Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 142: old old old bachelor

Chapter 142: Old, Old, Single

Si Ningning recalled Song Xiaoyun's previous enthusiasm for Mo Bei, and more or less noticed something was wrong. Even if Song Xiaoyun really liked Mo Bei, she wouldn't be jealous over a kettle, right?

Even if the kettle really belonged to Mo Bei, Si Ningning didn't think that Song Xiaoyun liked it enough to make him jealous.

After thinking about it for a moment, Si Ningning looked back at Song Xiaoyun with her clear deer eyes, and reminded her kindly, "Are you really not going to drink? It's only three o'clock now, and there are still more than three hours before work ends."

If it’s not dark until after six o’clock, depending on how busy you are, the end of work may have to be postponed.

"Thank you Ningning, I'm really not thirsty anymore." Song Xiaoyun ignored Si Ningning's kindness, put the kettle into Si Ningning's arms, turned around and left.

Jiang Yue frowned hard and said impatiently: "Forget it if she doesn't want to drink it, just pour it to me."

Si Ningning gave Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua the water in the general's kettle.

“It’s so hot here, go back quickly.” Jiang Yue urged Si Ningning.

Si Ningning nodded, feeling too hot. After saying a few more words, he walked back.

Behind her, Jiang Yue held the vat and took a few sips perfunctorily, looking around for something. The water in the vat was not drunk at all, as if it was reserved for someone on purpose.


Si Ningning returned to the pig pen. Sanya and Zhou Xiaocui had already gone home to deliver water to their parents. Only Hegu was still waiting there.

Seeing Si Ningning come back, Hegu, who was huddled with his knees in his arms, stood up instantly, "Si Ningning!"

“…” Si Ningning was speechless for a while.

She tried to correct Hegu many times to call her sister, but it didn't work, so she simply stopped saying it.

"What's the matter?" Si Ningning picked up the pigweed that had long since shed its dew and threw it into the pig pen.

 “I’m telling you about my big brother!” Hegu followed Si Ningning persistently.

 “I know, your eldest brother is Huo Lang.”


 “Why not again?”

Si Ningning tilted her head and looked down at He Gu. The little guy shook his head vigorously, his face turned red with anxiety, "That's not it. I said that's not what I said."

He Gu was a little unhappy. Just for a moment, he looked up at Si Ningning with bright eyes and asked like a young adult: "How old are you?"

Si Ningning didn’t think much and answered smoothly: “17, what’s wrong?”

 “Ah…” Hegu’s expression turned pale instantly when he heard this.

Hégu refused to answer any questions Si Ningning asked after that.

Maybe he was annoyed by the questions, so he just ran away in the end, leaving Si Ningning stunned for a moment.

It is said that a woman’s mind is as deep as the bottom of the sea, and it is equally difficult to guess the mind of a half-year-old child!

Si Ningning stood in front of the pig pen, shook her head and watched the grain disappear at the end of the alley. Then she turned around to scoop up the swill, mix the pig food and write for a while. She was almost ready to return to the educated youth spot.

Si Ningning is busy here, while Hegu returns home with a sullen face.

Sanmiao was squatting in the yard, picking up a twisting earthworm with a small stick in her hand to tease the hens. Seeing He Gu coming back, Sanae threw the stick away, stood up and shouted happily: "Second brother! You are back!" "

"Humph." Hegu snorted angrily, and sat down next to Sanae. He raised his head and felt angry for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Brother, will you be back today? When will you be back?"

"The county is busy lately, and I don't know if eldest brother will come back today." Sanae replied, her round face smiling again, "Second brother, are you hungry? There are still some sweet potatoes left over from the steamed sweet potatoes at noon. I'll get it for you."

As he said that, he was about to enter the house, but he heard Hegu groaning and shouting: "I don't want to eat, don't get it for me."

My second brother's weird temper is not something that happens every day or two. Sanae has long been used to it, and she is not angry either. Da Lala squats in front of Hegu, resting her elbows on her knees, holding her chin in her hands and looking up at Hegu, smiling. "Is the second brother thirsty, or do you want to eat sweets? The eldest brother brought back a lot last time, and there are still some left."

When He Gu mentioned sugar, he thought of Si Ningning. He couldn't help but shake his head twice, and his stern face showed a hint of movement.

Just as Hegu was about to speak, there was another creak at the door of the courtyard, and someone pushed the door open and entered.

 He turned his head twice and stood up instantly, "Brother!"


 The two little ones dispersed to one side, and one of them grabbed one of Huo Lang's hands and shook it, "Brother, did this mission go well? Are you tired? I'll get some water for you!"

Sanae said, entering the house and pouring water quickly.

