Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 770 Qianyun Galaxy, Qianxian Cave, Death Immortal

"Top immortal power?"

Zhang Yun's expression condensed.

"Black hole magic is a symbol of black hole galaxies..."

Fairy Feng explained: "This magical power is said to come from an immortal in the black hole galaxy. Using this black hole magical power, you can open the teleportation black hole at any place, and even the immortal master cannot stop it!"

"So domineering?"

Zhang Yun clicked his tongue slightly.

Fairy Feng shrugged, "There are few top-level immortal powers that are not overbearing!"

Zhang Yun thinks about it too.

The soul-shaking immortal power transformed by the gourd just touched his body and forcibly knocked out the immortal soul of the Purple Feather Immortal.

I just don’t know if the Immortal Power of Danghun can have the same effect if it touches an existence at the level of Immortal Lord or Immortal Lord...

Zhang Yun asked: "Red Lord and Blue Lord, are they back?"


Fairy Feng shook her head.

Zhang Yun continued to ask: "Fairy merchants of Yuan Neng Galaxy, have you set up your defenses?"

When Fairy Feng heard this, she glanced at him and determined that the six missing fairyland cores were on Zhang Yun's body.

Immediately replied: "Red Light Immortal Lord and Blue Immortal Lord have gone over there..."

Zhang Yun breathed out.

Fortunately, he wasn't impulsive before, otherwise, in terms of time, he would have been caught by now.

"Do you know which immortals from the Immortal Continent are there in the upper world?"

Zhang Yun asked next.

As the owner of a force that specializes in intelligence, Fairy Feng must know a lot of information. Now that he has been caught, he just wants to ask about everything he wants to know.

"I really don't know much about this..."

Fairy Feng shook his head: "Those from the lower continent who come to the upper realm usually come up through the fight for immortality. But as for which continent these people come from, unless there is something particularly noteworthy, we generally won't pay too much attention..."

Speaking of this, she gave Zhang Yun a special look.

Only people like Zhang Yun who performed unbelievably well in the competition for immortality would, as immortals, pay a little attention to their origins.

For ordinary immortal contenders, it is enough to know that they come from the lower continent!

"Let me ask you another question. Have you ever heard of the names Dry Immortal, Witch Immortal, Death Immortal, and Chaotic Immortal?"

Zhang Yun reported all the names of the immortals he knew.

After hearing this, Fairy Feng recalled for a moment and said: "I have never heard of Dry Immortal and Luan Immortal, but I have heard of the names of Witch Immortal and Death Immortal!"


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and looked straight at her.

Facing his handsome face, Fairy Feng's heartbeat sped up inexplicably, and she paused for a moment before saying, "That... I have heard of a lot of witch immortals. For example, there is one in our Red Sea, named Tian Wu Lao Xian. Blue Sea There are also two people over there, namely the Black Witch Immortal and the Qingxiao Witch Immortal..."

"If you don't, then you're called the Witch Fairy?"

"Generally, those who practice witchcraft will have a different name based on the type of witchcraft they practice. Such immortals are all collectively called witches!"

"Are there any fallen wizards?"


Fairy Feng was startled, then thought for a moment and said: "In our Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, there are indeed two fallen Witch Immortals. The more recent one was one who fell thousands of years ago, named White Witch Immortal. The other one is It’s quite a long time ago, going back a hundred thousand years, it seems to be called Wanxia Witch Fairy!”

"Wanxia Witch Fairy?"

Hearing this name, Zhang Yun immediately thought of Wu Haihai's Xiaguang witchcraft.


Is Wu Haihai related to Wanxia Witch Fairy?

He specifically asked Wu Xian because he wanted to know who Wu Haihai was in his previous life.

But a hundred thousand years ago...

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

This time is a little too far away.

However, he still ordered: "Then I will ask you, Fengxian Pavilion, to help me find information about these two fallen wizard immortals!"


Fairy Feng nodded.

Zhang Yundao: "Talk about the Death Immortal!"

"As for the Death Immortal, the one from Qianyun Galaxy should be the only one..."

"Qianyun Galaxy?"

"That's a galaxy adjacent to our Red and Blue Sea Galaxy!"

Zhang Yun raised his brows, took out the tracking bones made by the half-immortal undead, pointed to the direction in which the bones were floating and pulled them, and asked: "Is the Qianyun Galaxy in this direction?"

Seeing this, Fairy Feng asked: "Are our current location still on Ziyun Star?"

Zhang Yun nodded.

"That's right, Qianyun Galaxy is just southeast of Ziyun Star..."

Fairy Feng said: "Go along the southeast direction of Ziyun Star. At the end of our Red Sea, there is a southeast turning star. From there, leaving the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, you will reach the Qianyun Galaxy!"

Zhang Yun perked up after hearing this and said, "Tell me more about this dead immortal!"

Fairy Feng nodded and said: "This Death Immortal is Black Saturn in the Qianyun Galaxy, one of the immortals in the Qianxian Cave. He is also an immortal wanted by the Blue Sea!"


"This Death Immortal killed Master Lan's grandson, Immortal Lan Jue, more than six hundred years ago!"

"Kill the Immortal Lord's grandson?"

Zhang Yun was surprised, "So crazy?"

Fairy Feng shrugged: "I don't know what grudge this Death Immortal has against him. Anyway, Lan Hai let this Death Immortal escape at that time. Later, Master Lan also went to find Qianxian Cave, but returned without success!"

"Is Qianxian Cave so powerful?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

Fairy Feng explained: "Qianxian Cave is the dominant force in the Qianyun Galaxy, and is not weaker than our Red Sea and Blue Sea. It's just that their situation is special. They are composed of thousands of immortals' caves, and each of the immortals in them is very powerful. But each has his own power. Lord, there is no real master.

But with the combined power, not even the Immortal Lord can do anything. The Death Immortal is the owner of the Death Immortal Cave..."

After a pause, she added: "This Death Immortal not only killed the grandson of the Blue Lord, but also won a ranking in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference a thousand years ago, and is somewhat famous in the entire galaxy and universe!"

"Ten Thousand Immortals Conference?"

Zhang Yun was startled.

"This is a grand gathering of immortals in the galaxy universe. It is jointly organized by powerful galaxies with immortals from many parties. The purpose is to achieve the immortal list!"

Fairy Feng said: "The Immortal List has a total of one thousand immortals. The immortals who can be listed on the Immortal List will be known as the strongest immortals in the galaxy and the universe. The dead immortal you mentioned was successful in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference a thousand years ago. Entered this list, ranking 972nd! ”

"This far back?"


Fairy Feng rolled her eyes: "You have to know that the immortals participating in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference come from various galaxies, and the number is at least tens of thousands. Those who can enter the list are all top immortals under the Immortal Lord. Now on the list Many immortals have already entered the realm of Immortal Lords and even Immortal Lords!”

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, "So, this Death Immortal is very powerful?"


Fairy Feng nodded and said: "I don't know what the strength of this Death Immortal is now, but when he killed Immortal Lanjue more than six hundred years ago, his strength was probably on par with some immortal kings. I'm afraid it will be even stronger now!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

He has basically determined that the Death Immortal of Qianyun Galaxy is the master of the Death Immortal Servant.

Xu Ming was taken away by the Death Immortal Servant. Now according to the guidance of the bones, there is a high probability that he is in the Thousand Clouds Galaxy.

Go next and you're likely to encounter it.

"Death Immortal..."

As he murmured, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

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