Chapter 141 Feeling uneasy

Si Ningning’s eyebrows trembled. He put down the broom head and leaned on the edge of the pig pen with his knees. He took off the military water bottle and handed it over in a smooth movement, "Are you thirsty? Drink some water?"

He Gu subconsciously wanted to take it, but he stretched his hand into the air and then hesitated and retracted it.

He raised his hands in the air, stared hesitantly and glanced back and forth several times, and finally frowned and shook his head.

Si Ningning raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "What? I work in the pig pen, and now you think I'm dirty?"

"No, it's not." He Gu shook his head faster, hesitantly pursed his chapped lips, and said embarrassedly: "It's me..."

 Before he could say the words "My hands are dirty", in his field of vision, a beautiful white hand held the kettle and handed it to him.

He Gu looked up blankly. The young girl was standing in the pig pen, with several pigs swaying around her, but the smile on her face was so bright that no one could ignore it.

 “Take it, I don’t mind you,” she said.

 She seemed worried that he wouldn't know how to unscrew the lid of the kettle, so she unscrewed it for him before handing it to him again.

Hegu held the kettle with red ears. He held it in his hand and looked at it. However, the owner of the kettle had already bowed down and continued working.

Hegu looked at Si Ningning, then at the kettle, and finally picked up the kettle and tilted his neck to take a few sips.

 It's sour, a little sweet, and has a special taste. Well... it's a little strange, but it's not unpleasant.

On the contrary, the water in the kettle is colder than the water just shaken from the well.

He Gu was very irritated because of the continuous cicada sounds and Si Ningning waiting on the left and Si Ningning not coming on the right. After drinking two sips of water, he instantly calmed down.

Hegu glanced at the three girls behind him calmly, then held the kettle like a treasure, leaned on the fence and whispered to Si Ningning: "Si Ningning."

 “Call me sister.” Si Ningning raised her head and pretended to glare.

Hegu was not afraid of her and still called "Si Ningning" regardless of her, "Did you know? Huo Lang is my eldest brother."

Si Ningning paused, "What?"

Horang is Hegu’s eldest brother?

Si Ningning really didn’t know about this. She only knew that Huo Lang had a sister.

 What's more... sanmiao, sanmiao, hegu?

Si Ningning picked up some clues from the name, "Do you live together? I went to Chen's house before, but why have I never seen you?"

Hegu opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

 He didn't know how to answer this question.

Si Ningning went to Chen's house a few times before. He either fell asleep during the afternoon nap or ran away long ago avoiding his brother's feeding.

Si Ningning did not struggle with this issue. She rubbed the broom head on the ground hard and tilted her head to ask the question she had always been curious about: "Your surname is Chen too, right? Your sister is also surnamed Chen, so why is your brother?" Your surname is Huo?”

He Gujian's chin tightened and he replied: "My eldest brother, my eldest brother, maybe his name is Chen Huolang."

He Gu actually didn’t know. Anyway, his eldest brother had been called by this name since he could remember it, and he had never thought about this issue.

"..." Si Ningning was speechless for a while, knowing that nothing could be gained by asking, so she stopped gossiping about He Gu.

Haunted Zhou Xiaocui to go home and fetch a bucket of water. After Si Ningning washed the pig pen clean, he took the teapot from Hegu's hand.

After giving some instructions to a few carrot heads, Si Ningning braved the hot afternoon sun and went to the fields to deliver water to other educated youths.

Hegu hadn't said what he wanted to say. When he saw Si Ningning was about to leave, he followed a few steps to follow, but Si Ningning turned around and scolded him: "There is no shade on the road and it's too hot. I'll be back soon. You Just wait here."

Hegu agreed reluctantly.

It is midsummer when farming is busy. The scorching sun is scorching the earth. Wheat fields and rice fields far and near are like golden oceans. The hot wind blows by, like an illusion, with faint signs of distortion.

The commune members wearing sweat towels were hunched over while working, and their linen gowns were completely soaked with sweat.

Someone saw Si Ningning passing by carrying a teapot and shouted at the top of his voice: "Comrade educated youth, are you bringing water? Can we even order it? My throat is so dry that it's about to bleed!"

"Okay, uncle, do you have a cup here? I only have a teapot here, not a cup." Si Ningning responded in a loud voice, carrying the teapot and walking around for a while to get closer to the uncle who was calling.

"There's no cup, there's a vat!" The uncle took off his turban to wipe his sweat, and after a while, he dug out a large enamel vat on the side of the field with the porcelain falling off. "My vat is big. Comrade educated youth, you are too young to have a couple with one mouth." Want it.”

 Uncle is a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, uncle, this teapot is big enough." Si Ningning smiled and poured half of the teapot into it, and then stopped when he thought it was almost full.

