Chapter 131 Transaction~!

The salesperson took out a piece of oil paper and helped Si Ningning wrap the saw blade. Afterwards, Si Ningning put everything into a basket, thanked her, turned around and left the supply and marketing cooperative, and headed back in the afternoon sun.

There was basically no weight on his body, and he had been doing farm work for more than half a month. Si Ningning was obviously faster than when he first arrived. When he walked to the mountain road opposite the production team, the sun had just turned to the peak of the back mountain. .

Si Ningning randomly found a place in the grass and entered the space, washed off the heavy makeup on her face, changed her clothes, and hastily stuffed a military water bottle and some small things into the basket on her back, then carried the basket on her back and collected it in advance. The small table and wooden board that enter the space leave the space.

The third team is surrounded by mountains. However, half of the mountains on the side facing the production team are covered with crop terraces, and the other side is covered with dense trees.

Si Ningning walked for a while while holding the small table across the table. He saw someone in the cotton field above the mountain road. He was wearing a straw hat but could not be seen. However, judging from his height and clothes, he must be an educated youth.

Si Ningning put down the table, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and shouted, "Li Lingyuan?"

The other person is immersed in his work and does not move.

Isn’t it Li Lingyuan?

Si Ningning shouted again: "Song Shuhan?"

The man paused for a while, then slowly turned around with a cold and sweaty face. Si Ningning was so shocked that he stopped wiping the sweat with his hands, and the hairs on the back of his neck almost stood up in embarrassment.

 “Hi...Mo Bei, what a coincidence.”

Si Ningning’s eyes were awkward, her smile was stiff, and the corners of her mouth were twitching.

 She called Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan by their names, but did not call them Wu Yong and Mo Bei. There was a reason for this.

Whether it's Wu Yong or Mo Bei, Si Ningning actually doesn't want to have a relationship with each other.

 The former is because he really doesn’t want to have too much communication, while the latter is because it is really difficult to communicate. Si Ningning doesn’t like the feeling of cheating.

It's a pity that God is not kind and God has no eyesight. The one who appeared was Mo Bei.

 Is this a bit too scary?

Mo Bei didn't know that Si Ningning was thinking a thousand times. He glanced briefly and noticed the table beside Si Ningning. Without saying a word, he threw the snakeskin bag filled with half a bag of cotton over his back shoulder. "Crash", he pushed aside the cotton stalk and jumped down from the hillside nearly two meters high without any hesitation.

"need help."

His eyebrows were slightly frowned, beads of sweat were falling on his forehead, and the light blue shirt on his body was completely soaked.

He looked a little impatient, but he uttered declarative sentences and squatted down to lift the table smoothly without any hesitation.

 The cicada screamed "vvvvv" in the woods. Grasshoppers jumped from one weed to another, and the slight gravity bent the slender waist of the weed.

The tall man was walking in front of him carrying the table, and the slim girl was carrying a basket and trotting after him, "Oh! This..."

Si Ningning was in a mess, anxiously wondering how she could tactfully reject this big ice (resentment) mountain (kind)?

 "Mo Bei, actually I can still... eh?"

Before he finished speaking, Mo Bei suddenly slowed down and said, "Si Zhiqing."


Mo Bei turned his head and looked at Si Ningning. His eyes were bright and scorching. His subconscious made Si Ningning think that something big had happened, and made Si Ningning forget what he wanted to say in an instant.

 “What’s the matter, you say?”

Mo Beiyu slowed down his pace, and then stopped. He seemed to have thought about it for a while. His thin lips moved and puckered slightly before he continued: "Do you want to consider making a deal with me?"

His voice was as gentle as a cold spring in a mountain stream, blown up by the wind and brought to Si Ningning's ears.

Si Ningning’s little face wrinkled, the moles at the corners of her eyes trembled slightly, and she felt her ears itching, but she shook her head subconsciously, “”

This clueless sentence completely confused Si Ningning.

"It's nothing too extreme." Mo Bei's Adam's apple rolled, and he turned his face away seemingly calmly, but in fact his ears were a little red from nervousness.

“It’s not very delicious for educated youth to cook. If possible, I would like to ask you to cook it alone.”

“As a reward, I can provide you with food.”

The meaning of this sentence is, in disguise, what I eat is what you eat.

Si Ningning was at a loss for a while, and then he probably understood what was going on.

Mobei’s family conditions can be seen by everyone in the educated youth spot.

He probably ate better at home. After going to the countryside, several female educated youths took turns cooking. Their cooking skills were uneven and not very good. Mo Bei must have found it hard to eat, so he came to her as a last resort.

Si Ningning was a little moved.

