Chapter 125 Chicken

Thinking about it, he held up the largest cluster of elm yellow mushrooms and handed it to Chen Lianmi. Si Ningning said honestly: "Aunt, you have helped me a lot. If I give you anything else, you will definitely not want it. This mushroom grows in the mountains. Yes, it doesn’t cost money. If you don’t mind, just accept it!”

Although trees in the mountains cannot be cut down at will and animals cannot be hunted, mushrooms, dead branches and firewood are not rare things. There are three teams of people who go up the mountain to collect mushrooms every year.

 It’s just that the farming has been busy recently and it hasn’t rained. It’s not the season for fungi to grow, so no one goes up the mountain...

  Indeed it is.

 With strict discipline these days, buying things with money tickets is easy to be labeled as "bribery", but if it is mountain goods that are easily obtained by farmers, that is a different matter.

Si Ningning listened to what he said. Chen Lianmi scolded her and didn't refuse. She took the mushroom and said, "Then let's go back first. You can put your things away and come back later."


Si Ningning picked up the basket again and hurried towards the educated youth spot.

Unknown to everyone, after she turned around, Chen Lianmi stared at her back for a long time.

 In Chen Lianmi’s heart, Si Ningning has completely earned the title of “lucky star”.

Not to mention that the two previously entrusted things were completed. It was not raining and it was not the season for fungi to appear. There was only such a small area at the foot of Nanshan Mountain. Why didn't anyone see the fungi? Only Si Zhiqing did. ?

Why is it that the half-framed yellow mushroom has grown a small piece, so that the other eye is blind?

 So, there is really nothing to say about the fate of this educated youth.

 Having the previous impression of Si Ningning's ability to live a prudent life, Chen Lianmi became more optimistic about Si Ningning.

 On the other side, Si Ningning returned to the educated youth spot.

She went out empty-handed, but came back with a big basket, which quickly attracted the attention of several girls, who all gathered around her, "Ning Ning, where have you been?"

 “Oh my God! So many mushrooms!”

"Last time, the chicken thing was sorted out. I have to go to the team. Let's talk about the rest when I get back!" Si Ningning dumped all the bamboo fungus in the bamboo basket on the floor of the main room, and hung the basket in a hurry. On the clothes drying pole on the doorstep, "If you don't know how to handle the bamboo fungus, just leave it for now. Let's eat the mushrooms for dinner first. Wash them and cook as usual."

The mushrooms are not poisonous, so there is nothing to pay attention to. Si Ningning simply explained a few words and then said: "By the way, this basket is borrowed from someone else. The security captain will pass by here soon. Please tell him for me." , he saw it...he recognized it when he saw it, and returned it to me when the time came. "

By the time he finished speaking, the man had already run out for more than ten meters with his backpack in hand.

 Three female educated youths, you look at me, I look at you, and they slowly say "OK".

When Si Ningning arrived at the production team leader's house, Chen Lianmi had just stewed the sweet potatoes in the pot. She told Sanya to watch the fire and not make it too hot, and then walked out with her hands on her clothes.

When she saw the big basket on Si Ningning's back, Chen Lianmi glared and said, "You silly girl, this is not a very honorable thing. Others can steal it or cover it before it's too late. Why are you carrying such a big basket?"

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, rubbed her nose and said, "Well... Auntie, I didn't expect that just now, but it will get dark soon. It should be okay, right?"

Chen Lianmi scolded, nodded and led Si Ningning around the farm tool warehouse diagonally beside her house and into a small alley.

After walking along the alley for about two minutes, Chen Lianmi stopped and stopped in front of a side door on the alley wall. Si Ningning knew that she had arrived.


Please give me a monthly ticket~ There will be an update of 20,000 yuan tomorrow, remember to come and support~

 (End of this chapter)

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