Chapter 146 Miss you

After finishing these tasks, Si Ningning washed a few more green kumquats, cut them into pieces and stuffed them into the military kettle he carried with him.

 Inside is the ice mineral water that was filled before. The military kettle has an inner tank, which can ensure the temperature of the hot water when the weather is cold, and can also ensure the temperature of the ice water poured in when the weather is hot.

Si Ningning poured a spoonful of sugar into the military kettle. When he saw that there was only half a bottle of water left, he poured some iced mineral water into it, and finally screwed the lid on and shook it vigorously a few times.

In fact, whether it is kumquat tea or lemon tea, the best way to make it is to add honey and then chill it, or add crushed ice or ice cubes directly to it.

There are ice cubes, but there is no honey on hand now, so I can only use white sugar instead. Although the taste is lacking, Si Ningning is very satisfied with the current living environment.

Hang the kettle strap back around his neck. Si Ningning originally planned to find some space, but stopped as soon as he started.

Thinking of something, she turned around and left the kitchen, heading towards the place where the watermelon seeds and pumpkin seeds had been scattered.

 You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

The watermelon must be as big as a washbasin, the pumpkin is even more exaggerated, elongated, as long as her legs, the melon end is slightly thinner, and the **** end must be 25/30 centimeters in diameter.

Knowing that this kind of melon and fruit vines grow very aggressively, Si Ningning deliberately chose a corner far away from the vegetable field when planting. In the first few days after the seeds were sown, Si Ningning even came to see them when they took root and sprouted.

Then the vines grew, and the vines became more and more sloppy. At first glance, it was just green. If you squinted carefully, you could only see dense leaves. Who would have thought that there were big melons growing one after another under the leaves?

“You’ve grown so big, you should be mature, right?”

 The weather is so hot, it’s a good time to eat watermelon!

Si Ningning pursed her lips and muttered, then moved two or three steps away, and four large watermelons came into view.

  She couldn't control it, so she randomly picked the one closest to her. She originally wanted to pretend to pat it, pretending that she could look at the melons to see if they were ripe or not.

 As soon as the slap came down, with a pop, the big watermelon looked like the letter "Y" lying down, and it suddenly split into three slits.

Si Ningning has pulled radishes, picked eggplants, broken corns and picked peanuts. She has also picked the cucumbers she planted before, but none of them are as delicate as watermelons.

She didn’t even take pictures, she just touched it!

There was a trace of confusion and confusion in Si Ningning's eyes. She held the belly of the watermelon with her two little hands and clumsily tried to close the cracked melon tightly. It wasn't until she inadvertently licked the watermelon that it cracked and spilled juice on her lips. Gradually, I realized that this is a phenomenon that has matured.

 Not only is it ripe, but it is thoroughly cooked!

 The kind that is so ripe that your brain will split!

Si Ningning felt annoyed for a moment because of what she had done, but looking at the cracked melon under her hand, a trace of pity flashed in her cool eyes.

  What do you enjoy most about the scorching summer or being in the countryside?

Isn’t it just that while the fan is blowing, holding half of the watermelon and eating it with a spoon?

There is no fan now and the melon is cracked...

 Should it mean that her memory is good?

Si Ningning unconsciously recalled some things from her childhood. At that time, she was only 1.1 meters tall, and she was sitting on the promenade in front of the villa wearing white ruffled boxer briefs in the summer.

She held half of the watermelon in one hand and held a spoon in the other. The light red watermelon juice wet the front of her vest clean. Her face was stained with the pulp and seeds of the watermelon. Her grandma sat beside her, holding a cattail leaf fan in her hand. He fanned her and muttered cheerfully:

 “Our family, Ning Ning, looks so pretty when she smiles.”

Si Ningning still remembered that her kind face and smiling eyes reflected her little face with a plump smile like a flower.

"Grandma..." Si Ningning murmured lonely, picked out a piece of watermelon flesh with her little hand and stuffed it into her mouth, chewing it twice.

 The watermelon is pulpy and as sweet as in memory...

Missing and grievances suddenly came to my heart, and Si Ningning's eyes suddenly turned red.

Big tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes uncontrollably. She had the watermelon in her mouth that she had not yet swallowed, and she cried sadly with a "whimpering" drooping under the corner of her mouth.

A canary is always a canary. Even if she learns how to survive, she will still care about and miss the people who love her in a strange world.

 In the original world, there was at least one person who loved her unconditionally.

 But in this world, she is an intruder. No one wants to have anything to do with her, and no one loves her...

Si Ningning doesn’t know if the 21st century at the same time has already ushered in the end of the world? Grandma, is she still okay?

