Chapter 149 Thank you

After finishing these tasks, Si Ningning stepped out of the space and stepped on the floor of the hall.

In the past, when entering and exiting the space, I would stagger due to the momentary feeling of weightlessness. Now I have entered and exited it so many times that I have become accustomed to it without even realizing it.

Si Ningning thought, feeling a little funny.

Listening to the chirping, chirping, or chirping sounds of insects outside the door and outside the window, Si Ningning groped in the darkness and walked softly into the room.

However, as soon as she stepped into the room with her front feet, before her steps even landed, she was so frightened that she shivered, and the hairs on her back stood up in fear.

There was a man standing at the door of the room. He was unkempt and his whole body was covered with a layer of deathly gray. Si Ningning met this man without any warning.

At that moment, Si Ningning shivered suddenly, and in a short moment, the hairs on his back and face stood up.

Just when my scalp was numb, the other party suddenly shouted: "Ning Ning?"


Xiao Xiao exclaimed in astonishment, and with a hint of confusion, Si Ningning recognized the person in front of her as Song Xiaoyun.

Song Xiaoyun stood at the door of the room with her hair disheveled. The faint moonlight from the window fell on her, casting a pale light on her face and body.

Even though he could clearly see that it was Song Xiaoyun, Si Ningning's soul was almost shocked at that moment just now.

The heart that was pounding in her throat gradually returned to its original place. Si Ningning took a deep breath, suppressed her fright and complained: "Xiaoyun, it's so late, why are you standing here silently if you don't want to sleep? You are so scary that my soul almost flew away from you.”

Just now under the dim moonlight, Song Xiaoyun saw Si Ningning's expression and was indeed frightened by her.

Song Xiaoyun was a little embarrassed, but she did not answer Si Ningning's question. Instead, she asked Si Ningning thoughtfully: "Why don't you sleep? Why are you going out so late?"

Si Ningning had already walked back to the bed. Song Xiaoyun's words made her climb onto the bed slower by half a beat.

Afraid of disturbing the others, Si Ningning lowered her voice and made a casual excuse, "I went to the toilet. My stomach has been feeling uncomfortable for the past two days. I'm worried that I'm going to get pregnant... I'm worried that I'm going to have my period."

 “Oh…” Song Xiaoyun responded belatedly.

Song Xiaoyun was still a little suspicious. She didn't hear the sound of the bolt being bolted on the door, but she had just woken up, and she wasn't sure if it was because she had slept too hard before.

Furthermore, where else could Si Ningning go if not to the toilet?

You can’t go to the kitchen to eat secretly, right?

 Eggplant and loofah cannot be eaten raw.

Song Xiaoyun suppressed her doubts, walked slowly back to her bed and lay down.

For some time afterwards, Song Xiaoyun’s mind kept flashing back to what happened recently.

 There are scenes of Si Ningning and Mo Bei having intensive contact.

 There is a scene of Jiang Yue and Si Ningning getting close.

There is also a close-up of the military kettle on Si Ningning's waist...

 Tossing and turning, Song Xiaoyun couldn't fall asleep.

Listening to the cries of frogs and bugs, Song Xiaoyun deliberated for a long time, stood up, looked at Si Ningning's bed and shouted softly: "Ningning, are you asleep?"

"..." Si Ningning was not asleep yet, but she wanted to pretend to be asleep, but when she thought of something, she still replied: "No... I'm a little confused. What's the matter?"

Si Ningning responded with a long silence.

Just when Si Ningning was confused and thought Song Xiaoyun was asleep, she changed her position and prepared to sleep, but Song Xiaoyun spoke again: "The location of the educated youth spot is very remote, and there are no people around it... Don't go out alone at night in the future. , unsafe.”

Si Ningning opened her eyes and looked out the window at the moonlight dancing in the leaves.

She had just recovered from the numbness in her scalp, and her thoughts and intelligence had returned one after another. In fact, she was a little worried about whether Song Xiaoyun had noticed her sudden "appearance".

Now listening to these words, Si Ningning can basically conclude that Song Xiaoyun has not found any clues.

 If Song Xiaoyun had discovered something was wrong or unjustifiable, she would not have said these words.

Si Ningning felt emotional in her heart and wanted to say "thank you" in response to Song Xiaoyun's suggestion, but she heard Song Xiaoyun continue:

"We can get a urinal or something later and use it temporarily at night, and then empty it when it gets light."

Si Ningning was silent, and Song Xiaoyun said a lot more intermittently: "You love to be clean, so you definitely don't want to touch these..."

 “I’ll pour it when the time comes.”

 “If you are particular about it, you can buy a spittoon.”

"Ning Ning? Ning Ning...are you asleep?"