He Gu still held onto Huo Lang's arm. Huo Lang's eyebrows were tired and he patiently used his other hand to stroke He Gu's little head. "What have you and Sanae been doing at home these two days? Have you had a good meal?" "

 “Brother.” Hegu’s dark eyes rolled around and he looked up at Huo Lang. His neck was so slender that people worried it might break at any time.

Hegu didn't answer. Instead, he lowered his head and asked sadly and lonely: "If I can eat well, how many years younger will my eldest brother be?"

"What is this nonsense?"

This question made Huo Lang confused, but he didn't think much about it. He bowed and held the grain in his arms, and carried it to the main room. "You think my eldest brother is old and can't support you anymore?"

Sanae brought water, and Huo Lang took it into his hand. Hegu sat on the bamboo bed, looking up at Huo Lang thoughtfully as he drank the water.

 Si Ningning is 17 years old, but his eldest brother is 24 years old.

I once heard from my aunt on the team that a man who has not married a wife after the age of 20 is a typical old bachelor.

At his age, isn’t his eldest brother an old bachelor?

He Gu thought sadly: Si Ningning will definitely dislike his eldest brother.

After drinking the water, Huo Lang handed the enamel jar to Sanmiao and asked Sanmiao to put it back. He turned around and saw Hegu staring at him. He put his big hand on Hegu's head and rubbed it hard, "What's that look?"

Like an angry cat, Hegu ducked away with a "hum", but then turned around and said seriously: "Brother, can you learn from the educated youth? They are very elegant in their gowns, but my eldest brother's gowns are too small." Every time I put it on, my shoulders bulge, not elegant at all.”

The same clothes were completely different to wear. Hegu was young and didn't know much. He just thought it was a problem with the clothes. How could he know that under his eldest brother's arms were muscles that had been exercised for many years.

 The educated youths only held books before going to the countryside. They had never done any heavy work at all, so their waists, abdomen and arms were naturally flat. Huo Lang didn't say this. Even if he did, a young man wouldn't understand it.

Horang only looked at Sanae on one side, asking where the trouble was.

Sanae tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said seriously: "Brother, second brother has been going to the pig pen these days... The female educated youth who came to our house before seems to have been arranged to work there."

Huo Lang was thoughtful, and He Gu simply admitted, "Si Ningning gave me a soda today. It's sour and sweet. It's a hundred times better than the soda my eldest brother bought."

As he spoke, Hegu's expression flickered slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

Just for a moment, he looked at Huo Lang sadly, "Brother, when people ask you your age in the future, don't say you are 24 years old. Just say, well, just say you are 19... Forget it, just say you are 20." Year old!”

Although his eldest brother is good-looking and the most handsome in the team, his boss usually has a stern face and people who are not close to him think his eldest brother is scary. Some people may barely believe him if he says he is 20 years old, but if he says he is 19, others will definitely not believe him.

He Gu thought about it, then held the corner of Huo Lang's clothes and said in an old-fashioned way: "Brother, if you smile more in the future, the boss will keep a cool face and no girl will fall in love with you."

 “Smelly boy.”

He Gu's words became more and more incoherent. Huo Lang stretched out his long arms, held He Gu at his waist, and patted his **** twice gently before letting go.

But when he mentioned Si Ningning, Huo Lang remembered the bamboo basket and sieve he had promised the girl a while ago.

It was originally said that it could be compiled in two or three days, but as the farming season was approaching, the county was afraid of delaying the production team's harvest, so they put together the recent work and planned to finish it before the double harvest.

He has been busy in the county for most of the month, and he can't worry about his younger brothers and sisters. Occasionally, he takes time out of his busy schedule to come back, just to drink a glass of water and say a few words before leaving.

Now that I'm back from doing business in the county, the team will be busy collecting the goods in a few days. It's going to be delayed. I guess I'll have to wait until autumn before I can knit the things for the girl...

There was "sugar" first, and no matter how busy Huo Lang was, he was too embarrassed to drag it down. He got up immediately, rinsed his arms and face by the well in the backyard. He took out the hatchet and picked up the bamboo in the corner and part of it that had been split. Bamboo strips, sitting in the shade by the well and getting busy.

As soon as Huo Lang knitted the bottom shape of the bamboo basket, He Gu came around from the kitchen, squatted on one side and pointed: "Brother, don't you know how to knit little goldfish? You are here, knitting half of the basket in a circle ? Girls definitely like it."

“Talk too much.” Huo Lang scolded softly, but in reality his deep brows were slightly raised.

The girl was cute and naive. He asked her for something, and she agreed without any hesitation... If she could be happy, that would be fine.

 Quan should return the favor.

