Chapter 126 Explosive hair

 Chen Lianmi knocked on the door, her old coughing sound accompanied by the sound of her footsteps approaching the door, "Who is it? It's coming (liao), it's coming (liao)."

 The voice of an old lady came.

 Chen Lianmi immediately smiled and said, "Po Hu, it's me, Lianmi."

The door opened in response, and an old lady with a head full of silver hair and tied with rag strips poked out. The old lady was only as tall as Si Ningning's chest. Looking at her posture, her bones were shrunken by her age. She was estimated to be even 1.5 meters tall. None.

Hu Po opened the door and invited the two of them into the house. Si Ningning looked around the small courtyard.

Although it is a brick house and courtyard wall, there are obvious cracks in the wall, and the courtyard is empty. There is nothing except a well in the corner and a large vat and bucket of water.

Si Ningning had some vague suspicions in her heart. She turned around and glanced at Mrs. Hu's feet. Not surprisingly, she saw a pair of three-inch golden lotuses.

 Obviously, this family…

 In the past, it was not an ordinary family.

"Pooh Hu, it's not about anything else. Didn't you say that the chickens hatched yesterday? No, I've brought you some people. You can introduce the educated youth comrades to take a look and choose from them. While the weather is still bright, It’s not dark yet, I’ll go back soon.”

When I was looking around the yard just now, I heard Chen Lianmi and Hu Po doing some household chores. One was introducing Si Ningning, and the other was constantly thanking the other for taking care of them over the years.

Now that Chen Lianmi had said this, Si Ningning didn't stop writing, and quickly stepped forward to say hello, "Hello, mother-in-law, I want a total of six chickens."

  Hu Po moved her steps to lead Si Ningning and Chen Lianmi into the house.

He kept saying, "No, no, no, I don't dare to accept the kindness of you young people."

Si Ningning was confused, Chen Lianmi pulled her up, and from an angle that Granny Hu couldn't see, her mouth moved but she didn't make a sound: "This is a sign of a heart attack..."

Si Ningning was worried about what was going on. She was afraid that she would say the wrong thing and hit the old man's heart. After that, she basically didn't speak much. How much it would cost, money or tickets were all handled by Chen Lianmi.

Si Ningning used the dim light from the window to look into the broken basket after Mrs. Hu took away the old hen.

The basket has been used for a long time, and the tightly tied edges have become loose, and the bamboo strips protruding out are like arrows, which will be pierced if you are not careful.

But this is the outside. There is some straw inside, which has been compacted by the hens and becomes abnormally round. At this time, more than a dozen chicks are walking around, their little heads turning and looking around curiously. The warm yellow and fluffy chickens , not to mention how cute it is.

"Si Zhiqing, eggs cost four cents each, and hatching chicks also costs money. Auntie doesn't show favoritism to anyone. A member of the commune can exchange chickens for ten cents a piece, or a pound and a half of sweet potatoes for one. The same goes for you. Look at this. Can it be done?”

 Sweet potatoes are coarse grains, and the ratio of converting them to fine grains is 3:1. Si Ningning had just finished his job as a cashier and knew that rice at the grain station was 17 cents per catty, so the price given by Mrs. Hu was very real.

 But she can't provide food now, so it's best to use money to solve the problem.

After all, it is the educated youth spot that buys chickens uniformly. Some people are short of money and can't survive without food rations. Some people are rich and don't care about half a catty. However, the gap between the rich and the poor is there. Now that they have to exchange food for food, it will be difficult to make peace when they go back. stall.

Si Ningning stood up quickly and nodded hastily, "Okay, just listen to Auntie. I can rest assured that Auntie will do things."

Chen Lianmi nodded and turned to look at Mrs. Hu, "Comrades from the educated youth have just arrived and don't have much food in their hands. Po Hu, look..."

With the conditions in Mrs. Hu’s family, food is definitely more suitable. As for money, she can’t spend it without tickets.

However, Chen Lianmi had already said this, and Mrs. Hu didn't want to embarrass Si Ningning, so she said: "Then it's only a dime each."

 The old woman must have asthma, and there was a "roaring" in her throat, as if a rooster was stuck in her throat. Anyone could hear her physical discomfort.

Si Ningning didn’t do ink, so he neatly took out a handful of cents from his pocket, counted them clearly by the window, and handed them to Chen Lianmi.

Chen Lianmi counted it again and made sure there was no problem before handing the money to Mrs. Hu, "Pouch Hu, please order some more of this money."

 Hu Po's eyes narrowed to a slit, and her face was almost pressed against the few cents. After checking it to make sure it was OK, she raised her hand and asked Si Ningning to pick the chicken.

