Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 895 The main competition of the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference begins!

Chapter 895 The main competition of the Fangxian Conference begins! The entrance to the Wanxian Galaxy is somewhat different from other galaxies. It is a sea built on the endless void, and the seawater is filled with a lot of space turbulence.

However, these space turbulences are obviously controlled by humans.

As soon as the spaceship flew into it, it was directly taken to the end of the sea.

In front of the end is not the coast, but a chain of waterfalls composed of ten waterfalls like stairs.

The ten waterfalls are like ten stairs, from low to high, each step is a hundred meters high, and the whole is more than 1,000 meters.

At this moment, dozens of spaceships that have already arrived here have gathered on the sea in front of the chain of waterfalls.

Obviously from various star fields.

"Welcome everyone from the Lotus Star Field!"

At this time, an old man in a dark red robe flew down from the waterfall and landed in front of the spaceship: "Please wait here for a while. There are still a few star fields that have not arrived... When they arrive, the main competition will begin!"

Everyone on the deck nodded.

The old man in the dark red robe glanced at the old man in the plain robe.

The old man in white robe understood and immediately flew out of the spaceship with the other party and flew towards the top of the waterfall. Zhang Yun watched them go with a calm face.

Before that, he had already given instructions to the old man in white robe.

Arriving at the Fangxian Galaxy, the latter, as the guide, must report.

The content of this report will be explained according to the truthful Zerg attack. As for the Void Black Wolf, Zhang Yun does not intend to put the blame on the other party.

Because the Zerg wants the Void Black Wolf to be the scapegoat, it means that the relationship between the Zerg and it should be an enemy rather than a friend.

After confirming that the object he plundered with the Immortal Plundering Cloth was the Void Black Wolf, he overturned the possibility that the other party was the master of the Starworm Immortal Lord.

Qiang didn't know why the Starworm Immortal Lord had a mysterious gas contaminated with the breath of the Void Black Wolf, but pushing it to the Void Black Wolf would only benefit the Zerg.

This responsibility cannot be shaken off the Zerg.

Going into the top of the explosive cloth is the interior of a planet.

"The Zerg in the Flying Insect Galaxy attacked the spacecraft?"

Listening to the report of the old man in plain robe along the way, the old man in dark red robe was surprised and looked at the old man in plain robe seriously, "Are you sure everything you said is true?"


The old man in plain robe nodded.

"In that case, follow me to see the Immortal Venerable..." The old man in dark red robe said: "This matter must be decided by the Immortal Venerable!"


The old man in plain robe nodded.

The two set off immediately.

Not long after, outside a dark red palace on a dark red planet inside the Fangxian Galaxy.

The old man in dark red robe bowed in front of the palace, recounted the situation of the attack on the spacecraft in the Lotus Star Region, and said: "This is what happened, please let the Immortal Venerable decide!"

The dark red palace was silent for a long time, and then a faint female voice came out: "Are all the Zerg participating in the conference dead?"

"Yes, Immortal Venerable!"

"I will handle this matter, you go down!"

"Okay, Immortal Venerable!"

The old man in dark red robe nodded and left with the old man in plain robe.

In the hall. A tall woman wearing a black embroidered skirt and long dark red hair opened her eyes quietly.

Countless dark red flowers suddenly appeared beside her.

One of the flowers stood up.

Soon a picture emerged from the flower, in which a huge insect appeared, shaped like a cockroach, but with colorful colors on its body.

"Starworm greets the master!"

The colorful cockroach-like insect saw the tall woman and hurriedly got down and saluted respectfully.

This insect is not another insect, but the master of the flying insect galaxy, the Starworm Immortal Lord! "Waste!"

The woman said coldly.

These two simple words made the Starworm Immortal Lord feel cold all over, and at the same time, his eyes were full of confusion.

The woman directly threw out a stream of immortal power.

The immortal power formed a picture, and the scenes of the dark red robe old man and the plain robe old man coming to report emerged.

"This... Hearing the content, the Starworm Immortal Lord was shocked "I don't want to hear nonsense! ! ”

The woman said calmly: "If you can't handle a small galaxy, then there is no value in existence... The Starworm Immortal Lord turned pale and begged: "Please give me another chance!"

"Handle the small galaxy, and then take your tribe away for a while..." The woman said calmly: "If there is any more trouble, your tribe will no longer exist!"


After that, she hung up directly.

Flying Insect Galaxy, in a palace.

The Starworm Immortal Lord looked at the petal token in his hand that was closed, and the insect drive trembled slightly.

It has not received any news in the past month, and it actually has an ominous premonition in its heart. But now it is still a little unbelievable to hear it.

Just dealing with a group of guys who are not even immortal masters, the Split Insect Immortal Lord and the Black Insect Immortal Lord, as well as the white-robed old man who joined forces, actually failed? Wait, the white-robed old man who just appeared on the report screen... "Damn human!!"

Realizing a certain possibility, the Starworm Immortal Lord's face sank.

He took a deep breath and looked at the entrance of the palace: "Call all the tribes in the galaxy, follow me to the Qianyun Galaxy!"

"Yes, sir!"

Two transparent insects appeared at the entrance and disappeared into the palace.

The Star Bug Immortal Lord also flew out of the palace directly, the White Lotus Galaxy, the live broadcast square.

Although the preliminaries have been over for a month, the live broadcast here is still going on. After a month of silence, many people are gathering in the square again.

Because counting the time, the main race is about to begin! At this moment, the general list that had been floating on the light screen suddenly changed slightly. I saw that the information with many flying insect galaxy prefixes on it disappeared at the same time.


This attracted a lot of attention.

On the high platform of the square, the immortal masters from all sides also noticed this and expressed surprise.

All the lights looked towards the screen where the Star Insect Immortal Lord was.

But I found that the screen had disappeared, or was completely cut off.

All the immortal masters have different friendships and cannot help but connect with each other.

A piece of news they soon learned made their sudden change come to light.

At the same time, there was a look of anger on his face.

Especially the two immortal masters of the White Lotus Galaxy.

The Immortal Lord of the Flying Insect Galaxy attacked the participating spaceships. If this news spreads, the reputation of their entire Lotus Star Region will be greatly affected! "This bastard reacts quickly!"

Looking at the scene of the disappearing Star Insect Immortal Lord, many Immortal Lords felt cold.

Si Shi looked at No. 38 on the list, Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729, in surprise.

According to the information they received, the other party used special means to block the Split Insect Immortal Master and delayed the return of the guide, the old man in plain robes.

How did this person do it? The immortal masters were surprised.

Time flies and seven days pass in the blink of an eye.

At the entrance of the Ten Thousand Immortals Galaxy, Ye Yi welcomed several spaceships. With the arrival of the last spaceship today, the old man in dark red robe also flew out from the top of the waterfall.

Now that the contestants from all star fields have arrived, the Fangxian Conference will begin soon! "

The old man in dark red robes spoke loudly: "Before this, I want to announce something. The Flying Insect Galaxy from the Lotus Star Territory has serious violations. All contestants from the Flying Insect Galaxy have been removed from the list. The final decision to participate in the competition will be suspended." The number of people is 9959!”

"Now, all contestants are asked to fly up the ten waterfalls under me according to their rankings!!"

After a pause, the old man in dark red robe continued: "The first one will fly up to the highest waterfall; the one from one to two thousand will fly up to the second waterfall; the one from two thousand and one to three thousand will fly up to the second waterfall. Three sections of Haobu. And so on."

, I want to say a few words... Monthly recommendation

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