Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 148: "Travel" preparation

Chapter 148 “Travel” preparation

"go home."


Si Ningning frowned and a question mark appeared above his head, "Is there anything else?"

Huo Lang chuckled twice and said across Si Ningning: "It's not dark yet, I'm going to pick grain in the fields, you want to go too?"

Si Ning couldn't afford to carry that big load of rice. She followed Huo Lang and walked out of the cattle pen. "You go pick the rice, and I have nothing to do... You still asked me to run all this way with you?"

Si Ningning thought that Huo Lang had other things for her to do.

"You educated youth comrades have been to the town once since you came here. The production team must not have had a good time, right? I will show you the way, it will not be in vain."

As they were talking, the two of them had already reached the fork outside the alley. They could go to the left to go around the pigsty, and to the right they could go to the queue warehouse.

Huo Lang was going to the warehouse to get a load carrying pole, so as soon as he walked out of the alley, he turned sideways and said to Si Ningning: "Okay, you go and do your work. Go back early after you finish your work."

These words sounded to people as if she was deliberately clinging to him.

Si Ningning let out a moderate "hum", took a step out with the bucket, and then stepped back after a while.

 She grabbed the remaining cucumber from the bucket, stuffed it into Huo Lang's arms, and then left again without looking back.

Looking at Si Ningning’s arrogant and arrogant back, Huo Lang shook his head slightly, feeling a little funny.

 She is a young girl after all...

Holang sighed in his heart, and at the same time, he turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

Si Ningning finished taking care of the pig pen and entered the space again.

She walked around the space a few times, picking some cucumbers and vegetables that were suitable for the current season and were basically grown by the production team, and then returned to the educated youth point.

 The staple food for dinner is sweet potatoes and sorghum rice that everyone turned in the night before.

  Sweet potato Si Ningning is cooked directly in the pot, and then a steaming tray is placed on top of the sweet potatoes. The washed sorghum rice is scattered together in several bamboo tubes.

If anyone has left a lunch box in advance, put it in the lunch box and steam it in water.

While cooking the staple food, Si Ningning dug out the two lotus roots that Chen Lianmi gave her yesterday. She washed the green garlic she picked from the space, removed the roots, and quickly cut it into sections.

After that, heat the oil in the pot, stir-fry the lotus root slices until they change color slightly, add the green garlic, add salt and chicken essence and continue to stir-fry until the lotus root slices are cooked. Put a gourd scoop in a bucket and scoop some water along the edge of the pot. Pour it in, cover the pot and simmer for a while.

In less than a minute, a "sizzling" sound came from the pot. Si Ningning opened the lid and put it aside. Hot mist hit her face. She fanned her palms and saw clearly what was in the pot. Ou Shi's crescent eyebrows frowned fiercely.

●The lotus roots were milky white just now, but now they look like they were poisoned, with pale purple bruises. I don’t know which step went wrong...

Si Ningning picked out a small piece with chopsticks and tasted it. The appearance was not very good, but fortunately, the taste was exactly the same as what her grandma made in her memory.

Si Ningning found a plate to put it on. Then he added three ladles of water to the pot and threw in the dried mushrooms that had been soaked in advance.

 The fire is high, and the pot will start to boil in about three minutes.

Si Ningning added salt and chicken essence, a little oil and sesame oil, and sprinkled in a pinch of chopped green onion. He stirred with a spatula, covered the pot and simmered it for ten or twenty seconds, and then started to take it out of the pot.

As soon as Si Ningning brought the lotus root and soup to the big table in the main room, Si Ningning planned to go back to the kitchen and mix some delicious cucumbers, but she saw Jiang Yue hunched over and holding her belly and rushed into the room, but in the blink of an eye, she rushed out again The door.

Thinking about the clothes Jiang Yue washed before, Si Ningning understood what was going on.

 Perhaps my aunt suffered a hemorrhagic collapse...

 “Wow, today is so rich!”

Li Lingyuan walked into the main room carrying an enamel jar and sighed as he looked at the dishes on the table.

Si Ningning smiled helplessly, "Aren't they all the same as before? One soup and one dish."

"That's different! The lotus root and the soup are rich at first glance." Li Lingyuan looked around carefully and asked: "Hey Si Zhiqing, where did this lotus root come from?"

Li Lingyuan knew about the dried mushrooms in the educated youth spot. Si Ningning had picked them at the foot of Nanshan Mountain before. Because there were too many to eat, he thought of ways to dry them in the sun and make them into dried mushrooms.

The lotus roots were brought by Chen Lianmi. During the previous lunch break, none of the male educated youths were present, so Li Lingyuan didn't know about it.

