Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 153: Mo Bei, what's wrong with you?

Chapter 153 Mo Bei, what’s wrong with you?

 She was probably the same as she was two days ago...she couldn't hold back her emotions for a short moment, her mental structure collapsed, or maybe she missed her family.

People's sadness and emotions are not connected with each other. In some special situations, comfort will not be able to comfort. On the contrary, it will make people more uncomfortable and even frustrate their self-esteem.

Si Ningning did not disturb Jiang Yue, but looked away and sat aside with her knees in her arms.

As Jiang Yue cried, Si Ningning stood by the side with her head lowered, silently counting the pebbles on the ground.

 When the count reached the forty-nine, Jiang Yue beside her sniffed, stopped crying, and drank all the brown sugar water in the bamboo cup with two "gudong"s.

 Finally, he wiped his mouth and looked at Si Ningning with red eyes, "Hiccup...Thank you, Si Ningning."

"I was sorry for what happened before." Because she had cried just now, Jiang Yue was still sobbing uncontrollably and hiccupping. "I will return the brown sugar to you, no later than today next month."

"Yeah, that's fine." Si Ningning responded in a moderate tone, clapped her hands and stood up, "It's getting late, I'm going to cook."

 “Hmm…wait a minute, Si Ningning!”


Si Ningning stopped and looked back. Jiang Yue was sitting on the steps and looked up at her. She hesitated for a moment before saying, "Can you lend me your sewing kit? I... I want to carry it with me for a few months. "

Si Ningning did not hesitate and gave Jiang Yue her sewing kit.

Si Ningning probably knew that menstrual belts were aunt's napkins, but Si Ningning was a little curious about Jiang Yue's statement that she wanted to make her own aunt's napkins.

So while cooking, she came out and took a look several times. When she saw the final result, Si Ningning couldn't help but feel a little dazed, and she felt even more deeply about the difficulty of being a woman.

In this era, supply and marketing cooperatives sold menstrual belts, but they required a ticket for the menstrual belt, and due to the workmanship and materials, the absorbency of the menstrual belt was actually not very good.

The reason why Jiang Yuehui made her own menstrual belt is partly because she is not rich at present, and partly because she has been too busy recently and cannot spare time to go to town.

Making a homemade menstrual belt requires the use of cloth. Jiang Yue cut the only half-sleeved shirt that she could replace. She cut the lower half to make a menstrual belt. She fixed the edge of the upper half with needlework and continued to wear it.

  Anyway, it only needs to be worn under a coat to cover the bulge in the chest.

  Let’s talk about the so-called menstrual belt. At first glance, it looks like a small **** lace-up **** from later generations. However, the part that touches the private parts is sewn like a small pocket.

Si Ningning was confused, but later she saw that Jiang Yue had sewn a small bag with an elastic band separately, put a bag of plant ash in the stove, then inserted the bag into it, and pressed the plant ash as evenly and flatly as possible. , tucked into the small lace-up inner pocket.

 This is a completed menstrual belt.

 As for such menstrual belts, Jiang Yue reluctantly made two of them using the bits of fabric she cut.

Si Ningning twitched her lips twice and asked, "Is this possible?"

"Why not? My mother told me when I was young that this is how they used to come here... I have no other use now, so I have to do it." Jiang Yue smiled, with a calm expression and did not feel any embarrassment. "It shouldn't matter if you pay attention."

 “Yeah.” Si Ningning nodded.

Jiang Yue asked again: "You didn't return to the educated youth point at noon today. Did you go to the town?"

"No." Si Ningning shook her head, but she didn't mention her going into the mountains with Huo Lang.

Because of the half cup of brown sugar water that Si Ningning made for her, Jiang Yue was much closer to Si Ningning than before. She nodded understandingly and explained: "I thought you were going to town, and you were still there after work in the afternoon. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in time, so I asked you to send me something by the way.”

“Is it sent to your brother?”

"Well. I took the time to make some of the mosquito coils you taught me last time. I wanted to send some to him and ask him about the situation there."

Si Ningning was silent for a moment, looking away and changing the subject, "I've been busy lately, so I'm sorry to mention this to the team. We'll finish the work and go to the town together during the holidays."


While the two were talking, a shout came from outside: "Oh! Where did you get some flowers? They're so beautiful!"

 The speaker was Li Lingyuan.

 The male educated youths have also returned from work.

Si Ningning thought of the wild lilies she had soaked in the bucket by the well, and quickly turned around and left the house.

Through the shadow of the trees, you can vaguely see the side of the well. Li Lingyuan is lying on the side of the bucket with his **** sticking out, looking at it.

Si Ningning raised her voice and explained: "I picked them back. The sister-in-law in the team said they can be mixed with vegetables, so I picked some back to try."

"What? Can you eat flowers? How do you eat them?" Li Lingyuan looked back at Si Ningning, with a tanned face full of question marks.

"It should be possible. Let's try it today." Si Ningning walked to the well and took the flowers out of the bucket. The water on the branches dripped down and wet her cloth shoes.

Si Ningning bowed and pushed the flowers away from her. After a while, she asked Li Lingyuan, "Li Zhiqing, do you have any clay pots in your house?"

“There is a clay pot, but the handle is broken off on the side. Do you think it’s okay? I’ll get it for you?”

 “Okay, then let’s trouble Li Zhiqing.” Si Ningning nodded.

Although he didn't know what Si Ningning wanted the clay pot for, but after hearing Si Ningning said it was okay, Li Lingyuan took water from the pool and quickly washed his face. Then he returned to the male educated youth's room and quickly brought a black and gray pot. clay pot.

