Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 783 Entering the Wild Star Road, the upgraded gourd

Hearing this, the people present stepped into the formation pattern in the square one after another.

"Fellow Taoists, please bring this item with you!"

Jing Jiao waved her hand and handed dozens of capsules to Zhang Yun and other people present: "This whole process will take about two days. Please make final preparations. In ten seconds, the Immortal Formation will be activated!"

As she finished speaking, the formations in the square suddenly began to glow with light.

The people present glanced at each other and remained silent.

But they are secretly observing each other.

During the period when the Southeast Star was closed, those who came to take advantage of the private channel of Bai Chuan Xian Sect were basically all with shady identities.

"The Immortal Formation, activate!"

Soon the last second came when Jing Jiao's words fell.

The next second, everyone was enveloped in a wave of immortal power.

When he looked around clearly, he was already in a wide tunnel with immortal power gushing out like spring water.

The capsule given by Jing Jiao immediately turned into a mask.

Zhang Yun sat inside the light mask and glanced at the other light masks.

They mainly stopped at the light shield where the three immortal merchants from the Source Energy Galaxy, the five Dongsheng immortals, the two snow-robed women, and the other two first-level immortals from the fairyland were.

Seeing the calm expressions on these people's faces, Zhang Yun also sat quietly inside the light barrier.

He was not in a hurry. If he wanted to move, he had to let these people move first.

But obviously, others probably had the same idea and did not take any action for the moment.


Suddenly sensing something, Zhang Yun saw that no one was moving and immediately entered the Time Flow Palace.

As for the field.

Although no one was moving, the atmosphere was obviously tense, and it seemed that it might explode at any time.

Inside one of the light masks.

The woman in the snow robe said to the old man beside her: "Mr. Feng, if these people take action later, don't worry. Wait until the immortal merchant reaches a critical moment of life and death before you take action!"


Nodding to the old man called Mr. Feng, he looked at the beautiful pale cheek under the woman's snow robe and felt a little distressed.

Obtaining this curse, his young lady had to run around looking for things to maintain her life since she was a child. It’s good that I can continue to find them, but I’m afraid that one day I won’t be able to find them all of a sudden...


Mr. Feng sighed in his heart.

This kind of fearful life, I don’t know when it will end!

But fortunately, at least I don’t have to worry about it for the next ten years...

Mr. Feng glanced at the light shield where the source energy galaxy fairy merchant was, and let out a sigh of relief.

Right now inside that light mask.

"Yuanci, you have to pay more this time..."

An immortal wearing a black robe and a black mask looked at the man in green robes beside him and said, "If I'm not mistaken, that guy should be the old guy from Dong Sheng!"

"Dongsheng Immortal?"

When the man in green robe named Yuan Ci heard this, he glanced in surprise at the light shield where Dongsheng Immortal was located not far away.

The man in the black mask asked: "Yuanci, what do you say?"

Yuanci said: "As long as I can leave smoothly, I will give you double the amount!"

"I just like how happy you are!"

The man in the black mask smiled.

Another immortal next to him was also smiling.

Dongsheng Immortal is strong, but it is not difficult for the two of them to hold him back.

As for the other people present, there was basically nothing to fear.

Among the three guardian immortals of Southeast Zhuanxing, one Dongsheng immortal is enough. If the other two also left, the entire Southeast Zhuanxing would be in chaos.

As for the others, there are at most one or two Earth Immortals, so they are nothing to be afraid of!

Time flows quickly in the palace.

"Has the transformation been completed?"

Zhang Yun looked at the gourd in front of him.


Gourd nodded and quickly opened the lid of the pot.

There is a trace of milky white soul-driving immortal power that exudes crystal light and is shrouded in mist; there is also a trace of golden light that exudes an air-depressing golden light immortal power floating out——

【Pointing Star Immortal Power】

Introduction: The top-level immortal power can explode the coercion of stars and forcibly suppress a void. All beings in this void cannot escape.

Zhang Yun hurriedly put two strands of top-level immortal power into the energy storage room, and couldn't help but glance at the gourd: "Why is it so early this time?"

"This gourd has been upgraded!"

Calabash chuckled.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrow——

[Tiansu Transformation Gourd]

Level: Level 2


One: Specify energy conversion.

Two: The Cave in the Gourd - can release a strong suction force to absorb any living being into the gourd. The Cave in the Gourd has extremely strong defensive properties and can trap the Immortal Lord. The cave contains suction, which can continuously absorb the energy of the people trapped inside.

"Can you trap the Immortal Lord?"

Zhang Yun looked surprised when he saw Hulu's information.

The gourd smiled and said: "Now this gourd can not only help you transform, but also help you trap living beings. One day, give me the whole immortal, and I will absorb his energy to transform for you!"

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

Not to mention, Gourd's ability is indeed quite useful.

If you can get an Immortal Lord in, let the gourd absorb all the opponent's energy, and then turn the Immortal Lord into a corpse...


Zhang Yun took a deep breath.

"No matter what, you continue to transform...wait!"

As Zhang Yun said something, he suddenly thought of something and took the gourd out of the Speed ​​of Time Palace.

Come to the Immortal Power area of ​​Kujin Immortal Palace.

"Wow! So much immortal power, but it's still semi-pure!!"

As soon as he arrived, Gourd was so excited that he jumped up on the spot.

Zhang Yun asked: "Can the immortal power here be absorbed and transformed?"


Calabash said excitedly: "You have so much semi-pure immortal power, why didn't you bring me here earlier? This calabash can help you transform it into pure immortal power!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun's expression changed: "Can you transform pure immortal power?"


The gourd said: "What this gourd is best at is removing impurities. By the way, where did you get all this magical power? Why don't you take this gourd to suck it?"

"How much can you absorb?"

"Before the upgrade, I couldn't suck much. But now this gourd has a hole in the gourd, and it can suck everything on your side!"

"That is not bad…"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

You can only absorb more after upgrading. Even if you summon the gourd from Xianyuan Cave before, the other party won't be able to absorb much, which is not a pity.

But he did forget the gourd in Xianyuan Cave before.

But I can think of a way to go to Xianyuan Cave later...

Zhang Yun took a breath and looked at the gourd: "Suck it first!"


The gourd had been waiting for his words for a long time, and now he immediately started sucking.

Zhang Yun thought it would take some time, but...

one two three.

Seeing that the entire training hall in front of him was completely empty of immortal power, he couldn't help but open his mouth.

What the hell is this absorption speed?

The gourd said: "Is there anything else? This gourd can still suck a lot!"

Zhang Yun came back to his senses and glanced at it: "You should first transform these into pure immortal power..."

"No problem. But when converted into pure immortal power, this amount will be diluted a lot!"

"No problem!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand.

Gourd asked: "Do you still want the top immortal power?"

Zhang Yun looked at it, "Can you transform it together?"

"That's for sure!"

The gourd looked proud: "This gourd is now an upgraded version and can work on multiple lines!"

“How many can be converted at the same time?”

"Shisi. It's still a bit difficult to convert top-level immortal power!"

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