Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 144: Really that scared?

Chapter 144 Are you really that scared?

 But is this painful?

Si Ningning sat in the mud, feeling the wet mud under her body gradually soaking through her clothes. She should have gotten up immediately, but her legs were so weak that her tears fell uncontrollably.

The uncles and aunts nearby laughed at first. Seeing that Si Ningning hadn't gotten up for a long time, someone noticed something was wrong, so they stopped laughing and scolded the others softly: "Okay, why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

 Some people noticed that Si Ningning was crying, and immediately changed the subject in embarrassment: "I, we have no other intentions. Comrade educated youth, don't take it to heart!"

Si Ningning was whimpering and still sitting in the mud. People around her were at a loss. Even the elderly women and men didn't know how to comfort the beautiful little girl.

At this moment, a clever person suddenly noticed a tall man passing by carrying a load of rice bundles at the end of the field. He suddenly had an idea and shouted at the top of his voice: "Hey! A Lang, come on, hurry up. of."

Horang was temporarily assigned to pick rice bales, and suddenly heard someone calling him. He originally wanted to ask something, but the uncle on the team sounded very anxious.

Worried that something had really happened, he put down his burden and walked over there.

As soon as he got closer, he saw people sitting in the field. Huo Lang instantly understood what was going on.

Sure enough, I heard the uncle on the team say dryly: "Alang, let's take a look. It seems that this educated youth comrade has been bitten by a snake? We can't leave while we are working. You can send someone back to wash him and take a look." Serious or not?”

Huo Lang nodded and walked to Si Ningning on the wet mud without even taking off his straw sandals.

Si Ningning looked up at him, her eyebrows were knitted together, her eyebrows were drooping, her eyes were red and moist, and her teeth were biting her lower lip in grievance. Not only were her clothes covered in mud, but her face and hair on the side of her head were also covered in mud. Coupled with the red streaks cut from the leaves of the rice stalks, it looks extremely embarrassing and eye-catching.

 What a miserable little wretched person.

Moreover, this poor little man was extremely aggrieved at this time. His eyes were full of tears and seemed to be full of endless friendship. Anyone who looked at it would be intoxicated.

Horang's arm muscles couldn't restrain themselves from twitching. His deep brows furrowed and he looked away awkwardly. His voice was low and hoarse: "Can you get up?"

Si Ningning's face was bloodshot, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and whispered: "My, my legs are weak!"

The tears in her eyes were already unable to fall, but now when she lowered her eyes, two crystal teardrops hung on the lower eyelashes at the end of her eyes, making her look even more charming.

For Huo Lang, a passionate girl is very easy to reject. No matter how clingy she is, if she is left in the cold for a while, the person will naturally leave.

 In comparison, the kind of tender and charming girl is the most troublesome.

 As if I can never be separated from people.

 In other words, it’s so fragile that people can’t let go and leave.

Huo Lang pursed his thin lips, and finally sighed and squatted in front of Si Ningning, "It's such a small thing, why are you crying?"

 “Where is the bite?”

 “No.” Si Ningning shook his head.

 Not bitten?

 Why are you crying if you haven’t been bitten?

As if he could see what Huo Lang was thinking, Si Ningning bit her lip and said, "I'm afraid of snakes."

"..." Huo Lang was speechless for a while, then stretched out his hand to Si Ningning and asked, "Can I still leave?"

  “It should be possible.”

As soon as Si Ningning's hand rested on his palm, Huo Lang closed his big hands, took Si Ningning's hand and pulled him up.

Si Ningning’s legs and feet were still a little weak, and after swaying twice, she almost fell again.

 After standing firm, Si Ningning would stay as far away from the lying rice stalks as possible.

Horang could tell from Si Ningning's subtle expression that Si Ningning was really scared. He didn't say any harsh words and just said: "Where are the shoes? Put on the shoes and I will take you back."

Si Ningning obediently went to get her shoes. There was mud on her feet, so she didn't wear them.

Carrying shoes in one hand and an empty elephant trunk pot in the other, he followed Huo Lang back.

At first, on the field ridge, the soles of the feet were itchy when stepping on the grass. Later, they gradually left the field ridge and walked on a path full of dead branches and gravel. Si Ningning's walking posture began to become crooked.

Not only the walking posture, but also the five toes began to wiggle restlessly every time they took a step, as if they had to think carefully before landing every time.

 As time came and went, time was delayed.

Huo Lang stopped and looked back, just in time to see Si Ningning's bare feet, one foot hanging in the air trying to fall down.


