
At the same time, the door to the tunnel exit behind him was suddenly sealed.

"What's the meaning?"

"Who set up the Immortal Formation Separating Heaven and Earth here?"

"Baizhuan Xianmen, what do you want to do?"

The sudden scene left more than a dozen people present a little confused, and many people shouted and asked questions.


At this moment, one of them flew out and rushed towards the edge of the woods at the fastest speed, the corner of the barrier where the light was weakest.


But the man couldn't fly very far, and he was faced with an astonishing amount of immortal energy, which directly forced him back.

This man hit the open space in front of Zhang Yun and others hard. Blood spurted out of his mouth, and he was seriously injured on the spot.

At the same time, dozens of people wrapped in gray robes flew out from all directions.

The first person wearing a flower mask stepped forward and grabbed the seriously injured person who had just escaped.

"What...what does this mean?"

Others were a little confused when they saw this.

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

The person who was seriously injured and captured at this moment was the half-immortal who was wearing a bamboo hat and mask and practicing withered immortal power that he found when he entered the immortal formation.

The group of gray-robed men in front of me...

"Kill them all!"

Before he could think about it, the flower-masked man in charge checked that the half-immortal withered immortal power was correct, and then waved his hand.

Without saying a word, dozens of gray-robed men in the air drew their swords in unison. Dozens of swords with murderous intent slashed directly at Zhang Yun and more than a dozen people.


The fierce murderous intent caused the faces of the dozen people present to change drastically, and their energy exploded.


But before their energy could burst out, a surge of immortal pressure came first with a cold snort from the flower-masked man.

The bodies of more than a dozen people sank, and the burst of energy all stagnated.

They all looked at the flower-masked man in shock: "Immortal... Immortal!!"


There was no time to be shocked, dozens of sword lights were coming towards him.

Puff puff! !

Many people did not rush to dodge and were chopped into pieces of flesh on the spot. Even the remaining souls that floated out were directly killed.

Zhang Yun moved in time to avoid these sword lights.

Apart from him, there was only one half-immortal and one who was in the second-level Tribulation Thunder Realm and avoided the sword light in time.

A wave of sword light came down, leaving only the three of them alive.

Neither the half-immortal nor the second-level tribulation thunder realm hesitated. While avoiding the sword light, they quickly fled into the surrounding woods.

Facing the immortals, they could not be opponents at all.


Just as he rushed into the forest, a piece of green immortal power full of corrosive aura swept through the forest.

"not good!!"

The half-immortal and the second-level tribulation thunder realm were horrified.

They wanted to escape, but it was too late, the green immortal power swallowed them up.


Under the shrill screams, the Half Immortal and the Second Level Tribulation Thunder Realm were directly corroded into two rotten corpses on the spot.

In an instant, among the dozen or so people who came from the Immortal Formation, Zhang Yun was the only one left, except for the half-immortal with Kuxianli who was captured.

"Kill and then deal with the scene!"

The flower-masked man waved his hand and turned to leave.


Dozens of gray-robed men holding blades responded, directly surrounding Zhang Yun and slashing out countless blades.

The flower-masked man didn't take a second glance.

These gray-robed men are all elites trained by him personally, and three of them are half-immortals alone.

Right now, we are besieging this person who is not even half-immortal at the peak of the Mahayana stage. It’s just a blink of an eye!

But he had barely taken a few steps when his steps suddenly stopped.

Boom buzz——! !

He felt as if he was being rolled over by a huge ocean wave, and the energy aftermath caused his entire gray robe to float high.

Slowly turned his head.

The sight that caught his eye made his pupils shrink.

Dozens of gray-robed men were seen being crushed to the ground by a sea of ​​water formed by the magic power.

He even screamed and was drowned to death by the sea water.

"Your Hundred Immortal Sect is really interesting!"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly.

Although the other party did not identify themselves, the Immortal Formation was attacked as soon as they left the Hundred Immortal Sect.

And can set up a heaven-and-earth separation formation at the entrance of the Baichuan Immortal Sect branch...

Without the approval of Bai Chuan Xian Sect, it would be absolutely impossible!

The opponent's target is only the half-immortal who cultivates the power of withered immortals.

As for them, it was just that the other party silenced them in order to prevent the news from being leaked.

After all, the Hundred Immortal Sect needs to open an Immortal Array to earn its original energy, so its reputation cannot be bad!

"I wonder who you are?"

the flower-masked man asked.

He was a little surprised.

The aura of Zhang Yun's realm in front of him gave him the impression that he was at the peak of the Mahayana stage. But the witch-celestial power displayed now is no less than his magical power, which is definitely something that can only be found in the fairyland!

"That's not important, what's important is..."

Zhang Yun said calmly: "I'm in a hurry!"

After the words fell, the hair on the flower-masked man's body suddenly exploded.

Only ten purple feathers appeared around him at some point.

Ten strands of immortal pressure rose into the sky as ten purple-feathered immortals appeared.


The man in the flower mask was horrified.

Where did these ten immortals come from? ?

Before he could think about it, ten purple feather immortals had already exploded with ten strands of purple feather immortal power.


The flower-masked man shouted quickly.

But the ten Purple Feather Immortals ignored him.

"Stop! No-ahhhh!!"

Soon followed by a shrill scream.

It’s just that the flower-masked man in the first level of the fairyland didn’t have much resistance at all, and was killed by ten purple feather immortals on the spot.

Zhang Yun turned around and looked at the Baichuan Xianmen branch in the rear tunnel.

On the balcony of an attic there, more than a dozen cultivators from the Hundred Legends Immortal Sect, headed by a man and a woman, were watching from a distance.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically when they saw this scene.

He quickly rushed towards the Immortal Formation below.

At this moment, if they want to escape, they can only pass through the Immortal Formation.

But as soon as they rushed out of the attic, a wave of witchcraft power swept over them.

"don't want!"

Zhang Yun flatly waved his hand and directly wiped out the vitality and soul of these cultivators from the Hundred Legends Immortal Sect.

Leave the intact body behind and put it away in the air.

At the same time, the ten purple-feathered immortals killed the remaining immortal souls of the flower-masked people, but Zhang Yun did not die.

The other party still has some value.


In the open space at the feet of the ten Purple Feather Immortals, the half-immortal with dead immortal power who had been caught by the flower-masked man was slumped on the ground, his eyes under the mask full of shock.

Looking at Zhang Yun, there are ten identical Purple Feather Immortals above his head...

Eleven, no, plus the dead flower-masked man, there are twelve immortals!


what is happening?

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt Zhang Yun's gaze, and the Kuxianli half-immortal suddenly trembled.

"If you don't want to die, just come with me!"

Zhang Yun just glanced at the other party lightly.


Hearing this, the Kuxianli half-immortal didn't dare to hesitate at all and nodded quickly.

Zhang Yun immediately waved his hand and took the other party into the Kujin Immortal Palace.

It was rare to meet someone who cultivated withered immortal power like him, and he didn't want to kill him.

But when the other party saw the ten Purple Feather Immortals taking action against him, he definitely couldn't let go, so he might as well stop it.

In addition, if there is a lack of original energy in the future, the opponent is worth 100,000 silk, so it would be good to exchange it for the reward!


After briefly handling the scene, Zhang Yun found a token from the corpse of the flower-masked man.

With this token, he dispelled the Heaven and Earth Separation Formation deployed around him and quickly left the place.

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