Horang stepped on the bamboo basket that had been knitted in a small circle, freed his hand to pull out a small handful of bamboo silk from the bamboo basket, and began to weave it with his fingers flexibly.

 After a while you will be able to see the bulge on the back of the goldfish.

As soon as Hegu saw it, he knew that his elder brother had listened to his words. He was immediately excited and smiled proudly, "Brother, you have to make it more detailed and special, so that it is easy to identify, so as not to worry about it later." Si Ningning took it out, but someone thought it was his and took it by mistake. "

Hegu's worries are completely unnecessary.

 In the past, there were people in the third team who could organize, but due to some things, this method of organizing was gradually lost.

Horang's little goldfish braiding method was learned from a veteran who was a few years older than him when he was in the army.

Whether it is training in the army school or actually going to the battlefield, it is very difficult. Some recruits can't persist, but there is no way out. The veteran treats the recruits like his own brothers and sisters, and uses the skills that his father gave him Gadgets, made up one by one in free time and given to recruits, to encourage recruits to finish this battle and then go home and reunite with their families...

As Huo Lang knitted the little goldfish in his hands, the eyes of the new recruits filled with tears of homesickness vaguely appeared in his mind, and finally, the veteran was blown up with his lower body missing, lying under the black soil of the artillery fire, covering his hand with difficulty, that The shouts of "Alang" and "Alang" made him frightened, and the blood in his bones solidified with the passage of time...

“Brother, have you tied your hands?”

He Gu hugged his knees and tilted his head. He didn't understand why his elder brother's eyes suddenly turned red.

Huo Lang came to his senses quickly, raised his head, put his big palm in front of his eyes and rubbed it. When he put his hand down again, his expression had returned to normal.

While he was busy with his hands, he corrected the inaccuracies in Hegu's words, "From now on, when you see me, I will call you sister. Little boys must also have a backbone. They cannot ask for things from others. Even if they are given by others, they must refuse."

 “Huh.” He Gu pouted, staring down at the little goldfish made by Huo Lang, and said no more.

On the other hand, Si Ningning finished her work in the pig pen and steamed rice in the advanced space before returning to the educated youth point. Afterwards, she went back to the educated youth point to clean up and start making today's big pot of rice.

 As soon as the fire in the stove was lit, I heard someone shouting outside.

Si Ningning went out and saw Chen Lianmi again, "What's wrong, Auntie?"

Chen Lianmi had two bundles of rice at her feet. She was standing by the vegetable field on the side of the educated youth point. When she saw Si Ningning coming out, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "Si educated youth, the fields are really busy. "Can you go down to the fields and help me tomorrow? Just help bundle the rice. It's going to rain in the next two days. If I don't pick it up in time, the rice will rot in the ground."

"Sure, auntie." Si Ningning nodded quickly, and then said after a while: "But auntie, other educated youths in the educated youth area have a heavy workload recently. Now I am in charge of cooking. I will go to the fields after feeding the pigs tomorrow, and there will be another day at noon." Is that okay if you go home early?”

"Okay, this is all easy to say. It's a big help if you can help me." Chen Lianmi smiled, squatted down and picked up the burden again, and walked slowly towards the threshing floor, saying: "This time, Comrade Educated Youth We also helped a lot, but we can’t let them go hungry.”

If the educated youth are really hungry, then they won’t be able to work as hard, and won’t there be a shortage of labor force?

 That would be more of a loss than a gain.

“Okay, Si Zhiqing, you cook, and I’ll pick the rice bales. It’s early in the morning, so if you move quickly, you can pick more rice.”

 “Okay, Auntie, please slow down.”

Si Ningning went back to the kitchen to continue cooking. When the other educated youths came back in the evening, the food on the table was much more honest than the previous days.

A large pot of tomato soup with obvious oil stains, and a plate full of fried pumpkin.

 This month, I exchanged my work points for rations in the team, most of which were sweet potatoes.

 Sweet potatoes are not like rice. Once steamed in a pot, it is difficult to tell who is whose and how much.

 Generally speaking, when it comes to sweet potatoes, one person would take out a few before and divide them up now. If you remember what shape and length they are, you can pick them yourself without ruining others.

A group of people were sitting at the table. Everyone had two sweet potatoes in front of them. In addition, everyone had a lunch box full of soup.

Li Lingyuan was not afraid of being burned. He took a sip and said, "Hey, ever since Si Zhiqing took over the cooking job, I've been looking forward to the soup every day. Not to mention, the soup is sour and sour, and it's really appetizing!" "


 A Yao thought casually: This moon phase will conflict with the monthly vote list! It’s the end of the month! Don’t waste your monthly passes, little cuties, give them to me now~~~!

 (End of this chapter)

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