Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 134: Window, wreath

Chapter 134 In front of the window, wreaths

Si Ningning went to the kitchen to boil water in the dark. Mo Bei watched her disappear and saw the fire flashing in the kitchen. He thought about going to help several times, but finally gave up.

Song Shuhan and Li Lingyuan were relatively quiet. Even if the female educated youth hit them hard and hurt them, they would just smile at most. Although the smile was forced, they didn't say anything excessive.

In comparison, the duo of Wu Yong and Jiang Yue was a nightmare. One moment, Jiang Yue’s scolding of “Don’t move” was heard, and the next moment, Wu Yong’s cry of pain was heard. I felt like I wanted to have a big quarrel on the spot.

After boiling the water, Si Ningning took the red peony enamel basin she used to wash her face and filled half of it with hot water. She turned her head and looked at the direction of the main room. She took a bottle of iodine from the space with her backhand, unscrewed the bottle cap and poured it into the basin. I took some and stirred it up quickly with my fingers.

The temperature of the water that had just been boiled was obvious. Si Ningning took back his hand and shook it several times, and pinched his earlobe. After the burning pain dissipated, he picked up the basin and walked to the main room.

“Don’t just wash your injuries with raw water. Wash your hands in this basin after you’re done.”

 There are many sewing kits in the space, most of which Si Ningning bought in the past.

 Originally I wanted to prepare it for the sewing machine, but when it arrived, I discovered that the needles used for sewing machines are completely different from those used for mending.

  A pack of more than ten or twenty yuan was not expensive, and she was too lazy to return it.

Even though the sewing kit is not big, it contains all the small items, including twelve fine needles, ten medium needles, and five quilt-setting pins. In addition, it is equipped with a thimble and small scissors, and two black and white threads are commonly used. Small roll.

At this moment, Xu Shuhua and the others were holding thin needles and squinting under the kerosene lamp to help the male educated youth pick out thorns. When they heard Si Ningning coming out, Xu Shuhua said casually: "Ning Ning, can you do needlework? You are good at bringing things with you. Complete. I tried the scissors just now, they were so fast!”

Si Ningning smiled and said: "I am an average needle and thread, these are all prepared at home."

She was afraid that Xu Shuhua would ask any questions that were difficult to answer, so she turned to look at Mo Bei, "Mo Zhiqing, how are your hands? Let me show you?"

The other three male educated youths were surrounded by people, but Mo Bei was sitting on a small bench against the wall, looking very pitiful.

As soon as Si Ningning finished speaking, Song Xiaoyun slowed down her hand movements by half a beat and glanced sideways calmly.

I thought Mo Bei would reject Si Ningning just like he rejected her, but I saw Mo Bei's thin lips opened and closed, and he nodded slightly and agreed.

Song Xiaoyun tightened her hands suddenly, and heard Song Shuhan take a breath of cold air.

Song Shuhan is the kind of person with fair and thin skin that cannot be tanned. Song Xiaoyun exerted force, and two marks were instantly pinched on both sides of his palm.

When Song Xiaoyun came back to her senses, the first thing she saw were the two marks. Apart from being embarrassed, she was also a little panicked, "Yes, I'm sorry, Song Zhiqing!"

"It's okay..." Song Shuhan has a gentle and shy personality. He said nothing else except some comforting words.

The episode didn't bother Si Ningning. She moved her little Mazha and sat next to Mo Bei. She clasped Mo Bei's hand on her knees and raised her head to criticize seriously.

This side was a little far away from the table, and the light was even dimmer. Mo Bei lowered his eyes and saw that Si Ningning's eyes were narrowing into a straight line, and it was very difficult to see.

He was silent, slightly raising his chin toward the table, and at the same time tentatively suggested, "How about sitting over there?"

Si Ningning glanced sideways, nodded and stood up first, "You go over first and I'll get the bench. Don't use your hands for now."

 After Mo Bei got up, she pinned the needle in her sleeve and bent to get the two people's ponytails. Little did she know that her smooth instructions just now caused a ripple in Mo Bei's heart.

Mo Bei stood in a bright place and looked at Si Ningning, his starry eyes showing a faint light that he had not even noticed.

  Stupid mouse…

 Bright and gentle, clumsy and considerate.

 It seems that only she will notice some details.

The corners of Mo Bei's lips unconsciously curved upward.

Si Ningning put down her horse and sat down, but Mo Bei didn't sit down for a long time. She raised her head with doubts in her eyes: "What are you doing, sit down!"

"..." Mo Bei was struck with excitement, and his wandering thoughts instantly came back to him. His eyes avoided Si Ningning's. After sitting down, his bright starry eyes stared at the little hand holding the needle in his palm, without saying a word.

There are no entertainment projects these days. The aboriginal residents usually finish dinner, wash up and go to bed on the kang. But now it is almost ten o'clock in the evening, and everyone in the house can be said to be "staying up late."

