Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 145: green orange lemon

Chapter 145 Green Orange Lemon

Jiang Yue slowed down her movements of rubbing her clothes, considered it for a moment and said, "Si Ningning."

 “Huh?” Si Ningning turned her head blankly.

“The atmosphere in the educated youth community has been a bit strange recently.” Jiang Yue bit her lip, struggled for a moment and continued: “Can I believe you?”

“…” Si Ningning looked back at Jiang Yue in confusion.

 Believe it or not, can she just nod or shake her head?

Jiang Yue seemed to be aware of this. He hesitated and said, "Can you promise me first that you are really not a capitalist?"


Si Ningning was speechless. She couldn't figure out whether Jiang Yue really had something to say to her or whether he was deliberately entertaining her.

“I’ve almost finished washing my clothes. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly or I’ll leave.”

Jiang Yue bumped into Si Ningning’s cold face.

Being labeled as capitalist in this era is not a trivial matter. Whether it is true or false, no one will be happy if someone says this.

Jiang Yue knew this. She bit her lip and took a step closer to Si Ningning with her basin. Her expression was more or less complicated, "I'm not targeting you. It's my family..."

The sunlight spots on the ground were flickering, and the birds were chirping on the treetops. Jiang Yue talked a lot. Si Ningning was impatient at first, but then she calmed down and listened carefully to Jiang Yue's story.

 Jiang Yue is probably also a person with stories.

  She was born into a wealthy family, and her father and eldest brother had well-paying jobs at first.

Later, capital collapsed and the capitalists ran away. Before running away, they took all the **** basins to the Jiang family.

The Jiang family became the scapegoats of the capitalists. The eldest father and brother were imprisoned and tortured. Both died in prison in just one week.

My mother went back and forth and put Jiang Yue and Jiang Yue's younger brother into the team going to the countryside, and then lost contact with them.

 In this way, everything seems to make sense from the beginning of the incident.

Why is Jiang Yue's skin so white and her complexion so good, and why did she target Si Ningning in the first place?

 In this era, people were generally poor. Si Ningning had thin skin and tender flesh, and the things he produced were all high-quality. It was easy to think of a capitalist.

 Jiang Yue's family was persecuted by the capitalists. Of course she hated the capitalists. When she mistakenly thought that Si Ningning was a capitalist, she would make sarcastic remarks. This is not difficult to understand.

Si Ningning believes that the reason why Jiang Yue opened up her heart to Si Ningning about the past has something to do with what she said after experiencing the Wu Yong incident.

 Those who have not experienced major events have their thoughts ingrained with education and difficult to sublimate. Jiang Yue has experienced some things, so she agrees with what Si Ningning said and supports him.

Si Ningning felt a little emotional in her heart, and she sympathized more with Jiang Yue.

However, during this period of getting along, Si Ningning knew that although Jiang Yue was sometimes irritable and sometimes naive, her heart was very tough and she did not need sympathy from others.

  Si Ningning was silent and asked: "What about your brother? Where was he assigned? Last time you gave me food stamps in exchange for sweets, was it for your brother?"

 Jiang Yue nodded and said, "He is in the northwest."

 Northwest? !

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment and was a little surprised when he realized what he was doing.


One of the areas where the largest number of educated youths went to the countryside in the 1960s and 1970s was WLMQ at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, wasn't it?

The living environment there is difficult, with few forested areas, a huge temperature difference between day and night, and snowstorms every year. On average, the temperature only warms up after March.

 The most important thing is the lack of water and the widespread saline-alkali land.

Moreover, based on the documentaries she had seen before, Si Ningning vaguely remembered that educated youths and border soldiers over there generally lived in "diwozi".

The so-called "diwozi" is a pattern of finding small raised hills on the plains, digging down from halfway down the hills, and digging out rooms under the ground. Educated youths and border warriors lived in them.

Jiang Yue is only seventeen years old, and her younger brother is no more than sixteen years old.

If you have lived in a well-off family since you were born, and you arrive in a poor area like the northwest, and you are still there now, there are really two things to say...

Si Ningning suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and didn't want to continue this topic.

So he turned around and asked: "Let's not talk about this anymore. You just said that the atmosphere in the educated youth spot is strange. Why is it so strange?"

Jiang Yue was silent for a moment to calm down her mood, and said: "It's about Xiaoyun... We are all outsiders. It's hard to say anything, but I'm really worried about her."

Si Ningning nodded slightly and motioned for Jiang Yue to continue.

"My going to the countryside may be an escape, but generally educated young people participate in the policy of going to the mountains and countryside in order to receive re-education from farmers. Although our identity is not sensitive, it is also special and cannot withstand other messy events. The test..."