Si Ningning briefly told what happened, and Li Lingyuan sat at the table and sighed, "The uncle and aunt on our team really take good care of us."

  “Isn’t it?”

As he was talking, other educated youths came back one after another.

"Well, on the way back, I caught up with Aunt Chunhua picking vegetables and stuffed a lot of tomatoes." Song Shuhan pushed the straw hat in his arms on the table, pushed the frame of the mirror and smiled gracefully, "I originally wanted to say no. But Auntie said she couldn't make it in time. If you eat it, you will be harmed by magpies and turtle doves. I saw that the tomatoes I kept for myself were overwhelmed, so I didn’t refuse.”

 There are a whole hood of tomatoes, big ones, small ones, some are red, and some are a little green and yellow.

 In addition to three meals a day, no one had any snacks for entertainment. When they saw so many tomatoes, sour water began to form in their mouths.

Song Xiaoyun looked around at everyone's expressions and suggested: "How about, how about we all share these?"

 “I think it’s okay.”

“I think that’s okay too. It’s okay to leave two of them to make soup later.”

 Everyone's opinions were basically unanimous. At this moment, Li Lingyuan suddenly looked at Si Ningning: "Si Zhiqing, what do you think?"

 Others’ eyes followed and fell on Si Ningning.

Li Lingyuan asked this question entirely because Si Ningning is now in charge of cooking at the educated youth point. Why should he take into account the thoughts of the person holding the spoon?

  How do you say something?

Make bricks without straw.

If you don’t leave food for people to cook, and there is no food on the table, I’m sure they will still complain about Si Ningning, all the time, isn’t that making things difficult for others?

Song Xiaoyun pursed her lips, slowly lowered her head, and grasped the trouser legs in front of her knees with both hands.

The weather is so hot and working in the fields is so tiring!

Tomatoes can still quench thirst when put into the field. Do we still need to seek Si Ningning’s consent for this?

Song Xiaoyun really felt that her heart was filled with panic.

Si Ningning is probably the most knowledgeable among the female educated youths. She has a lot of sense. Song Xiaoyun thought that Si Ningning must have a lot of excuses, so she declined everyone and arranged for everyone else.

 However, it didn’t. "Okay." Si Ningning nodded and agreed simply.

Song Xiaoyun raised her head, shaking her head in surprise.

But I heard Si Ningning say again: "I was stuffed with vegetables by my aunt just after I came back. She gave me a handful of green garlic, two eggplants and some cucumbers. The eggplants can be stored for two days. I don't have to worry about vegetables for these two days. Everyone Divide it yourself.”

“I happen to be a little busy tomorrow, so I probably won’t be able to deliver water to everyone.” Si Ningning’s eyes swayed as she added this sentence at the end.

Song Xiaoyun stood up immediately, "Then tomorrow I..."

Hearing that Si Ningning could not deliver water tomorrow, Song Xiaoyun actually wanted to say that she could do it for her, but before she could finish her words, Jiang Yue came in from the door.

"Then leave it to me to deliver water tomorrow." Although Jiang Yue looked disheveled, her voice was loud.

Jiang Yue looked at Si Ningning, "How busy are you? Can you cook? If not, I will take care of it together tomorrow."

 Jiang Yue's family conditions were not bad before, so she couldn't be considered pampered, but she definitely never did any heavy or grueling work.

After going to the countryside, I soaked in the water for a long time because of the rice transplanting matter. This time, my aunt felt all sorts of unwell.

The calf and stomach are very swollen. What’s embarrassing is that on the way back just now, Jiang Yue could feel the blood overflowing to the top of her thigh, and it was still going down...

 This is not only physical torture, but also psychological.

 Jiang Yue can grit her teeth and bear the burden of hard work, but this is really not possible.

Si Ningning looked at Song Xiaoyun and then at Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue's face turned yellow due to blood loss, and she really looked uncomfortable. She thought about it and said, "I can make breakfast, and then everyone's lunch will be cooked together. I won't be back at noon. If anyone needs it, Help me with the hot meal."

 “Okay!” Jiang Yue nodded quickly.

There were male educated youths present, so it was hard to tell anyone about the girl's visit to the aunt. While everyone dispersed to the kitchen to get food and rations, Si Ningning pushed Jiang Yue and whispered: "Xiaoyun also wanted to pick up and drop off just now. Please explain it to her when you have time."

Si Ningning didn’t know when Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun had a quarrel, but she knew that Jiang Yue regarded Song Xiaoyun as a friend.

The two of them were now cold-faced and ignored each other. Si Ningning was thinking that this might be a good opportunity for reconciliation.

But in the final analysis, this is a matter between Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun, and has nothing to do with Si Ningning. She has created the opportunity now, and everything else will be left to their own development.

