He took out a lot of things stained with the immortal's aura.

Zhang Yun glanced at it and put away the turtle fairy among them.

He has a good opinion of Guixiao, and Guixianren protected Mancang Qiong in Xianyuan Cave before, and the Great Emperor and others...

Speaking of which, he still owed the other party a favor.

Naturally, he would not rob Kame Immortal's things.

After all, a person still needs to have some conscience, although he doesn't have much.

After looking at the remaining immortals, Zhang Yun thought for a moment and chose the one from the True Word Immortal.

He was a little curious about this immortal who had made a replica of the command brush.

Well, even though I haven’t met the person yet, it’s good to take a look at the other person’s things first.

Thinking about it, Zhang Yun immediately let Luxian Bu absorb the opponent's aura.

Start looting!

The Red Sea, within a deserted star.

In the sky, there was a huge spirit tiger drawn with ink on its back.

A middle-aged immortal with long hair and an elegant face is holding a brush and swaying it on a piece of white paper with a piece of artifact fragments, constantly engraving the content.

"Mandarin Immortal, can you find him?"

Next to them was a charming fairy in a purple skirt and a veiled fairy. They were looking at the handsome middle-aged man with some uncertainty.

A self-confessed charming smile appeared on the elegant face of the True Word Immortal: "Don't worry, fairies, with the bow fragment you provided, Fairy Wu, I will be able to find the bow-guiding Immortal soon!"

The veiled nymph called the Mist Fairy nodded to him.


He coughed twice, and his face looked quite pale under the veil.

Seeing her weak and pitiful look, the True Word Immortal couldn't help but said: "Don't worry, Mist Fairy, when I find the Ying Gong Immortal, I will vent your anger on your behalf and take back the Mist Fairy jar!"

"The Mantra Immortal is really interested in the Mist Fairy!"

On the side, the charming fairy in a purple dress teased.

The Mantra Immortal smiled and said, "Isn't it the same with Fairy Lan Cui?"

"I am different..."

The charming fairy in purple skirt said with a smile, hugged Fairy Wu directly, kissed her veiled face and said: "Little Beauty Wu is my old sweetheart, so of course I have to help her~!" "


After kissing her, a blush appeared on Fairy Wu's pale and pretty face, and she looked at Fairy Lancui angrily.

"Why don't you just give me a kiss, Xiaowu, why are you so shy?"

Fairy Lan Cui smiled sweetly: "How many times have we kissed~!"


Fairy Mist couldn't hold herself any longer and stared at her.

Fairy Lan Cui laughed playfully, "Okay, okay, I won't say anything~!"

But the slender jade hands holding Wu Fairy's waist moved up and down dishonestly.

It made the mist fairy tremble.

Seeing the intimate interaction between the two female immortals, the True Word Immortal could not help but secretly swallow his saliva.

He has been coveting the taste of these two female fairies for a long time.

Be good this time and take down the Mist Fairy first, and then find a way to take down the Lan Cui Fairy.

At that time, these two female fairies will be tamed and brought into his harem...

Now in his harem, there are all the combined stage, Mahayana stage, and half-fairy cultivators, but now the only thing missing is the female fairy!

Thinking about it, a trace of lust flashed across his eyes.

Buzz! !

At this time, a burst of light suddenly appeared on the white paper in front of him.

Immortal Zhenyan's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "The two fairies have tracked us down!"

The two female fairies immediately looked at him.

"The mantra of command - the magic of searching for words!"

The Mantra Immortal smiled slightly, held the brush in his hand and made a graceful stroke in the air, and drew out a big word "Xun".

Just when he was missing the last point of the word "inch", the light on the brush in his hand suddenly dimmed, and he was unable to draw this point as if there was no ink.


The mantra sage was startled.

Looking at the dried brush tip, he frowned slightly.

Seeing the doubtful looks of the two fairies next to him, the True Word Immortal smiled slightly awkwardly and said: "There is a small problem, two fairies, wait a moment..."

Fairy Mist and Fairy Lancui nodded.

The mantra sage immediately extended his hand and waved it.


The space ring set with rhombus-shaped diamonds on his finger shone slightly, but...

Nothing emerges.

The mantra sage was startled and immediately waved his hand again.

But still nothing emerged.


He was stunned and quickly checked the space ring.


After checking this, the whole person suddenly stood on the spot.

"Sage Mantra, what's wrong?"

Fairy Wu and Fairy Lan Cui looked at him in confusion.

The Mantra Immortal did not answer, but carefully looked inside and inspected the inner space of the ring.

After finding nothing, he immediately took out all the space artifacts on his body and inspected them one by one.


After the inspection, the mantra sage couldn't believe it and said: "This is impossible!!"

Fairy Lancui and Fairy Fog were puzzled: "Shenyan Immortal, what happened?"

Upon hearing this, the Mantra Immortal suddenly looked straight at them.

That look made the two fairies feel uncomfortable for a while. Fairy Lancui frowned slightly, "Immortal Zhenyan, you are rude!"

The True Word Immortal didn't care, and just said in a deep voice: "Two fairies, please let me check the space artifacts you carry with you?"

"What a joke!"

Hearing this, Fairy Lan Cui looked cold: "Immortal Zhenyan, what do you mean?"

"I lost my immortal ink!"

The True Word Immortal said solemnly: "This Mo Ben Immortal has specially inspected it before coming here. It is impossible to lose it out of thin air..."

Hearing this, Fairy Lan Cui immediately reacted, "Why, do you suspect that my two sisters stole your ink?"

The Mantra Sage didn't answer, but the look in his eyes said everything.


Fairy Lan Cui immediately gave up, "Fairy Mantra, if you don't want to help, just say so. Why do you need to pour such unnecessary dirty water on my two sisters!?"

The fog fairy was also a little angry.

Because her important Mist Immortal Jar was taken away by Yin Gong Immortal during the previous battle, she only found Mantra Immortal for help.

Originally the other party was willing to help, and she was very grateful.

I didn’t expect that right now…

Seeing that the angry expressions of Fairy Lan Cui and Fairy Fog didn't look fake, the True Word Immortal also calmed down and said, "Two fairies, I may have misunderstood..."


But before he finished speaking, Fairy Lan Cui interrupted him with an angry roar, and turned around and left with Fairy Mist.

"Two fairies..."

The mantra fairy wanted to say something more, but the two fairies Lan Cui had already flown away.

"What's the matter?"

The mantra sage scratched his hair.


At this time, the palm of my hand suddenly trembled.

The brush that was originally held in his hand suddenly disappeared.


The Immortal of the True Words immediately shouted loudly, swept all around with his immortal consciousness, and shouted angrily: "Get out of here!"

But the sound echoed everywhere, but there was no movement.

Under his immortal consciousness, he could not feel the breath of any living being at all.

The Mantra Immortal roared angrily, "Asshole, get out of here!!"

But there was still no movement.

Boom boom boom! !

The Mantra Immortal was completely furious, and his immortal power exploded, blasting everywhere.

There is definitely someone hiding in the dark!

Fairy Lancui and Fairy Wu, who had already moved away, felt the movement behind them from a distance, and both frowned.

Is this Mantra Immortal crazy?

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