Zhang Yun lost interest in the following treasures after seeing them.

Although they were all valuable, they were of no use to him.

But I noticed that Xuan Yue Immortal looked crazy for a fairy medicine called Tianyue Immortal Lotus.

In the end, it took nearly half a million strands of original energy to capture it.

Zhang Yun observed the other party with interest.

He was somewhat curious about this Xuan Yue Immortal.

It's not because Long Fenghua joined the opponent's force, but because half of the starry sky flying crocodile's beast finger was snatched from the opponent through the Immortal Plundering Cloth.

He was a little curious, where did Xuan Yue Immortal get the half of the beast finger?

Immortal Xuan Yue, who had just taken the elixir and breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help but change his expression when he felt Zhang Yun's gaze.

Quickly put away the elixir you just got.

The look of fear of being robbed by him made Zhang Yun shrug his shoulders.

She couldn't help but ask Su Die beside her: "Beauty Su, do I look like a bad guy?"


Su Die nodded without hesitation.


"Look at the eyes of the fairies around you..."

Su Die snorted: "At first glance, it seems that a bad guy like you has stolen my heart!"

Zhang Yun glanced around after hearing this.

Sure enough, he found that many female immortals, and even two huge matrilineal special races, were secretly taking a look at him.

Upon noticing his gaze, these female immortals and special matrilineal races blushed and hurriedly averted their eyes.

That shy look made Zhang Yun laugh.

He actually felt these looks, but he was used to them.

Because this kind of gaze has been with him since the birth of the gift of opposite-sex luck, and he has been immune to it for a long time.

"Beauty Su, you can't blame me. Your husband is too handsome and charming to attract the admiration of these fairies. I can't control your husband!"

"You're shameless, get out of here!"

Su Die cursed angrily.

"Oh, don't be angry. Come on, give me a kiss!"

"go away!"

The flirting behavior of the two people was visible to the many female cultivators and special matrilineal races who were peeking at Zhang Yun, and their faces darkened.

Quite unhappy.

But it is also certain that Zhang Yun, an immortal with extraordinary temperament, already has a Taoist companion.

They secretly felt sorry, but they also looked away, giving up the idea of ​​asking for contact information later.

As immortals, they have their pride.

They don't even bother to pry corners!

“This treasure transaction has officially ended, thank you all for coming!”

At this time, Immortal Lord Bai Ran on the stage also finished the transaction of the last treasure and spoke loudly: "In addition, regarding the transaction of the second treasure, the Black Ming Immortal Sword, all the immortal friends who have left behind the communication tools, please wait a moment... Within three hours, the entrusted immortal friends will contact all the immortal friends one by one!"

Hearing this, many immortals in the room nodded.

The fairyland beings present also left one after another.

Zhang Yun also took Su Die away, but did not leave the treasure area and just wandered around inside.

Three hours, just wait.


After just a few minutes of shopping, there was a soft sound that made Zhang Yun raise his eyebrows.

Immediately took Su Die to the street at the entrance of the treasure area.

When coming here.

He found a group of three people standing in front of the crystal cabinet, looking at the crystal stones he had placed in it for consignment.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw a door pattern embroidered on the robes of these three people.

This is the symbol of the Munro Galaxy.

Glancing at the three people, the leader was a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was only about 1.6 meters tall, but his figure under the robe was extremely strong, and he was a devilish muscular man.

Behind him were two ordinary immortals.

"Are these crystal stones from fellow immortals?"

Seeing Zhang Yun and his two men arriving, the middle-aged immortal king with thick eyebrows and big eyes asked.


Zhang Yun nodded.

The middle-aged immortal king with thick eyebrows and big eyes asked politely: "I, Tianluo, how do you call your immortal friend?"


"Okay, friend Yun Xian. I won't talk nonsense!"

Tianluo Immortal Lord pointed at the many crystal stones in the crystal cabinet: "I want all of these from you! Friends Yunxian, please give me a price!"

"If it is the original energy..."

Zhang Yun thought for a moment and then said: "Three million silk!"

"What if this thing is taken away?"

Hearing this, Immortal Tianluo stretched out his hand and took out the special golden cage. Inside, there was a red flame condensed into a dragon shape, which was full of spirituality and was striking back and forth.

【Red Dragon Immortal Flame】

Level: Immortal level

Introduction: The original fairy flame taken from the fairy master-level red fairy dragon can be refined and absorbed in the fairyland. The fairy flame has its own power of purification and has a strong restraint effect on all kinds of ghosts and evil spirits.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, "If Tianluo Immortal friend adds this item to the transaction, it will reduce the original energy by 800,000 strands!"

"Fellow Daoist Yun, your offer is not very honest!"

Tianluo Immortal Lord smiled when he heard this: "This flame is taken from the Immortal Lord-level Crimson Immortal Dragon. Its value is at least a few grades higher than that of ordinary Immortal Fire. Eight hundred thousand silk..."

"Luo Xianyou, please quote a price that day!"

Zhang Yundao: "If appropriate, trade directly!"


Tianluo Immortal Lord said: "Friend Yunxian, I am also a cheerful person. This Red Dragon Immortal Flame plus 1.5 million strands of original energy will be exchanged for all the crystal stones in your crystal cabinet!"

Zhang Yun thought for a moment.

He had already understood the value of fairy fire and fairy thunder in the galaxy and universe before coming here.

It is comparable to an immortal weapon and requires hundreds of thousands of source energy.

Of course, that's the common variety.

The Dragon Flame is the original Dragon Flame from the Immortal Lord level dragon, and its value must be at least several times higher.

One and a half million strands of original energy is slightly higher.

But if you really want to buy it in Galaxy Universe, it’s really hard to get it at this price.

He immediately said: "Fellow Tianluo is so happy, I have no objection, let's do the deal!"


Immortal Lord Tianluo smiled and directly gave him the things and 1.5 million strands of original energy.

Zhang Yun also took out all the crystal stones from the crystal cabinet and handed them to the other party.

"Then I'll take my leave!"

Immortal Lord Tianluo said to him, then turned around and left with the two immortals.

Zhang Yun didn't care and took out another batch of crystal stones.

There are many crystal stones gathered from the Star Flying Crocodile, and the previous crystal cabinet is only part of them.

As soon as he took out the crystal and put it into the crystal cabinet, he saw Tianluo Immortal Lord, who had just walked out not far away, turned back.

Seeing another crystal cabinet filled with crystal stones, Immortal Tianluo looked at him in surprise.

A second-level fairyland actually has so many rare fairy crystals?

"Fellow Immortal Tianluo is back. Do you still have any needs?"

Zhang Yun also looked at the other party.

Tianluo Immortal Lord nodded and asked: "Friend Yunxian, how many of these crystal stones do you have?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows: "Is Immortal Tianluo preparing to pack up?"

"if you can…"

"Do you, Immortal Friend Tianluo, still have immortal fire or lightning?"


Tianluo Immortal Lord shook his head.

Zhang Yun thought for a while and said: "In that case, then my immortal friend should prepare another 10 million strands of original energy."

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