Stars turn in the southeast, in a grassland sky.

The striped spirit tiger, which has grown to a hundred meters in size, is flying with a pair of white wings that are fifty meters long.

The striped spirit tiger was very excited at the moment.

After such a long absence, it finally got the favor of the young master again!

The young master hasn't barked at it since those bears joined.

Although it knew that its speed could not match those bears, it also understood that it could no longer keep up with the pace of the young master and had completely fallen out of favor!

But at this moment, Zhang Yun called it again.

And the place we are currently in is obviously a world where many immortals are said to live!

It can clearly feel the immortal energy contained in the sky and the earth.

Call it out specifically in a place like this.

What does this mean?

It shows that the young master plans to cultivate it vigorously!

The combined stage, the Mahayana stage, and even the realm of the Tiger Immortal...

The striped spirit tiger seemed to have seen a broad road full of light appearing before his eyes!

On the tiger's back.

Zhang Yun didn't know that this little spiritual tiger would have so many associations.

The main reason for summoning the striped spirit tiger now is that we are not in a hurry.

Just after leaving the Baichuan Xianmen branch, he suddenly received bad news from Fairy Feng.

He can't leave the Southeast Star for the time being!

Because the previous immortal merchant from the Source Energy Galaxy sensed danger or something else. Before Hongguang Xianjun and others went to look for it, they had already slipped away.

It wasn't until a few hours ago that there was news that the immortal merchant had fled to Zhuanxing in the southeast.

Therefore, just before, the Red Light Immortal Lord, who was still far away from many planets, issued a remote order to close the southeast star.

No one is allowed to leave Southeast Zhuanxing until the immortal merchant is caught.

Even if he is currently a close associate of Fairy Feng, it won't work!

As the border planet with Qianyun Galaxy, Southeast Turning Star is heavily fortified and has more than three immortals guarding it all year round.

Of course, it is not difficult for Zhang Yun to break through.

But the point is that even if you break through, you can't reach the Qianyun Galaxy.

Because to cross the vast expanse of endless void between the Southeast Star and the Qianyun Galaxy, one needs to take a starry spaceship specially designed by the Star Chamber of Commerce.

As the Star Chamber of Commerce that has good relations with Hongguang Immortal Lord, it has now been informed of the blockade and has stopped all starships in the southeast.

After a while, Zhang Yun couldn't leave.

"We have to get the coordinates as soon as possible!"

Zhang Yun took a breath.

He has already ordered Feng Xianzi to ask Fengxian Pavilion to collect the guidance coordinates of each planet.

As long as we have the coordinates, we will be able to travel through the endless void of the upper world with the help of the Great Emperor.

There is no turning star in the southeast right now.

Zhang Yun had nothing to do, so he simply let the striped spirit tiger out for a walk.

By the way, they brought out the remnant soul of the Flower Masked Immortal that had been captured from the entrance of the Baichuan Immortal Sect branch, and briefly interrogated it.

Under the baptism of the return energy, the other party quickly explained everything.

Pretty much what he thought.

The opponent's target is the half-immortal with withered immortal power. This half-immortal with withered immortal power is named Shu Qingyu. He was originally the second-in-command of a family in Lanhai.

But as soon as the bounty order was issued for Kuxiu of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, Shu Qingyu immediately became a target, and his family suffered a great disaster and was wiped out.

Shu Qingyu escaped by chance and came to the Red Sea through special channels.

The relationship between the Red Ocean and the Blue Ocean means that there are not many connections between the two parties. Shu Qingyu, who is famous in the blue ocean, doesn’t know many people in the red ocean.

Of course, this is also because the Flower Mask Immortal deliberately blocked the news.

The special channel Shu Qingyu passed through was the Baichuan Immortal Sect.

The Flower Mask Immortal is a branch master of the Baichuan Immortal Sect. The channel between the Blue Sea and the Red Sea that Shu Qingyu passed through was actually set up by him to earn extra money privately.

Knowing that such a big fish worth 100,000 pieces of original energy is coming, how can the Flower Mask Immortal let it go?

This is the previous layout.

This matter is regarded as his personal behavior.

After all, there are only 100,000 strands of original energy, and he doesn't want to share it with other immortals.

Everything was going well, but...

The remnant soul of the Flower Mask Immortal looked at Zhang Yun in front of him, filled with bitterness.

He never expected to encounter such an iron plate.

He had already recognized that the ten Purple Feather Immortals were the ones who had recently stolen the core of the fairyland and were wanted.

Although Zhang Yun's identity is unknown, he can control ten Purple Feather Immortals.

Zhang Yun is obviously a hidden predator!

Tough luck!

This is the biggest feeling of Flower Mask Immortal at this moment.

Zhang Yun didn't care what the other party thought, and spoke directly: "Tell me about your Hundred Legends Immortal Sect in detail, and your connection with Lan Hai..."

When I first interrogated the two half-immortal Scars from the Tiantian Sect, they found out that the Baichuan Immortal Sect was connected to Lan Hai.

Now that I have caught such a senior member of the Bai Chuan Immortal Sect, I can understand it clearly.

In front of the returning spirit, the Flower Mask Immortal spoke out everything.

"Does your Hundred Legends Immortal Sect have an Immortal Lord?"

Zhang Yun was slightly surprised when he heard one of the pieces of information.

The Flower Mask Immortal nodded: "Old Immortal Lord Bai Chuan, he is the person who created the Immortal Sect of Bai Chuan. He is a living fossil that has lived for more than 300,000 years. Everyone in the world thought he had passed away long ago, but in fact he is still alive. !”

"Lived for three hundred thousand years?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

Although it is said that immortals are immortal, in fact, after a certain period of time, immortals will also decline. Especially immortals who often fight, their immortal bodies are more or less left with hidden diseases.

Generally speaking, if an immortal can live for more than 100,000 years, it is considered a long life.

Living to 300,000 years is extremely rare in the entire upper realm of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy.

The old immortal king of Bai Chuan...

Zhang Yun secretly wrote down this name, maybe he will meet him in the future.

From the Flower Mask Immortal's words, I quickly got a clear understanding of the entire Bai Chuan Immortal Sect.

In addition to this old immortal king, there are six immortals from the Baichuan Immortal Sect, including the Flower Mask Immortal.

In the four regions of the southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest of the Red Sea, there is an immortal serving as the branch master in each region. The Flower Mask Immortal is the branch master of the southeast region.

The remaining two immortals are the sect master and deputy sect master of the Baichuan Immortal Sect that controls the central area of ​​the Red Sea.

As for the connection between the Baichuan Immortal Sect and the Blue Sea, it is mainly because the Flower Mask Immortal provides special channels for some forces in the Blue Sea to come to the Red Sea and make huge profits from it.

According to the Flower Mask Immortal's description, not only him, but also several other branches of the Bai Chuan Immortal Sect were doing the same thing.

This matter has long been tacitly understood among the senior officials within Baichuan Xianmen.

Zhang Yun listened and asked the Flower Mask Immortal: "Do you have any contact with Tianmen of Lanhai?"


The Flower Mask Immortal was startled and shook his head: "I have no contact with them. The area where Tianmen connects with our Red Sea is in the northwest, and Immortal Li, the leader of the northwest branch, should have contact with them!"

"The northwest region of the Red Sea..."

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

In this way, the location of the Immortal Continent in the lower realm should be in the northwest area of ​​the Red Sea.

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