Si Ningning only knew one thing. She had no way to interfere in the affairs of that world.

Missing, grievance, powerlessness, unwillingness, and the never-ending busyness since the time travel, all kinds of emotions overwhelmed the psychological defense line.

 Sometimes, people are so fragile.

 Collapse happens in an instant.

The tears originated from my heart and flowed intermittently for half an hour.

 After crying, Si Ningning became a good man again.

  Wiping away her tears and regaining her composure, Si Ningning gnawed half a piece of watermelon, threw the rind into the pig pen, and added food and water to the pigs and chickens. Then Si Ningning entered the villa and washed her face in the bathroom.

The girl's eyes in the mirror were red and her upper eyelids were obviously swollen. Si Ning watched quietly for a while, then opened the refrigerator and took out the plastic wrap and tore off two sections. Then he took out the ice cubes and wrapped them in plastic wrap. She lay on the sofa and started applying it to her eyes.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Si Ningning is too calm and calm.

 But other than this, are there any other solutions?


Then all helplessness and hysteria are in vain.

Grandma cares for her and loves her, so she should live well and live a good life.

Even if we are not in the same time and space, we must own ourselves and achieve and become a better self.

The ice cube was quickly warmed by the temperature of the skin, and Si Ningning made two more ice cubes in the same manner until the swelling in his eyes disappeared.

I went to the bathroom and saw that the swelling had dissipated. Only the redness at the end of my eyes was still there. I should wait for another ten minutes or so and it would completely dissipate.

Si Ningning washed her face again, applied facial cream, and took the vegetable basin to bring back most of the watermelon left in the field.

That watermelon is really big, and a pit is pressed into the flat ground. A rough look shows that it must be five centimeters deep.

After eating another half of the watermelon, Si Ningning carried the kettle out of the room and headed to the threshing floor.

More than an hour has passed in the space, but only twenty or thirty minutes have actually passed outside. Si Ningning returned to the threshing floor. Huo Lang had already cleared an area, and a small area of ​​the last area had been cleared.

Si Ningning stood aside and shouted, "Comrade Huo Lang, take a rest? Have a drink of water before continuing."

  It is easy to get dehydrated under the hot sun. Huo Lang was sweating all over and he was really thirsty.

He didn’t hesitate, walked up to Si Ningning with a hoe, and naturally took the elephant trunk pot and took a few sips.

He didn't expect the water to taste, nor did he expect the water to be so ice-cold. Huo Lang choked, and some water spilled out from the elephant's trunk and wet the clothes on his chest. In an instant, the coldness soaked into his bones, and the heat and cold collided, The stimulation made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

At that moment, the heat dissipated instantly, and the next moment, my whole body was clamoring for comfort.

Huo Lang suddenly remembered what Hegu said before, that Si Ningning gave him "soda". He turned his head to ask, but before the words came out of his mouth, he met Si Ningning's red eyes.

The moist face shows innocence, as if someone had bullied her.

 “Did you see the snake again?”

 “Hmm…” Si Ningning trembled with coldness and shook his head vigorously, “No!”

Probably she also noticed that Huo Lang had noticed her eyes. She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes and said: "The place where the educated youth is staying is cool. I stayed there for a while when I went back, and I almost fell asleep."

After saying that, he pretended to lazily yawn again.

Huo Lang's furrowed eyebrows relaxed slightly, he looked sideways at Si Ningning and shouted softly: "Squeaky."

Si Ningning’s pretty face wrinkled and her cheeks bulged. She wanted to refute, but she was worried that more things would happen in a moment, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.

  She urged Huo Lang: "Drink your water quickly! I filled it up... After you drink it, ask the uncle who is threshing wheat over there if he wants some too."

Holang nodded and asked again: "Is this water made by soaking it?"

"What if?" Si Ningning snorted proudly. When she met Huo Lang's serious gaze, she puffed her lips and honestly repeated the same rhetoric she had told the educated youth before.

 The water is boiled early in the morning and allowed to cool, then mixed with orange juice and mint.

Oranges, of course, come from Zhou Xiaocui’s house...

"You are good at your craftsmanship." Huo Lang nodded and praised: "This water is very thirst-quenching."

Well water is very cold in summer. Si Ningning said that the water in the pot had been soaked with well water before. He thought that the place at the Educated Youth Point was surrounded by trees and the sun couldn't shine in. The temperature was indeed much lower than other places.

Hence, Holang did not pay too much attention to the point where the water was too "cold".

 Coming out of the space, Si Ningning had been in a low mood. Now, with this casual compliment, she suddenly felt comforted both physically and mentally.