In order to avoid dozing off, everyone chatted here and there. Si Ningning concentrated on nitpicking and listened attentively. When she thought of something, she suddenly raised her head and glanced at Mo Bei and said, "It's my turn this month." Xu Shuhua's oil is out, I'm still have a lot of oil left, I'll bring the oil can to you later, and you can take it out next time when it's your turn."

"Need not."


 “If you want to cook, put it in your place.”

Si Ningning paused and realized that Mo Bei was talking about their agreement, so he nodded lightly and said "Okay".

“Do you want to set a time? When do you want to eat? Or tell me a few days in advance?”

Mo Bei nodded slightly and said, "Once a week, I will give you rations in advance."

Si Ningning nodded and said nothing.

They became quiet on their side. On the other side of the table, Song Shuhan's hand shook again.

Li Lingyuan on the side had finished his work, and when he saw this, he said: "Song Zhiqing, your eyesight is not very good? You have pricked six **** holes in Song Shuhan's hand."

"I..." Song Xiaoyun pursed her lips, her eyes widened, and her hands were at a loss.

Xu Shuhua said: "Xiaoyun, do you want me to help you?"

There was nothing wrong with Song Xiaoyun's eyes, but when she was helping Song Shuhan pick a fight, her eyes couldn't help but glance towards Si Ningning and the others, and she missed again and again...

 But there was no way to explain this. Song Xiaoyun could only put the needle back and make way for it.

After washing his hands, Li Lingyuan brought it close to his nose and smelled it. He looked at Si Ningning curiously and said, "Si Zhiqing, did you add something to the water? It smells a bit strange."

After trying to recall it, Li Lingyuan continued: "I think I smelled it in the health clinic before?"

Si Ningning's heart skipped a beat, and she laughed and explained, "Well, I mixed it with a little povidone iodine... I didn't bring much, not enough for everyone to apply on it, so I just thought I'd mix it with water so that everyone can rub it in when washing their hands."

Li Lingyuan had no need to doubt, and joked with a naive smile: "I really wonder if Si Zhiqing has a Qiankun bag, he has everything! We have taken up a lot of light."

This unintentional remark made Si Ningning's heartstrings tighten suddenly.

Her little hands lost strength and clenched Mo Bei's fingers tightly, "I stuffed some clothes into my luggage, and other small things were prepared at home."

Mo Bei noticed Si Ningning's uneasiness, tilted his chin, and glanced at Li Lingyuan: "I know I've benefited from it, so I'll repay you with my help in the future."

“Of course, I’m not like some people who get good results on the surface but blame others secretly.” Li Lingyuan responded cheerfully and glanced at Wu Yong for a long time. Wu Yong is such a sensitive person. When he heard the implication, he had no choice but to stand up and refute. Jiang Yue pushed him down and pricked him with a needle. "It's almost over. Can you stop moving? I'm still waiting." It’s time to go to bed after finishing it!”

Wu Yongyang’s face turned the color of eggplant, but he really didn’t move.

Li Lingyuan was as happy as anything when he saw that he was embarrassed. He laughed to the end with "hahahaha", his voice was like a pig's squealing. Not to mention the other people in the room, Si Ningning, who was so nervous just now, couldn't hold back his laughter.

In the end of eleven o'clock, the male educated youth went out of the house and walked to the house over there.

Si Ningning closed the door with both hands and prepared to lock it down. The cool midnight wind in summer brought a cold "thank you".

Si Ningning's slightly confused brain suddenly woke up. In the halo of light leaking from the crack of the door, the transparent plastic buttons on the shirt of this era flickered with light spots. It only lasted for a moment, and soon fell into darkness completely.

Si Ningning sighed softly, curved her lips and said "good night" to the night breeze in a friendly manner.

The two lamps lit by the educated youth went out at the same time, and the female educated youth yawned and fell asleep. In the male educated youth room, Li Lingyuan, who was next to Mo Bei's bed, climbed to the head of Mo Bei's bed with his buttocks arched, "Hey! Hey! Boss, boss !”

Mo Bei waved away Li Lingyuan's waving hand and said nothing.

Mo Beiren has always been cold, and Li Lingyuan has long been used to it. However, after making sure that Mo Bei was not asleep, Li Lingyuan chuckled and asked in a low voice, "Boss Mo, are Si Zhiqing's hands soft?"

Mo Bei originally didn't want to talk to Li Lingyuan, but when he heard these nonsense words, he opened his eyes and glared at the silhouette in the dark, opened and closed his thin lips and uttered one word: "Get out."

Li Lingyuan shrank his neck, lay back on his bed, tossed and turned twice before getting up again.

This time he was smart and didn't go to Mo Bei. Instead, he jumped out of bed and moved to Song Shuhan's bedside.

