Chapter 132 Pig Pen

Si Ningning squatted beside the bed and tilted her head to look for protruding nails on the bed board. She said to herself: "I came back a long time ago. There is a table in the scrapyard. I thought there was no place to put a kerosene lamp in the house. I bought a table with my boss Moji...I couldn't move the table quickly and it made me tired..."

 The three girls in the main room only then discovered the small table on the doorstep.

Xu Shuhua opened her mouth, "You, you moved back? From the town?"

Si Ningning said "hmm" in a neutral tone, "Yeah."

"Then take a rest, I'll make dinner tonight!" Song Xiaoyun's eyes widened, and she was a little surprised.

 The table is long and doesn’t look very big at first sight, but this is not a matter of size. As long as it takes up some weight, the longer you walk, the heavier it will become.

Si Ningning laughed dryly. Just when he was about to say no, he heard Jiang Yue's voice, "What Xu Shuhua just said was right. If you want to buy something next time, you can do it together while everyone is here."

 “Everyone can help you get it, and it’s safer too.”

Jiang Yue lowered her head and worked, her voice was dull, and she didn't raise her eyes once: "You can easily cause trouble when you go out alone and show off like this."

Si Ningning stopped prying the nails and looked blankly at the door of the room. Jiang Yue was not visible from this angle.

The first half of Jiang Yue's sentence, Si Ningning could still understand that he was worried about her, but the second half of it was really confusing.

It can't be because she pushed her yesterday and she still holds grudges now, so she said such puzzling words, right?

Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun didn't understand what Jiang Yue meant, so they didn't answer. For a while, the whole hall could only hear the sound of Jiang Yue pounding toner.

At this moment, the voice of a male educated youth came from outside the house, "Auntie."

 “Alas! Comrade educated youth.” Chen Lianmi’s friendly laughter came, “Are the other comrades educated youth here? What the educated youth told me last time has been settled. Come today to tell everyone about the regulations.”

Upon hearing this, the silent girls in the room put down their work one after another, clapped their hands and walked out, "Auntie."

 Chen Lianmi saw Si Ningning at a glance and immediately smiled and said, "Is Si Zhiqing back?"

Si Ningning nodded, "Well, Auntie, I just came back."

Chen Lianmi nodded, counted the heads, and found that one was missing, "There's someone missing, who's not here?"

"Mo Zhiqing is not here." Li Lingyuan replied. He only said that Mo Bei was not here, but did not say where Mo Bei went.

Si Ningning was silent, and after thinking for a moment, he added, "Mo Zhiqing just helped me deliver the table, and now he is going to the production team to deliver cotton."

Chen Lianmi said "Oh" in understanding, and calmly looked at the opening at the entrance of the Educated Youth Point. She found that weeds and stones had been picked up, dead branches and leaves had been swept away, and a lot of newly removed adobes were piled at the door. .

 Chen Lianmi nodded secretly in her heart. Other brigades also accepted educated youths. Her family said that many educated youths were dishonest. After hearing this many times, Chen Lianmi was still a little worried.

Looking at the situation in front of her now, Chen Lianmi didn’t realize how worried the educated youth comrades were. On the contrary, she was very pleased.

Look, everything is neatly tidied up! Her job is no worse than that of the girls on the team.

Satisfied with the educated youth in her heart, Chen Lianmi's smile became a little more friendly, "Yesterday, Si Educated Youth brought the chickens back. Everyone saw them, right? The chickens cost a dime each. Qian Si Educated Youth The advance is for you to support together, and don’t forget to give this money to Si Zhiqing later.”

Chen Lianmi believed in Si Ningning. She didn't think that Si Ningning would tell everyone about the false price. Instead, she was worried that other educated youths would not give Si Ningning the money, so she mentioned it.

Yesterday, Si Ningning was not feeling well and went to bed early. The other educated youths did not give the chicken money. Suddenly Chen Lianmi mentioned it, and everyone suddenly remembered that they were a little embarrassed. They all nodded hurriedly, "Don't worry, Auntie, these are all It should be given to Si Zhiqing."

 Chen Lianmi smiled and continued: "Did Si Zhiqing also tell you about the vegetable plot? Everyone is allowed to reclaim wasteland as long as it does not occupy the farmland of the production team."

As she spoke, Chen Lianmi stretched out her hand and pulled twice in the direction of the entrance of the Educated Youth Point, "This size is difficult to plan. What I want to tell you is that if you are close, open a piece of land at the entrance of the Educated Youth Point. It’s easy to control, and it’s hard for others to gossip.”

"Do you think it will work? If it works, the vegetable seeds will be easy to find, and the team will be able to find them, and I will take care of them for you."

       :Dialect, meaning discussion. Not in a derogatory sense. 】

"Okay, okay, we will do whatever the captain says." Song Shuhan answered first.

