Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 135: Sister is so awesome

Chapter 135 Sister is so awesome

The Educated Youth Point had not yet been equipped with a lock, so Si Ningning simply tied the door with a hemp rope. He carried a small cucumber in his pocket and ate one in his hand while walking. Before entering the production team, two small cucumbers were destroyed.

There are only about 40 households in the third team, but they are scattered and not densely packed together, so the entire third team covers a large area.

Pigs are valuable collective property these days. He is afraid that someone who is not afraid of death will come to steal the pigs, so Zhao Hongbing convened people to build a pig pen at the center of the production team.

I probably think it’s easier to take care of and safer, but in fact, the house closest to the pig pen is more than fifty meters away, with a lot of miscellaneous trees in between.

Si Ningning was worried at first that he wouldn’t be able to do anything in the pig pen. Only when he got to the pig pen did he realize the ingenious terrain and environment here.

There are trees all around, so it’s very well hidden. She doesn’t have to worry about being discovered easily if she wants to enter the space, and she won’t be exposed to the sun if she doesn’t enter the space.

There are dry toilets and cesspools behind the pig pens. The third team raises four pigs. These four pigs rely on the main manure for the crops, so the cesspools are not small. Fortunately, they are covered tightly and there is no smell. It's an exaggeration. As long as you don't get close, you really can't smell the smell over there.

But the cesspool is a cesspool. After all, there are four pigs in the pig pen. Guarding these four pigs, of course, it is impossible to have no smell at all.

After looking at it for a while, Si Ningning put her index finger against her nose and leaned on the edge of the pig pen to look in.

 She thought that the pigs in the space were considered thin, but she did not expect that the pigs in the production team were even slimmer.

Two pigs were lying lazily on the ground and it was not obvious, but the other two pigs were humming around the trough, and you could see them clearly. You can see the small skeletal bulges on their backs.

Thinness is one of the reasons, and the other is that the pigs and pig pens are very dirty, and the white pigs have turned gray. The muddy ground is not flat, and there is yellow liquid in some of the small pits on the ground. Si Ningning knew what those were.


Si Ningning clicked her tongue, her face and eyebrows wrinkled together, and just as she was thinking about how to clean it up, a head tilted out of the alleyway not far away, followed by a series of dense footsteps, "Sister, educated youth!"

   is Sanya.

“Ah, Sanya.” Si Ningning leaned on the edge of the pig pen, raised her eyebrows and gave a bright and gentle smile, “You’re here.”

Si Ningning is good-looking, and she is not as shy as other educated youths when getting along with others. She speaks loudly and has a gentle attitude. Among all the educated youths, Sanya is the most familiar with her and likes her the most.

Sanya jumped up to Si Ningning and pulled the small backpack in front of her. First she took out a small old plane and handed it to Si Ningning. Then she took out two large and small planes from it. Different tomatoes were handed to Si Ningning.

There were beads of sweat on the little girl's forehead, her wheat-colored cheeks were flushed with heat, and she grinned at Si Ningning with her two front teeth missing: "My mother asked me to bring it. It has been washed very clean. I will do it after my sister has finished eating." Live!”

Si Ningning was quite familiar with Sanya, and knew that she couldn't push him away, so he smiled and thanked her, and reached for the smaller one.

Sanya is also smart. The hand holding the tomato suddenly clenched and retracted, and she said in a leaky voice: "Sister, I want to eat too. I eat the small one, and you eat the big one."

Si Ningning tapped her forehead with her index finger and took the big tomato.

The sun was gradually setting and the temperature outside was rising. Si Ningning asked Sanya to squat in a cool place.

The piglet is also a treasure of Feng Shui in the summer. There are trees and shadows or a wind. After wearing the wind, it is a sour and sweet tomato in his mouth.

"My mother said that the main work in the pig pen is to feed the pigs and clean the pig pen. Someone brought pig grass, which needs to be turned over and dried to remove the dew before it can be eaten by the pigs. Generally, fresh pig grass can be kept for two or three days in hot weather. Pig grass is supplementary food, and the staple food is rice bran from the warehouse. The uncle in charge of the warehouse will calculate the amount. The staple food must be fed once in the afternoon and afternoon. "

Si Ningning nodded and listened carefully.

Sanya added: "The next step is to clean the pig pen. My mother said, just sweep the pig excrement. First sweep it into the ditch, and then sweep it along the small ditch to the cesspool."

As he spoke, Sanya tilted her head and added, "By the way, my mother also said that the work in the pig pen is easy. You can just come and do it at a fixed point. You don't have to stay here all the time."

Following the two cucumbers, another tomato was eaten. Even though he had not eaten breakfast in the morning, Si Ningning did not feel hungry now.

She nodded lightly and said "hmm" and asked Sanya: "Is there a well nearby? Or a place where I can get water?"

