Chapter 137 Be cautious

"When he said those words, did he care about my life or my fate?" Si Ningning gently stroked Xu Shuhua's hand away, "It is difficult for women in any era. The only thing that can save themselves is the things on hand. Apart from weapons and legal weapons, all that remains is self-preservation.”

 No one else can help you.

For example, Xu Shuhua said that Si Ningning was not ruthless in her actions, but subconsciously she believed that Si Ningning was ruthless and made the matter more serious.

 Especially if you are also a woman.

 This remark is not directed at women, but sometimes, women are indeed much more malicious towards women than others.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another disadvantage, and that is "emotionality".

Women are always emotional and think that just talking about some things is enough, but they don’t know that the hidden crisis will make them fall into the abyss at any time.

 This is an era when fallacies and rumors can drive people to death, not the 21st century in the future.

Wu Yong’s words were not just “slander”. As Si Ningning said, Wu Yong never thought about the disaster those words would bring to her.

 Her life and death has nothing to do with others. It doesn't matter if others don't care about her, but she will protect herself.

“Shuhua, there are some things that others can help us with, but there are some things that others cannot. We have to live as strong as men, and we also need a certain degree of ruthlessness when necessary. Only in this way will we be fine.”

Si Ningning only said what she wanted to say and left after speaking. She did not force Xu Shuhua to agree with her.

                               Si Ningning.

 However, when she turned around, Jiang Yue unexpectedly called her out.

Si Ningning turned around and saw Jiang Yue's ordinary, almost mediocre face, full of determination, "I'm on your side."

Jiang Yue lowered her head for a moment, then raised her head again to look at Si Ningning, "Even if the captain thinks you are deliberately making things worse and blaming you, I will still stand by you."

 The reason why Jiang Yue was so determined was because she felt that Si Ningning was right.

In this day and age, it is not enough to keep a clear head. Women also need to live as tenaciously and strong as men.

 Some people say that "women hold up half the sky", but people just say it.

 No one has ever looked at a woman.

 …They can’t rely on others but themselves.

A trace of surprise flashed in Si Ningning's eyes. She wanted to figure out what to do. She smiled lightly, waved her hand, and walked away.

 After walking for about ten minutes, we arrived at the production team leader’s house. The sun was shining brightly at this time, and it was the hottest time of the day.

When Si Ningning and others arrived, Zhao Hongbing was squatting by the well in the courtyard washing his hair. When he heard Li Lingyuan's angry "Captain", Zhao Hongbing staggered and almost lost his head on the ground.

 “Yelling about your mother...” Zhao Hongbing opened his mouth to curse. He looked up and saw Si Ningning and the four of them, and swallowed back half of the curse words.

 Zhao Hongbing quickly poured two ladles of water over his head, put a sweat towel around his neck to wipe his head, and then stood up, "I have to work in the afternoon, what are you doing here at this hour?"

"There are some conflicts at the Educated Youth Point. I hope you, captain, can comment." Considering that there were many swear words involved in the matter, it was difficult for Si Ningning, a girl, to speak, so Li Lingyuan took the initiative to explain.

It was too sunny outside, so Zhao Hongbing didn't say anything. He walked forward and waved, asking the four people to follow him into the house.

During this period, Sanya saw Si Ningning coming and came up to say hello, but was waved by Zhao Hongbing and rushed to the backyard to play.

Chen Lianmi was cooking in the kitchen, and there were only four people, Zhao Hongbing and Si Ningning, in the hall. After Li Lingyuan told the truth about what happened, Zhao Hongbing let out a sigh of relief, sat at the table with a teapot, and looked directly at To Si Ningning.

Si Ningning hasn’t spoken a word since she walked in.

 Zhao Hongbing asked directly: "Si Zhiqing, what result do you want?"

Mo Bei frowned, and Li Lingyuan said: "Captain, this matter... we came to you to ask you to judge, why did you ask the educated youth of Cheese..."

Zhao Hongbing wanted to hear what Si Ningning wanted to do with Wu Yong.

It's okay to say it's light, but if it's serious, but the sentence is not so severe in the end, not only will others look at Si Ningning with strange eyes, but Wu Yong will also hate Si Ningning.

Even Li Lingyuan can think of things, Si Ningning can't think of?

Si Ningning's pale lips twitched slightly, and she met Zhao Hongbing's gaze frankly: "Captain, although this matter is not a big deal, Wu Zhiqing has a bad attitude and said a lot of harsh words. I am a girl, and I am so far away from home. Far away, there are some things we have to guard against.”

