Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 784 This Master Will Help You Lose Weight!

Zhang Yun heard this and without saying a word, he directly picked up the Universal Immortal Sword and came to the Immortal Power Zone where Guitian was located in the Kujin Immortal Palace.

"Mr...Mr., are...ah!"

Under Guitian's screams, 'Shuashuashua' used dazzling sword skills to cut off dozens of pieces of flesh from the opponent's body.

"Old ghost, you have gained a lot of weight recently, I will help you lose weight!"

Putting away the meat, Zhang Yun smiled and patted Guitian on the shoulder.

Lose... lose weight?

Guitian opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Zhang Yun disappeared in front of him.


Guitian felt like crying without tears.

Why is this young man so willing to cut his flesh?

Although losing a few pieces of flesh has little impact on him as a ghost, it hurts!

Zhang Yun actually didn't want to kill Guitian. After all, he felt sorry for such a loyal and good subordinate!

But there is no choice. The most trouble-free thing that contains immortal power and can be used for transformation is Guitian's flesh.

In addition, other immortal objects disappeared after being used, and a few pieces of meat cut from Guitian's body grew back after a while.

It’s not that other immortals can’t afford it, Guitian’s meat is really cost-effective!

Zhang Yun sighed and returned to the Time Speed ​​Palace.

"Why is it the flesh of this ghost clan again?"

When Gourd saw a pile of ghost meat in front of him, he rolled his eyes and said, "Can't you change it to something fresh?"

"Isn't this new enough?"

Zhang Yun shrugged: "It's freshly cut!"

"...This is not what I'm talking about!"

The corner of the gourd's mouth twitched: "Forget it, forget it, I can barely use it!"

Zhang Yun gave it a quick shock.

"Oh, what are you doing!"

The gourd was in pain, and she looked at him dissatisfied.

"Still reluctant? It would be nice to transform some of them for you!"

Zhang Yun stared: "You still picked it?"

Hearing this, Gourd stood up and felt very unhappy.

Zhang Yun didn't waste any time. He took out a long, wide, white and black sock that had been sitting there for a long time from the storage ring and put it on the other party.

"Don't! Don't!"

Gourd's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said: "Master, I was wrong! Fragrant! This ghost meat is so fragrant! It is the best material for transforming immortal power. I will use this meat to transform in the future!!"

"Will you use it from now on?"

Zhang Yun glanced at it.

"Uh huh huh!!"

Hulu nodded hurriedly.

"That's good!"

Zhang Yun put away his socks and smiled: "This time, give me five strands of soul-driving immortal power, and then you can transform the other top-level immortal powers into five at will!"


Zhang Yun nodded.

At present, he already has two strands of Soul-Dancing Immortal Power, which is not lacking. Besides, since the gourd can transform ten silks at once, let's try some different top-level immortal powers.

He wanted to see more of other types of top-level magical effects. If there were any good ones...


Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Yun immediately looked at Gourd: "Can you transform the black hole's magical power?"

"Black hole immortal power?"

Hearing this, Gourd nodded, "Okay. But this black hole fairy power is a kind of teleportation fairy power, and it has no effect alone..."

"What's the meaning?"

"This Black Hole Immortal Power is like the Immortal Transmission Formation, which needs to be connected in pairs. But what is different from the Immortal Transmission Formation is that the connection of the Black Hole Immortal Power also needs to be controlled by a carrier.

To put it simply, a person who has cultivated the power of the black hole must be manipulated. Only in this way can the black hole created by the power of the black hole be able to carry out directional black hole teleportation.

Otherwise, the black hole power alone can only randomly form a black hole. After entering, you will be transported to any place at will, and the location cannot be controlled! "

Zhang Yun was stunned.

The Black Hole Immortal Power was introduced before when Fairy Feng mentioned that Shi Laoxian and his party escaped.

Once activated, not even the Immortal Lord can stop it, which shows how powerful the Black Hole Immortal is!

But as Hulu said, this black hole's magical power doesn't mean much.

After all, go practice...

Zhang Yun shook his head slightly.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he wants to cultivate these top-level immortal powers, which can't be achieved with just a few strands.

Special cultivation methods are required, and at the beginning of cultivation, it is difficult for the body to adapt to the top immortal power. Once you don't fit in and can't practice, you may explode and die in minutes.

The top-level immortal power that he has now transformed can only be regarded as foreign objects to him, and they are disposable items.

Thinking about it, he looked at Hulu: "You can transform randomly!"

"Okay, Master!"

Calabash nodded obediently.

Zhang Yun patted its gourd body and left the Time Speed ​​Palace.

As soon as he left, his face was full of good-natured behavior just a second ago, but now his whole body suddenly bulged with anger.

This bastard is so disgusting!

Always threaten it with that tattered sock.

Just wait for it!

Don't wait for it to turn over, otherwise you will definitely let this bastard taste the feeling of being slapped in the face with a torn sock in the future! !

Calabash thought fiercely in his heart.

Return to the mask.

Zhang Yun glanced around, and it was obvious that Dongsheng Immortal and others had no intention of taking action.

Not surprising either.

After all, the immortal power surge path of the Immortal Formation is inside the endless void. If an immortal battle occurs here, the immortal power surge path will most likely collapse.

Once the Immortal Power Channel collapses, everyone will directly face the endless space turbulence.

The endless void space turbulence at the junction of the two galaxies is the most violent. If something goes wrong here, even the immortals are in danger of falling!

Of course, since these immortals are here, they must be prepared for this.

Just like the starship he prepared, it was also to prevent this from happening.

Use the demon life clone to copy and shape him to stay in the light shield and stare at him, while his body enters the Kujin Immortal Palace.

Came to one of the training halls.

The entire training hall turned into a sea of ​​fire at this moment, and an aura was rising in it.

Wait for a certain moment and explode.

The culmination of the integration period, the peak of the integration period...

The realm almost leaps forward directly.

Under Zhang Yun's gaze, in the sea of ​​fire in the hall, that beautiful figure stood up slowly at this moment.

Seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, Qianying took sexy steps at her feet. A pair of bright and beautiful flame eyes looked at him with a hint of charm. In addition, the woman seemed to be burned clean under the flames, and seemed to be her own. The beautiful body without any trace of hair...


Despite Zhang Yun's concentration, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and the yin and yang power in his body couldn't help but surge up.

As if receiving instructions, the yin and yang fairy balls floated out beside him.

"Sex embryo!"

Seeing that he was so excited that the Yin-Yang Fairy Ball floated out on its own, Su Die, who walked out of the sea of ​​fire, couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

How could Zhang Yun be able to withstand this charming look?

A hungry tiger pounces on its food.


Su Die's expression changed: "I haven't gotten rid of my anger yet... ugh!"

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was already blocked.

In the training hall filled with sea of ​​fire, men and women were tumbling, and the atmosphere was full of spring.

I don’t know how many waves of clouds and rain we went to in Wushan together.

Buzz! !

Two black and white yin and yang forces swept up at this moment, blooming with a burst of dazzling light.

Both Zhang Yun and Su Die were shaken, and then a layer of more crystal clear black and white light filled their bodies.


Su Die was surprised.

Zhang Yun smiled: "We work so hard, we must make a breakthrough!"

As he said that, he couldn't help but poke his hand somewhere.

Su Die rolled her eyes at him.

Just when the two were about to delve into the power of yin and yang again...

Rumble——! !

A shocking roar suddenly came from outside Kujin Immortal Palace.

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