 “Go up from the back and go around the house and then down a slope. There is a small pond there.”

There was an uphill **** behind the dry toilet. Sanya pointed the direction to Si Ningning, then turned her hand and pointed to the other end of the alley, "There is also Sister-in-law Tuesday's house on the left side of the alley ahead. , She has a pressurized water well at her house. Sister, if you want water, you can go to their house. Sister-in-law on Tuesday is very easy to talk to. "

Si Ningning wrote it down silently, and then asked Sanya about some things about Tuesday's sister-in-law's house.

The eldest son of the Zhou family died when he was young. After the second son got married, he went to the town rubber factory to work as a handyman with the eldest son of the production team leader, Sanya's eldest brother. He could not come back twice a month. Usually the family was just Tuesday's sister-in-law, the children, and mother-in-law. exist.

Mr. Zhou was blinded by crying because of her eldest son and usually stayed out of external affairs. Sister-in-law Zhou was a quick-witted and polite person.

Si Ningning silently wrote down the information, and then invited Sanya to take her to the warehouse to collect rice bran and familiarize herself with the process.

At this point, the commune members had already received their farm tools, and Zhao Hongfa had just sorted out yesterday's work points in the warehouse and was idle.

Seeing Si Ningning and Sanya coming over, he laughed twice, grabbed the cattail leaf fan and walked out of the door, "Comrade educated youth, are you here for the rice bran thing?"

Si Ningning smiled and nodded, "Aunt Lianmi has said hello to you."

"Hey, what else do you want to say hello to?" Zhao Hongfa waved his hand, "The farming has been very busy recently. If the woman taking care of the pig pens didn't go to the fields, she should have come here half an hour ago. She didn't come for half a day today. I Take another look and you’ll understand what’s going on.”

Zhao Hongfa kept laughing while he was talking. Si Ningning didn't think it was anything at first, but as the other party became more and more friendly, she felt embarrassed, "This is my first time, I didn't calculate the time and I was a little late, and I delayed my uncle's business. "

"That's right. I usually guard a warehouse and don't do anything else." Zhao Hongbing smiled heartily, waved his hand and led Sanya and Si Ningning into the room. There were several old but densely woven linen bags leaning against the corner of the room. , with a long pole next to it.

Zhao Hongfa pointed to the bag, "There is a lot of rice bran. There are four pigs in our production team. This section is fed twice a day, totaling eight kilograms. Comrade educated youth, do you think you should take away eight kilograms at a time, or come back in the afternoon? Get it once?”

Si Ningning thought about it. The commune members had to return the farm tools in the afternoon, and even if they didn't wait, they would be delayed for a while, so he said, "I'll get them together, feed some of them first, and take the other part back to the educated youth point."

Zhao Hongfa nodded, pulled out an empty sack, scooped out the chaff from a gourd and scooped it into the bag, and then hung it heavily on a public weighing hook.

Even though eight jins of rice bran doesn’t sound like much, it doesn’t weigh a lot, so if you hold eight jins, you won’t be old or young.

When Si Ningning took the sack, Zhao Hongfa deliberately gave a few more words, "Be careful about the remaining chaff. You must take it with you when you go back... Remember to bring the sack over tomorrow after feeding."

Zhao Hongfa was worried that Si Ningning would lose the rice bran and be trained as a new employee when he took office.

Even though pigs are collective property, how many people are watching this rough grain in the dark? Especially those who don't care about the job of feeding pigs. Those people take the grain away, take it home and mix it with bran cabbage dumplings, or feed chickens and ducks. Anyway, it doesn't matter if someone takes the blame for the loss of grain. When it comes to them, they just enjoy themselves and don't care whether others live or die.

Zhao Hongfa almost bluntly said that it was only after Si Ningning's repeated assurances that he finally let Si Ningning go.

Just as Si Ningning walked outside the warehouse yard, Zhao Hongfa said again: "The big covered vat next to the pig pen and haystack is used to store swill. Use that to mix food."

“I’ve written it all down, thank you, uncle.” Si Ningning waved her hands, holding the chaff in one hand and putting it on Sanya’s shoulder, and the two of them walked back.

Back to the pig pen, Si Ningning put down the bag of chaff, and sure enough, he saw a large vat next to the haystack at the corner of the pig pen.

She opened it curiously and took a look. The swill had a rancid smell, and it was really just "water". Apart from some rotten vegetable leaves, there was basically no other substance in it.

Think about it, I can’t even eat enough these days, and there’s basically nothing left, let alone throw it away.

Perhaps smelling the smell of swill, several pigs knew it was time to eat. They approached the fence one by one, opened their mouths and raised their heads, shouting "Hum, hum, hum!"

To be honest, Si Ningning was not afraid of feeding the pigs in the space after all, she raised them herself, but this was her first time coming into contact with the pigs of the production team.