After dinner, the educated youths either stood under the eaves or went to the well to wash their lunch boxes. Some of them were far away from each other and even shouted a few words when talking.

The dark moonlight is getting thicker, and this time of day has become the most lively and cheerful time in the educated youth spot.

The male educated youth were laughing and joking, and across a wall, the female educated youth covered the window with their clothes and took off their clothes one by one to wash up.

 Normally, I don’t think the room is small even when I sleep, but now there are several basins on the floor. The girls are all naked, squatting and standing. Not to say they are embarrassed, but they are indeed crowded.

Si Ningning doesn't like others to look at her, as that would make her feel uncomfortable, so of course she won't look at others at this time.

While the other girls were taking a bath, Si Ningning filled a basin of water, wiped the area behind the door a few times, and then climbed into bed.

 Later in the middle of the night, when the other girls were fast asleep, Si Ningning got up again and went into the space to wash herself thoroughly.

 Coming out of the bathroom not long after, Si Ningning sat on the sofa in the living room and ate most of a piece of watermelon comfortably. Thinking that he had to go out tomorrow and would probably not be back at noon, Si Ningning thought about whether to bring some food with him.

 If you want to bring something with you, what should you bring?

Si Ningning thought for a long time about the inappropriate food such as rice and flour, and suddenly had an idea.

The weather is so hot, what could be more suitable than the refreshing Liangpi?

Thinking of it, Si Ningning got up and went straight to the kitchen. After taking flour, salt, and water in corresponding proportions, he poured them into the basin together, and then mixed and kneaded the dough.

Si Ningning doesn’t know how to cook many meals herself. The few things she knows how to cook are the ones she has seen a lot from her grandma, and her eyes and brain have already memorized all the steps of those dishes.

The Liangpi this time was not learned from my grandma, but it is somewhat related to her.

Si Ningning had a summer vacation in high school. It might have been her first year in high school, or it might have been her second year in high school. She couldn't remember clearly.

At that time, my grandma was unable to get out of bed for half a month due to appendicitis surgery. My grandpa called and asked her to come over and accompany her to relieve her boredom.

Of course she went without thinking.

 Grandpa and grandma...

Even though their family conditions are good, the old couple has been living a very conservative and poor life, guarding the villa that Si Ningning's mother renovated a few years ago. There is no housekeeper or servant in it.

At that time, his grandpa took care of all the daily chores. Besides taking care of his own affairs every day, Si Ningning spent time with his grandma.

Watching her grandpa busy every day, she felt very guilty and unhappy as a junior, so she tried to collect various videos on the Internet and planned to do all the cooking work.

Grandpa and grandma loved her, but they didn't let her succeed in the end.

Although she didn't succeed, it laid the foundation for her cooking skills.

This is really...


Si Ningning curved her lips and sighed softly. She was obviously smiling, but she couldn't help but feel a little wet in the corners of her eyes.

With his thoughts back, Si Ningning had almost kneaded the dough with his hands. He washed the basin for kneading the dough, put the dough in the basin, brought it under the faucet, and filled up half the basin of water.

After placing the basin on the table, Si Ningning turned around and dug out the filter and another brand new stainless steel basin under the cabinet.

 When everything was almost ready, she started to wash her face.

 The dough was round and half emerged from the water. Si Ningning flattened the dough and completely submerged it into the water, and then kneaded and washed it by repeatedly pushing it open, closing it tightly and overlapping it.

In the past half hour or so, the dough has shrunk by three-fifths, and most of the "noodles" have been washed out. The dough in my hands gradually shows the strength of the gluten, so the softness in the hand has become more resistant. .

Si Ningning put the strainer on the stainless steel basin and filtered the kneaded batter through it. He took out the filtered dregs and dough and put them into the basin again. After collecting the water, he continued kneading until the dough shrunk by half and the embryonic form of gluten was completely revealed. She just stopped.

 The kneaded batter was poured back into the previous basin through the strainer, and then Si Ningning put the basin into the upper shelf of the refrigerator.

Liangpi cannot be made at once. Before putting it in the pot, the washed batter needs to rest. Then skim off the excess water and only take the bottom sediment.

Calculating the time, usually three or four hours is enough. Space and the outside belong to different planes, and time flows at different speeds. She can enter the space in time when other educated youths go to work in the morning.

Si Ningning calmed down. Now she was very energetic and not sleepy at all. She simply got rid of the gluten.

After that, I cut cucumbers into shreds, minced garlic, listed out the seasonings to be used, and put them on the table in the middle of the kitchen, just waiting to be picked up when I come in tomorrow.

 (End of this chapter)

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