Chapter 152 Heart-wrenching

 With such a big body, how can you not be hungry after walking all morning?

 What a liar!

 “Little girls, don’t be so smart. Acting silly occasionally may be more lovable.”

“Compared to other people’s ‘love’, I prefer to solve everything by myself.” Si Ningning took back the lunch box and said with a smile: “I forgot to bring your chopsticks, you can figure it out yourself.”

The chopsticks thing was easy to talk about. Huo Lang broke off two branches, rubbed them casually on his clothes, and then used them as chopsticks to eat.

When Si Ningning was mixing it just now, Huo Lang smelled the smell of vinegar. "Zi Liu" took a mouthful of the cold skin into his mouth. The cold skin was smooth and smooth. The sourness of the vinegar combined with the crisp cucumber shreds was very refreshing. The chili oil added it. There are a lot of them, and the stamina is a bit strong.

Horang took a sip and almost died on the spot without choking.

Si Ningning sat across from him. Seeing him choked, his face turned red and his neck thickened. He coughed several times and laughed immorally. "Eat it slowly. There is chili oil and minced garlic in it. If you had it before, If you haven’t tried this flavor before, it might be a bit overwhelming.”

 Horang nodded.

It's a bit choking, but it's also very enjoyable.

Huo Lang finished eating the cold skin and pierced the roasted golden-skinned rabbit with a knife. Seeing that it was already roasted, he took off one of the hind legs and handed it to Si Ningning without hesitation, "Try it?"

Si Ningning had already smelled the aroma, and of course she was not polite at this moment. She took a bite. Under the crispy skin, the fat and juice from the meat filled her mouth. It was moderately salty and had a light spicy taste. .

 It has a completely different texture from space roasted chicken and roasted duck, and it tastes very good.

It's a pity that Si Ningning has a small stomach. He ate less than half a bowl of cold skin earlier, and the rabbit leg was stained with ink in his hand for a while before he finished it.

Her little mouth was oily, and as soon as she threw the bones into the fire, Huo Lang fed him another oily and golden rabbit leg.

Si Ningning quickly waved her hands and shook her head, "I can't eat it."

 After saying that, he put his hands back on the ground and stretched out his belly for Huo Lang to see, "I'm full."

Huo Lang saw that the clothes on her abdomen were slightly curved, and he believed it.

However, he did not eat the rabbit leg. Instead, he put the rabbit leg on the washed banana leaves, picked off most of the meat from the rabbit, wrapped it together with the rabbit leg, and put it into the basket. In an instant, he was holding the dry Eat the rabbit skeleton.

Si Ningning had a panoramic view of Huo Lang's movements, and her crescent eyebrows slowly fell after she had eaten and drank contentedly.

She could probably guess that it was what Huo Lang was going to take back to his younger siblings.

 But for some reason, looking at the bare skeleton, Si Ningning always felt that Huo Lang treated his younger brothers and sisters too well, or that Huo Lang was too harsh on himself.

 Children have small appetites, how much can they eat?

On the contrary, Holang is big and has to do physical work almost every day. He should be supplemented with nutrition, right?

However, Si Ningning just thought about these words and could not say them out.

 As an outsider, she has no position to judge.

But thinking of this, Si Ningning couldn't help but think of something else.

 Horang's surname is Huo, and Hegu and Sanmiao's surname is Chen.

And the information revealed in Holang's words and deeds at that time seemed that he had no connection with the third team.

Then, what is the reason for tying him here?

At some moments before, Si Ningning thought that she seemed to have a clear idea of ​​Huo Lang's personality, but now, she felt that she knew nothing about Huo Lang.

People are indeed complicated...

Just as he was sighing, Huo Lang had already disposed of the bones and the fire. He stood to one side and looked at her and said, "Stay here for a while longer, or go back?"

 “Stay a little longer...I want to pick some trees and thorns.”


There was nothing to hold the bubbles, so the bamboo tube that Huo Lang brought water to Si Ningning became a temporary container.

Si Ningning focused on picking the cold skin. On the other side, Huo Lang, who was always serious and like a veteran cadre, may have felt that he ate more than half of Si Ningning's bowl of cold skin and deliberately refused to eat it.

He actually temporarily lost his coldness and dignity, and while Si Ningning was picking thorns, he touched the back of his head and pulled out a solid half-bundle of wild lilies in the sea of ​​flowers.

After Si Ningning finished picking the thorns, she turned around and saw a big man running towards her with a bundle of wild lilies. She drew back her neck, a little speechless, a little surprised, and had an inexplicable feeling.

“Just pick a few flowers. What are you doing with so many? Take them back and punch them more.”

In this day and age, if you live too well or reveal your wealth, you may be reported.

 And adding some "fancy" things will also be reported as ZBism.

