Chapter 896 The Battle over the Waterfall Hear this.

The contestants of the Fangxian Conference on each spaceship all had their brows slightly trimmed, especially those at the bottom.

After arriving in the Ten Thousand Immortals Galaxy by spaceship, they were stopped in front of the entrance of these ten waterfalls. Everyone guessed that these waterfalls must have a deep meaning.

But after many days of observation, I found nothing.

Right now... Above each waterfall, there are suddenly thousands of suspended stone platforms.

"Each of the stone platforms appearing between these waterfalls contains a teleportation array.

Climb the stone platform and you will be transported directly to the Fangxian Galaxy! "

The old man in dark red robe said again: "The higher the waterfall is on the stone platform, the better the position will be when entering the Ten Thousand Immortals Galaxy.

At the same time, the rankings of all contestants will also be re-ordered according to the height of the stone platform! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly became excited.

Both eyes were fixed on the right platform of the main road above the highest waterfall.

What this means now is that as long as you are the first to climb these stone platforms, no matter what ranking you were in before, you will directly become the top one thousand! There was no hesitation.

Whoosh whoosh! ! Many contestants suddenly shot out like arrows, pointing directly at the stone platform on the upper trunk road of the highest waterfall. Some immortals also flew out of the spacecraft where Zhang Yun was.

But Baihui Immortal, Jin Xianjun and other immortals, as well as Feng Xianzi, Dongsheng Immortal and others did not move.

Because Zhang Yun didn't move.

Zhang Yun stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the void in front of the waterfall, looking at the many figures flying past, and secretly counting three, two, and one.

Just when he counted to one... "Let's go!"

He also gave a loud shout and led Huang Yang, Qing Jian Zun, Qixian Jun and others to rush out of the boat first.

But instead of flying to the high point of the waterfall, he flew directly to the lowest point of the waterfall.

Almost at the same time, bang bang bang—one! ! There was a vibrating and crashing sound in the void before the highest waterfall.

I saw that many contestants who were the first to rush out were all blocked by a huge space wall that appeared out of thin air, and many of them even suffered severe head injuries on the spot.

The space wall is 990 meters high from top to bottom, covering 99% of the area in front of the waterfall.

Only the bottom dozen areas are not covered.

This space wall allows people to only pass through the ten or so areas at the bottom, and only after entering the inside can they climb to a higher waterfall.

At this moment, a group of people, including Zhang Yun, rushed to the ten-meter area at the same time. It was obvious that Zhang Yun was not the only one who sensed the existence of this space wall. Many contestants who could not hit him clearly above him saw this and cursed secretly. , one after another swept downwards.

But it was too late.

Zhang Yun and others have taken the lead to enter the inside of the space wall from below, and all fly towards the highest waterfall.

"Just wait for me!"

Just as they were flying to the highest waterfall, there was a sudden loud shout, and several pairs of iron wings nearly a kilometer long suddenly unfolded.

It was a bird-man immortal king with a face and a bird's body. At this moment, they simultaneously unfolded the special iron wings on their backs, turning into sharp giant blades and sweeping them down at a group of contestants flying up from all around at the same time. Who can rush forward first? The contestants who came up were not slow to react and hurriedly dodged to both sides, allowing several bird-man immortals to be one step ahead of everyone and fly to the stone platforms at the top of the highest waterfall.

Just as they were about to fly up, several bird-man immortals showed excitement.

These top few are taken over by the Iron-Winged Bird Human Race! Metaphor! But at this moment, a black wave suddenly rippled between them.

Before the several bird-man immortals had time to react, they were all shaken by the waves.

A figure in black robes was seen jumping out from among them and leaping over them in one fell swoop.

"Bastard, wait for me!!!"

Several bird-men and immortal kings were furious, and their giant iron wings swept upwards.

The figure in black robe looked disdainfully and waved his hand, leaving a black mark.

As soon as the black mark came out, the entire void became dark, and as soon as the iron feather wings of several bird-man immortal kings approached, they were directly covered with a layer of darkness.

"not good!"

The faces of several bird-man immortals changed greatly.

But he didn't have time to move, and the dark-colored iron wings were partially torn apart as if they were forcibly torn open, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

"The Black Seal of Destruction! You are from the Black Seal Galaxy!!"

The several bird-man immortals were in pain and looked at the black-robed figure above in fear.

The Black Seal Galaxy is a top-level galaxy with an Immortal Lord! The black-robed figure ignored them and quickly flew up to a stone platform at the top of the highest waterfall.

Just when he was about to set foot.

boom! ! A burst of high-temperature phoenix flames, which evaporated a lot of the waterfall water, suddenly shot out at an angle. The expression of the black-robed figure changed slightly, and he hurriedly used the black seal just now.

Meet——! ! The black seal collided with the phoenix flame, and a terrifying wave exploded in the entire void, with the aftermath sweeping in all directions.

The expressions of many contestants who were flying up changed and they quickly took action to defend themselves, but they were all shocked and fell down a section of the area.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a fiery red robe embroidered with a phoenix pattern. At this moment, he crossed the black robe and was about to step onto the highest stone platform.

"Don't even think about it!!"

The figure in black robe snorted coldly, swinging his sleeves and robe, causing waves of black waves to sweep towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man in the fiery red robe had already been warned, and when he stepped on the sole of his red boots, a sea of ​​​​phoenix flames erupted.

Directly block the black fluctuations of stocks.

The middle-aged man in fiery red robe took advantage of the situation and stepped onto the stone platform.

call out! But before the soles of his feet could completely fall, an extremely sharp sword energy suddenly shot up from the other side.

The middle-aged man in fiery red robes' expression changed, and he quickly moved his feet away. The sword energy almost brushed against his feet, leaving a long sword mark on the soles of his boots.

call out! Before the middle-aged man in fiery red robe could think too much, another sword energy was pointed directly at him.

He quickly raised a large swath of phoenix flame to block it, but his body was forced to retreat from the shock, far away from the highest stone platform.

He looked coldly downward at a young man with long black hair holding a long sword.

The black-haired young man didn't pay attention and quickly flew forward.



"Everyone, get out of here!!"

At this moment, a cold shout with two black marks fell on the middle-aged man in fire-red robe and the black-haired middle-aged man in green fire-red robe. The phoenix flames swept around their bodies. The black-haired young man held the sword and slashed out the sword energy, blocking the black hair one after another. But during the gap between them, the black-robed figure flew up quickly and reached the same height as them.

The middle-aged man in fiery red robe, the black-haired young man, and the black-robed figure suddenly formed a triangle, surrounding the highest stone platform.

When the several Birdman Immortal Lords and Immortal Lords from all directions below saw this, their mouths twitched.

With these three top immortal kings from the top galaxies here, it is difficult for them to compete for the highest stone platform! For a moment, they also changed their targets and looked at some stone platforms under the highest stone platform.

We can't fight for the right position at the top, this is

But when they saw it, they were suddenly stunned.

I saw two people appearing on the second and third highest stone platforms at this moment.

The most important thing is... two half-immortals? ? ? moon

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