But she didn't fancy the "meal" promised by Mo Bei. What didn't she have in her space? Do you care about Mo Bei's three melons and two dates?

 In fact, she also wanted to open a small stove, but she was worried about attracting attention. If she really reached an agreement with Mo Bei, Mo Bei would be her shield from now on.

After a moment of silence, Si Ningning asked: "Does this count as something special? If you really do this, will it cause criticism?"

This time, Mo Bei also fell silent.

The two of them walked forward one after another. Just when Si Ningning thought that this matter was probably going to be dirty, she heard Mo Bei speak again: "I can accept the harsh environment and try to comfort and take care of everyone's safety and emotions. but…"

 “The issue of convenient eating is really uncomfortable.”

As he spoke, Mo Bei looked at Si Ningning again, "Are you willing to help me?"

Si Ningning is a pretty girl and likes to look at beauties.

Mo Bei is very handsome, but it was because of his attitude that made Si Ningning feel a little uncomfortable.

Now that Mo Bei's attitude had cleared up and he had become extremely upright, Si Ningning felt that not agreeing would really hurt the beauty's heart.

What's more, this matter is also very beneficial to her.

But having said that, Si Ningning thought of another question, "If we cook alone, wouldn't the previously arranged seasoning shopping for educated youth be disrupted again?"

"No." Mo Bei shook his head and looked at Si Ningning with a softer look than before. "We can just turn on the stove occasionally. If it's too frequent..."

Mo Bei's subtext is actually: Si Ningning will be very hard-working if he frequently turns on the small stove, and it is really eye-catching.

But Si Ningning completely understood the wrong meaning. In her mind, Mo Bei's unfinished sentence was all about being worried about "eyeballing".

Although there were some misunderstandings between the two, the matter was settled successfully.

Walking all the way back, the two of them talked about something else.

For example, today is obviously the time for the educated youth to rest, so why did Mo Bei appear there to work?

Later, based on Mo Bei's explanation, Si Ningning learned that it was a task for the previous two days. Mo Bei had not completed it that day, so he thought of making up for it during his break.

It makes sense.

Si Ningning didn't ask any more questions, but Mo Bei asked her, "Did you go to town just to buy this table?" It was still a hole-in-the-wall table.

Si Ningning raised her lips and smiled, scratching the tip of her nose with her index finger, "Yes, if it wasn't for the difficulty of moving this big thing, I would have been back long ago."

 “Next time there is something heavy, you can tell me, I...”


"It's nothing." Mo Bei opened and closed his thin lips and looked away, "Educated youth should help each other. It's not safe for you to go out alone..."

"Whatever you want to buy in the future, you can buy it together when you go out. Li Lingyuan and the others will lend a hand and help you pick it up together."

This was the first time Si Ningning heard Mo Bei utter such a long paragraph at once, and she glanced sideways at Mo Bei.

Her eyes widened and twinkled, and she looked at Mo Bei's profile with a clear jaw line. She didn't notice Mo Bei's unnaturalness. Instead, she put her fist to her lips and laughed softly, and asked hesitantly: "How do you know? Li Lingyuan is willing to help me get it? What if he doesn't want to?"

 “He didn’t dare.”


Si Ningning's words were completely ridiculing, but Mo Bei's answer really made her stunned.

After reacting, he wanted to ask again, but Mo Bei, who just now felt that he had a decent attitude and was easy to talk to, suddenly turned cold again.

The tall and handsome man frowned and looked at her impatiently, "Hurry up, I have to go to the team to deliver cotton to the team later."

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward with his long legs, carrying the table with his feet moving swiftly, and the figure became the size of a thumb.


Si Ningning’s little face wrinkled into the emoji of an old man looking at his cell phone on the subway for a second, and he muttered in his heart: Who is this?

 Throw it away after begging?

 It’s amazing how fast you can run with your long legs?

  Okay, you are noble and great!

 There will always be a time when you beg me again!


After stopping for a moment, Si Ningning puffed out her cheeks and trotted after him.

Although today is the time for the educated youth to rest, no one is idle.

Si Ningning went to the town, while the others divided their work.

The chickens brought back yesterday are temporarily placed in a broken basket containing firewood, but this is not a long-term solution.

In order to better accommodate the chickens, the male educated youths begged for a small bundle of straw from the team's threshing floor and fumbled to break up the collapsed adobe of the cattle pen, blending in new soil and crushed straw. The straw was removed again, and it only took two days for the adobe to dry, so that a chicken coop could be built in the house.

Of course, other female educated youths were not idle during this period either.

Girls are naturally more attentive than boys. After cleaning up all the corners, headed by Xu Shuhua, according to what Si Ningning said yesterday, the moxa leaves were dried and rubbed into velvet, and charcoal was pounded into powder to be used later to make mosquito coils.

