Laoxian looked at the spirit of the secret realm caught in the claws of Ziyu Immortal.

The latter's spiritual body trembled, but under the indifferent eyes of Shi Laoxian and other immortals, he still released a large amount of light as instructed.


Shi Laoxian shouted lowly.

The many immortals in the hall instantly turned into rays of light and flashed out.

Only Huang Laoxian was left to control the spirit of the secret realm.

Above the Qidao Immortal Cave, there are many auspicious clouds. .

Seeing another wave of immortal power pouring out of one of the Immortal Fate Cave, Ma Xianren smiled and said: "Guixiao is really good, it has reached eight thousand meters deep so quickly!"

Turtle Immortal stroked his beard and said, "Little girl Fang Ya is not bad either. She has already reached seven thousand meters. She is probably only one step away from eight thousand meters!"

The two immortals looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

The immortals rolled their eyes.

You still cheer each other on, just because you're afraid that we won't notice the progress of your juniors, right?

Many immortals glanced at the Immortal Fate Cave in the center and secretly shook their heads.

It's been a long time and there's still no movement. It seems that this cloud has really reached its limit!

Xuan Yue Immortal sighed secretly.

It seems that his 100,000 strands of original energy were paid in error!

Buzz! !

Just as he was thinking about it, the center of the Immortal Fate Cave, which had been silent all the time below, suddenly surged with immortal power.

This startled all the immortals present.

"Eight thousand meters? This kid entered the eight thousand meters??"

"What's going on? Isn't this kid at his limit?"

All the immortals were surprised.

After not moving forward for so long, will we suddenly move forward again?

"How can it be?"

The ghosts and immortals couldn't believe it.

Although these seven thousand to eight thousand meters are only one thousand meters, to him, it is a difference of 240,000 strands of original energy!

"This kid..."

He was about to say something more.

Buzz! !

I saw the center of the Immortal Fate Cave where immortal power had just surged out, and now another wave of immortal power surged out.

At 9,000 meters?

All the immortals were surprised.

Before they could think too much.

Buzz! !

Buzz! !

Buzz! !

I saw one stream of immortal power gushing out from the Immortal Fate Cave in the center.

In the blink of an eye, twelve waves of immortal power surged out.


All the immortals, even the Red Light Immortal Lord and the Blue Immortal Lord, were confused at this moment.

What the hell?

It stayed in the 7,000-meter area for most of the day and never moved forward. Now in just two minutes, it has moved forward to a depth of 12,000 meters?

Even with all the knowledge of the immortals, they were confused by this situation.

They have never heard of anyone being able to rush forward in such an instant.

"Is there something wrong with Xianyuan Cave?"

Some immortals are suspicious.


The words were refuted as soon as they came out, and I saw the Red Light Immortal Lord staring at the Immortal Fate Cave in the center, and said with a smile: "This kid should have stayed in the seven thousand meters area and absorbed a wave of pure immortal power.

You need to move forward in the Immortal Cave before the immortal power will be fed back.

This child should have absorbed enough pure fairy power by staying at seven thousand meters, and broke the fairy power barrier of twelve thousand meters ahead early. Until now, just start moving forward! "

Hearing this, all the immortals were surprised.

Is there such an operation?

Wait, if he can do this, is this guy really...

The eyes of all the immortals condensed.

The Red Light Immortal Lord and the Blue Immortal Lord are both locked directly on the Immortal Fate Cave in the middle.

Boom buzz——! !

At this moment, the whole sky suddenly shook with a roar.


All the immortals were startled.

A huge dark sky was seen, covering the surrounding world in an instant.

"Why did the spirit of the secret realm activate the heavenly formation?"

Immortal Hongguang frowned and shouted loudly.

"Xianjun, this is..."

The voice of the spirit of the secret realm sounded.

"The instructions I gave him!"

But midway through the words, in the void surrounded by many auspicious clouds, streams of immortal power suddenly burst out.

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