In the center of the treasure area is a huge square, which has been turned into an open-air auction.

On the trading platform at the front of the square, there was a neatly groomed middle-aged Immortal Lord in a white dress.

Looking at the people flying in one after another, he smiled and said: "Fellow immortals, please take a seat as you please!"

Seeing this, Zhang Yun and Su Die randomly picked a double sofa and sat down.

After scanning the surroundings, many immortals had already arrived.

Among them was the immortal eagle he had traded with before, who was leaning on a 100-meter-large cushion behind the square.

A row of similar soft cushions was placed around the square, obviously designed specifically for larger fairyland beings like the Immortal Eagle to sit on.

The Immortal Eagle also noticed him.

They looked at each other, nodded to each other, and didn't talk much.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Later, many fairyland beings came to the scene.

What is more eye-catching inside is the huge creatures.

In addition to immortal beasts like the Immortal Eagle, there are also many special races.

For example, there is a willow tree over a thousand meters high, a tree fairy with the cultivation of an immortal king. There is also an Immortal Lord Zerg that is over fifty meters tall, white and blue in color, and looks like a ladybug.

Zhang Yun also made a special observation.

Some of these species were his first time seeing them.

But it was a pity that no fairy master came.

Most of the people present were just fairyland, and there were not many fairy kings.

In addition, Xuan Yue Immortal, who he met by chance in the branch of Tiansuan Immortal Pavilion, was also present at this moment.

"Welcome everyone!"

While Zhang Yun was observing the people present, the middle-aged immortal king in white dress on the trading desk in front also spoke: "I, Bai Ran, am solely responsible for hosting this treasure transaction!"

"I won't say any more gossip. Let's start this treasure transaction directly!"

Bai Ranxianjun said: "There will be seven treasures this time, and they will be traded one by one. Each treasure has a different trading method. The first thing to be traded is..."

After a pause, he reached out and took out a jade box that was half an arm long, and gently opened the lid of the box. A small and half-meter-high transparent crystal bottle filled with black and purple sand came into view.

Immortal Lord Bairan introduced it loudly: "As you immortal friends can see, this is the first treasure, a bottle of Zhena Immortal Sand. This sand..."

【Zhana Xiansha】

Introduction: Using this sand to stimulate the energy, it can form energy that changes the size, appearance, and breath of living things. After being camouflaged by the sand, it is difficult for the Immortal Lord to tell the truth from the false.

Zhang Yun glanced with the Immortal Eye Technique and raised his brows slightly.

Even the Immortal Lord has a hard time distinguishing between true and false, but this sand is a rare and good thing!

Immortal Lord Bairan on the stage also finished the introduction and said: "The transaction method of this sand will be a regular auction. The base price is 50,000 strands of original energy. Immortal friends are free to bid, and the one with the highest price will get it!"

"Sixty thousand strands of original energy!"

"Sixty-five thousand!"

"Seventy thousand!"

There were many voices immediately in the field.

The bidders were basically giant creatures sitting on the big cushions at the back.

Changing body shape is very attractive to them.

Because not all creatures, like Zhang Yun's Great Emperor, have the ability to freely change their body size.

Many giant creatures do not have this ability even if they reach the fairyland.

Being large is sometimes a benefit, but sometimes it hinders them from doing certain things.

In the end, the Zhena Immortal Sand was swatted away by the thousand-meter-tall willow tree Immortal Lord with 120,000 strands of original energy.

Immortal Lord Bairan on the stage also took out the second treasure.

A two-meter-long sword that was as black as ink.

Just the moment it was exposed to the air, the entire square was filled with a sense of sharpness.

The skin of all the creatures present felt raw pain, as if they were being polished by the blade of a sword.

And this also made many people present brighten their eyes and sit upright.

Zhang Yun also raised his eyebrows slightly.

[Black Immortal Sword]

Level: Immortal Weapon

Introduction: Made of black immortal stone as the main material, combined with the blade of broken immortal weapons and many other materials, the blade is extremely sharp...

Instrument skills:

1: Unparalleled Edge - Use fairy power to activate it, which can attach a layer of unparalleled edge to the sword body, greatly increasing the power of the sword's edge and easily penetrating defenses. The maintenance time depends on the magical power of the sword holder.

Two: Netherworld Blessing - This sword has its own Netherworld Immortal Power. If you use all the immortal power related to Netherworld Immortal Power to swing this sword, its power will be greatly increased.

Three: Netherworld Integration - Beings with Netherworld Immortal Power can integrate themselves into the Immortal Sword, fuse the human sword with them, and burst out with huge potential in a short period of time.

After sweeping with the Immortal Eye Technique, his expression was slightly refreshed.

A fairy sword that contains the power of the Netherworld is a rare find.

"I knew I would bring Yang Xu here..."

Zhang Yun exhaled and stared at the Black Immortal Sword on the stage.

The significance of this sword to Qing Jian Zun, who is a sword cultivator and has also cultivated the immortal power of Ice Netherworld, is self-evident.

Take it!

Just when he was making up his mind, Immortal Lord Bai Ran also introduced the sword in detail, and then said loudly: "The transaction method of this sword is somewhat special. The immortal friend who entrusted the sale of this sword hopes to buy it. At least he has the strength of the Immortal Lord!"

"Immortal Lord?"

Hearing this, many immortal creatures present frowned: "Bairan Immortal Lord, do you mean that those without the Immortal Lord's strength cannot buy this sword?"


Immortal Lord Bai Ran nodded and said: "The price of this sword is fixed at 100,000 strands of original energy. However, the immortal friend who entrusted the sale of this sword needs a favor from the person who finally succeeded in buying this sword!"

Hearing this, some of the Immortal Lords present raised their eyebrows slightly.

For an immortal sword, one hundred thousand strands of original energy is equivalent to the price of cabbage.

The market price of an immortal weapon starts at a minimum of 100,000 strands of original energy. But most immortal weapons are impossible to buy without two or three hundred thousand strands of original energy.

And even at this price, it’s hard to buy.

Because the demand for fairy artifacts is extremely high in the galaxy universe, no matter which galaxy they are in, if any fairy artifacts enter the market, they will basically be bought by nearby fairyland beings in a short period of time.

The current price of this fairy sword is 100,000 strands of original energy, which is equivalent to using the excess value of the sword to hire an fairy to help.

Hundreds of thousands of strands of original energy can help, which is also a good commission for the Immortal Lord.

Many immortals present were moved.

"If you have any ideas, you can leave a contact tool. After this treasure transaction is completed, the immortal friends who entrusted the sale of this sword will contact you one by one..."

Immortal Lord Bairan said: "Because who will we trade with in the end, we need to entrust the immortal friend who sold this sword to conduct a simple strength test on you, and then decide who to trade with!"

After hearing this, many immortals present took out a communication tool and handed it to the trading desk through the air.

Immortal Bairan took them one by one.

But when he received one of the golden tokens, he paused, frowned and looked towards Zhang Yun's direction.

Zhang Yun looked calm.

The bonus fairy power token that Fairy Bai Ran received in his hand suddenly fluctuated slightly.

Immortal Bai Ran's hands trembled and he glanced at Zhang Yun in surprise.

After pondering for a moment, he also put away the token.

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