 “Hello, Song Shu…”

 “Li Lingyuan.”

Before Li Lingyuan could finish his sentence, Mo Bei suddenly turned over and sat up. Li Lingyuan was so frightened that he almost staggered and barely managed to sit on the ground, "Ah? What's going on, Boss Mo?"

Song Shuhan looked at the cat-and-mouse battle between the two, and touched Li Lingyuan with the back of his hand in amusement, "Stop asking, go to bed quickly."

 Li Lingyuan's IQ was back online at this time. As expected, he stopped asking any more questions and slapped his hands to go back to his bed. However, when he got up, Song Shuhan calmly pulled him and said "soft" in a very low voice.

Li Lingyuan understood it in a second, regardless of whether Song Shuhan could see or not see it in the dark, he winked and gave an "I understand" look.

Li Lingyuan wanted to say: next time this happens again, I will ask Si Zhiqing to bandage my thorns.

But in a blink of an eye, he thought of Mo Bei's cold and squinting eyes. He shivered, rubbed the goosebumps on his arms and lay back on the bed, without any more thoughts.

 The stars are changing, and I have a good night's sleep without any dreams.

 Early the next morning, roosters crowed from the brigade, and under the red brick eaves of the educated youth spots, the sounds of teeth being brushed and rinsed could also be heard.

Yesterday, after running all day during the day and staying up so late at night, Si Ningning fell into a deep sleep. The sound of other girls getting up did not disturb her at all.

Si Ningning was supposed to be cooking today. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly and knowing that she would not be in a hurry to go to work today, Xu Shuhua did not disturb her and took the initiative to carry the rations collected yesterday to the kitchen to help Si Ning. Ning cooked the meal.

 After the group finished breakfast and took their lunch to the field, the entire educated youth spot suddenly became quiet.

 It was so quiet that the sound of the wind could be clearly heard, as if one could even hear the sound of sunlight pouring on the tips of leaves.

 It was about eight or nine o'clock, and the members of the team had already taken their positions in each class. Standing at the educated youth point, you could vaguely hear the shouts of cattle driving the paddy fields from the distance.

Si Ningning slept for more than an hour more than others, and was about to wake up from his dream, when the wooden window and coffin was gently swayed by the wind, and inadvertently made a heart-wrenching "squeak" sound.

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows furrowed slightly, and then she opened a pair of misty eyes.

Her thoughts were not completely clear, but her body still responded. She sat up with her nose raised and turned to look in the direction of the window.

On the outer edge of the old wooden vertical window, a garland of honeysuckle hangs there, a circle of light green dotted with white flowers.

It swayed in front of the broken window with the melodious summer wind, and the strands of fragrance were picked up by the wind and spread to every corner of the house.

 The fragrance of honeysuckle is very special. Like gardenia and jasmine, it can relieve the heat in people's hearts in summer.

At this moment, what was also brushed away was the loneliness of Si Ningning who found herself alone in the room when she got up.

After returning to her chaotic and hazy thoughts, Si Ningning put on her shoes and walked to the window, took off the garland and brought it in sideways.

Dark brown vines, grass-green leaves, and green and white flowers are like raised trumpets. They are very similar to the makeshift hat she made in the mountains the day before yesterday, but more delicate...

The broken ends of the vines are stuck into the inside, so they will not **** your hands and cannot be seen at first glance.

Si Ningning thought that with the temperament of the veteran cadre Huo Lang, he would just think that her picking flowers and grass was brought from Beijing. Miss Jing's disease, but she did not expect that Huo Lang would prepare this ingeniously.

how to say…

  A bit unexpected.

  I’m also a little bit at a loss.

Si Ningning held a wreath in one hand and looked out the window with the other.

Other than the distant shouts, there was no one outside the Educated Youth Point.

 This flower…

 Quietly, it should have been hanging for a while.

 However, the sugar and woven bamboo products have offset it, so what does this flower represent?

Si Ningning was not sure, and she wanted to find something to fill with water to soak the garland, so that the vitality and fragrance of the garland could last longer. But when she thought of her previous decision, her slender and white fingertips curled up, and she Tiptoe, hang the garland back to its original place.

Let’s do this for now…

 Just think it was Xu Shuhua or the others who thought it was fun to hang it up.

The weather outside was already looking at, and the members of the commune had already started a new day of work. Si Ningning knew that Xu Shuhua didn't call her in the morning, and most likely helped her cook. When she went to the kitchen, it was true.

Xu Shuhua not only cooked brunch, but also kept the pots and stoves clean.

Si Ningning sighed gratefully and did not dare to delay any longer.

She went back to her room and closed the door and entered the space behind the door. After hastily washing up, she fed the pigs, picked two half-sized tender cucumbers, washed them in front of the faucet, and then walked out of the space.

 (End of this chapter)

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