Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 129: rubber factory

Chapter 129 Rubber Factory

That's the candy she usually eats. It's the same kind of candy she gives to Hegu and Sanya. In this day and age, you can tell just by looking at the packaging of this candy that it's not cheap.

Zhang Yuemei was heartbroken, but Si Ningning also had a sweet taste, and said cheerfully: "This candy is not easy to get. I just heard that the granddaughter of the director's family is having a birthday, so I can give it to the child to have a taste."

 Making small change and giving away are both ways to facilitate transactions, but they are essentially different.

For example, the rice and roast duck sold by Si Ningning are not expensive according to the market price, but they can be bought at a lower price. The only difference is the quality.

 The buyer is willing to pay for it because he knows it is worth the money. No matter if you give him a small change or consider it a little cheaper, it will only make people feel that he is taking advantage.

 You can calculate the price normally, but give something extra as a gift, and the effect will be different.

 Because, gift = get for free.

  Sometimes a gift of one or two cents can make buyers happier than a direct discount of five cents.

 Zhang Yuemei is this kind of person.

"Little comrade, you have such an amazing mouth... Okay, I'll take all of it!" Zhang Yuemei hesitated for a moment, then suddenly smiled, but in the blink of an eye, she stared at Si Ningning shrewdly again, "You said, this rice weighs only a pound. Two, nearly four kilograms of roast duck, that’s right, right?”

 “If you are looking for a long-term business, you will never be deceived.”

"We are all from a big revolutionary family, I will trust you once." Zhang Yuemei sighed with a smile, took out a rolled handkerchief from her trouser pocket, slowly opened the handkerchief and counted a stack of bills and handed it to the Secretary. Ning Ning said, "It's five yuan and four cents in total. Check to see if the number is correct."

“Yes, I’m watching it all! Nothing can go wrong.”

 After paying with one hand and delivering the goods with the other, the rice bag still had to be returned to Si Ningning. Zhang Yuemei went upstairs while Si Ningning waited downstairs.

 Actually, Zhang Yuemei still felt a little confused.

Holding the things in her hands, she felt that the weight was not a big problem, but she was afraid of missing one or two taels. For this reason, after going upstairs, Zhang Yuemei stood at the corridor window and glanced down, and saw that Si Ningning was still standing In that shadow, my heart relaxed slightly.

The fact that people are still here shows that it can withstand scrutiny.

Zhang Yuemei opened the door and entered the house. Three men in the house were sitting at the table drinking tea and talking. When they heard the movement, they all looked towards the door.

 Fu Hongshu loves his wife, daughter, and grandson. He is a big business owner who frequently visits the black market. He has experienced similar situations many times, so Zhang Yuemei is particularly comfortable in dealing with them.

She directly lifted the thing and raised it towards Fu Hongshu, laughing and scolding: "Look at you old thing, you are still angry with a child. The sun is so big that people stand downstairs to bask in it. When I get back, my aunt will The uncle who is designated to scold you does not feel sorry for your nephew at all."

Fu Hongshu entered the scene in a second and said with a straight face: "I called him just now, but that kid ignored me. Tell me, do you want me, an elder, to bow to him?"

The Fu family and his wife sang together. Fu Hongshu was talking to Si Ningning downstairs just now, but Si Ningning did not follow him upstairs. Zhou Limin and his son had no doubt at all. At the same time, they constructed a story of the origin and end of the incident in their minds:

Eighty percent of the time there was a quarrel between the uncle and nephew. Both of them were stubborn and neither of them bowed their heads.

That boy didn't go upstairs with Director Fu, and he didn't even give Director Fu anything.

  This is not giving face to the uncle, but only recognizing the aunt!

Zhou Limin smiled and said a few words: "Young and vigorous young man, this is how he got here, he will be fine in two years."

Zhang Yuemei smiled and said nothing. She went into the kitchen and took out the steel scale from a dead end, and weighed the rice and roast duck. Zhang Yuemei's eyes widened at this weighing.

 Good guy!

 Let alone being short of a jin or a liang, even if you weigh Tuo, you can't stop it!

This time I really took advantage of it!

 Zhang Yuemei's brows were filled with joy, and her hands were so happy that she couldn't stop trembling.

Zhang Yuemei hurriedly poured the rice into the rice jar, fearing that a grain of rice would remain. She shook the rice bag again and again. Finally, she grabbed two handfuls of the pumpkin seeds fried the night before and stuffed them into the empty rice bag. Then she walked out of the kitchen with her bag in hand. .

“Hey, the child is still waiting downstairs. I’ll pack some fried melon seeds for his mother. Master, please sit with the guests first, and I’ll go upstairs to cook in a while.”

