Chapter 130 Scrap Station

Si Ningning was a little embarrassed and said: "It's not pork, it's roast chicken and roast duck, one each... In addition to this, there are also noodles and a military kettle."

When they heard it was not pork, one-third of the people immediately gave up the idea, shook their heads and left.

 The remaining two-thirds of the people were still stopping, wanting to take a look at the quality of the things.

Si Ningning took out a roast duck from the basket, peeled off a bit of plastic wrap and handed it to others to look at. Once someone reached out to touch it, she immediately withdrew her hand and frowned as a reminder: "You can only look at it, not touch it."

 “What’s the price of this chicken?” someone asked.

"This is a duck." Si Ningning kept saying the same thing, "It weighs three and a half to four kilograms. It has been oiled and seasoned. It costs three yuan a piece without a ticket."

The plastic film was opened in a small corner, revealing the roasted red and shiny duck skin. Regardless of whether it smells good or not, just seeing the light is enough to make people unable to take their eyes off it.

 Many people were excited, but when they heard that Si Ningning was not honored, they immediately backed down.

With just a few pounds and a few taels, it was even more difficult to convince the old guys at the rubber factory that Si Ningning was different from "Brother Yang" and the others. She was a new face.

 As a result, another group of people chose to evacuate.

Finally, I tried my best to come here and make a lot of money, but in the end I only sold a roast duck and a military kettle.

 The roast duck was bought by four people together.

The workers returned to work in the rubber factory, and the alley became empty. Si Ningning sighed and gathered her things. She hooked up the rope of the basket and was about to put it on her shoulders, when a pair of feet staring at straw sandals suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

  She raised her head, and the dazzling sunlight shone down from the top of her head. Under the messy broken hair on her forehead, her eyes were narrowed.

The man called Brother Yang by the monkey head stood in front of her, looking down at her.


 Is this going back on your word and looking for trouble?

Si Ningning narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but heard the other party ask in a low voice: "You still have a chicken, right?"

“…” Si Ningning nodded, “Yeah.”

Gu Yang asked for the remaining roast chicken in Si Ningning's hand.

Roast chicken is not as heavy as roast duck, about two pounds. Si Ningning calculates it at two pounds. Live chickens and ducks on the market cost 68 cents per pound, while roasted ones sell for 80 cents per pound.

 This is reasonable. After all, according to normal "investment", roast chicken and roast duck not only need to be brushed with oil and added with ingredients, but also the weight of feathers and internal organs must be shaved off.

Gu Yang took the roasted chicken and weighed it. After making sure it was okay, he directly took off the plastic wrap, pulled off two chicken legs and handed them to his two brothers behind him.

Although the two young men behind him are tall and strong, their faces look childish, and they should be around sixteen or seventeen years old.

One of the teenagers took the chicken leg neatly, and the other shook his head and declined, "Brother Yang, I'm not hungry. Let's save this for my grandma and sister-in-law."

"And." Without saying a word, Gu Yang stuffed the chicken legs into the boy who refused, then wrapped them in plastic wrap and stuffed the remaining roast chicken into the bamboo basket on his waist. He looked at Si Ningning, "Rubber The factory’s business is not that easy. Next time I have to sell goods, I’ll bring a scale in advance.”

 This is probably a friendly reminder.

 “Thank you.” Si Ningning put the money into his pocket and thanked him gently.

Gu Yang and others climbed over the wall from the alley and left, while Si Ningning put the basket on her back and turned around and walked towards the main street of the town.

I was in such a hurry that I didn’t pay much attention to both sides of the alley. When I went back, I discovered that there was a green-painted scrap yard a few steps away from a corner of the alley.

The scrap yard is not large in size. There is a rocking chair placed inside the door. A thin old man with a pointed head and a bald head is lying on the rocking chair and swinging a cattail leaf fan. He is indifferent to the people coming and going, let alone interested.

Just looking at the green paint on the door, Si Ningning knew the reason.

 What else could it be? If there is a public meal, just accept it if there are people there, and never say a word if there is no one.

Si Ningning took a look and was about to leave. From the corner of her eye, she inadvertently saw the wooden boards and small tables in the room. She felt a little moved in her heart and walked in.

Among the piles of rags, the small table was particularly exquisite. It had a white lacquered top and golden lace on the corners and legs, which was a Western style in the late Qing Dynasty.

 Exquisite and luxurious, but unfortunately, a hole as big as a fist was smashed into the tabletop, but it can still be used by nailing a new board.

 “To be a gentleman of the people, you must first be a student of the people. Old comrade, do you want to sell the small table?”