 In this regard, everyone's opinions have always been very unified.

It would be nice to have a piece of land to support your livelihood, but if you pick and choose and mess things up, then you really have nothing.

Once the matter was finalized, Chen Lianmi thought for a moment and said, "Qian'er has just fallen asleep, so it's a good time to plant radishes. I'll get some radish seeds for you soon."

 “That’s troublesome, Auntie.” A group of people hurriedly thanked her.

 Chen Lianmi waved her hands. She was planning to go back, but then she stopped when she thought of something, "Si Zhiqing, do you have time? Let me tell you a few words."

Si Ningning nodded, and the others couldn't stay any longer, so they went to work separately.

Si Ningning had just approached Chen Lianmi when her hand was grabbed by Chen Lianmi. She was stunned and asked blankly: "What's wrong, Auntie?"

“In the past few days, we have been rushing to cut the wheat on the Liudaogou side. After that, it will be double grabbing. Then we will be even busier... Didn’t you ask me about raising pigs before? I have arranged everything for you.”

 “Huh?” Si Ningning frowned, his head filled with questions.

"Huh what?" Chen Lianmi clicked her tongue, smacking her lips and said: "The farming season is busy and people are everywhere. The old woman who was responsible for feeding the pigs also has to cut the wheat. This work is free, and no one can take over? Today you guys Comrade Educated Youth has a rest and will start work tomorrow. You don't need to be too early to go to the pig pen on the team. I will ask Sanya to go there and wait for you at ten o'clock. If you don't know where to go, just ask her. She knows something."

 “Ah...ok.” Si Ningning responded.

  It’s hard to refuse even if it comes to this.

Si Ningning was in a fog, and was inexplicably assigned to the second-easiest job in the production team - feeding pigs.

 Chen Lianmi nodded with satisfaction. When she was about to leave, she noticed the small table in front of the house of the female educated youth. Thinking back to Si Ningning's words before, Chen Lianmi asked: "Did you bring it back from the town?"

Looking at the fist-sized hole in the center of the table, Chen Lianmi said knowingly: "Is it from the scrapyard?"

Si Ningning nodded calmly.

This is not a disgraceful thing. Chen Lianmi also has old cupboards at home that she picked up from the town’s scrapyard.

However, looking at the awkward position of the hole on the table, Chen Lianmi said: "This is not easy to repair. The table board must be nailed again."

Si Ningning said "hmm" and said, "I think so too. I brought the plank back with me."

Upon hearing that Si Ningning had brought back the spare board, Chen Lianmi said that she wanted to see it. When Si Ningning took out the board, Chen Lianmi held the board with her index finger and thumb and shook it back and forth for a while, then raised her head and said, "This Wooden boards are not necessary. If you must use them, you have to use a plane to plan them..."

Chen Lianmi thought about it for a while and made a final decision: "You can't do this job, but Ah Lang can. You put the board on the table first. I'll say hello to him when I go back and ask him to pick it up when he comes to patrol in the afternoon. Wait. I’ll send it to you after it’s repaired.”

 As soon as Si Ningning heard "Alang", she knew that Chen Lianmi was talking about Huolang. After what happened yesterday, Si Ningning still hadn't figured out how to continue getting along with Huo Lang, so she quickly grabbed Chen Lianmi who was about to leave, "Auntie, I have troubled Comrade Huo Lang many times, let's forget it this time... I’ve seen this wooden board, and it’s fine for daily use. If I need to write something, I can just put a book on it.”

Chen Lianmi originally wanted to say, how can I use it if the wooden pits scratch my hands?

 But once she saw the resistance in Si Ningning's eyes, she swallowed her words.

Thinking that Si Ningning was shy and was really afraid of trouble Huo Lang, Chen Lianmi changed her tune and said, "Girl, it's okay, okay, but you can't do it? I also have a wood planer at home. I'll go back and clean it out. I'll call the third party tomorrow. I'll bring it to you... I think it won't be difficult to plan the board twice. If you are too embarrassed to ask Alang, then ask a male educated youth to help you. "

 This is fine.

Si Ningning suddenly burst into laughter and quickly thanked her, "Thank you first, Auntie, for always thinking about me."

"The members of our production team are all easy to get along with, but they are afraid that they are uneducated and will not stand out in the eyes of the educated youth comrades, so they dare not take the initiative to talk to each other. In fact... it is not easy for you to be so far away from home. We all see it." Chen Lianmi waved her hand, "If you have anything to do in the future, just go to the team and tell them, everyone is very warm-hearted."

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded, feeling a little complicated.

  People say: Poor mountains and bad waters bring out unruly people.

This is true, but it is also true that one shot kills a large area.