 “Okay, go ahead and don’t really heat up that little kid.”

Zhang Yuemei turned around and went downstairs to hand the rice bag to Si Ningning. Si Ningning weighed the contents and before opening the small opening to take a look, Zhang Yuemei told the truth that the rice bag was filled with fried melon seeds for Si Ningning to eat and play with.

 In the less affluent era, frying melon seeds was also a sign of sincerity.

Si Ningning roughly understood what Zhang Yuemei meant, nodded and put it in the basket, "Auntie, come back. Next time I have something, I'll come to you first."

 The smile on Zhang Yuemei's face became even bigger, and she followed two steps behind, "You still don't know what your little comrade's name is?"

what is it call…

Si Ningning’s steps slowed down.

 The real name must not be said.

Just when Si Ningning was hesitant to give her a nickname, Zhang Yuemei misunderstood because of her hesitation just now, "It doesn't matter if it's not convenient to reveal. Next time you come, if anyone asks, just say Your name is Jidong, Chen Jidong.”

Si Ningning looked puzzled, and Zhang Yuemei explained with a smile: "This is the name of my aunt's son."

Si Ningning immediately understood that she was asking her to send something in the name of her nephew!

 It is not considered opportunistic to send gifts among relatives.

“I understand, Auntie, come back!” Si Ningning threw the basket on her back and walked briskly out of the alley.

This time, what I took in my hand was only more than five yuan, which of course was not enough for Si Ningning's trip.

Seeing that half a day had passed, Si Ningning couldn't help but quicken his pace.

 She has a new target location, which is the rubber factory mentioned in the conversation between Director Fu and the father and son.

Si Ningning didn’t know the exact location of the rubber factory, so he could only ask people when he saw it along the road.

People just thought she came from the production team in the town to find relatives, but they didn't know that the person in front of them was a bad guy.

The rubber factory is not in the town block, but like the previous black market, it is far away from the main street of the town. Si Ningning walked for forty minutes before crossing the last alley to reach the back door of the rubber factory.

At this time, the lunch break was over. The workers in the rubber factory took advantage of the last ten minutes to rush from the dormitory to the factory. Si Ningning was looking for these ten minutes.

What she didn't expect was that there was another bad guy who came here before her.

 And not just one or two, there are six people in total including her, and one of them is familiar, isn't it the monkey head?

Si Ningning was carrying a basket on his back, and was wearing a mandarin jacket that wished it was so white that it could shine. It was completely different from the sweat-stained and dusty jackets worn by people in this era. The moment he almost stepped out of the corner, he was attracted by The eyes of most people in the back alley. The workers in the rubber factory only glanced at each other and then looked away, continuing to bargain with the salesmen. The salesmen seemed to be focusing on business, but in fact four of them frequently looked sideways and looked at Si Ningning with vigilant eyes.

 Obviously, they had deduced Si Ningning's identity, and they were not very willing for anyone to join in and take a piece of the pie from them.

Si Ningning slowed down for a moment, then put the basket down from his shoulder and walked slowly into the alley with the basket in hand.

One of the guys couldn't stand up anymore, so he said to another tall guy: "Brother Yang, do you want..."

 The words have not been finished, but what does it mean? Everyone is shaking.

The speaker was a little boy with a crew cut of over 1.6 meters. When he said this, he carefully looked at him. The new boy was quite tall, but very thin. If he wanted to **** him, he would be 80% capable. Beaten.

The thin tall Si Ningning had already found a suitable place to stand and was preparing to set up a stall, completely unaware of the man's plan.

Hearing the words of his fellow trader, Hou Tou immediately waved his hands and apologized, "No, Brother Huang, I know our own people! They are all our own people, and he has many good things in his hands, which may be helpful to us in the future... You can't do it, really." No offense!”

The others who were traveling with him still looked unkind, and the monkey head once again said, "If you are unhappy, I will go over and talk to him!"

 After saying that, before his companions could reply, the monkey head had already run towards Si Ningning.

“You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. You have just arrived in Bahe Town for two days and you dare to come here!” This was the first thing the monkey said when he approached Si Ningning.

Si Ningning nodded as a greeting, and then asked: "Is there anyone who has a monopoly on this area?"

The monkey head nodded slightly and glanced sideways at the people behind him.

Si Ningning took advantage of the situation and looked over.

She had noticed when she entered the alley just now. Among the five gangsters, there were three tall ones with shiny skin on their shoulders and faintly visible muscle lines. In this era and in the south, they could indeed be considered tall and tall people in the market, and judging from their facial features, , the three of them are not very old, they should still be brothers.

