Entering the entrance of the Immortal Formation, after paying 350 strands of original energy.

There was a female monk from the Bai Chuan Immortal Sect who led Zhang Yun to an open space.

On the open space, a formation pattern covering an area of ​​nearly a hundred meters was carved.

[Designated Immortal Formation]

Introduction: Contains teleportation fairy power. After consuming the fairy power to activate, the teleportation fairy power will form a temporary fairy power surge channel with a designated target. The monks who enter it will be sucked into the channel and sent to the designated destination.

Zhang Yun glanced casually.

Along the way, I have passed through the Immortal Formation several times and have a general understanding of it.

The Immortal Transmission Array is different from the Immortal Continent’s Teleportation Array.

The principle of this formation is to use immortal power to build a connecting bridge between two immortal transmission formations, and then use the included teleportation immortal power to quickly transport people who enter this immortal transmission formation to the place they want to go. Immortal formation.

Every time this array is activated, it will consume a lot of teleportation power. The further the distance, the greater the immortal power required.

This kind of immortal power can only be transformed through original energy without the support of immortals.

Therefore, each activation requires a considerable amount of original energy.

This is also the reason why the Immortal Formation is expensive.

"Please wear this protective capsule with you..."

The female monk from Baichuan Xianmen who led Zhang Yun in handed him a capsule the size of a thumb: "After entering the immortal power channel formed by the Xianchuan array, this capsule will open on its own to protect you from obstacles along the way. The impact.”

"Thank you!"

Zhang Yun nodded and took the capsule.

Having been through the Immortal Formation several times, he already knew the process.

After the female monk from Baichuan Xianmen finished her explanation, she turned and left.

Zhang Yun glanced at the scene.

Apart from him, there are already more than ten people waiting here.

All of them are at the peak of the Mahayana stage, and two of them have reached the semi-immortal state.


One of the half-immortals caught his attention.

This is a mysterious-looking man wearing a hat and a mask on his face.

What Zhang Yun cares about is the energy of the other party's cultivation, which is Ku Li!

And like him, he also mastered the power of Kuxian.

Ku Xiu who has cultivated Ku Xian's power is equivalent to one hundred thousand strands of walking original energy in today's Red and Blue Sea Galaxy!

As if feeling his gaze, the half-immortal wearing a bamboo hat looked towards him.

Make eye contact.

The half-immortal in a bamboo hat looked slightly cold.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention and directly looked away.

Catching each other to get a bounty?

He had no such idea.

The hundred thousand strands of original energy are moving, but now he is in a hurry to get on his way.

After waiting quietly for a few minutes.

A voice came, "Please note, passengers of the Immortal Array, the Immortal Array has begun to activate. Please step within the range of the array pattern within one minute!"

Zhang Yun and other people present immediately stepped into the formation pattern in the open space in front.

Buzz! !

As they stepped in, a dazzling light suddenly appeared on the formation.

The next moment, Zhang Yun felt that the light turned into a strong suction force, sucking his body away from the place.

When his eyes regained clarity, he was already in a wide tunnel with immortal power gushing out like spring water. The capsule on his body had activated itself and turned into a circle of light surrounding him.

The dozen or so people from before were also nearby now, all wrapped in light masks.


At this moment, a strong flow of immortal power swept from behind, directly pushing him and the dozen people around him like a dozen streams of light, shuttling forward along the tunnel.

Zhang Yun was no longer surprised and sat down cross-legged inside the mask.

He released a clone that was copied and shaped, and his real body entered the Kujin Immortal Palace.

Taking advantage of this time, he also came to the pure immortal power area of ​​Kujin Immortal Palace.

Absorbing the immortal power, he transformed the energy in his body.

Space energy is transformed into space immortal power and demonic energy is transformed into demonic immortal power.

But there were obstacles in transforming the returned energy.

"The return energy requires more than 90% purity of immortal power before it can be transformed!"

When he saw the message from the Immortal Eye Jue, Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

90% pure?

The pure immortal power of the Kujin Immortal Palace that was previously inhaled from the Immortal Fate Cave was only 50% pure.

Where can I get this 90% pure immortal power?

Zhang Yun shook his head slightly.

We can only give up the energy of transformation and return for the time being.

But looking at the white and silver space fairy power filling his hands, the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

After it was transformed into immortal power, he could feel that the intensity of the energy was more than a hundred times stronger than before.

Energy is converted into immortal power, which is equivalent to a qualitative leap.

Now that he possesses withered immortal power, shamanic immortal power, demonic immortal power and space immortal power at the same time, even if he faces an immortal, he can crush him in terms of energy alone.


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yun came to a training hall in the Kujin Immortal Palace.

The three flying sword spirits and three water spirits including Jian Fengyun from before are now among them.

Zhang Yun casually threw a few pieces of Purple Cloud Crystal to Jian Fengyun, "Take a look at this material to see if it is useful..."

Jian Fengyun took it and felt it, his eyes suddenly brightened: "It will come in handy!"

"That's it for you!"

"Thank you!"

Jian Fengyun took two flying sword spirits and immediately absorbed the purple cloud crystal.

Zhang Yun smiled lightly.

He had obtained this Purple Cloud Crystal from Fairy Feng before, and specially asked Fairy Feng to send a batch to the Immortal Dao Group.

The three swords of Jian Fengyun had only cooperated before, but they were taken away by him in Xianyuan Cave. After Zhang Yun showed the immortal power of the Purple Feather Immortal, the three swords immediately chose to follow him.

Jian Fengyun Sanjian, as the Flying Sword Spirit Clan, they are very proud, but only if they don't meet an immortal.

Seeing the presence of an immortal beside Zhang Yun, Jian Fengyun Sanjian did not hesitate at all.

Because Jian Fengyun Sanjian had made up his mind to wait until the immortals were in the upper realm before they participated in the fight for immortals, and wanted to find an immortal to follow them.

After all, immortals can provide them with more resources.

Being able to follow Zhang Yun is a good thing in their eyes.

Previously in the Secret Realm of Fighting for Immortals, Zhang Yun had already impressed them with his strength.


Looking at the three water spirits looking eagerly at the side, Zhang Yun smiled and said: "Follow me!"

Three water spirits immediately followed him.

Zhang Yun brought them to the Xianli area.

"This...this is not..."

Feeling the immortal power around him, the leader of the water spirit king looked surprised.

It had entered the Immortal Fate Cave before and was very aware of the feeling of fairy power inside. Now it was almost the same as the fairy power in the Xianyuan Cave at that time.

Zhang Yundao: "You can practice here from now on, and convert energy into immortal power as soon as possible..."

"Yes, sir!"

The Water Spirit King responded quickly, and immediately went excitedly with two water spirits to absorb the fairy power.

Zhang Yun smiled slightly.

Although these three water spirits cannot cultivate the Soul Suppression Technique, they have already surrendered to him, so it doesn't hurt to share some of their immortal power with them.

The immortal power in the Kujin Immortal Palace is enough for many creatures to absorb at the same time.

Zhang Yun thought for a moment and brought Xiao An from the animal farm into the Kujin Immortal Palace.

As a dark phoenix in the Mahayana stage, Xiao An's physical body is enough to carry a certain amount of immortal power.

As for the striped spirit tiger and other beasts, because their realm is too low, they are still unable to absorb the immortal power.

"It's time to plunder again..."

Zhang Yun came to the Time Flux Palace, looked at the Immortal Plundering Cloth inside, and curled his lips slightly.

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