Chapter 898 Silk Rain Star Even the immortal masters on the high platform couldn't help but gasp.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Conference has been held for more than one or two sessions, but this is the first time that their Lotus Star Region has stood at the top of the overall list of the Fangxian Conference.

Looking at Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729, which ranks first.

Regardless of any thoughts about it before, at this moment, the immortal masters couldn't help but admire it. There are many star regions participating in the Fangxian Conference. Their Lotus Star Region can only barely rank in the middle among them. There are many star regions with stronger strength than them.

In such an environment, in the past, their Lotus Star Region could only enter the top 100 names in the overall list, with an average of no more than three people.

At present, the top 50 are all occupied by their Lotus Star Region, which is the first time in the Great Wilderness.

Although they know that this is only temporary, this moment is definitely a historic moment worth remembering for their Lotus Star Region! "It's amazing!"

Hongzhu looked at Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729, which ranked first on the list, and couldn't help but sigh.

I also felt a little regretful.

If I had known this, I should have recruited this boy to the Red Sea directly in the Xiandao Continent.

It's difficult to think about it now! The Red Lord shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, the Blue Lord in the picture next to him also felt a little regretful.

Such a monster actually appeared in their Red and Blue Sea Galaxy to compete for immortality not long ago, but they failed to recruit him in the Blue Sea.

The Blue Immortal Lord and his group of fools who have no vision will be punished to face the wall for at least ten or eight years after returning from the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference! At the same time, the Blue Lord was also a little relieved.

When the 1729th Qianyun Galaxy appeared before, he had already asked people to investigate all the information about Zhang Yun's appearance in the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, and knew that the other party was from the lower world continent within the Red Sea range.

Fortunately, this boy did not join the Red Sea.

However, the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy is likely not the place where he is in the Blue Sea and the Red Sea.

"Oh my god, are you sure? Lotus Star Region?"

"Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729, I remember, it was the one who once ranked 19th in the preliminaries and finally dropped to 38th!"

"Is the Zipaojun Immortal who just released a colorful golden fairy aura him?"

"When did this person appear? I have never heard of such a monster in the Lotus Star Region before!"

"Dark horse!! This Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729 is definitely the biggest dark horse in this Fangxian Conference!"

"Don't be a dark horse.

The move just now offended the top star celestial monarchs of all parties.

This person will definitely not have an easy time in the next main competition!!"

"I hope he can be smarter and at least make it into the top ten, just like the dead immortal from the star region in the last session!"

"By the way, that dead immortal is also from the Yun Galaxy.

This Yuyun Galaxy is not in the Lotus Star Region Small galaxy? Why are there so many evildoers coming out one after another? "

"It seems that this Qianyun Galaxy is not that simple!"

While everyone in the Lotus Star Region was amazed at the list, countless creatures from all over the galaxy universe who were paying attention to the Fangxian Tianhui were also amazed.

Before this, the only well-known in the Lotus Star Region was the White Lotus Galaxy.

But at this moment, many creatures remembered the name of the Qianyun Galaxy.

Inside the Wanxian Galaxy, outside a dark red palace on a dark red planet.

The tall woman surrounded by countless dark red flowers looked at the live broadcast and murmured to herself: "Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729... It seems that you are the one who moved the little flower of this deity!"

As she said that, her beautiful eyes slightly narrowed, and her red lips curled slightly: "Interesting!"

Many dark red flowers in the palace stood up immediately.

"No hurry!!"

The tall woman picked up the red wine glass from the side, gently turned the bright red wine in it, and said with a smile: "Since you have brought it to me, I must treat you well... Then, she drank the wine in one gulp.

Pulled a flower from the side, wiped the wine that overflowed from the corner of her lips, and her beautiful eyes looked at the interior of a planet that appeared in the picture with interest.

At this moment, Zhang Yun suddenly appeared in the planet shown in this picture. You have entered the fifth-level planet, Siyu Star! On the top of a mountain with drizzling rain, Zhang Yun looked at the information on the competition token in his hand and raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this time, another paragraph of rules information appeared immediately. There are 9969 planets open in this competition, of which 10 are free planets; 9959 planets are the resident planets of the contestants, and the levels of the resident planets range from zero to five.

All the contestants who entered have been teleported to planets of different levels according to their rankings. The planets, etc. The level depends on the number of star pillars and defense environment on the planet.

All contestants must obtain at least ten star pillars for their own planets within the next month.

Contestants who fail to obtain ten star pillars within a month will be eliminated. Contestants who obtain ten star pillars will enter the Wanxian Star venue for the final competition. How to obtain star pillars: You can plunder by looking for other contestants' planets; you can also go to the ten free planets to obtain them.

A free planet opens every three days, and each free planet has 100 star pillars. Note: The more star pillars you get, the more advantages you will get in the final competition at the Immortal Star Venue.

, "Star pillars?"

Zhang Yun looked at the token, and the token glowed slightly again. Yuxing has become your resident planet, and there are currently five star pillars in the planet.

, "Do you bring five?" Zhang Yun touched his chin.

I understand now.

9959 people, each with a base planet.

Level 0 to Level 5, that is, there are no star pillars: or bring one to five.

That is to say, he only needs to get five more star pillars to enter the Fangxian Star venue.

Huh! With a breath of air, Zhang Yun walked around this level 5 planet called Silk Rain Star. The whole planet was drizzling, and there was a special fairy power in the drizzle, which could be mobilized by the competition token in his hand.

This is obviously the defense environment mentioned in the rules.

If other contestants break in, he can use these drizzles to attack and deploy defenses.

Using the drizzle in the planet in front of him, Zhang Yun estimated that it would take some effort for ordinary immortals to break in.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yun found the five star pillars scattered in the planet and wanted to put them into the Kujin Fairy Palace.

But the competition token in his hand suddenly flashed a warning light. Once the star pillar is placed in the planet where it belongs, the contestant is not allowed to collect it.

You can only collect the star pillars in the planets of other contestants! ! "Must I leave it behind?" Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

After thinking about it, he gathered the five scattered star pillars in a sea area in the center of Siyu Star, and gathered a large amount of fairy power and rain water in the planet at the edge of this sea area.

Then he deployed the remaining rain and fairy power on the periphery of the planet.

Then he left a life-saving clone.

After doing this, he flew out of Siyu Star directly.

, I want to say a few words... Recommended by Yue

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