Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 771 Xu Ming is in charge of all beasts

Inside the black planet, above the huge square.


The Death Immortal Servant sitting on a suspended stone seat opened his eyes, frowned and looked into the distance: "It feels like this again, who is sensing me?"

Buzz! !

He was frowning when a burst of light suddenly appeared on the 100-meter model formed by thousands of caves below -

‘Congratulations to the participants of the Death Immortal Cave Mansion, for successfully eliminating 31 participants and opening the nineteenth Cave Mansion Immortal Fate, currently ranked first! ’

Looking at the information that popped up, the Death Immortal Servant's frown suddenly relaxed.

Especially when he felt the surprised and disbelieving looks from the many stone seats around him, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

This Golden Dragon boy was beyond his expectation, and he brought glory to their Death Immortal Cave Palace!

In addition, with this ranking, the next thing will be easier to handle!

A huge secret realm formed by thousands of caves, deep inside a cave.

"Master, this is the Overlord Demon Core, which is the condensed energy core of the Overlord Flower Demon who cultivates the Overlord's true energy!"

A tall, beautiful woman wearing a black robe and a pair of white cat ears stood in front of the flower stamens on the stone platform in the depths, and respectfully introduced to Xu Ming.

"Is the Overlord really angry?"

Xu Ming raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Isn't this the energy cultivated by the second junior brother?

Put it away immediately.

"Let's go to the next cave!"

Xu Ming said, turning around and looking behind him.

The king of ferocious beasts with multiple heads and ferocious faces immediately stepped forward, and they all prostrated themselves in front of him.

Xu Ming smiled slightly and sat on the back of one of the ferocious beasts, the White Tiger King.

The other ferocious beast kings looked aggrieved when they saw this, and at the same time they glared at the White Tiger King with jealous eyes.

The White Tiger King held his head high and looked proud.

As if to say, only a majestic and ferocious beast like me is worthy of being the Dragon Emperor’s mount!

The king of ferocious beasts gritted his teeth and could only roar at the group of ferocious beasts behind him.

Ho ho ho! !

Ouch! !

Chirp! !

Immediately, tens of thousands of ferocious beasts inside and outside the cave roared in response.

The majestic momentum made the cat-eared woman on the side tremble, and she looked at Xu Ming on the back of the White Tiger King with eyes full of awe.

The master from the Dead Immortal Cave in front of me is so terrifying!

These young people who were sent by the major caves to participate in the Thousand Cave Conference were all carefully selected.

Because there are many powerful ferocious beasts in the secret territory of Thousand Cave, the selected participants basically have some bloodline that can protect them from being attacked by ferocious beasts.

For example, she comes from the Cat Immortal Cave, and with the blood of the Cat Immortal, she will make these ferocious beasts think they are the same kind and will not attack her.

But the master in front of him from the Death Immortal Cave Mansion was good.

It doesn't matter if you don't get attacked, you can actually tame these powerful ferocious beasts.

Look at the huge herd of ferocious beasts...

The cat-eared woman swallowed.

Which of the participants in this Thousand Cave Conference can stop these ferocious beasts?

Although the Thousand Cave Conference had just started not long ago, in her eyes, the suspense had already been lost!

"What are you doing standing there? Come up here!"

At this time, hearing Xu Ming's voice, the cat-eared woman quickly woke up: "Yes, Master!"

Carefully sit on the back of the White Tiger King where Xu Ming is.

Xu Ming looked calm.

This cat-eared woman is named Mao Lingling. She conquered her because she has a wide range of knowledge and recognizes many rare and rare objects.

For example, he would not have known the Overlord Yaoyui that the cave had just obtained at this moment, without the other party's introduction.

Having an introduction from the other party can save him a lot of effort.


Xu Ming immediately waved his hand.


The White Tiger King beneath him immediately roared, and the large group of ferocious beasts in front of him immediately gave way to a path.

The White Tiger King took the lead and ran forward.

Several other ferocious beast kings followed closely behind.

Then tens of thousands of ferocious beasts followed in droves.

The group rushed towards the next cave.

Xu Ming looked in the direction of other caves, his eyes slightly focused.

He has made up his mind to plunder all the thousands of caves in the Thousand Cave Secret Realm.

If it has been looted by other participants, then grab it from these participants.

The geese are plucking their feathers.

There are so many good things to plunder right now, of course he won't miss them.

I believe that if the master is here, he will definitely do the same!

After all, even resources that he can't use like Overlord Yaorui can still be used by his master and his junior brothers and sisters in the future.

"Master, my disciple will be looking for you soon!"

Looking outside the Thousand Cave Secret Realm, Xu Ming's eyes showed determination.

The Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, within the Eastern Thousand Stars.

In a huge square, Zhang Yun, who was disguised as a white-robed young man, was looking at the huge light screen in the square in front of him.

A white-blue planet is displayed in the light screen, with a piece of information marked next to it——

‘This is the southeast turning star. The Immortal Formation here can be reached directly via teleportation. The estimated time is six hours. The next batch of Immortal Transmission Arrays will be opened in five minutes. The cost of this transmission requires 350 strands of original energy. Passengers in need, please enter the entrance to pay in time! ’

"The next stop is Southeast Zhuanxing..."

Feng Xianzi, whose appearance was copied and molded to disguise herself as a woman in a black dress, looked at Zhang Yun and said, "The defenses there are very tight now. If you want to get out, you can only use the identity of my Feng Xian confidant. But if it is exposed... "

"Are you not confident in copying and shaping?"

Zhang Yun glanced at Fairy Feng lightly.

"I really can't see through the disguise of this talent, but if I meet the Immortal Lord..."

Fairy Feng paused and glanced at Zhang Yun: "I'm not sure, you'd better be careful!"

Zhang Yun burst into laughter: "You still care about me? Are you afraid that if I die, the mark planted in your immortal soul will affect you?"

"I'm just kindly reminding you!"

Fairy Feng hummed.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention and said: "I told the people you are looking for to inform me at any time if there is any news!"


Fairy Feng nodded.

Zhang Yun said no more and walked towards an entrance to the square in front.

After asking Fairy Feng for some information earlier, he gave her a talent ball from the previous Venerable Huanqian.

Then he went through Fairy Feng's special channel and came to this place through the Immortal Formation.

I originally wanted to take Fairy Feng to the Qianyun Galaxy and be his guide.

But after thinking about it for a while, he still left the other party behind.

After all, as one of the immortals participating in the fight for immortality, Fairy Feng would cause some trouble if she was discovered leaving the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy for no apparent reason.

In addition, Qianyun Galaxy also has spies developed by Fengxian Pavilion, who can transmit messages remotely.

The most important thing is that he also wants Fairy Feng to help him do something.

That is to establish a message chain that can contact the Immortal Continent.

By the way, ask the other party to help pay attention to Xingchimen and Lanhai's Tianmen.

As the backer of the Space Pavilion, he had previously sent people to the Immortal Continent to be solved by him. Perhaps because of the fight for immortality, these two forces have not had time to pay attention to the Immortal Continent yet.

But it won't be long before something is definitely done.

He is heading to Qianyun Galaxy this time, and he is not sure when he will come back, so he needs Fairy Wind to stay and help protect him.


After exhaling, Zhang Yun walked towards the entrance in front.

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