Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 107: What did you buy?

Chapter 107 What did you buy?

Si Ningning said, pointing her fingertips as white as magnolia buds at the bald middle-aged woman with a stern look behind her, "And she has to promise that she will have a correct attitude towards work in the future and do less immoral things that are disrespectful to the people. "

It is said that we are all children of a big family, but in fact? Relying on his "iron rice bowl" and high salary to look down on this and that, he has a bit more of a capital flavor than the capitalists that contemporary people despise.

It's okay to be tough and tough when you have money, but that's not the case now at all.

The diners on the first floor had stopped eating and were all eagerly watching the excitement.

Afraid that things would get worse, I turned around to tell the truth to the leader. The bald man looked back at the middle-aged woman and said, "Comrade Zhang..."

 The middle-aged woman swallowed her saliva, stepped forward and bowed to Si Ningning:

“I’m sorry, comrade, I didn’t keep my mouth shut just now, and I did something wrong. I will definitely raise my ideological awareness when I go back, and this will never happen again in the future.”

 She can earn 14 yuan and 50 cents a month from her job, which she cannot afford to lose.

Thinking about it, the middle-aged woman became more sincere, looked around at the crowd and said:

 “Big, big guys, be a witness and come here to eat and supervise at any time!”

Seeing that she had a good attitude, Si Ningning stopped delving into it and handed over the money with a soft "hmm":

 “Don’t forget, my two sesame cookies.”

The middle-aged woman was really frightened by Si Ningning. What she said in the phone call just now was as if she often pulled leaders out to lecture her.

The middle-aged woman thought that Si Ningning was a girl raised by some big leader's family. She was afraid that Si Ningning would go back to complain, so she quickly confirmed:

“I can’t forget it, I can’t forget it, I’ll send it to you in a moment!”

After Si Ningning went upstairs, the middle-aged woman thought that the matter was over. Unexpectedly, the bald man in charge called her to the kitchen:

"I've told you a long time ago that you need to change your temper... You have to look at the person who chooses the dishes, and you also have to look at his identity, right? I told you a long time ago that there are two kinds of people who cannot be offended, one is the leader, and the other is the culture people!"

The bald man thought much more clearly than the middle-aged woman. She had just apologized and looked at Si Ningning calmly. Judging from the fabric of her clothes, it didn't look like Si Ningning had a background. However, she spoke with a smooth pronunciation, so she should be from the city. Educated youth. "Master Chen, I didn't expect to hit the iron plate with this. I won't dare to do it anymore, I really won't!"

The bald man waved his hand, turned around and went to put the cake, "I just pray that the girl really calmed down. If you write a report letter later, and the boss asks about this, I can't help you..."

Si Ningning didn’t know what was going on in the kitchen. Seeing her return to the second floor, Xu Shuhua stretched her neck and asked:

 “Why have you been gone for so long?”

 A group of educated youths were chatting in a lively manner and did not notice the movement on the first floor. Si Ningning did not mention it and said with a smile:

  “Well… I went to the toilet by the way.”

As expected, everyone was not entangled in this matter, but they focused their attention on Li Si Ning Ning’s basket:

“Si Zhiqing, what did you buy? It’s a big bag.”

“I tried to lift it just now, and it was quite heavy.”

Song Xiaoyun nodded, her face full of curiosity.

Si Ningning's crescent-shaped eyebrows frowned slightly. Judging from the looks on everyone's faces, she probably just carried it and didn't lift the top cloth to look at it. Thinking of this, her eyebrows relaxed slightly.

Si Ningning smiled and said:

“I just bought some daily necessities, and then went to the post office. I also sent some things from home...Don’t just talk about me, let’s talk about you? What did you buy?”


 Have you done any online shopping during the Spring Festival?

Ah Yao bought fifty express delivery packages in one go, but none of them were delivered. He was so anxious that he scratched his head and scratched his head!

 (End of this chapter)

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