Looking at the irritable looks of the pigs, Si Ningning was really worried that as Song Xiaoyun said, these pigs would bite people.

 But the work has been assigned to the hands, and now that we have reached this point, it is impossible to retreat.

Si Ningning had no choice but to use her usual method, picking up the wooden ladle for scooping out swill and knocking twice on the fence.

  While knocking, he muttered "Go, go, go". The pigs were frightened, and they retreated and scattered, huddled pitifully in the corner of the pig pen.

Sanya has been watching from the side. She is worried that Si Ningning will not be able to join the battle. She wants to help, but since she has never fed pigs before, she doesn’t know where to start.

Now seeing that Si Ningning had frightened several pigs, Sanya breathed a sigh of relief, grinned and said with a smile: "Sister is really amazing."


 Is it great?


Si Ningning looked ashamed.

  After ten minutes of tossing, the pig food was finally mixed. While several pigs were huddled on the edge of the trough and eating, Si Ningning climbed into the pig pen with a broken broom head.

 In the past, when I raised pigs in space, I forgot to leave a door, so I had to "turn over" to get in and out of the pig pen. However, the pig pen of the production team actually has a door, but it is screwed shut with iron wire.

According to Sanya, someone did not close the door and let the pigs run out. That time the entire production team was mobilized to catch the pigs, which wasted a lot of effort.

 Worried that something similar would happen, I simply screwed the door shut and opened it again when the pigs were slaughtered at the end of the year.

After listening to this, Si Ningning couldn't help but sigh in her heart: So, the sisters-in-law and mothers-in-law who took care of the pig pen before also turned over and over again.

 The young ones are okay, the older ones are really brave... What if they fall carelessly?

Si Ningning was extremely careful when cleaning, just to avoid slipping.

 After all, this is a pigsty with four pigs!

If she really fell down inside, she would probably have to find a piece of tofu to hit her to death when she went out.

 Fortunately, the pigs focused on eating and did not cause trouble.

Si Ningning was cleaning inside, sweeping the trampled vegetable leaves, vegetable stems and excrement into the small ditch under the fence door. Outside, Sanya also found a broom head to help sweep along the ditch to the cesspool.

The two of them worked together in a tacit understanding, and they finished cleaning everything in less than half an hour.

Si Ningning handed the broom head out first, and then stepped on the gap in the pig pen fence to pull it out. She asked Sanya: "Do you have anything else to do later? Do you want to go to the educated youth spot with me?"

“I have to deliver water to my father.” Sanya shook her head regretfully and walked into the alley as she spoke, “Sister Educated Youth, I’ll come and play with you next time when I have time!”

Si Ningning smiled and waved her hand to let her go.

As soon as Sanya left, the pig pen suddenly became quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was the "whooshing" sound of several pigs digging into the trough.

Si Ningning swept the outside corners of the pig pen, then left the pig pen with the remaining half bag of rice bran.

Before returning to Educated Youth Point, Si Ningning went to Mrs. Hu’s house again, using the excuse that the chickens had been taken away to ask Mrs. Hu if she had any left and wanted to buy two more.

The last time Si Ningning came over, it was Chen Lianmi who led her. Po Hu felt relieved about Si Ningning. However, when she heard that the little chicken had been harmed, Po Hu wrinkled her old face, sighed and said several times, "It's a pity." ”.

Despite this, Mrs. Hu does still have two chicks left in her family, one male and one female.

Hu Po took a few breaths from her asthma and said, "You have no choice this time."

“No choice, no choice.” Si Ningning waved her hands repeatedly, “Mother-in-law, I want both of these, is two cents right?”

  Hu Po nodded, and Si Ningning neatly took out the money.

  The reason why I deliberately asked for pullets was because they were bought for educated youths, and their only purpose was to eat eggs.

 But now it’s time to give her space to buy.

Two chickens are a bit too few, but as long as they can survive and both males and females are available, are you worried that there won’t be a second or third chicken in the future?

Mrs. Hu took the money. She had a bad look in her eyes. Like last time, she looked close to the window for a long time before turning around and asking Si Ningning, "Did you get the bag? If not, I'll get you one." Basket, you can bring it back to me later.”

Si Ningning smiled and said, "Mother-in-law, I took it and it's right outside the door."

  Hu Po nodded and said nothing, silently allowing Si Ningning to **** the two chicks away with her bare hands.

Si Ningning, on the way back to the educated youth spot, wandered into the space on the old corner road full of weeds and trees.

 The first priority is to settle the two chickens.


 Thank you, babies, for giving me rewards and monthly tickets~

 Still asking for monthly tickets! In addition, although there is only one update per day now, the number of words updated is the same as four updates~

  Hehehehehe, finally, can you give a five-star encouragement to A Yao? It would be better if you could write comments, suggestions, ideas, etc.~~

 (End of this chapter)

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