Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 108: family background

Chapter 108 Family circumstances

Song Xiaoyun glanced at Jiang Yue and said, "There are too many mosquitoes here, so Jiang Yue and I bought tiger balm."

“I don’t have anything to buy. I just came here to join in the fun and get my bearings.” Xu Shuhua scratched her head and said with an embarrassed smile.

Where is there nothing you want to buy? It's just money constraints.

Si Ningning nodded without revealing anything.

On the male educated youth side, silly brother Li Lingyuan sat sideways and bowed, pulling out the big pumpkin from under the table, "Look at this, look at this, Wu Yong and I bought it together! Can you guess how much this big pumpkin costs?" ?”

“Eight points, you just said it several times.” Song Shuhan poured out all the medicine in Li Lingyuan’s gourd.

The next second, I heard Li Lingyuan complaining angrily: "Oh, please introduce someone, I was telling everyone at that time, didn't Si Zhiqing know?"

Song Shuhan shook his head and begged for mercy with a smile. After Li Lingyuan calmed down, he said to the table: "I didn't buy anything. I just bought ink and letter paper."

This is because I didn’t buy what I wanted, so I bought some ink and letter paper.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Yong, who was next to him, suddenly said: "I didn't buy anything, but Mo Bei seems to have gained a lot."

These words successfully focused everyone's attention on Mo Bei. Mo Bei's hand paused slightly. Wu Yong stared at the military kettle in his hand and said, "Mo Bei, where did you buy this kettle? Did it cost a lot of money? "

Mo Bei's brows furrowed briefly, and he responded calmly: "It doesn't cost much. If you want it, I'll take you to buy it next time."

"Huh? Haha... I just asked, I can't afford it."

The tone that was half envious and half sinister made Si Ningning frown.

 Speaking of the fact that educated youths from all over the world gathered here, a total of eight people, even if Jiang Yue once found fault with Si Ningning, Si Ningning did not say that he hated Jiang Yue from the bottom of his heart.

 But Wu Yong is different.    His way of dealing with the world really disgusted Si Ningning in many cases.

There was obviously no conflict, and this incident was not directed at her, but she just felt uncomfortable and disliked Wu Yong even more.

 Perhaps it’s because of a mismatch in aura.

Si Ningning lowered his head.

The casings of military kettles in the 1970s were uniform and single dark green with no other patterns. The camouflage patterned kettle in Mo Bei's hand successfully attracted everyone's attention. Although everyone was curious and envious, they were too sensible to ask any questions.

Although they don't know how much Mo Bei spent to buy this kettle, in the past, they still knew the price of military kettles in the supply and marketing cooperative. They couldn't afford it anyway. In this case, why bother to talk?

Talk too much and ask too many questions, which can cause misunderstanding and make everyone embarrassed.

The lively atmosphere suddenly turned awkward. At this moment, the waiter brought the food ordered by everyone, breaking the silence.

“Eat quickly, eat quickly, and go back as soon as you’re done. If you wait a little longer, the weather will get hotter.”

 “That’s right!”

There were eight people at the table, and everyone ordered different meals. Female educated youths were generally shabby, and they were either porridge or pancakes. Food stamps were not needed for this kind of food. Porridge cost two cents a bowl, and pancakes cost four cents each.

At first glance, the male educated youths seemed much more "luxurious". Among them were Song Shuhan and Mo Bei. One ordered saozi noodles and the other ordered braised pork with rice. They only paid 50 cents for each meal. This era is already one of big spenders.

 It can be seen that these two people have good family backgrounds.

 (End of this chapter)

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