Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 136: contradiction

Chapter 136 Contradiction

Si Ningning took out a foam box from the pile of goods, temporarily put the chicken in the foam box and placed it on the glass coffee table in the living room. She turned around and started looking for a suitable place for the chicken to stay.

The space is too big, and the chickens are too small. If they are free-range, I guess it will be difficult to find them again when they return to the space.

Si Ningning plans to first circle a small area of ​​land to raise the chickens, and then release them outside when the chickens are a little bigger.

There is a large field in front of the villa, and there is a waist-high fenced courtyard at the back door. There are two faucets connected to the outer wall of the kitchen. Apart from this, there are only some empty flower pots scattered in the backyard, and there is no other life.

At first glance, it looks like someone has just bought a new house that they haven’t had time to move in yet.

But in the past month, Si Ningning really hasn't been to the backyard.

Si Ningning cleared a small corner in the backyard and freed up a woven bag to put things in. She used scissors to cut a small opening on the side of the bag, and with a "stab" sound, she completely tore the entire bag open and removed the seam at the bottom. , the bag will appear as an unfolded screen.

Si Ningning used dismantled woven bags as isolation nets to enclose a triangular area in the corner of the courtyard.

The sink was replaced by a bowl. Worried that the chicken was too small to reach it, Si Ningning dug a hole in the ground that was almost suitable, filled it with water, and put the bowl in.

After finishing these tasks, Si Ningning went to the living room to pick up the foam box.

After the chickens were put into the temporary chicken coop, she threw two handfuls of rice and a few vegetable leaves into it one after another. Seeing the chickens cowering in the corner and tentatively sticking out their heads to peck at the rice, Si Ningning finally Breathe a sigh of relief.

 “Eat, eat, eat more, grow up sooner and lay eggs sooner!”

Si Ningning sighed with emotion. She raised her hand to wipe the sweat and accidentally smelled the "complex" smell on her body. It immediately reminded her of the scene of cleaning the pig pen. She was excited and thought about taking a quick shower. Then she thought about the afternoon in the pig pen. We still have to go, and I guess it’s getting late. The other educated youths are about to get off work.

Si Ningning gave up her thoughts for the time being, washed her face, washed her hands carefully several times with soap, wiped them dry and carried the rice bran bag out of the room.

She returned to the educated youth point, swept the room and hall inside and outside, shoveled the garbage and took it outside, facing the long queue of educated youths walking back.

Si Ningning patted the back of the dustpan with the broom, "Li Lingyuan, do you want hot food?"

Li Lingyuan waved his hands, stuck out his tongue and took a few breaths, "It's not hot anymore, it's not hot anymore! Si Zhiqing, is there any water? I'm dying of thirst!"

The people approaching from behind didn't make any noise, and they probably didn't prepare hot meals. Si Ningning didn't ask any more questions, nodded and said, "There is water. Bring the cup and I'll fill it for you."

There is no teapot in the Educated Youth Point. The only drinking water is boiled water from the well, which is boiled in a pot after breakfast every day.

The fire in the stove has been off all morning, and the water in the pot has already cooled down, just right for drinking.

Li Lingyuan's face was shiny and red from the sun, and he looked much tanner than when he first came here. He nodded and didn't even have the strength to speak. He walked back to the room where the educated youth lived to get a cup.

Wu Yong, who came back behind, wiped the sweat from his forehead and shouted to Si Ningning: "Si Zhiqing, I want it too."

Si Ningning nodded. At this time, Song Shuhan and Mo Bei walked up to her side. The former pushed up his glasses and smiled gently: "Si Zhiqing, I'm sorry."

The latter was more direct. After thanking him, he took off the camouflage water bottle from his waist and handed it to her.

Si Ningning raised her eyes and glanced at Mo Bei. By chance, Xu Shuhua and the others also walked up to her and leaned against her crookedly.

Si Ningning took the kettle and held Xu Shuhua's head as she giggled and moved into the house, "What's wrong? It's like a soft-footed shrimp."

"Don't get too close to me. I just came back from cleaning the pigsty and I smell bad."

"Is there any?" Xu Shuhua stood firm, raised her nose and leaned towards Si Ningning to smell it. After a while, she retracted her neck and asked, "What's the smell? Isn't the smell of sweat on my body much stronger than the smell on yours?"

This is indeed the case.

Just when she was holding Xu Shuhua up, Si Ningning smelled a strong smell of sweat.

But Xu Shuhua said it herself, but it was hard for her to mention it.

The group of people sat down in the main room next to the female educated youth. The hands holding the lunch boxes were shaking. Si Ningning didn't say anything and helped them fill the water one by one and put it in their hands.