Si Ningning is not blind, so it’s not that she can’t see the vigilance and rejection in their eyes, but everyone is in a dilemma, and she feels that these people will not be able to get things done.

“Are you their younger brother who came here to be a lobbyist?”

The monkey head was stunned for a moment, thinking that "little brother" meant the youngest among the brothers. He quickly shook his head and explained: "We are not in the same production team, but I share the business of the rubber factory... In fact, I stand in the crack of the wall to make a living. , no right to speak.”

"I didn't want to join in, but you're new here, and I took advantage of you yesterday, so I came here to remind you that if there's no one behind you, you'd better leave from here!" The monkey head turned towards his colleagues. The old man smiled flatteringly, turned around again and lowered his voice, "This brother is ruthless and is not someone to be trifled with."

Si Ningning was silent for a moment, her brain working rapidly, and she thought about all the pros and cons. She asked tentatively: "It's not easy for everyone, don't make it difficult for anyone, I will give them some benefits, and I will be the one to do the rubber factory business in the future. You What do you think is the probability of this happening?”

The rubber factory was the only factory in the town. In this era, workers were also divided into grades. They were graded according to the year they worked. The salary for newcomers in the first two years was generally around 14.7 yuan. After that, there were two grades, 27.5 yuan and Forty-three dollars and two.

Even if it is just a town factory, this job is also a kind of state-owned job. It is an iron rice bowl, with various monthly voucher subsidies, so the workers have more money than others.

In addition to the black market, the rubber factory here should be the place where the dealers can ship goods most efficiently and make money more easily. Since the three brothers mentioned by Hou Tou can monopolize this place, it is enough to show that their fists are strong enough.

 For Si Ningning, there are many places where she can ship goods, but so far, the black market and the rubber factory are undoubtedly the best places. After all, there are not many opportunities for her to come out.

Thinking about it, she added, "If possible, I hope they can keep an eye on me more and don't let other bad guys come over and cause trouble for me."

 After speaking out some words, the monkey head opened its mouth wide and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Si Ningning frowned and looked at the monkey head with his long and narrow eyes, "Not even a 10% chance?"

"No, no, let me go and ask!" Houtou shook his head hurriedly. After Si Ningning nodded, he got up and ran back to the man named Gu Yang, dancing and talking and gesticulating.

Of course, Houtou embellished Si Ningning’s words, but he did not dare to say the original words directly.

Gu Yang said nothing, but when the monkey head spoke, he stared at Si Ningning for a while. Si Ningning was not afraid to look at him. Finally, Gu Yang took the lead to look away and waved his hand at the monkey head. .

Houtou was stunned for a moment and asked: "Brother Yang, five, five yuan?"

 “Five angles.”

Hou Tou suddenly dropped his heart and said hurriedly: "Okay, I'll go tell him!"

Houtou brought the news to Si Ningning, who was still a little confused, "Are you sure it's Wu Jiao?"

 She thought she would get more than ten yuan, but in the end, she only needed 50 cents?

Houtou said with emotion: "Brother Yang used to be quite ruthless, but things are a little different after marrying a wife... Do you have money or not? Hurry up, if you miss this village, there will be no shop like this!"

Si Ningning neatly took out 50 cents and gave it to the monkey head, "I owe you a favor."

“It’s not that serious. I’ll give you my two cents for something good next time, which is worth more than anything else.”

Houtou smiled and took the money and was about to leave. Si Ningning grabbed his arm again and said, "Take the money and keep your word."

 “Don’t worry.”

Si Ningning felt confused. After all, his job was not a glorious one. If he was really cheated, he would not be able to talk about it, let alone let others judge him.

 Fortunately, it’s only fifty cents, so it’s just a waste of money.

Si Ningning thought this, but she didn't expect that "Brother Yang" and the others meant what they said, not to mention that they were looking for trouble for her, and they didn't even look here after that.

Si Ningning was completely relieved. After such a short delay, many workers had already entered the rubber factory, and there were fewer and fewer buyers. Si Ningning was a little anxious. He held the basket and said in a low voice, "I have meat here." "

The alley fell into silence for a second, and everyone turned around, including the boss, who also looked at Si Ningning.

Si Ningning frowned, what kind of look is that?

 However, the next second she knew what this look meant.

Everyone swarmed up and pushed her directly from the alley to the corner, "Meat? Fat or not? How much is it? Do you want a ticket?"

 “How much? I want half a catty!”

 “I want a pound!”

 “Can you pick the fat ones to buy?”

 After everyone pushed Si Ningning into the corner, they each took a step back to create a small circle.

 (End of this chapter)

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