The sister-in-law who was busy tying grain next door also spoke, but unfortunately she didn’t have a cup.

The uncle saw Si Ningning's dilemma, but fortunately he was almost done drinking, so he freed up the enamel jar and lent it to the sister-in-law.

There are many taboos about the relationship between men and women these days, but there are also times. On days like double robbery, everyone is so busy that their heels are hitting the back of their heads. How can they have time to think about those ridiculous things?

The two drank the water and praised Si Ningning one after another: "Comrade educated youth, the water in this pot is not well water, is it? Why is it sour and sweet, but also very cold? After taking this sip, my five internal organs are all boiled. It’s cool.”

"Uncle, sister-in-law, this water was boiled in the morning, and it was splashed with well water when it came out..." Si Ningning smiled, and then said: "I haven't been assigned to work in the pig pen recently? I often go there on Tuesdays. The second sister-in-law takes her family very seriously when it comes to fetching water. She has an orange tree at home, and she always gives me a few of them every time I see her."

 At this point, Si Ningning did not continue.

But the uncle and sister-in-law have already understood that the sour and sweet taste is due to the addition of oranges.

The two of them praised Si Ningning a few more times, saying that she was clever and could think of such a trick, and then they bent down to the fields again and started working.

Si Ningning continued walking along the field. Li Lingyuan and the others were nearby. They had already heard the uncle calling Si Ningning before. Therefore, before Si Ningning even got closer, they saw Li Lingyuan holding his forehead. Khan, holding the lunch box and waiting at the end of the field.

Si Ningning walked over quickly, and Li Lingyuan stretched out his tongue and spit out two breaths. He was really as tired as a dog, "Si Zhiqing, you, you came just in time, I'm dying of thirst!"

 The water he brought with him when he went out was all drank on the way to the field. Li Lingyuan was really thirsty.

Looking at Li Lingyuan's appearance, Si Ningning was really afraid that he would fall into the ground due to heatstroke, so he didn't dare to delay and quickly poured water on him.

While Li Lingyuan was drinking, Si Ningning took another lunch box filled with water from Li Lingyuan.

Li Lingyuan fell down twice more, and then as if he remembered something, he pulled on the **** his shoulder and brought out a military water bottle from behind, "Si Zhiqing, here comes another one, boss Mo's. Fill it up, is there enough water?" ” ˆ ˆ Si Ningning closed the lid of the lunch box and took the kettle. She shook the elephant trunk teapot in her hand and listened to the sound of the kettle. “It’s almost the same.”

 After delivering it to the male educated youths, you can’t pour it to other members along the way, otherwise it won’t be enough.

Although orange mint tea is not lemon mint tea, the taste is similar. The sour and sweet taste not only quenches thirst, but also relieves heat.

Li Lingyuan thought it was very delicious, but when he heard the sound of water in the kettle that was close to the bottom, he was too embarrassed to have another bowl. He chuckled twice, holding the lunch box and the kettle at Si Ningning and smiled: "Si Educated youth, I discovered that not only are your meals delicious, but the water you serve is also delicious."

Of course she knew the taste of the orange and mint tea that Si Ningning made herself. However, looking at Li Lingyuan's honest appearance, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Isn't all the water the same? You've been thirsty for too long, and you have an illusion." Right?"

Si Ningning's fair skin had a sunburned blush on her face, her deer-like eyes curved into small crescents, and she replied in a teasing manner, which made Li Lingyuan's face turn red and he scratched the back of his head with a naive smile.

"I have to deliver water to Xu Shuhua and the others. Hurry up and deliver the lunch boxes and kettles to Song Shuhan and Mo Bei. The water will not be cold in a while." Si Ningning left after saying that.

Li Lingyuan recalled the feeling of relief when the coldness penetrated his throat and entered his abdomen. He shouted a few thanks at Si Ningning's back, then turned around and ran in the opposite direction without stopping: "Boss Mo! Song Shuhan, hey! Hurry up, hurry up!"


When they walked to the paddy field where Xu Shuhua and the others were cutting grain, ten minutes later, even though she was wearing a straw hat, a row of dense sweat beads appeared on Si Ningning's forehead, and she still felt that the top of her head was burning and burning badly.

Xu Shuhua and the others happened to be assigned to work on a piece of land this time. There were other aunts and sisters-in-law nearby. By comparison, you can see the difference in the speed of the work.

Xu Shuhua and the others did not work as fast as their aunts, but they worked harder. Si Ningning stood on the edge of the field and looked around. They were focused on harvesting grains and did not notice Si Ningning's arrival.

“Shuhua, Jiang Yue, Xiaoyun, I’ve brought you water. Drink it before you do it, okay?”

It wasn't until Si Ningning shouted that Xu Shuhua and the others noticed her. Each of them dragged their feet in the clay and struggled to sway closer to Si Ningning.