“I don’t need you to punish him or deal with him, but now, I don’t dare to stay in the same place as Wu Zhiqing.”

The accusation of "hooliganism" was to scare Wu Yong, but Si Ningning had no intention of saying it.

 Because whether it is true or false, once she says it, it will become a stain on her.

  Compared with whether you are innocent, people are more willing to believe that "the fly never bites the egg."

However, what Si Ningning said was straightforward enough: For the sake of his own safety, he was unwilling to stay in the same place with Wu Yong.

Even if Wu Yong is no longer an educated youth and is in the same production team, and she doesn’t see her tomorrow, it would still be a safety hazard for her.

 So, her words were equivalent to telling Zhao Hongbing two options:

 1. Transfer her away.

  2. Transfer Wu Yong.

Si Ningning thought that Zhao Hongbing asked her first to settle the matter, but unexpectedly, what Zhao Hongbing said next made her stunned for a long time.

Zhao Hongbing looked directly at Wu Yong this time, his thick eyebrows were knotted, and he said impatiently: "Wu Zhiqing, you heard Si Zhiqing's words. This matter must be handled according to my ideas. Why don't you go and sit in the commune for two days?" If you can't run away, the result will only be worse... Now that Si Zhiqing is talking about it, I can't say much to you. "

“You are from a big city, well-educated and well-educated, and you know the rules and regulations better than me. I am busy with farming right now, so I won’t say much else. I just ask you, are you convinced by this result? Do you accept it?”

Wu Yong has been timid for a long time. From the gate of the courtyard, his heart was in his throat, fearing that Si Ningning would accuse him of being a gangster and drag him out to parade or send him to the northwest.

Now that Si Ningning didn't mention that issue, Wu Yong didn't dare to relax, fearing that Si Ningning would get angry and act erratic again.

Wu Yong's throat rolled up again and again. After a while, he lowered his head and uttered the word "recognize".

Si Ningning raised her eyebrows and looked blank.

This, this is the end?

Wu Yong’s fists were clenched. His arms, which used to look weak, now had veins popping out.

Things are acknowledged, but they are not reconciled to the recognition. Zhao Hongbing noticed this and gave a slight "tsk" impatiently.

At first, Zhao Hongbing didn't fully believe Li Lingyuan's explanation, but if Mo Bei nodded, Zhao Hongbing knew that this matter was untrue.

As for why he asked Si Ningning first, it was not as complicated as Li Lingyuan and the others thought. It was just that it was officially busy farming and they wanted to make a quick decision.

Seeing Wu Yong's unconvinced look, Zhao Hongbing took a sip of water, patted the table and said, "I'll run over to the brigade in a moment. Wu Zhiqing, you go back and pack up your things and move them to me first. The rest will be done after the brigade leader gets a letter." arrange."

Conflicts can be big or small, but Zhao Hongbing felt that Si Ningning was right about one thing.

That means that a girl is no better than a boy. If she is really right, she will not be able to resist, so he must keep an eye on her.

“If you have nothing else to do, go back and don’t be late for work in the afternoon.”

Hence, a group of four people left in two groups, namely Si Ningning, Mo Bei, Li Lingyuan, and Wu Yong, who fell behind.

Mo Bei remained silent. During this period, Li Lingyuan couldn't help but give Si Ningning advice: "Si Zhiqing, why don't you come with us this afternoon?"

 Li Lingyuan thought about it before and after, and always felt that it was not safe to leave Si Ningning alone.

Si Ningning tilted her head and smiled knowingly. Her fair face seemed to be shining in the sun, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Even if Wu Yong wanted to make some small moves, he would not dare to do so at this juncture.

 Because once something happens to Si Ningning, it will have something to do with him. If he wants to do something, he must give up his peaceful life for the rest of his life.

As Si Ningning expected, Wu Yong followed him quietly like a quail, returned to the educated youth point, packed up quietly, and then headed out to the production team with large and small bags under the eyes of everyone.

Seeing his back disappeared during the afternoon nap, everyone dispersed to wash their lunch boxes and prepare to take a nap to work, but Wu Yong came back at this moment.

“I’ll leave here right away. I’ll pay back the money I spent to buy vegetables and chickens this month.” Wu Yong said with a cold face.

 Since he won’t stay here anymore, why should he care about face and dignity? He won't give a penny to the people in front of him.

Si Ningning was speechless for a while, then asked Li Lingyuan: "How much did you spend buying pumpkins a few days ago?"

“Eight points.” Li Lingyuan replied blankly.