Hourang was speechless for a while. A thought flashed through his mind. When he realized it, he had already squatted down in front of Si Ningning, holding the sweat towel originally hanging around his neck in his hand.

His other hand was firmly holding Si Ningning's ankle.

Si Ningning was startled when someone suddenly grabbed her ankle. She stood crookedly on one foot for fear of falling. She put her little hand on Huo Lang's shoulder, feeling a little at a loss. "What, what's wrong?"

Over there, Huo Lang came to his senses completely because of this, and his wheat-colored handsome face suddenly turned red where Si Ningning couldn't see him.

 But it has already developed to this point, and it would be more obvious to take back the hand.

Feeling the hot ears, Huo Lang held the sweat towel and carefully wiped away the mud on Si Ningning's feet. After a while, he raised his hand and took the cloth shoes from Si Ningning's hands. The toes of the shoes were facing him and neatly placed on Si Ningning's feet. in front of.

Si Ningning’s feet were not too small among girls, but in Huo Lang’s eyes, when he compared them just now when he held them in his hand, they were as small as a child’s feet.

Even the ordinary shoes look a bit cute.

To steady herself, Si Ningning put a hand on Huo Lang's shoulder. At this moment, Huo Lang squatted in front of her with one knee low, clasped her ankle with his big palm, and put the shoes on her feet.


 He wiped her feet and helped her put on her shoes in such an intimate and ambiguous gesture!

 “Put it on quickly.”

Hearing Huo Lang's low and hoarse voice again, Si Ningning shook his head slightly, as if reacting to something, and his face instantly turned red.

 The feet that had been put into the shoes curled up their toes due to nervousness, so that they were halfway out.

Holang was also a little embarrassed. He hurriedly put on a shoe for Si Ningning and stood up. After turning his back to Si Ningning, he said, "Wear it yourself."

Si Ningning’s heart was beating wildly and she nodded hurriedly.

She didn't know why she was panicking. She just said "Oh" in a hurry after realizing that the other party's back was turned to her and he couldn't see her movements.

After putting on her shoes and continuing to walk back behind Huo Lang, Si Ningning couldn't help but look around.

Seeing that the surroundings were densely surrounded by large and small trees, and no one noticed the ambiguous scene just now, she relaxed and let out a breath.

The relationship between men and women in this era is awkward. Regardless of whether there is anything between her and Huo Lang, once someone sees the scene just now, the whole thing will become uncomfortable.

Huo Lang always sent Si Ningning back to the educated youth center.

Si Ningning was half-covered in mud, and he expected that she would have to give her a good wash. Huo Lang didn't leave in a hurry, but fetched several buckets of water from the well, filled the washing pool, and fetched another full bucket of water. On the edge, he stopped. Si Ningning squatted by the pool, drawing water from it to wash her feet. Huo Lang clapped his hands and rubbed the marks made by the rope of the bucket on his palms. He stood on the other side and looked down at her, "Don't go to the fields this afternoon. Go to the threshing floor. I'll talk to the team."

 Snakes are very common in the south during this season. In places with a lot of grass, humid areas or near water, snakes can sometimes be encountered on any road.

 If Si Ningning still goes to the paddy field, it will be a matter of time before he encounters a snake again.

Si Ningning's mood had already calmed down, but when she heard Huo Lang mention the incident in the field again, she suddenly recalled the scene of the snake escaping from her arms.

 Things that are truly scary will expand infinitely as you continue to recall them. When Si Ningning recalled it again, the snake seemed to have slithered out of her palm.

 Her face couldn't help but turn pale again, and goosebumps stood up on her arms under her high-rolled sleeves.

Horang saw it clearly.

 He was silent and asked, "Are you really that scared?"

Si Ningning raised her head and nodded at him like a frightened deer.

Horang took in a hissing breath, as if something was a little troublesome, and placed his big palm on his forehead and rubbed it hard twice.

To be honest, Huo Lang actually prefers the more lively and willful Si Ningning. Like before in the mountains, Si Ningning is both squeamish and squeamish, but at least she is lively.

Now, with tears, it becomes purely coquettish. At first glance, it looks like a paper man, making him inexplicable and irritable.

“Where did your energy to be mean and sharp-tongued go? Why are you crying now?”

Si Ningning was stunned for two seconds, remembering the previous scene of arguing with Huo Lang in the mountains, and the fear in her heart dissipated a little.

Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to retort like a barrage of bullets: "Who is being naughty? Who is sharp-tongued? It is obvious that you are biased in your words, and I am correcting your mistakes!"