“Serve the people.” The old man lazily picked up the quotation without even raising his eyes. “Wood costs one penny and two pounds, and porcelain costs five cents per pound. Pick out what you want, and weigh it after you finish.”

 On weighing?

Moreover, there is porcelain?

Si Ningning’s eyelids twitched. Is this what she thought?

The old man didn't say anything. He turned the cattail leaf fan upside down and pointed toward the room, asking Si Ningning to go in and take a look.

Si Ningning didn't do any ink. He put the basket at the door and walked in by himself.

The scrap station doesn’t look big from the outside, but after taking a few steps inside, you find that there is another compartment inside. The compartment is closed, has no windows and is not ventilated, the light is not good, and the smell inside is also very strange.

Si Ningning had smelled a similar smell before when he first arrived at the Third Team to clean up the educated youth camp. It was actually the smell of rat excrement and damp musty.

Glancing from both sides, Si Ningning took a small iron rod against the wall. She was not afraid of mice, but she was concerned about dust and excrement being dirty.

There are a lot of things in the room, including broken drawers and screens, copper basins, iron bowls, broken porcelain pieces, and some cupboards.

 Some items are completely in tatters, while others appear to be well-preserved, but have suffered varying degrees of man-made damage.

Most of these things are "publicly paid". If a big shot takes them home for their own use, they may be accused of being private and capitalist, so they are all sent to the scrapyard.

Because most of them are porcelain bowls and wood-type things. People in this era don’t know much about it. Bowls are available at home. As for wood and other things, if you can’t afford coal for the winter and don’t have enough firewood, you will come to a place like the scrapyard. Go shopping, buy some broken tables and benches, chop them up and use them as firewood.

 After all, this is much more cost-effective than buying coal.

Si Ningning originally just wanted to find a table to use back home, but when he heard that there was also porcelain, he couldn't help but become a little interested. If he wanted to find some valuable porcelain and make a fortune, that's not the case. However, when I was rummaging through a pile of junk, I did expect that I would be the lucky one and find something good.

Si Ningning used an iron rod to test and came across a snakeskin bag. The contents inside and the iron rod made a crisp sound when they hit it.

Si Ningning immediately put down the iron rod, grabbed the edge of the snakeskin bag, lowered the bag, and slowly poured out the contents.

The outer layer was made of some rags. When Si Ningning pulled it, small black particles were faintly shaken out from the inside. Along with the weird smell, Si Ningning knew that those were rat droppings.

She was a little disgusted, so she grabbed the iron rod instead of her hand and opened the offal, revealing the dishes underneath.

Turning the plate bottom up, there was a square red stamp printed on the bottom. The light was not good, and Si Ningning couldn't see clearly what year the red stamp was on, but her intuition told her that it was most likely a good thing!

Si Ningning quickly turned the plate over, and when she saw the pattern on it, her eyes widened.

 Good guy! !

The plate has a white base with a ring of sapphire blue and white on the outside. The blue and white lines are smooth and the colors are well-proportioned. It looks very delicate just by looking at it. But the bad thing is that there is a big, fiery red and majestic rooster printed on the bottom of the plate!

Si Ningning doesn’t know much about antiques, but he has watched many treasure appraisal columns in the past and has more or less superficial knowledge, but no antique can be matched like this.

It’s so true and false that it can’t be false anymore!

Turning the plate upside down, Si Ningning could vaguely see the words stamped in red on the bottom: The Third Kiln Factory of Xi County, Province H.

Si Ningning felt the veins on his forehead pulsing. He sighed and put the things back into the snakeskin bag. After that, he searched a few times in the same manner. He didn't find any reliable porcelain, but he did find a gold spoon.

The handle of the spoon was cylindrical with vague carvings on it. Si Ningning weighed it in his hands and estimated that it weighed about 25 to 30 grams. If it was gold, then the entire spoon should be solid.

 After finishing the counting, Si Ningning stopped and ordered a small table and wooden board outside for the old man to weigh.

 State-owned enterprises use public scales for weighing, and the weight scale is unified across the country. The weighing rod alone is one meter long.

The old man brought a pole, **** the things, and used the pole to pass through the steelyard. He asked Si Ningning to carry one end and stretched out the table and the board. I’ll give you two taels, a total of one dime and three cents.”

The old man waved his hand and signaled Si Ningning to put down the pole. He took the pole away and said, "There is a hemp rope here. If you want the hemp rope, I will tie it up for you. It will cost you an extra penny."

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded and handed over the golden spoon, "How much does this cost? Let's calculate it together."

The old man was bending down to tie the table. When he saw the golden spoon, he raised his head and stared at Si Ningning, "It's fifty cents the size of gold."