A smile gradually appeared on her tight little face, which was pretending to be angry. She put her fist to her lips and narrowed her eyes, "Then you drink the water and take a rest. I'll sweep the floor."

Horang just shook the kettle at the uncle who was threshing wheat next door to indicate that there was water. Hearing Si Ningning's words, he subconsciously stopped him, "Don't scan it yet."

But Si Ningning had already turned around, Huo Lang reached out his hand, and before landing on Si Ningning's shoulder, he quickly turned around and grabbed the end of Si Ningning's braided hair.

 “Pull my pigtails again!”

Si Ningning yanked her braid back and placed it on her chest, glaring at Huo Lang with her deer eyes.

Horang looked at her eyes that were wide as a deer, and her chin that was stretched like a peach core. Although she looked angry and angry, her little face looked particularly lively and bright.

 For some reason, I suddenly felt that the hand that had just touched the end of Si Ningning's hair was a little itchy.

Huo Lang unconsciously rubbed his index finger and thumb twice, and a joking smile appeared on his face. There was a trace of magnetism in his low and hoarse voice, "The cows will be driven over in a while to compact the place. You go to my aunt's house to bring a bucket of water and clean the ground." Pour it."

The threshing floor has just been hoeed, and there are potholes everywhere. It is definitely impossible to thresh millet or wheat directly on it.

 Otherwise, grains and other grains will get stuck in potholes and cracks and will be wasted if not picked out, which is time-consuming and troublesome.

Si Ningning was earlier entrusted by Chen Lianmi to tie rice in the fields, but now she has not gone to the fields because she is afraid of snakes. She actually feels a little guilty.

 She was afraid that people would think that everyone was working in the fields and she was the only one who was lazy.

As soon as she heard that something else was arranged for her to do, she said "Oh" without saying a word and went straight to the pig pen.

 The bucket for fetching water is usually either placed in the open space or left on the side of the pigsty. It just so happened that it was left on the side of the pigsty today.

Si Ningning planned to go over to get a bucket, and then go to Sister-in-law’s house on Tuesday to fetch water.

 Actually, there is another reason for this, that is, Si Ningning is not very familiar with the other aunts in the team, let alone which one has a well.

Going to the pig pen to get a wooden bucket, Si Ningning went back to the space to pick a few cucumbers and put them in the bucket. She held one in her hand and took a big bite of it.

 She went straight to her sister-in-law's house on Tuesday when she left the room, and Zhou Xiaocui happened to be at home.

Si Ningning stuffed two cucumbers over, "Someone else stuffed them on the way here just now, take them and eat them."

 Half of the families on the team grew cucumbers and pumpkins. The yields of these melons are very high and they are not worth much.

Zhou Xiaocui was already familiar with Si Ningning. Hearing what she said, he took the oranges, but like before, he wanted to pick two oranges and return them.

Si Ningning was shaking the water. When she saw Zhou Xiaocui walking towards the orange tree, she quickly stopped her and said, "No, no, Xiao Cui, please let it go. You will pick it every time I come back. If this continues, there will be no harvest when the season matures." have eaten."

After saying that, he curved his lips and smiled: "Eat it, it's not worth it, I still have it here."

"Thank you, sister." Zhou Xiaocui nodded, squatted next to Si Ningning, took a bite of cucumber, and said, "It's so crispy...tastier than what I grow at home."

"Sister, educated youth, have you been busy lately? Will you still be responsible for the pig pen work in the future? If you are not here, Hegu and the others will not come over."

There is no one to gather together to play games.

"No matter what, why don't you care? It will be fine after this period of time." A bucket of water was filled, Si Ningning picked up the bucket and walked out, "When you have some time, I will teach you how to write your name."


Horang had finished hoeing the grass, and when Si Ningning returned to the threshing floor, he had finished sweeping away the pebbles and was putting stone rollers on the cows.

“How do you sprinkle this water?” Si Ningning asked.

“As long as the ground is wet, you can sprinkle it any way you want,” said Huo Lang.

Si Ningning nodded and poured water out of the bucket as he walked.

The weather is hot and the ground is very dry. The water that has been pushed out spreads and falls to the ground, and you can vaguely hear the sound of "sizzling" being absorbed by the soil.

 The wet spots on the ground were completely dry in the blink of an eye.

Si Ningning ran back and forth four times before the ground could barely maintain a semi-dry and semi-wet state.

Seeing that her face was red and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, Huo Lang raised his chin to one side and said, "Go over there and sit for a while."


 A Yao’s thoughts: Little cuties are welcome to catch insects.

 Also, No. 1 Ah Yao wants to take a day off. What do you think? (Looking forward to it)

 (End of this chapter)

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