After finishing speaking, Si Ningning puffed up her cheeks and stared at Huo Lang, and added: "Comrade Huo Lang, this is the correct ideological awareness."

Seeing the wilted girl regain her energy in a second, Huo Lang felt enlightened. He smiled secretly and shook his head, thinking: This is right.

“Yes, in terms of ideological consciousness, of course no one can compare with you educated youth comrades.” Huo Lang agreed casually.

His echo just made Si Ningning feel uncomfortable.

Before Si Ningning could figure out whether his words had any hidden meaning, she heard Huo Lang say again: "Okay, I'll remember this. Also, I was busy some time ago, so I promised you these two bamboo baskets." God will make it up and send it over.”

 “If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first.”

With these words, Huo Lang didn't give Si Ningning a chance to reply. The moment his voice faded, everyone else had already walked to the side of the house at the Educated Youth Point.

Si Ningning was confused by "this matter" in Huo Lang's mouth, but when she saw someone was about to leave, she didn't think too much about it, and shouted to Huo Lang's back through the gaps between the shadows of the trees and branches: "Thank you for today! "

Horang waved his hand without looking back, and in the next second, he completely disappeared behind the shadow of the tree.

Si Ningning washed her feet, put on her shoes again, and rinsed away the muddy water from the well before entering the educated youth center.

She tied the door of the main room from the inside and took a shower in the space. As the muddy and black water was washed away by the shower, her frightened and gloomy mood returned to brightness.

 After feeding the chickens and pigs, and thinking that it was almost time for the others to come back, Si Ningning walked out of the room holding the dirty clothes.

As soon as I stood still in the house, I heard someone knocking on the door:

“Si Ningning, Si Ningning? Are you in the house?”

   is Jiang Yue.

so close! The loss must come out in time.

Si Ningning patted her chest, hugged the dirty clothes and walked out, "Yes, I'm in the house."

  Unlocking the door bolt of the main room and opening the door, Jiang Yue stood at the door with a sweaty face, grabbing her chest and clothes and shaking them up and down to fan herself.

Jiang Yue walked into the house and threw her straw hat on the table. Seeing Si Ningning holding dirty clothes in her arms, she was a little surprised: "It's broad daylight, what should I change into if I have nothing to do?"

Si Ningning briefly talked about what happened in the field, and then went to the well to wash her clothes. Jiang Yue stopped her again, "Wait for me, I have clothes to wash too!"

Jiang Yue went back to the room and pulled out a basin from under the bed, with a small blood-stained piece of clothing soaked in it.

She came to see her relatives yesterday, and because all the male educated youths were there at that time, she didn’t have the nerve to take it out to wash, so she soaked it in water first.

 I came back early today because I wanted to wash my clothes before the male educated youths came back.

The two girls were squatting on the stone platform by the well washing clothes, chatting between each other:

 “I also saw a snake a few days ago.”

 “Aren’t you afraid?”

"Afraid, of course I'm afraid, why aren't you afraid?" Jiang Yue pursed her lips and shook her head. The sweat stains she brought back from the fields had evaporated in the cool breeze, leaving a few scattered white marks on her face. "Then what can we do? You still have to work. If you don’t work, what will you eat and drink?”

 “I’m different from you.”

Si Ningning let out a "tsk" sound and pressed the clothes in her hands into the basin, "Can you still talk properly?"

Jiang Yue pursed her lips, lowered her head and washed her clothes silently.

 Getting along with Si Ningning reminded her of many things in the past.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yue frowned tightly. She raised her head and was about to say something, when Si Ningning suddenly said: "You can't even wash it clean, try using mine."

 Jiang Yue uses saponaria saponaria in her laundry, and there are saposapia locust trees in the production team.

 Saponaria has a certain cleaning ability, but it didn’t seem to have the cleaning effect on Jiang Yue’s blood-stained clothes.

Si Ningning saw that she had been rubbing it for a long time, but the red color had not faded at all, so he simply handed over the soap he used.

Si Ningning’s soap is soap taken out of space. It is completely white, which is different from the yellow soap and toilet soap that are commonly used in today’s era.

But soap already existed in this era, so it wasn’t too out of the ordinary for her to take it out.

Jiang Yue stared at the soap in Si Ningning's hand for a while, then took it and lightly slapped it on his clothes twice, then put the soap back into the soap box at Si Ningning's feet.

 The soaped clothes quickly formed a light white foam, and the dark red on the clothes gradually faded.

Jiang Yue’s frown slowly relaxed.

This soap is much easier to use than the ones she has used before.

Requesting a monthly ticket~~~



 (End of this chapter)

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