Chapter 133 He agreed

 It is a very common dress, but no one can be more brilliant than her.

Jiang Yue glanced twice, and inadvertently met Si Ningning's sincere eyes. Her heart softened, and then she sighed, and then pushed Si Ningning with a straight face and hummed: "Who do you think is the same as you?" Do you want to be angry for the rest of your life? Come on, you are busy!"

Not only is he sharp-tongued, but he's also quite easy to coax.

Si Ningning curled her lips and snickered, and as Jiang Yue wished, she said "ok" twice, and then walked outside the door to hammer nails.

As soon as Si Ningning left, Song Xiaoyun looked up at Jiang Yue as if she had thought of something, "Jiang Yue..."

Jiang Yuegang's lips that had been curled up unconsciously fell back down suddenly, and she responded calmly, "Yeah."

Song Xiaoyun opened her mouth, carefully testing, "Are you, are you still angry with me? What happened yesterday..."

 “I have forgotten what happened yesterday, don’t mention it again.”

Jiang Yue was immersed in her work and spoke in a tough tone, which made Song Xiaoyun feel inexplicably aggrieved.

Just outside the door, Li Lingyuan approached Si Ningning and took the stone from Si Ningning's hand to help hammer the nails. The two talked and laughed in harmony.

 Seeing this scene, Song Xiaoyun recalled Jiang Yue's attitude towards her just now, such as towards Si Ningning, and felt a little mixed in her heart.

With Li Lingyuan’s help, Si Ningning quickly finished nailing the tabletop, and the others also collected the chicken money and gave it to Si Ningning.

 Six little chickens cost 60 cents equally among eight people, an average of 13 cents per person. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that they would be able to eat them in the future. Everyone was very happy to pay, and Si Ningning certainly didn’t make any mistakes when accepting the money.

Si Ningning moved the small table to the main room and waited for the planer to be brought back tomorrow to deal with the aftermath. She had to move it into the room and move it out tomorrow, which was troublesome.

Si Ningning went to see the chickens again and found that there was nothing to put in the basket, so she thought about going out to get some leaves or straw or something to put them on when she came back. As soon as she went out, she saw Mo Bei.

 Mo Bei came back at some point and was discussing with everyone where to open a land.

As if feeling Si Ningning's gaze, Mo Bei turned his head slightly, and when he met Si Ningning's eyes, he nodded slightly.

Song Shuhan followed Mo Bei's line of sight and saw Si Ningning, and instantly evoked a gentle smile. He gently pushed the round corners of his eyes on the bridge of his nose, "Si Zhiqing, you have read a lot of books, so you should know something about this, right? Why don't you tell me about it? , where is the best place to choose a vegetable plot?”

Si Ningning looked around. She didn't know much about it, she only knew a little more than the others.

After looking around, Si Ningning said: "There are many trees in Educated Youth Point, and the sunshine is usually scarce. Choose a place where the sun can shine."

 When it comes to photosynthesis, others may not understand it.

Si Ningning thought for a moment and then added another word: "With sunshine, vegetables grow quickly."

Others thought it made sense and quickly picked a place.

It is on the right side in front of the Female Educated Youth Gate, very close to the well. There is only a small **** about one meter high in the middle. However, it is different from the clean and flat area around the well. That area is covered with a kind of similar growth. Perilla grass.

The appearance and color are similar to perilla. Si Ningning once thought that the grass was perilla and planned to pick some to try. As soon as he picked the leaves, the juice coming out of the broken part of the small stem of the leaf had a strange smell, which he said was smelly. No, it smells very unpleasant anyway, making people want it.

That's not all, the juice is still sticky to my hands.

Si Ningning originally planned to cut them off because of the strange smell, but found that the juice was sticky to his hands and would leave black and gray marks after washing with water, which could not be wiped off for several days. Si Ningning gave up the idea immediately.

That piece of grass has been preserved from the beginning until now.

Hearing that the male educated youth planned to deal with the grass first, Si Ningning kindly reminded them: "If you have gloves, wear them. The water from the grass will touch your hands."

Si Ningning’s suggestion came from good intentions, but she forgot that other people, unlike her, had no space, let alone their own armor and supplies.

“It doesn’t matter if your hands are sticky, just don’t **** them.” Song Shuhan smiled indifferently.

“That’s right, I’m not afraid even if my hands get pricked! Si Zhiqing, we **** men are thick-skinned and don’t care about the introduction.” Li Lingyuan answered with a naive smile.

Si Ningning’s mouth twitched, and she thought to herself: It would be great if you could be so happy and optimistic in a while.

After thinking about it, Si Ningning said with a smile on her face: "Come on, then, I'll boil some water and let it cool down in a while. You can just drink it after you finish your work."

“Thank you in advance, Si Zhiqing is so thoughtful.”