 “What exactly do you want to say?” Si Ningning interrupted Jiang Yue.

Si Ningning was almost confused as Jiang Yue made all kinds of twists and turns, unable to grasp the key points she wanted to say.

Jiang Yue shook her lips and got to the point, "Educated youths have a higher ideological consciousness than ordinary members, so they should be more self-aware and not have random relationships between men and women!"

As she spoke, Jiang Yue's face froze, she swallowed her saliva and looked at Si Ningning nervously, and continued: "Xiaoyun seems to have fallen in love with Song Shuhan. I don't know how to tell her these things. I'm not good at this either. Talk to others... You are sharp-tongued and quick-thinking, can you help me persuade Xiaoyun?"

 After talking in a roundabout way, Si Ningning finally understood what Jiang Yue meant.

  Song Xiaoyun is in love with a young man, an educated youth. However, there is no such thing as "free love" in this era.

Jiang Yue didn't want Song Xiaoyun to ruin her future, and she didn't know how to persuade her, so she approached her.

Jiang Yue hasn't talked to Song Xiaoyun much recently. It seems that the two of them are at odds, but in fact, she still prefers Song Xiaoyun in her heart.


Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows wrinkled, and her upper teeth bit her lower lip unconsciously.

 Song Xiaoyun is interested in Song Shuhan?

 Isn’t it because Mo Bei is in love?

Seeing that Si Ningning didn't answer for a long time, Jiang Yue was a little anxious, "Si Ningning?"

"Huh? Oh!" Si Ningning came to his senses, wrung out his clothes and poured out the dirty water in the basin, and then poured half of the water in the bucket into the basin to soak through the clothes, "This is the matter..."

"Jiang Yue, I know this matter is very serious." She considered it for a moment and continued: "But we have no reason or position to say it, or to accuse it."

Jiang Yue pursed her lips tightly, frowning and looking at Si Ningning in confusion and confusion.

Si Ningning sighed softly and lowered her head to see through the clothes in her hands. Her voice was so soft that it was almost suppressed by the sound of water and the chirping of birds. "In other words, we have spoken, is she willing to listen?"

"People are individuals and have independent thinking. Sometimes they may not even want to listen to what their parents and relatives say. Why do you think that she will listen to what I say, or even do it?"

Jiang Yue was completely stunned. She had never thought about this before.

She just felt that Si Ningning always had a set of principles, big and small, and helped the educated youth solve many problems.

 What Si Ningning said has a certain degree of persuasion and will make people believe it.

 However, Jiang Yue forgot the most important point.

 Principle and convincingness, the first thing is that the parties concerned need to be able to listen.

 Otherwise, it would be in vain to say it, and you might even be hated by others.

After realizing this, Jiang Yue looked at Si Ningning awkwardly, "I'm not..."

 Her purpose was definitely not to make Si Ningning fall into injustice.

"I know that you sincerely regard Song Xiaoyun as a friend. You were anxious so you didn't think it through so comprehensively." Si Ningning smiled lightly. After learning about Jiang Yue's past, she could almost understand Jiang Yue's psychology.

To be honest, he is not a bad person, and he is quite loyal.

Jiang Yue pursed her lips and nodded, her flat facial features made it even more ugly because of her wrinkled face, "Then what should I do now? What should I do?"

There is no good solution to this matter.

However, no matter whether Song Xiaoyun is interested in Mo Bei or Song Shuhan, they are all educated youths, and there is basically no possibility of being alone when commuting to work.

 As long as there are other people around, there shouldn't be any big problems with Song Xiaoyun.

Si Ningning thought for a moment and said, "Just wait and see what happens."

As soon as he finished speaking, voices came from the side of the educated youth house. Soon, several male educated youths were seen walking around one after another, followed closely by Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun.

Si Ningning wrung out the water from her clean clothes, turned the basin towards the ditch and poured the water out. She got up and walked back first: "I've finished washing. Hurry up. You can still take a nap after dinner."


There was still no need to cook or heat food at noon, so Si Ningning boiled two pots of hot water and prepared to let it cool for drinking in the afternoon. Then he climbed into bed and took a leisurely nap at noon.

After a walk around the pig pen in the afternoon, Si Ningning went to deliver water to the educated youths. She was afraid of encountering snakes again, so she kept Huo Lang's words in mind. After returning from the fields, she went directly to the threshing floor.

 The third team is surrounded by mountains and there is not much flat land, so there is only one threshing floor.