Si Ningning didn’t know how to pick a pig, and naturally he didn’t know how to pick a chicken, so he turned to Chen Lianmi for help, “Auntie, can you help me take a look? I don’t want a rooster, I just want a chicken that can lay eggs.”

Each household can only raise three chickens at most. The eggs can be taken to the supply and marketing cooperative to exchange for daily needs. The cooperative members are willing to raise hens instead of roosters. Si Ningning’s request is also reasonable.

Chicks that have just hatched a few days ago basically look the same. A layman can't tell the difference between a male and a female, but Chen Lianmi understands, "It's easy to tell the difference between male and female chicks."

Chen Lianmi squatted down and fished out a chick with familiarity. "Look at this chick, it has pointy **** hairs, it is probably a rooster. The oval shape of its **** is designated as a hen. If you still can't confirm, Just listen to the cries of the chickens. The cries of the roosters are crisp and clear, while the cries of the hens are much softer.”

Si Ningning listened carefully.

It really is.

The chicken in Chen Lianmi's hand has a very clear and loud cry. The other chicken with an oval **** has a softer and tinier cry.

With one hand of money and one hand of goods, six chicks were put into the basket on the back, and there were seven or eight chicks in the broken basket. Si Ningning was moved in her heart and asked Granny Hu: "Grandma, one family can only raise three chickens, how about you?" There are so many chicks, what to do with them?”

Chen Lianmi simply thought that Si Ningning was worried about Granny Hu, so she immediately smiled and answered on her behalf: "In our team, we only care about Granny Hu's skills in hatching chicks. We will let the news out tomorrow and just wait for them to come... You, just Keep it in your heart."

Hu Po also laughed twice, looking at Si Ningning with turbid eyes, and kindly reminded: "Girl, I don't want to scare you. These chickens are solid. Just take it back and feel free to feed it some rice bran." Reptiles grow fast! But you have to remember one thing: the chicks are small now, and not only are weasels watching, but also night cats (rats).”

Si Ningning nodded quickly and said that he had remembered it, but he was thinking: Weasels and night cats?

Looks like she, the liar, is going online again.

 Si Ningning:╮(╯▽╰)╭

 Coming out of Granny Hu's house, Si Ningning heard more or less some news from Chen Lianmi.

For example, Mrs. Hu’s surname is not Hu, but her husband’s surname is Hu.

  For another example, the Hu family used to be landlords.

 A decade ago, there was a prosperous family. Now, the trees have fallen and the animals have dispersed. Only Po Hu and a married granddaughter are left in the family.

Since the Hu family was a philanthropic family in the past, the roads and bridges in the mountains were originally built by the Hu family, but were later widened and reinforced.

Some people came over to make trouble before, but they were stopped by Zhao Hongbing, who of course had become the captain. After several twists and turns, they probably knew that Zhao Hongbing was a tough guy, so those people gradually stopped coming.

 All in all, the Hu family has done a lot of good deeds. People say that if you sow good causes, you will get good results. This is probably the truth.

 Later, Hu Xiaomei got married, and Hu Po lived in seclusion.

Poor, the members of the team can't help, but today a handful of cowpea can still come out of the two eggplant tomorrow. If you help it, you will come to this day without knowing it.

 That's all.

"Being kind to others doesn't matter how much feedback you can get, but if you encounter any trouble, there will definitely be someone willing to help." Before parting, Chen Lianmi said this.

Si Ningning nodded in agreement. Just as he was about to say something, Chen Lianmi suddenly changed the subject: "Last time you asked me about raising pigs. Are you interested in this?"

"Ah, this..." Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and scratched the side of his face with his index finger in embarrassment.

How to explain?

 Why is she interested in raising pigs?

 In fact, the pig feed in the space was almost exhausted at that time, and she was anxious to solve the problem of pig "rations".

  Unexpectedly, Chen Lianmi would actually keep this matter in mind.

 Hey, this is really...! you

Si Ningning hesitated and wanted to find some excuse to smooth things over. However, Chen Lianmi seemed to notice her coyness and did not ask any more questions. Instead, she smiled meaningfully, waved her hand and said it was getting dark. Let her go back first.

Si Ningning was a little confused, but in order to avoid falling into a deeper deadlock, she thanked her and turned back to the educated youth point.

 Walking all the way to the corner of the old house in the grove, Si Ningning looked stiff and suddenly stopped.

 A warm feeling surged out of his lower abdomen. Combined with the discomfort in his stomach in the afternoon and the inexplicable irritability and worry, Si Ningning more or less understood something.

 She, the aunt is here.

Looking around stiffly to make sure there was no one around, Si Ningning swung into the space through the darkness and placed the basket flat on his back in the living room. Si Ningning hurried to the bathroom and took off his pants.

 The quantity is extremely large and the color is not normal...