“It’s okay. My aunt picked some vegetables and ate them before.”

 “Can wild lilies be eaten?”

Huo Lang nodded, holding the flowers in one hand, and took out the wooden stick from the bamboo basket with the other hand and handed it to Si Ningning to hold. The two walked back one after another, "Boil it with boiling water and add some vinegar. But it seems Most of them dig out the roots and eat them.”

Si Ningning nodded as if he understood.

She knows several edible flowers, such as honeysuckle and canna. The flower tubes of these two flowers have a lot of nectar. The honeysuckle can not only **** the nectar inside, but can also be dried to make tea.

Jasmine too.

But Si Ningning really doesn’t know that wild lilies can be eaten.

  She had a cat before time travel. At that time, the pet doctor told her that lily pollen would have a bad effect on cats, so there were rarely lilies around her, let alone wild lilies.

“There are also wild lilies near the production team?”

  “Yes. There used to be a lot, but now there are less.”


 The two of them walked and chatted, and soon returned to the creek where the crossbar was set up.

The dew had completely dried in the afternoon, and it was a bit sultry in the forest. Huo Lang's back was soaked with sweat. He bent down by the stream and washed his face. The heat had receded. His thin coat was tightened, and his strong and well-proportioned muscle lines were vaguely visible. .

Si Ningning's cheeks turned slightly red and she was a little embarrassed. She was about to look away in embarrassment when suddenly, a pendant slipped out from Huo Lang's collar.

Under the black lanyard, the pendant is very bright and has a vertical drop-shaped shape, which is a bit special.

The sun was too big here. Under the refraction of the sunlight, the pendant shone with light, and Si Ningning could not see clearly the detailed appearance of the pendant.

When she blinked to see clearly, Huo Lang had already stuffed the pendant into his clothes, picked up the thing and said to her: "Let's go."

“Yeah.” Si Ningning nodded and didn’t take it to heart.

Going down the mountain is faster than going up the mountain. When we got back to the team, it was only around three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

Taking the bamboo basket and wild lily from Huo Lang's hand, Si Ningning nodded and said "thank you". The journey ended and the two of them separated.

Si Ningning returned to the educated youth spot first. On the way, he met his young sister-in-law, and was teased by her: "Hey, you picked so many wild lilies! There are vegetables on the table tonight, hahaha."

“Auntie, there’s so much, even an educated youth can’t eat it, so I’ll give you some.”

“That’s great! Hahaha, Comrade Educated Youth, my family just picked a big winter melon from the field at noon... I’ll cut a piece for you, and you can take it back to eat! Just wait for me, I’ll cut it right away!”

Then, Si Ningning lost one-third of her wild lilies, but had half a large winter melon weighing about five or six kilograms in her arms.

The things he carried became heavier and heavier. When he returned to the educated youth point, Si Ningning’s arms were numb.

 Bringing the winter melon back to the kitchen, Si Ningning saw that the wild lilies were wilting. She wanted to find something to fill the water with and put the flowers up first to keep them fresh.

I walked around the house and found nothing, so I went to the well and fetched half a bucket of water. I used the bucket from which I used to fetch water and temporarily placed all the flowers in it.

Si Ningning wiped the sweat from his neck, washed his face in the pool, turned around and headed towards the team.

Si Ningning took out the rice bran bag from the space halfway. When she walked to the alley of the pig pen, she smelled a very pungent smell and she couldn't help but cover her nose.

Just when he was wondering what was going on, a short and thin man carrying a load suddenly came towards him. Seeing what he was carrying, Si Ningning quickly took a step away and stood against the wall.

 “Uncle.” She greeted.

"Hey, Comrade Educated Youth, have you been taking care of the pig pen recently? That pig pen is so clean! I see that the pigs have gained a lot of fat and there is more feces than before?!" The black-faced man stopped. He stopped, looked at Si Ningning and said happily.

The man picked the simmered pig manure, which had a strong smell, but Si Ningning was too embarrassed to keep covering her mouth and nose when talking to others. It seemed too disrespectful.

She put down her hand and replied with a smile: "Uncle, I feed the pigs in the same way as the aunt on the team. As for the manure... haha, maybe it's because I used water to wash the pig pen recently."

“Eighty percent of this is the reason.” The man nodded seriously.

Si Ningning thought she had been fooled, but the other party suddenly gave her a thumbs up and praised: "But this is also your credit, Comrade Educated Youth! The water is added well, not only is there more manure, but it also soaks better! This, what does this mean in the words of you scholars?”

The man frowned and thought for a while. Thinking of Zhao Hongbing's remarks about the meeting in the threshing floor, he used some of them and said to Si Ningning: "Educated people! Huh... science! Yes, comrade educated youth, you are raising pigs scientifically!" Scientific retting!”