The team has been busy cutting wheat recently, and there are no longer enough sickles. A group of male educated youths gave up the idea of ​​borrowing farm tools, rolled up their sleeves one by one, and plucked them along the edges.

However, the grass roots are intricate and dense, and the grip is very deep. How can it be so difficult to pull out?

When Si Ningning picked up the leaves before, she only noticed that they smelled bad and were sticky to the hands, but she didn't know that the main stem of the grass was covered with tiny burrs. It didn't hurt or itch at first, but after a few more times, she found that blisters had formed on her palms. .

Song Shuhan frowned and glanced at his palms, and couldn't help but take a breath, "It's true... Si Zhiqing is right, you should wear gloves."

"You guys are really young men." Wu Yong frowned in displeasure, hunched over and picked over, before choosing a thinner grass plant and pulling it up, "Where can I get gloves in this corner of the corner? It's better to do it quickly! If you are beaten, The production team leader knows this and might scold us for being pretentious."

Pulling weeds was quite painful in the first place. Wu Yong's words completely made Li Lingyuan unhappy. "What did you say? If you want to be pretentious, you are just being pretentious. What does it have to do with us? Why didn't I just let you lead a cow last time?" What if the cow **** is dripping on you? Just come back and wash it. As for the squeaking?"

 Li Lingyuan threw away the grass in his hand and continued to argue: "The captain scolded you for being hypocritical. Please don't drag us into the water."

Mo Bei arranged the picked up grass into a neat pile, and finally stood up with his forearms on his waist and stared coldly at Li Lingyuan and Wu Yong. His voice was surprisingly cold: "What? Do you want a fight?"

Li Lingyuan and Wu Yong were stared at by Mo Bei, and their arrogance instantly dissipated. However, before continuing to work, they glared at each other again, each gave a sonorous snort, and turned their backs to each other, ignoring each other.

Si Ningning boiled hot water, and then asked Jiang Yue and the others to clean the mushrooms they brought back yesterday, leaving a small part for cooking at night, and washing the other part and breaking it into pieces, leaving a clean piece on the steps. place, pour it over and spread it to cool.

 Dried mushrooms are easy to store and can be eaten anytime. Just soak them in water before eating.

 After dinner at night, the female educated youths all turned on the lamps and lay down. They were chatting leisurely when the window above Si Ningning's head was suddenly tapped.

“Si Zhiqing, are you all asleep?”

It’s Song Shuhan, his voice is a little embarrassed and a little anxious.

Si Ningning turned over and sat up, and Xu Shuhua also sat up.

Several girls looked in the direction of each other in the dark. Finally, Xu Shuhua tilted her body and looked at the window and spoke first: "I'm not asleep, what's the matter?"

Song Shuhan was muttering outside the window. There was Li Lingyuan's urging voice next to him. He seemed not to have slept at all, but was standing outside. Si Ningning didn’t know what was going on with them, so she had to get up, put on her shoes and light a lamp.

As soon as she got up, Xu Shuhua and the other three also got up.

Holding the lamp and placing it on the table in the main room, Si Ningning opened the door bolt. The first thing that caught his eye was Song Shuhan's face. Si Ningning was frightened and took a step back with a gasp. His foot stepped on Xu Shuhua's. , her back also leaned against Xu Shuhua.

Xu Shuhua didn’t say anything to Si Ningning. Instead, she stared at Song Shuhan and said, “Song Zhiqing, you, what are you...”

Before he could finish the sentence "What's going on?", another swollen pig-headed face appeared behind Song Shuhan. Xu Shuhua and Si Ningning frowned and receded their necks at the same time.

Song Shuhan touched his head without embarrassment and said, "Go in and talk?"


Si Ningning took a step to the side. After Song Shuhan and Li Lingyuan entered the house, Wu Yong also entered the house. After waiting for two seconds, there was no movement. Si Ningning put his hands on the door and was about to close it. Suddenly, another person came closer.

The shirt with a strong chest is buttoned up straightly, and the collar is as neat as if it had been ironed.

 Among the male educated youth, the only one who likes to wear shirts is Mo Bei.

Si Ningning's gaze moved up, and as expected, he met Mo Bei's cold and handsome face, and his starry eyes illuminated by the kerosene lamp.

  One of the two people was inside the door, and the other was outside the door. They were actually very close to each other. When the breeze blew in the summer night, Si Ningning could even smell the refreshing scent of soap locust on each other's bodies.

How to say?

 It doesn’t smell bad, but it’s a bit embarrassing.

"Come in, come in." Si Ningning looked away, opened the door and took a step back. She waited until Mo Bei entered the room before closing the door.

The four Mo Bei people were more or less injured because they pulled weeds in the afternoon. Among them, Mo Bei and Wu Yong were the least injured, and Li Lingyuan and Song Shuhan were in the most serious condition.