Si Ningning looked at the moonlight outside the window and did not respond.

 She didn't know how to answer Song Xiaoyun's words.

Si Ningning could hear Song Xiaoyun's good intentions, but she couldn't imagine the scene...

Four girls live in a small room. In summer, if the windows are opened 24 hours a day for ventilation, there will be some smell in the room.

 Add another urinal?

Even if it is poured out and rinsed every morning, some special smell will definitely remain.

 Whether she is squeamish or pretentious, Si Ningning has never experienced this kind of thing, let alone thought about it.

She felt that if one day the girls really did that, it would be a torture for her.

Si Ningning thought in annoyance, her thoughts became confused, and she fell asleep in a daze.

On the other side, Song Xiaoyun did not receive a reply from Si Ningning for a long time. She exhaled softly, turned over and faced the wall, and unconsciously dug her fingers into the cracks of the wall bricks.

After Song Xiaoyun persevered in picking at it, a small hole appeared in one of the neat brick joints.

Perhaps human nature is complicated, or maybe Song Xiaoyun is one of those typical people who has a thief heart but no courage.

 She was very conflicted.

 On the one hand, seeing that everyone was close to Si Ningning, she felt unbalanced and couldn't stand Si Ningning.

 Or to put it bluntly, she is jealous of Si Ningning...

 But on the other hand, she didn’t want anything to happen to Si Ningning.

Song Xiaoyun turned over and over, but couldn't fall asleep. During this period, there was a lot of movement. Jiang Yue, who was not on the next bed, said in confusion: "What are you doing! The bed is about to collapse for you!"

Song Xiaoyun was startled and didn't dare to move anymore. She just lay there upright until the light gradually grew brighter outside the window, and she slowly fell asleep while vaguely listening to the sound of the security team patrolling.

Si Ningning got up on time, cooked a meal and washed out the elephant trunk pot. After adding water, sugar, lemon juice and mint, she filled a large basin of well water from the kitchen tub, and finally put the elephant trunk pot in Got in.

Before Jiang Yue went out, Si Ningning reminded: "Jiang Yue, I've made some water and it's in the kitchen." "If you want to drink something cooler, just come back on the way. If you find it troublesome, just carry it to the ground."

Jiang Yue nodded, took a random bite of steamed sweet potato, and said incoherently: "I'll come back in the morning. I've been feeling a little uncomfortable for the past two days."

 “Okay.” Si Ningning nodded understandingly.

The three girls except Si Ningning walked out. Jiang Yue looked disheveled because her aunt was here. On the other side, Song Xiaoyun had two dark circles under her eyes because she didn't sleep well in the middle of the night.

Xu Shuhua was shocked when she saw her appearance, "What? Are you menstruating too? Do you have a stomachache?"

The sounds outside became more and more distant. Si Ningning waited for a while, then entered the space to continue the process that was not completed yesterday.

 Finally, fill the lunch box with the cut cold skin, put the mashed garlic and cucumber shreds in the remaining sugar bags, seal them in the same way as milk powder and brown sugar, and put them in the refrigerator together with the lunch box to freeze temporarily.

After finishing these tasks, Si Ningning found some space, held the gate of the educated youth camp, went to the team to collect rice bran, then fed the pigs and cleaned the pig pens.

I thought that Huo Lang would have to wait for a while, and Si Ningning started cleaning in no hurry. Unexpectedly, as soon as the two buckets of water were washed down, the light suddenly dimmed at the edge of the pig pen, and someone stood over.

Who is it if it’s not Holang?

Holang glanced at the pig pen calmly.

 The pig pen is much cleaner and tidier than before, and the smell is not as strong as before. Even the several pigs that were forced to change their breeds have returned to their original pink and white skin.

 You can see that the little girl is diligent in cleaning.

 “How long?” Huo Lang looked at Si Ningning.

“…” Si Ningning stood up straight and hissed.

  Holland was standing outside the fence, and she was standing inside the fence, looking down at her just as she usually looked at the pigs.

Si Ningning approached the fence and pushed Huo Lang out with support on the fence. "It's almost done. We're finishing up. You can find a shady place to sit for a while... I'll go back to the educated youth point to get something."

“Then you go get it first, and I’ll come over here.” Huo Lang said, approaching the fence again.

Si Ningning thought about it, this would work, it would save some time.

So he leaned the broom against the fence and turned it outwards through the gaps between the fence wood.

Horang saw her swaying and was afraid that she would miss her and fall back. He paused and said in a low voice: "Give me your hand."


Si Ningning looked up at him blankly, and the next second his wrist was grabbed by the other party.

Just like the last time in the mountain stream, in the blink of an eye, there was the sound of wind passing by her ears, and when she realized it, her feet landed on the ground, and she was already standing firmly outside the pig pen.