Si Ningning nodded and was about to pay. The old man said in a deep tone, "How many times have people scanned this place? Little boy, let me tell you straight away, this thing has a lot of water, it can't be real." of."

These years are turbulent, but gold is a symbol of wealth no matter what era it is. It does not mean that it will depreciate just because of the turbulent years.

Even if it does depreciate, it will be a general depreciation of prices, and it is impossible for gold to depreciate alone.

To avoid suspicion, the superiors generally do not take away these items. They are taken to the scrap station for disposal. The real benefits include those who ransack their homes and some local residents who have many ideas and are far-sighted.

I don’t know how many brave people are staring at the scrapyard in the dark, waiting for new things to be delivered every month so that they can catch the first wave.

Before Si Ningning came here this month, the scrapyard had been raided by different people more than ten times. Even if there was real money and silver hidden in it, it had already been looted.

Si Ningning was quick-thinking and probably understood what the old man meant, but she smiled faintly and handed over the sixty-three cents, "It's not a glorious thing. I hope the old comrade won't reveal it to anyone."

There are only a few people who dare to come to the scrap station to pan for gold but are ruthless. The old man from the scrap station took the money and saw that Si Ningning had made up his mind and said nothing. He waved the back of his hand toward the door, signaling that Si Ningning could leave.

Si Ningning stuffed the spoon into her pocket, actually putting it into the space. She picked up the basket and thanked her, then walked out of the scrapyard with the tied table in her arms.

After turning two corners in the alley, she faintly heard the sound of pedestrians walking and talking on the main street not far ahead. Si Ningning put down the table and looked around while wiping the sweat from her forehead to make sure there was no one around. She put the table away Entering the space, carrying the empty basket out of the alley.

 There are a lot of space supplies and they are complete. Si Ningning basically does not need to buy anything else. However, the problem with most of the things is in the packaging, and there is no way to take them out directly.

Si Ningning thought about it carefully and realized that it could not be taken out directly. It should be possible to process it.

It was close to three o'clock in the afternoon, and he still had to walk a long way home. Si Ningning didn't dare to delay and went straight to the supply and marketing cooperative.

 Considering that the candies scattered before were too eye-catching, giving it once or twice is fine. Giving too much will not only be eye-catching, but may also arouse unnecessary suspicion.

Si Ningning asked the supply and marketing cooperative about the price of fruit candies. They were two for one cent and the packaging was very simple.

Si Ningning asked for 50 cents and bought a hundred pills, which he estimated to be about two kilograms.

The salesperson was still the same Comrade Xiao He as last time. She didn’t recognize Si Ningning in disguise. After Si Ningning gave her the money, she offered a transparent plastic bag about the same size as a snake skin.

The plastic bag was filled with fruit candies. She scooped out two scoops with a gourd and counted them one by one in front of Si Ningning.

 Luckily there are no other customers at the supply and marketing cooperative at the moment, otherwise the designated person would be so anxious that he would stomp his feet.

While the salesperson was counting the candies, Si Ningning asked, "Are they sold on a scale here?"

“No, you can go to the department store. There is a special equipment store on the corner of the first floor.”

Si Ningning said "Oh" and asked again: "Are there tooth saws and plastic bags for sale here? The bags don't need to be too big, just palm-sized ones."

"You're talking about brown sugar bags, right? There are some, five cents a pile, twenty pieces a pile." The salesman raised his head and glanced at Si Ningning with a shy smile, "The supply and marketing cooperative sells toothed saw blades, iron ones, you You have to install the handle yourself when you buy it.”

Si Ningning nodded and said, "I want both the saw blade and the sugar bag. I'll bring four piles of sugar bags first. By the way, how much does the saw blade cost?"

"Eight points for the saw blade." The salesman counted the candies and poured them into the basket on Si Ningning's back. Then he turned around and went to the back shelf to get the sugar bags and saw blades. During this period, he casually chatted with Si Ningning, "Why do you need so many sugar bags? There is a happy event at home. "?"

 “Yes, yes.” Si Ningning responded perfunctorily.

 The salesperson took everything and put it on the counter.

Not wanting to continue to deal with it, or in other words, not wanting to continue to make up more meaningless lies, Si Ningning quickly made a calculation in her mind. She had already given the money for the fruit candies, and now it was just a saw blade and a sugar bag, a total of 28 cents. point.

Si Ningning took out the crumpled cents from his pocket, neatly counted two and eight cents and handed it over.

The salesperson never mentioned asking for tickets before, and Si Ningning didn’t mention it either.

Off-topic: It’s released today, with five chapters totaling 20,000 words, each chapter 4,000+

Everyone enjoyed watching it in one go, so please leave your five stars and monthly tickets~Hehe~~

 (End of this chapter)

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