Especially for Song Shuhan, not only was his palms bruised and his face swollen, he also had large red bumps on his neck, and there were red marks left by scratching in some places.

Song Shuhan has a completely sensitive constitution. If he is not allergic to the grass, he may have encountered something while pulling the grass.

 And Li Lingyuan is a silly guy. He really works hard and gets scratched by branches and leaves, or pricked by burrs on them. The skin on his face and arms also looks swollen.

As for Mo Bei and Wu Yong, one was in good health and worked normally, while the other was more or less lazy, so their injuries were relatively minor.

However, no matter how serious the injury is, if you knock on the female educated youth’s door at this time, you must be extremely uncomfortable and come to seek help.

The male educated youth sat at the table in the room, while the female educated youth stood scattered around. After Si Ningning locked the door, he walked to the table and moved the kerosene lamp to Song Shuhan, who was in the most serious condition. He bowed slightly and looked at Song Shuhan's face, " Is it itchy? Or something like that?”

Si Ningning suddenly approached, and Song Shuhan's face turned red under the dim light of the kerosene lamp. Fortunately, after Si Ningning finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the other three people. Song Shuhan breathed a sigh of relief and used his hand to press the surging pressure. A wildly beating heart.

However, as soon as he put his hand on his chest, he felt pain that made him gasp. The girl who had just turned her head turned her face again, "What's wrong?"

Song Shuhan's face was hot and he shook his head wildly, so panicked that he didn't know where to look.

Si Ningning glanced at his miserable hands. Considering some circumstances, she hesitated and said, "The situation is special. Let's forget about anything else. Song Zhiqing, can you show me your hands?"

 Other female educated youths echoed: "Yes, we are all our own. Does it hurt or something? See if you can help deal with it?"

Song Shuhan said "hmm" and shyly put his palm in front of Si Ningning.

Three of the four blisters on the palms were broken, and the skin was torn. Due to the special position, the first palm print close to the fingers could not be seen clearly. Si Ningning frowned and got goosebumps on both arms. .

Song Shuhan apologized: "Did it scare you? In fact, it's not very painful, it's just itchy."

They were all like this, with both hands, unable to deal with each other. I originally thought of enduring it, but it was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep, so I hesitated for a long time before coming here.

Si Ningning nodded. When she raised Song Shuhan's hand just now, she saw a lot of white thorns facing the kerosene lamp. Those small thorns should be the problem.

 You have to find a way to pick them out.

Si Ningning sat next to Song Shuhan, holding Song Shuhan's hand and thinking about a solution, while a few steps behind her, Li Lingyuan turned his head to look at Mo Bei.

Mo Bei is very tall, estimated to be around 184cm, which is half a head taller than Li Lingyuan. At this moment, his eyebrows are slightly raised, and his starry eyes are looking at the backs of Song Shuhan and Si Ningning who are smiling so hard that they cannot see their eyes. Under the dim light Bottom, the side face and jawline are particularly sharp and cool.

Li Lingyuan raised his hand to scratch the back of his head, but it was too painful, so he stretched it out and then retracted it. He thought for a moment and then said: "Well, um, Si Zhiqing..."

 “Huh?” Si Ningning responded without looking back.

Li Lingyuan glanced at Mo Bei calmly from the corner of his eye, "Why don't you show it to Boss Mo first? Song Shuhan doesn't feel any pain, but Boss Mo does."

Song Shuhan and Mo Beiqi turned to look at Li Lingyuan. The former suppressed his smile, while the latter frowned more tightly. The same words came to their minds: Brother, I thank you.

Li Lingyuan winked at Mo Bei proudly, his expression seemed to say: Boss Mo, I am smart!

Si Ningning didn’t think too much and looked at Xu Shuhua and others: “Let’s help together!”


Xu Shuhua and the other three stepped forward. Song Xiaoyun considered it for a moment, then took small steps towards Mo Bei, "That, that, Mo Zhiqing, you, your hands..."

"It doesn't matter." Mo Bei put his hands in front of his knees and said in a cold voice, "Let's show them first."

Song Xiaoyun moved her lips, paused in her steps, and turned her head to look at the table. There were four male and female educated youths each. Mo Bei didn't need her, and the other three male educated youths also had people around them, so they didn't need her at all.

Song Xiaoyun stood there, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

Si Ningning got up at this moment, went back to the room, groped for a while and took out a sewing kit, "Shuhua, help them pick their thorns first, and I'll boil some water."

After saying this, he looked at Song Xiaoyun again and said, "Xiaoyun, Song Zhiqing is entrusted to you."

 “Um...oh, okay.” Song Xiaoyun couldn’t help but feel embarrassed because of work, so she quickly sat down where Si Ningning was sitting just now.

 (End of this chapter)

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