Although people in this era are poor, they have not been exposed to the colorful world outside. In fact, simple people occupy more of it.

 Before this, Si Ningning's thinking had always been that she had all the supplies, so she didn't have to worry about going hungry and could just live her life well.

But after this incident, she had the slightest idea of ​​​​integrating.

Even if the idea of ​​​​doing as the Romans do when you are in the country comes up, it is not very sudden, is it?

Humans are originally social animals.

 After sending Chen Lianmi away, Si Ningning turned around and entered the house.

 Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun immediately gathered around the room and asked, "Ning Ning!"

Although she didn’t ask anything, Si Ningning could already see the clues in their eyes.

“I didn’t say anything, just asked me to go to the team to feed the pigs tomorrow.”

The girls did not think that feeding pigs was an easy job at all, but rather disliked it.

"The pig pen must be dirty, right? I heard that pigs can bite people, Ning Ning, you have to be careful." Song Xiaoyun said.

"Yeah." Si Ningning responded lightly, and Xu Shuhua, who was sitting at the table, asked what to do next for mosquito coils. Si Ningning replied: "If you are not in a hurry, wait until tomorrow! There is mint next to the well. You can pick some mint leaves to dry. Let’s crush it and add it to the toner tomorrow, the mosquito repellent effect will be better.”

"Okay, I'll pick it now!" Xu Shuhua said, turned around and ran towards the well.

The seeds Si Ningning sown before have already grown a large area of ​​mint.

Since Xu Shuhua and the others didn't know mint, Si Ningning also performed a one-man show that was neither embarrassing nor embarrassing. He probably discovered mint, popularized the science of mint's effects, etc.

Of course, all theoretical knowledge can be obtained from "books".

Hishixiao looked away from Xu Shuhua's back. Si Ningning squatted in front of the steps, using a stone to slowly hammer the curved nails straight. During this period, he occasionally raised his eyes to look at Jiang Yue.

Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun both received the candies, but Jiang Yue’s was still on the table.

 “Hey!” Si Ningning winked at the main room.

Song Xiaoyun looked up curiously and saw that she was looking at Jiang Yue. She shook her head in amusement and did not interrupt.

Jiang Yue glanced sideways at Si Ningning and said nothing.

"Hey, Jiang Yue." Si Ningning curled her lips and said "Hey" again. This time, she even included Jiang Yue's name. She didn't believe that Jiang Yue could still be deaf.

 The result is, it really works!

Jiang Yue held the bamboo tube and turned sideways, leaving Si Ningning with a back view.


Si Ningning’s cheeks puffed up and she was speechless for a while.

Has this been served yet?

But think about it, yesterday she really lost control of her temper and slapped people on their heads and scolded them.

Si Ningning felt guilty, carried the nails into the hall and sat down next to Jiang Yue, "Jiang Yue, your face is dirty."

Si Ningning lay on the table with her hands on her head and tilted her head to look at Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue looked at her nose with her eyes and her heart with her nose. She didn't want to take care of Si Ningning at first, but couldn't resist the gaze of Si Ningning's big eyes. She raised her lips and said angrily: "I'll wash it off after it's dirty."

After finishing speaking, he added impatiently, "It's not because you want toner and you try to do some annoying tricks... Mosquito bites will not kill you after two bites. If this matter spreads out and let others know, others will designate you as... Capitalist style.”

 The mosquito coils were made and used by everyone, not just Si Ningning. Jiang Yue's words were actually a bit excessive.

However, after several recent "discussions", Si Ningning probably understood that Jiang Yue was a talkative but actually soft-hearted master. As the saying goes, the knife's mouth is as soft as the heart, so she didn't get angry.

Si Ningning buried her face in her arms and laughed twice. She raised her head after a while and looked at Jiang Yue with moist eyes on her warm and reddish face. "I'll give you candy. What are you going to do?" No? Are you still angry about yesterday?"

 When mentioning yesterday, Jiang Yue snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Si Ningning looked nervous and exaggerated, and carefully touched Jiang Yue's arm and explained: "I came period... you should know, right? In those few days, you will feel uncomfortable and in a bad mood."

Jiang Yue's eyes swayed, and her expression softened a little, but she still didn't speak.

Si Ningning continued: "I apologize to you, seriously. Do you forgive me?"

Jiang Yue glanced sideways at Si Ningning.

Si Ningning is very beautiful. She came back from a day of running around. Her fair cheeks are slightly pink. Her long hair is braided into a common braid and falls on the back of her head. There are strands of soft hair hanging down from her forehead, some of which are casually branched in the wind. Ups and downs, and some are stained by sweat stuck to the forehead...

  Still asking for a monthly ticket~ Haha!

   How are you going to celebrate Valentine’s Day today?



 (End of this chapter)

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