The table in the main room was big enough, but there were not enough chairs that fit the table. Si Ningning walked to the door with a cup in hand. As soon as he sat on the small horse, someone complained: "It's so hard to drink water between the teeth. It smells like toothpaste." "

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment and looked back.

It was Wu Yong who spoke. When he said this, his face was slumped and his expression was gloomy. Not to mention that he was unhappy, it was difficult for others to look at him with interest.

Li Lingyuan and Wu Yong have been at loggerheads recently. Upon hearing this, Li Lingyuan immediately responded: "I don't know who was calling other people's young masters yesterday. I think among them, you are the most like a young master."

Wu Yong's neck was stiff and his tone was also bad, "What does this have to do with my brother? If you really know how to talk, just talk about something else. Don't give me these dirty charges."

“You can tell others what you want, but you can’t say what others say, but you can’t?” Li Lingyuan asked back.

They are all young and energetic young men. Li Lingyuan usually listens to Mo Bei's orders. On the one hand, he understands the situation, and on the other hand, he is really convinced by Mo Bei. After all, he has brains, strategies, and the appearance of a leader.

 But for Wu Yong, Li Lingyuan really doesn't like him.

After all, he is a man. He can be weird about the smallest things. If others are even slightly better than him and get a bit of the limelight, he can be arrogant all day long.

I had been endured for a long time. This time, after doing it all the morning, Li Lingyuan's eyes could not be opened. If he had to remember that he could come back to rest for a while, he really wanted to simply bomb in the field.

Not only was it hot, but there was also a double layer of pressure on his shoulders and on his mind. His blood was already surging and he couldn't get out. Wu Yong kept shouting and really hit Li Lingyuan's gun.

"Why don't you just drink water? What else is there to choose? If you don't want the smell of toothpaste, don't use the jar for brushing your teeth." Li Lingyuan hummed twice, put the lunch box in his hand on the table, and his face darkened, "You are the one who is responsible for brushing your teeth." I took it myself, and now I’m saying something to you, what’s going on? Do you have a problem with water, or do you have a problem with Si Zhiqing?”

Si Ningning frowned, vaguely aware that something was wrong.

It is not good to have conflicts. She was prepared to break up the fight, but what does this matter have to do with her?


Si Ningning stood up, but before she could finish her sentence, Xu Shuhua over there spoke up because the topic involved her, "You are arguing, but what does this have to do with Ning Ning? I'm kind enough to pour you some water. Is it wrong to send it to you again?”

 Xu Shuhua replied to Li Lingyuan, but it was Wu Yong who she looked at.

 Everyone else at the table also stopped eating and stared at Li Lingyuan and Wu Yong with impatient or displeased eyes. Most of them stared at Wu Yong.

Wu Yong originally just complained because he was tired from work and had no place to vent his depression. He didn't expect that he would bring up so many things.

Now seeing everyone staring at him with such eyes, Wu Yong felt a twitch in his heart. He felt ashamed and annoyed at the same time. He stood up with a "scratch" and glared at Li Lingyuan with his mouth completely closed: "I said something that I shouldn't say. Are you being targeted like this? Aren't you just a bitch? You used to support Mo Bei, but now you support Si Ningning. I don't know, you might have done something shameful."             He stood up, frowning and shaking his head slightly, clenching the cup in his hand tightly.

Before Wu Yong could stop, his malicious eyes fell on Si Ningning. He snorted coldly and continued: "I was originally curious about why others are doing hard and tiring work in the fields, but you are so free and emotional. It’s business that goes to the team.”

"Yes, you have such a face, it would be a pity not to do business. But Si Zhiqing, why do you want to give an advantage to outsiders? Why don't you tell me the price? If I can get it, I will do a "business" with you "

Things turned out to be inexplicable, and because of Wu Yong's overly aggressive words, the room was silent for a moment. The next second, Li Lingyuan suddenly burst out, "Damn it, I'm going to kill you today—"

 Li Lingyuan was approaching Wu Yong, and before he could move out with his fists curled up, someone moved faster than him. He waved in front of him, and the room heard a "snap" sound of flesh exploding, and everyone was stunned.

Especially Li Lingyuan, he looked down at the braided back of Si Ningning’s head in front of him, his mouth was so big, his anger had long been forgotten, “Si, Si…”

Wu Yong turned his head to one side, his face burning with pain. He turned to look at Si Ningning, "You..."

 He wanted to say something but couldn't, because Si Ningning made a "pop" sound and slapped him on the face again with her backhand.

Si Ningning’s eyes were wide-eyed. Even though he was half a head shorter than Wu Yong, he didn’t show any timidity at all.

 She spanked Wu Yong with such force that no water was released at all, causing her hands to feel painful and hot after the spanking, and they could not stop shaking.