"Ning Ning!" Xu Shuhua was the first to arrive. She stood in the field, resting her hands on the field stems and looking up at Si Ning Ning, with a big smile on her face and a lot of mud on her cheeks.

Si Ningning held the teapot in one hand and helped her remove the dry mud from her face with the other, asking, "Where did you put your cup?"

Xu Shuhua raised her chin to one side. Si Ningning looked over and saw Xu Shuhua's coats grouped together not far away.

 It should be there.

Xu Shuhua stepped on the mud, which was suctioned and made it difficult to move. Si Ningning asked her to wait, and she took a few steps towards the ball of clothes and found the jar Xu Shuhua used to brush her teeth.

Si Ningning poured water for Xu Shuhua and handed it over. Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun also arrived one after another.

Si Ningning discovered that in some aspects, Jiang Yue's personality was actually very similar to Li Lingyuan's. For example, if he wanted to drink water right now, he would look impatient, as if he couldn't get enough of it no matter how many bowls he drank.

Jiang Yue drank two bottles of water in a row, and then reached out to ask for more.

The kettle had reached the bottom, so Si Ningning poured some more for her, "Drink slowly, it's gone."

As he spoke, he turned to Song Xiaoyun, who was the last to follow, holding the kettle in hand, "Xiaoyun, where is your jar?"

"I, I..." Song Xiaoyun rubbed her hands and said awkwardly: "I didn't bring it."

 She was dragged out by Xu Shuhua at noon, and she didn't even have time to get the cup.

Si Ningning's cheeks bulged, she said "Hmm", thought about it for a moment, and handed the entire elephant trunk pot to Song Xiaoyun, "There is no jar, so you'll have to make do with it. Just raise your neck to deal with it first. Don't forget it next time." Got the belt.”

"Si Ningning, how did you make this water? It tastes so good. It tastes better than the eight-cent soda from the supply and marketing cooperative."

"Just like that? If you are interested, I will teach you later."

 “Okay! Don’t go back on your promise.”

 “Yes, I won’t regret it~”

Jiang Yue asked naggingly, and Si Ningning answered nonchalantly. At the same time, he took off the military water bottle from his neck and handed it to Song Xiaoyun.

Xu Shuhua was drinking water on the side and said cheerfully: "Ning Ning, it's a good thing you didn't come. If the sun comes, your thin skin and tender meat will have to be cooked in the sun."

Xu Shuhua is talking about the work of cutting grain.

 “How can it be that exaggerated?” Si Ningning laughed and shook his head.

Si Ningning looked at Song Xiaoyun after making some jokes.

There wasn't much water left in the elephant trunk pot, and that alone would definitely not be enough for Song Xiaoyun to drink.

Si Ningning wanted to say that if Song Xiaoyun felt that it was not enough, she could drink from her kettle first, but before she could say anything, Song Xiaoyun held the military kettle and glanced over with a meaningful look, "This is Mo Zhiqing's kettle. "

"Huh?" Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Mo Bei bought the kettle from her.

 And this kettle was bought online before traveling through time. There are hundreds or even thousands of them, and they all basically look the same.

 But she knew it, but Song Xiaoyun and Jiang Yue didn't.

 In their eyes, they only saw Mo Bei holding a kettle that was exactly like this one that day.

Song Xiaoyun looked confused, Jiang Yue's eyes were full of curiosity, and Si Ningning was just thinking about how to answer, when Xu Shuhua explained to her: "They are all military kettles, so there is nothing surprising about them looking exactly the same, right? In order to buy this kettle, Ning Ning went out of her way that day. I ran away once. Did you forget about buying a small table?”

Si Ningning also remembered something. In order to deal with Xu Shuhua, she did explain that she went to the town to buy a kettle.

Thinking of this, Si Ningning nodded and said, "They should be produced in the same factory, right? Xiaoyun didn't tell me that I haven't remembered it yet. I'll go back and make a mark later to avoid making mistakes later."

With Xu Shuhua's guarantee and Si Ningning nodding her head to admit that she bought it herself, the matter should have ended here. But what Si Ningning didn't know was that Song Xiaoyun nodded without asking any questions, but in fact she didn't believe it in her heart. .

Song Xiaoyun was holding a military kettle with camouflage patterns, and the image of Si Ningning holding Mo Bei's hand under the kerosene lamp flashed in her mind inexplicably that night, while Mo Bei looked at Si Ningning intently.

When she first drank the water, she felt it was very delicious, but for some reason, when she thought of that scene, Song Xiaoyun immediately felt that there was no taste in her mouth.

Song Xiaoyun rubbed the military kettle and handed it to Si Ningning again. She looked at Si Ningning seriously with wide eyes, "Thank you, Ningning, I'm not thirsty anymore."

 (End of this chapter)

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