Si Ningning tilted her head and frowned. She knew that the relationship between men and women in this era was very strict, but what she had accepted since childhood, including the cognition in her brain, were all the educational ideas of the new century.

For a short moment, she didn't realize anything was wrong, but she didn't understand what Huo Lang's behavior meant.

Horang looked very serious from beginning to end.

He had good intentions, but he was also worried that Si Ningning would misinterpret his meaning and misunderstand that he was taking advantage of her. Therefore, if you ignore the serious expression and look closely at his eyes, you will find that he deliberately avoids looking at Si Ningning. Ning Ning's eyes.

 It’s a pity that one of the two people looked confused, and the other was a little awkward and shy, and they didn’t get the meaning in each other’s eyes at all.

Huo Lang didn't give Si Ningning a chance to ask. He stuffed the things in his hands into Si Ningning's arms. He raised his long legs and folded them. He was already standing inside the fence, pushing a few pigs to the side. Then Si Ningning continued to be busy at work.

Si Ningning, on the other hand, was completely diverted: "Did you make this up for me?"

 Obviously, if it wasn't for her, Huo Lang couldn't have given it to him, right?


Si Ningning held the bamboo basket in one hand and stroked the small bulge halfway up the bamboo basket with the other hand. It could be vaguely seen that they were three-dimensional little goldfish.

The green color of the entire bamboo basket has not completely faded, and the weaving technique is not as good as the bamboo weaving crafts that Si Ningning saw before traveling through. However, the technique is also very exquisite, and at least the weaver's intention can be seen.

It’s just a bamboo basket. You can just knit it casually or in an ordinary pattern, so why bother with it?

 But people, that’s what they did.

Huo Lang nodded, and Ruoyouruowu said "hmm".

When Si Ningning heard this, the smile on her lips suddenly widened, and it was particularly bright and dazzling, "Thank you, I like it very much!"


“Then I’ll leave it to you first. I’ll go back and get my things. I’ll be back soon!”

Before Huo Lang could finish his sentence, Si Ningning had already turned around and ran away, swinging the bamboo basket in his hand while running, laughing "hahaha".

The swaying steps are like butterflies hesitating and refusing to settle in the flowers. Not to mention how good the mood is.

Seeing her back disappear at the entrance of the alley, Huo Lang bowed and looked away, and scratched the ground hard with the broom in his hand.

 As for what I wanted to say just now, I have already completely forgotten it.

On the other side, Si Ningning didn’t really want to go back to the educated youth spot, he just found an excuse to go into the space and get the cold skin made in the morning.

Si Ningning entered the space in the grove at the corner of the old house on her way to the educated youth point. She had no suitable things to put in. She originally planned to carry back the basket that Huo Lang had made for her.

There are not many things to bring, and the biggest thing is the lunch box. Using a backpack on your back is actually a bit redundant.

Now it's okay. With the basket delivered by Huo Lang in time, Si Ningning put the sauces and side dish bags prepared early in the morning under the bamboo basket, and stacked the lunch boxes on top. Each bamboo basket was not too big or too small, and it was just full. .

She slung the bamboo basket strap across her shoulder, filled the military kettle with water, and slung the strap and the bamboo basket strap across her other shoulder.

 After making space, he went to the pig pen. Huo Lang had already finished his work. Not only did he clean the pig pen, he also rinsed the broom head that he usually used for cleaning.

Si Ningning usually used water, either at her sister-in-law’s house on Tuesday or with the help of space, but Huo Lang fetched water from the small pond on the high **** behind the pig pen.

The wife of Tuesday's sister-in-law works as a handyman in the rubber factory in the town. There is usually no man at home. In order not to cause trouble to herself and the other party and cause unnecessary talk, she should avoid suspicion.

 A lot of things can be seen from the details of a person's behavior.

Comparing Wu Yong's unmanly behavior before, the man in front of him is not only careful, but also considers everything very carefully.

Si Ningning's eyebrows were narrowed, but they relaxed for a moment. She looked away from the water dripping from the path. She raised her head sideways, looked at Huo Lang with her clear eyebrows, and opened and closed her pale lips to utter two words. :

"Thank you."

The voice was very soft, like a whisper.

Despite this, he is very sincere and serious.

Huo Lang's heart felt as if a kitten's tail had gently tickled him, making him feel numb and itchy. He twisted his neck unaccustomedly, stretched out his big hand to hook up the hemp rope on Si Ningning's shoulder, took the bamboo basket away, and walked in front. "Let's go."


Ah Yao muttered:

  It's a little awkward, and it needs the encouragement of five stars and votes from the little cuties! !

 (End of this chapter)

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