Facing Wu Yong's gaze again, Si Ningning's pretty face turned cold and asked, "Didn't your parents teach you what to say and what not to say?"

“Since they didn’t teach me, I will teach you today.” He raised his hand and slapped Wu Yong.

 Even the most obtuse person should have come to his senses after being slapped twice in succession.

 “I’ve given you face, haven’t you? You dare to hit me.” Wu Yong grabbed Si Ningning’s wrist and dragged Si Ningning to fight back.

His words to frame and humiliate Si Ningning have gone too far, and now he wants to hit a woman, who can endure him?

Mo Bei stood up and pulled Si Ningning behind him. He reached out and pushed Wu Yong with such force that he pushed Wu Yong back a few steps and did not stop until his back hit the wall.

"You are a man, educated, not a country shrew." Mo Bei's face was dark, and he looked down at Wu Yong with a pair of starry eyes indifferently, with an oppressive aura around him, "Apologise."

Wu Yong’s temper and resentment are rising in turn. How can he be willing to bow his head now?

He sneered and hummed, looking back at Mo Bei and the other educated youths who stood up behind Mo Bei, "What is this? Bullying the few with more people? Just because you have more people and the same voice, you are confusing right and wrong, right?"

This ability to confuse right and wrong makes the progress bar full.

Li Lingyuan couldn't bear it and wanted to go up again, "Look at the immoral words he said. If I don't fight with him today, I won't be a man."

Si Ningning pulled Li Lingyuan, looked at the back of Mo Bei's head and said cautiously: "Mo Zhiqing, I don't need his apology."

Mo Bei was slightly stunned, turned around and lowered his eyelids to look at Si Ningning.

Wu Yong's eyes also fell on Si Ningning. He didn't believe that Si Ningning would be so kind and let him go.

Si Ningning saw Mo Bei's confused look, smiled and shook his head, saying that he was fine, and then continued: "Even if he apologizes, I won't accept it."

Wu Yong is really not a man in Si Ningning's eyes because he would make those kind of remarks and act like he was going to hit a woman.

Wu Yong's ability to behave like this shows that there is no bottom line inside. Even if she lets Wu Yong go without pursuing him this time, will Wu Yong let her go?

 Having lost such a big face, I will definitely look for opportunities to retaliate from all aspects.

Si Ningning will not leave any hidden dangers to herself.

She looked at Mo Bei with a smile, then turned to Wu Yong and looked at him. The curve of her pink lips was extremely wide, full of provocative charm, "Let the production captain judge whether it is right or wrong."

"You, you are sick!" Wu Yong was a little panicked and glared at Si Ningning and said: "Is this a big deal? You..."

“It’s not so much that what you say doesn’t count, what I say counts.” Si Ningning replied with a smile.

Wu Yong was so angry that he trembled all over. He stared angrily and cursed: "Okay, if you want to sue, go ahead! It's best to pray that you can beat me to death at once. If I can't die, I still want to be here. You Just wait for me!”

"I want to get you away, so you can't come back." Si Ningning said coldly, raising his left hand at the same time, revealing the light blue handprints under his wrist and sleeve.

She has fair skin, and the mark is particularly obvious, which was where Wu Yong caught her just now.

Mo Bei saw it clearly and frowned quietly, then heard Si Ningning continue: "It's hard to convict for slander. I'll accuse you of being a hooligan. Do you think you can run away?"

Wu Yong trembled, his face changed drastically, and he reached out to reach out to Si Ningning to say something else. Si Ningning had already taken two steps back, and Mo Bei, who was standing in front of her, stopped Wu Yong directly.

Si Ningning didn't give Wu Yong a chance to speak, and said directly to Mo Bei and Li Lingyuan: "There is no point in dragging this matter out. Let's do it now, while everyone is on lunch break, and let the captain comment."

Li Lingyuan understood immediately, approached Wu Yong, gave him a gentle push, and hummed, "Let's go, Wu Zhiqing."

Mo Bei took a deep look at Si Ningning, then said nothing, and went to the production team with Li Lingyuan, staring at Wu Yong from left to right.

  Stupid mouse…

Actually not stupid.

 On the contrary, her mind is exceptionally bright and clear.


Si Ningning followed behind and wanted to go to the production team together. As soon as he stepped out of the door, his hand was grabbed by someone. When he turned around, he saw that it was Xu Shuhua.

"Ning Ning..." Xu Shuhua struggled and trembled between her brows.

"Do you think I'm cruel? I will retaliate."

Xu Shuhua pursed her lips and shook her head slightly.

 She didn't say anything, but through her eyes, Si Ningning still noticed something.

 (End of this chapter)

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