Si Ningning and Mo Bei walked into the educated youth spot together. The first thing they saw was Jiang Yue, who was struggling to make carbon powder, with a dark face and no idea, and wiping the sweat on her forehead with her sleeves.

 There’s nothing I can do about it, that big painted face really steals the show.

Mo Bei put down the table and left. Looking at the direction, he was heading towards the queue.

Si Ningning glanced at it, turned around and smiled at the girls in the room: "You are too impatient, why don't you wait for me to come back?"

They were so focused that the sound of Mo Bei putting down the table didn't disturb them. On the other hand, as soon as Si Ningning made a sound, several people raised their heads.

“Ning Ning, you’re back.” Song Xiaoyun raised her head and called out.

 “Yeah.” Si Ningning nodded.

 “Ning Ning!”

Xu Shuhua stood up in response, but Jiang Yue was one step faster than her, rushing in front to hold the ankle-thick bamboo tube in front of Si Ningning, "Si Ningning, you want toner, is this okay?"

Si Ningning took off the basket on his back and turned it over on the table. He glanced at it and saw that the bamboo tube was half filled with gray-black powder. It was said to be powder, but in fact it was mixed with some carbon residue the size of gravel. Generally speaking, it was still a little short of heat.

Si Ningning collected toner before and knocked it out bit by bit with a hammer. Jiang Yue was quite quick-thinking and pulled out half of the cat bamboo tube from somewhere.

 She threw the broken charcoal she took out from the stove into the bamboo tube, and found a thicker piece of firewood to use as a pounding stick to pound the broken charcoal into fine pieces.

 This method may be more efficient than Si Ningning's clumsy method, but it also has disadvantages. After all, the bamboo tube and firewood are not really matched mortars and pestles. If the movement is too large or too violent, it is easy to spread the toner everywhere.

This is how Jiang Yue’s colorful cat face came about.

 “It needs to be a little more detailed.” Si Ningning smiled faintly.

The bamboo tube was returned to Jiang Yue. Si Ningning scratched the basket on his back and took out a handful of candies. They were fruit candies that he had just bought. They were very cheap.

Si Ningning was afraid of getting into trouble if she gave too much, so she just gave two pills to each person. "I went out today and didn't do anything at the educated youth point. This is a thank you."

This reason is very casual. If you really want to get into the details, you can just give it to Xu Shuhua.

Today Si Ningning was supposed to cook and clean. Since he had to go out and couldn't take care of it, Si Ningning asked Xu Shuhua to take over the job.

But Si Ningning really felt from the bottom of her heart that there was really no need to worry so clearly about trivial matters.

"I don't want it." Jiang Yue buried her head and continued pounding the carbon powder, her head shaking decisively.

Song Xiaoyun glanced at Jiang Yue and said, "Ning Ning, you don't have to do this. It's just easy for everyone."

Xu Shuhua also nodded.

"Take it." Si Ningning didn't like to fight with them. She carried the basket directly into the room and walked out after a while. "I still have things to do. I'll tell you the steps for the mosquito coils, so I won't interfere."

Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun looked at each other, took the candy and said nothing, but they were in separate minds.

Eating people's mouth is short and soft, only to see if other places can help the boss Ning Ning in the future.

Xu Shuhua and the others sat back at the table to work, while Si Ningning found a solid and strong forked branch outside the house.

There were many protruding nails on the back of the bed board, and there was a big hole in the middle of the table. Si Ningning didn't know how to repair it, so the only simple and crude way he could think of was to put another layer of wood on top.

Si Ningning entered the house with a tree branch. The tree branch was as big as a palm and was very strong. It could be used to pry a nail easily.

She was so busy in the room that Xu Shuhua and the others were holding hands. They didn’t know what she was doing for a moment, so the two groups started shouting and chattering through half the wall:

“The mosquito-repellent incense will probably be used until autumn. I’ll get some more moxa... By the way, Ning Ning, why were you gone for so long today?”

"I went to buy a kettle. I didn't bring enough money yesterday..."

This reason is easy to understand. After all, it is okay to carry water once or twice in a lunch box, but it is always inconvenient to carry more water.

Thinking that it was like this, Xu Shuhua said: "Next time you encounter this kind of situation, you speak first, and everyone will help you cushion it, and just give it back when you come back... I don't feel safe if you go out alone."

"Haha, yes." Si Ningning said casually, wiping the sweat on the tip of her nose with her sleeves.


The error in the previous chapter was made into two "130" chapters. After the editorial work on Monday, you will contact deletion. At that time, your book currency will be deducted and returned to the account! Sorry everyone~~

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 (End of this chapter)

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