
All the immortals were shocked.

Before they had time to think about it, waves of terrifying immortal power were sweeping towards them from all directions.


Both Red Light Immortal Lord and Blue Immortal Lord were furious.

One red and one blue, two dazzling immortal powers rose and exploded from their bodies.

But it hasn't fully exploded yet.

A pair of huge iron fists over a hundred meters appeared from one side, directly blasting away the red and blue immortal power.

"Giant Fist Immortal!"

The Red Light Immortal Lord immediately recognized the person’s identity and became furious: “How dare you attack my Red and Blue Sea Galaxy!!”

Dazzling red light gathered in his hand, forming a red sword nearly ten meters long, and the red sword light shot out a hundred meters and fell towards the giant iron fist.

"Rock Sky Holy Wall!"

But before the red sword light could hit, a huge rock wall nearly a kilometer long, filled with immortal power, rose up out of thin air, blocking the sword light.

"Red Light Immortal Lord, your opponent is this Immortal!"

Looking at the old immortal Shi floating above the rock wall, the Red Light Immortal looked cold: "It seems that the old immortal is going to betray my Red Blue Sea Galaxy!"


Shi Laoxian chuckled: "I never said that I would join the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy!"

"Red Sky!"

The red light immortal power from the Red Light Immortal Lord spurted out, gathering into a red sky that was over a kilometer long, and crashed heavily into the rock wall.

The entire rock wall trembled violently, and cracks appeared in an instant.

Shi Laoxian's face froze, and he quickly used his hands to repair the cracked rock wall.

At the same time, a dazzling blue fairy power soared into the sky on the other side.

"I have long suspected that you have different intentions. Shi Laoxian, I will kill you today!"

I saw Master Lan Xian holding a 100-meter long halberd filled with blue immortal power, and slashed through the air towards Shi Laoxian above the rock wall.

"The Immortal Technique of Giant Fist, Shock!"

But at this moment, a huge iron fist with terrifying shock waves forcibly hit the side of the 100-meter long halberd from the other side.

It directly shook Lan Xianjun and his halberd into the sky.

A pair of huge iron fists also rushed into the sky.

"court death!"

Lord Blue Immortal snorted coldly, and blasted Iron Fist with all his Blue Immortal power.

For a while.

Red Light Immortal and Shi Laoxian; Blue Immortal and Giant Fist Immortal, each fight together.

"Giant turtle!"

At the same time, a huge green turtle shell rose up from below, blocking many bursts of immortal power.

The body of Shi Wei's Turtle Immortal swayed slightly, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He blocked the explosion of immortal power from more than twenty immortals at once. No matter how hard his turtle shell was, he was still shaken.

"Kamesenren, thank you!"

The surrounding immortals, who had received a wave of immortal power under the protection of the turtle shell, all bowed their hands to the turtle immortal.

"Leave it to us next!"

Immortal power surged from all over the immortals, their cold eyes looked at the many immortals appearing around them, and they all rushed out of the turtle shell.

The immortals and the immortals brought by Shi Laoxian were now fighting in the sky with their immortal power erupting.

Countless auspicious clouds all around the world were all shaken away by the aftermath of the immortal power in an instant.

Before the Turtle Immortal could catch his breath, he saw the aftermath sweeping towards the seven Immortal Fate below, and quickly moved his turtle shell to the Immortal Fate Cave below to block the aftermath.

Man Cang Qiong, Da Huang and others below all cast grateful glances at him.

Even from a long distance away, they could feel the deadly threat of the aftermath of this immortal power. If they really fall down completely, they will be severely injured even if they don't die.

Seeing the battle between the many immortals above, Man Cang Qiong, the Great Emperor, the silver-haired woman and others all trembled.

Although they have lived for a long time, this is the first time they have seen a battle between immortals.

The gap is too big!

They thought they were not too far away from the immortals, but only now did they realize how far they were from the immortals!