 Eighty cents is equal to four cents, and little chicken Wu Yong paid 13 cents.

Si Ningning put a condom in his pocket, took out a stack of colorfully folded cents, counted out two cents and handed it to Li Lingyuan, "Li Lingyuan, give it to him for me."

Li Lingyuan was a little hesitant, took the money and handed it to Wu Yong. After Wu Yong left, Li Lingyuan scratched his head and said: "Everyone eats the food together, and raises the chickens together. The two cents are one penny, let's share it equally!"

Si Ningning shook her head and curved her lips into a smile, "No need, I'm more or less interested in this matter today, which will delay everyone's meal... I'll pay for the food this time, and as for the little chicken, There is no need to give me the money, just treat it as if I have contributed two pieces of money, and then I will get two pieces of the harvest.”

Xu Shuhua and the others did not have much money and had no objection to this matter.

Among the male educated youths, Mo Bei and Song Shuhan had good family backgrounds. They did not care whether they would get more or less eggs after raising chickens, so the matter was naturally settled as Si Ningning said.

Everyone washed their lunch boxes and went back to the house to rest. Si Ningning grabbed a small handful of sorghum rice from his own ration and a handful of bran from the rice bran bag he brought back.

The bran was mixed with rice and he randomly picked up a broken tile to put it in. After adding two drops of water to mix it slightly, Si Ningning put the tile into the basket.

The chickens were first frightened by her and started running around and squealing, and then they started to peck at each other, "chirping" happily.

Si Ningning squatted on the edge of the basket with one hand holding her knees, and put the other hand into the basket. Her pale lips curved to look at this interesting scene. There was a cold darkness above her head, and the next second, someone squatted beside her: "Ning Ningning rather…"

                                 是 Xu Shuhua.

"What's wrong?" Si Ningning glanced at her with a smile and continued to look at the chickens in the basket.

Xu Shuhua has one inner pair of eyes and one inner double eye. Because her eyebrows are always furrowed, the inner double eye is squeezed into a triangular shape, which shows her inner conflict and hesitation.

Xu Shuhua twitched her lips and thought for a long time before speaking: "Ning Ning, I don't blame you for what happened just now... I'm just worried that if you do something ruthless, everyone will think you are difficult to get along with and are afraid of you."

When the incident happened, Xu Shuhua's reaction made Si Ningning frown at most. It was not disgusting or disappointing at all. However, now that Xu Shuhua explained what was in her mind at the time, it has indeed soothed the slightest trace of sadness in Si Ningning's heart. ripple.

Si Ningning curved her lips and chuckled twice. She turned her head and said to Xu Shuhua: "I know you are thinking about me. The matter is over now and I won't mention it again."

Hearing this, Xu Shuhua had a smile on her face. Just for a moment, she nervously grabbed Si Ningning's arm, "It's settled, you're not angry, and you're not angry with me either!"

 “Not angry, not angry, really.”

Si Ningning was completely speechless by Xu Shuhua's fuss and nervousness.

She broke away and pushed Xu Shuhua: "Aren't we going to cut wheat again in the afternoon? Go and get some sleep."

Xu Shuhua stayed with Si Ningning for a while and made sure that Si Ningning was really not angry. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and went back to her room to take a lunch break.

Educated Youth Point is quiet again, and you can occasionally hear the sound of the breeze stroking the window coffins, and the occasional "chirp" from a chicken.

Si Ningning lay on the edge of the basket and looked at the chickens for a while, then sighed.

 It feels good to have friends.


 Sometimes I feel tired.

 It may seem like a pure friendship, but in fact it is not pure...

 Otherwise, Xu Shuhua would not be so cautious.

Si Ningning was not sleepy, so she took out the moxa velvet, toner and dried mint leaves that Xu Shuhua and the others had collected before and went to the well.

Since mint leaves are thinner than mugwort leaves, almost 90% of the moisture has been lost after one night. Si Ningning kneaded the handful of dried mint leaves into fine powder without any effort.

The stone platform beside the well is dotted with spots of sunshine pouring down from the leaves. Si Ningning rolled up her sleeves and mixed the toner, moxa and mint leaves in a ratio of 2:1:1 evenly, then added water. Until it can be kneaded into a ball.

Si Ningning picked a few leaves and put them aside as decorations. She grabbed the black ball with her white hands and divided it into several small balls. During this period, she was thinking about many things uncontrollably in her mind.

 There are some about female educated youth, some about male educated youth, and even more about Huo Lang.

 (End of this chapter)

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