 “Huh…” Si Ningning breathed out.

With the fishy smell coming into his nose, Si Ningning pulled at the roll of paper frantically, and his eyes suddenly turned red, "Why do women have to suffer like this?"

 In memory, the original body's physical condition was not really good due to insufficient daily nutritional supply. Things like being an aunt happened intermittently, and it was very common not to come back every two or three months.

 It should be that her diet has improved significantly in the past month and her physical condition has obviously improved. However, even so, it is obvious that she still needs further conditioning.

Si Ningning estimated that her aunt would have arrived in the afternoon, but she didn't notice it at the time. Fortunately, the pants she wore were black, which prevented her from making a fool of herself.

Si Ningning wiped away the blood, soaked her underwear and pants separately, took a shower to wash away the fishy smell, put on a towel and put on clean clothes, feeling better now.

 Thanks to the previous three stores, the items were not wasted, and there were a lot of black pants of the same specification, or similar specifications, so she had enough clothes to change in time.

I made a cup of brown sugar water. After drinking it, my lower abdomen felt warm and comfortable. I sweated a lot on my forehead. Si Ningning flushed my face and then carried the basket on my back to get out of the room.

There was no one on the trail, the sky was already dark, and there were trees all around, so no light could come in, making it look particularly gloomy.

 Rubbing the goosebumps on his arms, Si Ningning jumped back and ran back.

Smoke drifted out of the chimney of Zhiqingdian, and the top of the bamboo forest swayed back and forth, and a faint outline could be seen in the dark sky. Decorated by the smoke, the clouds and fog looked like an ink painting.

Xu Shuhua was cooking in the kitchen, and the others were scattered in front of the door. From time to time, she glanced to the side of the house. When she saw Si Ningning coming back, Jiang Yue was the first to greet him, "How is it? Where is the chicken? Give it to me. take a look!"

Others gathered around one after another. Because of his aunt, Si Ningning was absent-minded and simply handed the basket over, "One cent each, six cents in total."

 “Wow! It’s so fluffy and so cute!”

"This is the first time I've seen a chicken. It looks nothing like a big chicken. Are you sure you're not mistaken? Huh? Where's Si Ningning?" Jiang Yue looked up. Among the people around her, she didn't see Si Ningning. Ning Ning.

Si Ningning had already entered the house while everyone was looking at the chicken, and now she was lying face down on the bed.

Jiang Yue handed the basket to the male educated youth, walked into the room and stood beside Si Ningning's bed.

Jiang Yue has a somewhat arrogant temperament. Even though she and Si Ningning have reconciled, they don't have many daily interactions. In normal interactions, they only nod and say "um ah oh" a few times.

Seeing that something was wrong with Si Ningning, Jiang Yue hesitated and hesitated, and finally said tentatively: "Hey, what's wrong with you? The chicken seller doesn't sound nice?"

"No..." Si Ningning replied feebly and waved his hands, "I'm just a little sleepy, I'll go to sleep first."

 “Aren’t you going to have dinner?”

 “Don’t eat.”

“Isn’t that ration in vain? Are you stupid? Can’t you sleep after eating?”

 Jiang Yue's concerns were reasonable, but Si Ningning really couldn't bring himself to do it.

Auntie was originally in a bad mood. She took a dip in cold water in the afternoon. Now her waist is sore and her belly is bloated and uncomfortable.

Jiang Yue kept talking nonstop, but Si Ningning couldn't hold it back. She stood up and pushed Jiang Yue, "I told you not to eat, can you please leave me alone for a while?"

The person who is usually as clever as a lark suddenly lost his temper and his eyes widened, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

Jiang Yue didn't know why Si Ningning was like this, but her kind suggestion was treated like this. She opened and closed her nose and was very angry, "Why are you like this? I obviously mean well!"

How could Si Ningning have the patience to listen to her continued chatter at this moment?

With a sound of "Duang", the man lay down again and covered his head with a pillow. Jiang Yue was so angry that she fell backwards again.

  "Good intentions are just like a donkey's liver and lungs, and you're a capitalist lady! Look, I won't care about you anymore!" Jiang Yue stamped her feet fiercely, slammed the door and left.

Just as the rice was ready, Xu Shuhua came out of the kitchen to call people to eat. When she saw Jiang Yue was furious, she asked casually, "What's going on?"

“I don’t know!” Jiang Yue snorted loudly, turned around and walked out of the hall door.

“It’s time to eat, where are you going?”

Xu Shuhua shouted, but no one answered.

“Why is it like a firecracker? It’s on fire before it’s even lit?”


Xu Shuhua called Si Ningning for dinner, but Si Ningning didn't get up. When she woke up, it was already past three o'clock in the middle of the night.

 (End of this chapter)

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