The entire threshing floor covers an area of ​​about 200 square meters. In the center, there is a two- to three-meter-high straw pile made of straw bales. There are also many small straw piles and wheat straw piles piled on the edges.

 The entire almost regular circular threshing floor was silently divided into three areas. In one area, members of the commune were threshing wheat there.

 There are still some weeds remaining in the remaining two areas, and they are not that smooth. Holang is weeding with a hoe.

He must have been here for a long time. The shoulders and back of his beige coat were soaked with sweat. Under the rolled-up sleeves, his arms were shiny from the sun, and his muscles were bulging out with strength.

Si Ningning couldn't help but sigh at the disparity in stature and strength between women and men.

After watching for a while, Si Ningning stepped forward and said, "Comrade Huo Lang, I'm here. What can I do?"

With a smooth Beijing accent and a clear and crisp voice, you will know who it is as soon as you hear it.

Huo Lang turned around and saw Si Ningning, his deep peach blossom eyes glanced up and down unconsciously.

 The little girl changed her clothes.

 Wearing a military green button-down jacket with half-sleeves on the upper body, and loose black trousers on the lower body that are very common in the countryside and the city. Compared with her previous clothes, this outfit is a bit gray.

But I can't stand the fact that the little girl has fair skin and good looks. When she wears this, her face becomes even brighter.

Holang's thin lips opened and closed, and he withdrew his gaze and continued to weed. At the same time, a hoarse and deep voice came into Si Ningning's ears: "There is a broom next to it, sweeping the grass and pebbles into a pile."

"Oh!" Si Ningning said "Oh" and turned his head. Sure enough, he saw the bamboo broom leaning on the straw pile at the edge of the threshing floor.

 The broom made of sorghum stalks is more delicate and suitable for cleaning the house. At least the broom handle is long enough to clean all corners.

 Bamboo brooms are larger and look rougher, but they have advantages when cleaning large areas.

 One, of course, is its vast area of ​​contact with the earth.

 Secondly, the broom is made of bamboo side branches, which is harder and stronger than sorghum poles, and its toughness is also very good. Some pebbles, small stones, etc. can be swept away with just a whir without much effort.

However, the broom is big, but it also has a disadvantage, and that is that it is heavy-handed.

The sweeping speed is faster than weeding. After sweeping half a circle, I will sweep the ground that Huo Lang has just hoeed.

Si Ningning didn't want to cause trouble behind Huo Lang, so she wiped the sweat from her forehead, held the big broom in one hand, took off her straw hat with the other hand, rolled up the brim and fanned twice, "Comrade Huo Lang, are you thirsty? I'm a little thirsty. , I’ll go back and bring a bottle of water?”

Holang didn't say anything, he just raised his chin to let her go.

Si Ningning took advantage of the situation and leaned the broom against the haystack, picked up the kettle on the side and walked back.

There was actually some water in her military kettle, but she was done with the work for the time being. She felt hot and stupid standing there, so she simply found an excuse to run away for a while and come back later to continue working.

Si Ningning returned to the educated youth point, filled a pot of water, and then entered the space.

The oranges given by Zhou Xiaocui have all been used up one after another, but the lemon tree planted before the journey is now bearing fruit.

  Before, I only bought a few types of fruits, and five seedlings of each type. Now the others are already flourishing, but only the lemon trees are bearing fruit.

There are five lemon trees, and the varieties seem to be different. Some have green skin as big as a thumb, and the skin is very thin.

 Some have the same green skin, but the fruit is the size of an egg and has a thick skin.

 The other one is the yellow-skinned lemon.

Si Ningning each picked some, went back to the kitchen, cut them in half, and took thin slices to taste. The two large yellow and green fruits were confirmed to be lemons. Not only were they so sour that people salivated, but Si Ningning's teeth were also damaged. I accidentally bit the lemon peel, which was a bit astringent, but more bitter.

It made her rinse her mouth for a long time before she gradually recovered.

As for the thin green-skinned fruit about the size of a thumb, Si Ningning had tasted it. Although the plant was very similar to the leaves of a lemon tree, it was not a lemon, but a lapis kumquat.

It is very common in milk tea shops and fruit tea shops in the 21st century. Even if you have never tasted it, "kumquat lemon" should be familiar to you.

Si Ningning first washed two lemons, cut them in half, then opened the lid of the Elephant Trunk Pot, squeezed out most of the lemon juice into the pot, then threw the lemons in, added three spoons of sugar, and poured in Added a lot of mint tips, covered it and put it in the refrigerator to chill.

Ah Yao muttered: Please be kind and ask for your monthly ticket~~



 (End of this chapter)

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