"...Haha, haha..." Si Ningning frowned, and rubbed the palm of his right hand against his cheek in confusion and confusion.

 I really don’t understand what a strange development this is.

 Fortunately, the uncle who picked up dung still had work to do. After chatting with Si Ningning for a few words, he quickly ran away with two buckets of pig dung.

Si Ningning shook his head, picked up the rice bran and walked towards the pig pen.

 The manure pit at the back was mostly covered with manure, and the smell was very strong.

Several pigs seemed to be frightened by the noise of picking up manure. They huddled in the corner with their heads pressed together. Seeing Si Ningning coming, they one by one grunted and leaned towards the trough.

Si Ningning mixed the pig food neatly, and the pig pen was not very dirty. She swept the pig manure that had been brought in in the afternoon into the ditch, and flushed a bucket of water because the smell here was really too strong at the moment. She Don't plan on staying too long.

 Before leaving, I paid special attention to the pigs.

During this period, in addition to feeding the pigs according to the amount assigned by the team, Si Ningning often brought some pig grass out of the space, and occasionally fed some cucumbers, pumpkins, etc. in the space.

I just heard from the uncle that the pigs have gained weight. Maybe they really have gained a little bit of meat, right?

Si Ningning sees these pigs every day and can't tell much about them. But having said that, these pigs are indeed much cleaner and they don't look as ugly as they did at first.

 After putting things away, Si Ningning set off back to the educated youth point.

It was early today, and the red clouds in the western sky had not yet risen. However, when they returned to the educated youth point, as soon as they walked around the side of the house, Si Ningning saw Jiang Yue sitting on the doorstep with her forehead supported by her hands.

Si Ningning paused for a moment, then stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay. I just don't feel very comfortable. I feel weak... I asked for leave from the captain and came back first." Jiang Yue opened her eyelids and glanced at Si Ningning, then quickly lowered her head.

Jiang Yue has no energy, her face is white and yellow, like a person who is about to run out of oil.

Si Ningning put the back of her hand on Jiang Yue's forehead, feeling a little feverish.

“Do you feel dizzy or want to vomit?” Si Ningning asked.

"I felt a little dizzy. I felt like vomiting at the time. I drank some water when I came back and felt a little better." Jiang Yue answered truthfully, her voice still weak.

Si Ningning can basically confirm that Jiang Yue is suffering from heat stroke.

 Now she only feels dizzy and weak in her limbs. Judging from the symptoms, the symptoms of heatstroke are not serious. What really makes Jiang Yue uncomfortable may be more during the special period when relatives are visiting.

Si Ningning had Huoxiang Zhengqi water in her space, but she gave up the idea as soon as she came up with it.

She went into the house and found the bamboo tube where Jiang Yue usually drank water at the educated youth point. She opened her own rattan box, found brown sugar and scooped half a spoonful of brown sugar into the bamboo tube.

Si Ningning tried to saw the bamboo tube by herself before. She tried it several times, but every time it was sawed crookedly.

Later, the male educated youth borrowed a saw for sawing firewood from the production team. The bamboo tubes cut out with the saw were very smooth, and each educated youth received two pieces.

 One for eating and one for drinking.

There was no hot water kettle at the Educated Youth Point, and the kitchen was equipped with cold pots and stoves. There was no hot water, so Si Ningning simply cooked the food.

After struggling for more than half an hour to boil the water, she was worried that the brown sugar would be too dilute and would not work, so she only filled half of the bamboo tube with water. Then she handed the bamboo tube to Jiang Yue. Si Ningning turned around and sat beside Jiang Yue. We sat on the doorstep together, "I don't have much brown sugar anymore, so I'll just give you a little..."

Si Ningning held her chin in her hand, tilted her head and looked at Jiang Yue, urging: "Drink quickly, maybe you will feel better after drinking it."

Jiang Yue held the hot bamboo tube blankly, looking at the maroon sugar water inside, and said nothing for a long time.

Jiang Yue didn’t even notice when Si Ningning entered the house just now.

After that, Si Ningning was busy working, and Jiang Yue just thought that Si Ningning was making dinner.

  She never thought that Si Ningning was boiling water to make brown sugar water for her.

A curl of hot air hit her face, and Jiang Yue's lips trembled. In an instant, her eyes were filled with mist, and tears came at every turn.

Before Si Ningning could react, Jiang Yue grinned and began to cry...

The facial features that were originally flat now looked even more shabby with his mouth wide open and his face covered with tears and runny nose.

 Jiang Yue didn't utter a single word except crying. Si Ningning could probably understand her mood at this time.

   Thank you fairies for the reward, A Yao will continue to work **** coding! Awesome! !



 (End of this chapter)

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