Chapter 899 Guarding and snatching The rules are already very clear.

Guarding and snatching.

The star pillars of the stationed planet cannot be collected, but can only be placed in the planet, which means that the guarding planet is needed to guard the star pillars.

And while guarding, you have to snatch the star pillars of other contestants' stationed planets to make up ten.

But it is obviously not realistic to want to guard and snatch at the same time.

The best way is to give up guarding and directly plunder ten star pillars.

Of course, this is the best choice for others.

Zhang Yun, he wants to guard and snatch.

The clone guards for life, and the main body snatches. Leave the clone behind, and the main body flies out of the Silk Rain Star.

Looking at the endless void in front of him, he exhaled.

Control the space fairy power and randomly rush in a direction.

Now there are no coordinates, just look at luck.

Which planet you find, you will snatch that planet! "Hmm?"

Just after flying a short distance in the endless void, he suddenly sensed something and turned his head in a strange way to look in the direction of Siyu Star.

His Siyu Star, someone broke in! After thinking about it, Zhang Yun returned the same way.

The outer periphery of Siyu Star at this moment.


"Level 5 planet?"

A purple-robed immortal looked at the information displayed on the competition token, with a strange look on his face, and at the same time, his expression was alert. He ranked more than 500th, but it was only a level 3 planet.

The contestants of this level 5 planet must be ranked at the top.

Wait, the top ranking seems to be that group of bastards, right? Thinking of this, he snorted.

A group of ordinary immortals from the Lotus Star Region, who are not even immortals, actually grabbed a high ranking, and he was angry just thinking about it.

But right now, the five star pillars of this level 5 planet in front of him belong to him! The purple-robed immortal stepped into Siyu Star.

As soon as he came in, countless drizzles shot at him like before.

The purple-robed immortal waved his hand disdainfully, and a large piece of purple immortal power formed a huge arc wave, sweeping across the entire sky.

Countless drizzles were scattered on the spot.

The purple-robed immortal's immortal consciousness swept out, and soon locked onto the central area of ​​the planet, and quickly flashed away.

Soon he came to the periphery of the sea in the center of the Silk Rain Star.

Looking at the five star pillars in the sea that were wrapped in a water cover formed by countless immortal power rain, the purple-robed immortal's eyes became hot.

He raised his hand and the purple immortal power surged up to break the water cover.

But at this time, a figure flew out from the sea, "Get out!"

The purple-robed immortal expected someone, and directly shook his hand, and a layer of purple immortal power turned into an arc wave and swept down.

But his arc wave was stopped by the colorful golden immortal energy halfway.



Seeing the colorful gold, the purple-robed immortal king's eyes condensed.

"It's you!"

Only then did he see the white-robed Zhang Yun clearly, and he was a little surprised, and at the same time, a trace of concentration appeared on his face. The others who ranked at the top might be idiots, but the first Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729 is still quite capable.

After all, the colorful golden fairy energy that the opponent swept out on the waterfall before was quite powerful! ! Boom! Without any hesitation, the purple-robed immortal king's body shook, and the purple fairy power of his whole body surged out, and at the same time he raised a purple-gold bowl.

"Purple Qi Tian Bowl!!"

Just about to offer. "Super Invincible Supreme Handprint!"

Suddenly the sky darkened.

I saw an extremely huge colorful golden handprint, which directly covered the entire sky in his area at this moment.

"!!" The purple-robed immortal king was shocked, and quickly changed the direction of the purple-gold bowl in his hand and offered it to the sky.

The small bowl instantly magnified by a factor of 2, becoming a giant bowl that hit the golden handprint. But Crack! After just one encounter, the giant bowl cracked the handprint. Under the shocked eyes of the Purple Robe Immortal Lord, the entire giant bowl only lasted for half a second before it was crushed by the handprint.

The powerful handprint continued to fall.


The Purple Robe Immortal Lord's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to rush out of the range covered by the handprint, but this range was not something he could rush out of instantly.

Boom! ! As a large area of ​​sea water rose, the Purple Robe Immortal Lord directly blasted the handprint all the way into the depths of the sea.

Zhang Yun's body descended from the pass.

He reached out and lifted up the Purple Robe Immortal Lord who was blasted into a bloody mess from the depths of the sea, and searched for the competition token from him.

Ding! His own competition token also made a sound: Obtained the coordinates of a third-level planet... Looking at the coordinate information that appeared on it, Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

If I grab the token of another contestant, can I directly obtain the coordinates of the other contestant's planet? ? This is convenient! I immediately followed the coordinates and flew out of Siyu Star.

Soon I found a planet full of purple bamboo forests.

The planet of the Purple Robe Immortal Lord is very close to Siyu Star, so it's no wonder that the other party found Siyu Star so quickly.

This Purple Bamboo Star is a third-level planet, and Zhang Yun found three star pillars from it.

The Purple Robe Immortal Lord did not set up much defense against the star pillars.

Bao Kan's plan was obviously not to guard, but to go out and grab ten star pillars directly.

There should be many people who hold this idea.

Zhang Yun thought about it, took out the Supreme Immortal Token and tried to contact, but there was no response, and he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

At present, there are not too many rules and restrictions in this competition. The only restriction is the transmission of the message.

As soon as he arrived at Siyu Star, he actually found that the induction of the Supreme Immortal Token was a little isolated.

"Forget it!"

After exhaling, Zhang Yun put away the token and no longer wanted to contact Su Die and others. Su Die, Qing Jianzun, and Huang Ban all have life-saving items on them. There is no need to worry about their safety before they are triggered. As for Qixianjun and others, he can't do anything if something happens. He is a little worried about the iron mask man.

This future apprentice must not be in trouble, and he couldn't help but pat his head.

He should have prepared a life-saving item for the other party before. "Throat!"

Shaked his head.

No matter what, I will go to the Fangxian Star venue and upgrade the Fangneng Immortal Sword at the Bailian Volcano, and take out the sword embryo that the other party wants.

I want to see it, so I immediately flew out of this Zizhu Star and headed for the endless void.

As for the Purple Robe Immortal Lord, he was teleported out after the competition token was taken away by him.

Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Yun stood on a dry and barren grass planet, and only felt a little headache.

In these three days, he found dozens of planets in succession.

But the annoying thing is that these planets are all zero-level.

Simply put, there are planets without star pillars! And the owners of the planets are not there, obviously they ran out to rob the star pillars.

This kind of resident planet without star pillars is the least worrying.

Flying out of the barren grass planet, Zhang Yun looked at the huge endless void and couldn't help rubbing his temples.

I thought it would only take a few minutes to gather ten star pillars, but now it seems that it is not an easy task. According to the previous situation, the 9959 planets should account for the majority of them. Ding!! The first free planet has been opened, located in your northwest direction... Just when I was having a headache about how to find the planet, a coordinate information suddenly came from the competition token, which made Zhang Yun's eyes light up.

Without saying anything, he immediately flew to the coordinates of the free planet.

, I have two words to say: Recommended by the month

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