Especially the four highest ones in the sky, Red Light Immortal, Blue Immortal, Shi Laoxian, and Giant Fist Immortal, the fluctuations they erupted were obviously more terrifying than those of the other immortals!

They have no doubt that even the slightest contamination can severely injure them!

"Everyone is fine

Turtle Immortal glanced at Man Cangqiong, the silver-haired woman and the others below and gave instructions.

Before, he wouldn't even have looked at these people.

Because he had nothing to do with him, his family Guixiao participated in the fight for immortality and did not bring any assistants.

But things are different now.

Guixianren has a good sense of this boy Zhang Yun.

After all, his Guixiao easily competed for immortality and gained the qualification to enter the Immortal Fate Cave. Another very important point is that Zhang Yun just moved forward and reached the 19,000-meter area.

This means that the probability that Zhang Yun has a Jixian-like physique is extremely high!

This is amazing!

No matter what, it is a good thing to have a good relationship with Zhang Yun!

Thinking like this, the Turtle Immortal also raised his head and looked at the battle situation among the immortals.

Looking at Shi Laoxian and other immortals who appeared, he frowned slightly.

However, what he didn't notice was that right under his turtle shell, there was a purple feather that had escaped the perception of Man Cang Qiong and the Great Emperor, and entered directly into the Immortal Fate Cave in the center.

After entering the cave, the purple feathers glowed and formed a figure.

It was the Purple Feather Immortal who had previously discussed with Shi Laoxian and other immortals.

"You actually care about the lives of a bunch of ants, and you almost ruined the whole thing by an old turtle like you!"

Glancing outside the cave, Immortal Ziyu hummed.

When Shi Laoxian led the immortals to raid just now, he turned into a feather and floated down under the cover of the immortal power of one of the immortals.

Just when he was approaching Xianyuan Cave, Turtle Immortal suddenly moved the turtle shell down, so frightened that he thought he had been discovered.

The result is just a group of ants protecting the entrance of the cave...

"I'll settle the score with you old turtle later!"

Humming softly, the Purple Feather Immortal began to move forward.

This Xianyuan Cave is isolated from the inside and outside, and no movement from outside can be felt inside. People outside can also not feel the people inside the cave.

At this moment, he didn't make any cover up at all and moved forward quickly.

He wants to take down the boy with Kuxian power first!


After moving forward for a while, he suddenly thought of something and looked around with strange eyes: "Why don't you have any fairy power at all?"

The Xianyuan Cave should be filled with rich and pure immortal power from beginning to end. Now this...

what's the situation?

Immortal Ziyu was at a loss.

Especially after walking a thousand meters forward and finding that there is still no magic power around...

"Isn't this Xianyuan Cave fake?"

Immortal Ziyu hesitated.

If this is fake and they have been carefully preparing for it for so long, it will be all in vain!

Buzz! !

At this moment, from the depths of the Immortal Fate Cave ahead, a burst of immortal power suddenly surged out.

Immortal Ziyu raised his eyebrows.

There is immortal power gushing out, which means that the boy with immortal power who entered this cave is still moving forward. This immortal cave is not fake!

"Catch this Kuxianli boy first!"

Immortal Ziyu shook his head, and without thinking about why there was no immortal power around him, he went straight into the Immortal Fate Cave.

Xianyuan Cave is 80,000 meters deep.

"With my ability, walking to 20,000 meters should be reasonable, right?"

Seeing another burst of immortal power just sent out, Zhang Yun touched his chin and thought.

After most of the day, he had rented out all the immortal power that was about to flow out. It wasn't until I remembered that I released a wave of immortal power.

After all, with his ability, if he could only walk seven thousand meters, he would definitely arouse the suspicion of those immortals.

Now it would be reasonable to send out thirteen waves of immortal power, just enough to make up 20,000 meters.

You don’t need to put it in the back!

Thinking like this, Zhang Yun continued to move forward.

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