Si Ningning temporarily placed the flowers on the stone platform, took the pot and took a look at it to make sure there was nothing inside. She picked up the loofah pulp from the edge of the washing pool, dipped it in water and began to wash it.

The inside of the clay pot was full of dust. Si Ningning filled it with water and rubbed it hard a few times before it was almost clean. On the outside, not only dust accumulated, but also some bat cakes and urine dripped on it, mixing it with it. The dust is a little caked.

Si Ningning held her breath and rubbed it for a long time before it was clean. She poured half a can of water into it, picked out a dozen flowers or flower bones that looked well preserved, and picked off the excess leaves from the flower branches. Arrange in jars in a criss-cross fashion.

 A dozen flowers are obviously not many, but when spread out they look like a big bunch.

"It's so good-looking, Si Zhiqing." Li Lingyuan stood with his hands on his knees and watched the whole process. He was impressed by Si Ningning's skill and uttered a golden sentence: "If only the rations could be like Jiehua, the cooking would get better and better." More would be nice.”

"What are you thinking about?" Si Ningning chuckled. After rinsing the pool, he took the lead and walked back with a clay pot filled with wild lilies. "Have a rest. Dinner will be ready soon."

 “Oh, it’s a good educated youth.”

Si Ningning brought the clay pot to the female educated youth's room.

The female educated youth's room was very empty. Apart from four beds, there was only a small table that Si Ningning brought back from the town.

The small table could barely accommodate two people sitting side by side, and the ratio was very inconsistent with the jar in his hand. Si Ningning thought about it and placed the jar by the wall at the entrance, right next to Jiang Yue's bedside.

"What are you doing with these? You're not afraid of what others will say." Jiang Yue said.

Si Ningning smiled and said, "These flowers are edible, but you can't eat so many at one time, so as not to spoil them. Besides, it makes you feel better if you put them here." Jiang Yue heard that they could be eaten, and then thought that the educated youth spots usually also have flowers here. No one came, so I didn't say much.

Si Ningning took the basin and plucked the remaining wild lilies from the branches at the well. After cleaning them one by one, she carried the basin back to the kitchen.

After pouring two ladles of water into the pot, while waiting for the water to boil, Si Ningning chopped onions and garlic. Si Ningning didn’t know how the sisters-in-law on the team mixed wild lilies. From the word "mix", what she thought of was It is served cold, so the side dishes and seasonings prepared are also based on cold dishes.

 Put the water in the pot and lower the petals. Unlike other green vegetables, the petals will change color within two seconds after being put down.

Si Ningning was afraid of affecting the taste, so she quickly fished it out, then used chopsticks to hold the petals and blanched them in the pot before quickly taking them out. After blanching them all, pour them over with cold water and pour them into a bowl.

Si Ningning poured the minced onions and garlic into the bowl, followed by soy sauce, vinegar and salt. There was no one else in the kitchen, so Si Ningning added some sesame oil and oyster sauce. After mixing, it smelled quite fragrant. I just always feel like something is missing.

Si Ningning thought about it for a while, then an idea flashed in his mind, and he added some chili oil before nodding with satisfaction.

Although he came back early today, he was delayed on other things. Si Ningning did not do anything complicated. He picked up two cucumbers from under the kitchen table, washed them, and then mixed another cucumber.

 The cold cucumbers only add a little vinegar and soy sauce to prevent some people from not liking spicy food.

Si Ningning shouted loudly and asked everyone to serve their own meals. When everyone sat down at the table one after another, except for Li Lingyuan who interacted with Si Ningning for a few words, everyone else was quiet.

Si Ningning took a closer look and found that everyone's face was not very good-looking. It must be that the sun has been really strong these days, and the workload has increased a lot compared to before. Not to mention how tired they are, everyone is almost the same. On the verge of heat stroke.

 This situation will last for at least half a month.

Si Ningning doesn’t want to be like a holy mother-in-law who takes care of everything, but to be honest, these educated young people are not very young, and they look really miserable and pitiful.

 Especially in contrast to the fact that Si Ningning himself has space supplies and lives a relatively prosperous life.

Si Ningning felt that if she were truly indifferent, she would not be an ordinary person.

But even if she wants to help, all she can do is some trivial things...

Thinking about it, Si Ningning picked up a chopstick and picked up the cold lily flowers. The texture was smooth and crunchy, a bit like the cold king oyster mushroom.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, Si Ningning pretended to be casual and asked: "I haven't eaten meat for a long time. Do any of you want to eat meat? Let's raise money? If you have money, pay, if you have tickets, pick a day to go. Buy some in town.”

As soon as these words came out, the hall immediately became quiet.

Li Lingyuan spoke naively: "I think it's okay, I'm also a little greedy for meat. If it weren't for my good self-control, I would have eaten several of the chickens raised by my aunt on the team."

“Look at your future, you really embarrass us educated youths!” Jiang Yue rolled her eyes and scolded Li Lingyuan.

The atmosphere at the dinner table became warmer, and Song Shuhan said: "It's easy to talk about the money ticket. If you go to town... you can take a morning off, but it's hard to buy meat."

  Isn’t it difficult to buy?

Even in the city, you may not be able to grab meat if you get up early, let alone in a production team in the countryside. You still have to walk an hour or two to get to the town.


 The warm atmosphere suddenly turned cold again.

Si Ningning said: "If you can't buy it, let's talk about it. Anyway, the trip will be in vain, and the money will not be less."

The others thought about it and thought it would work. You and I discussed who would pay how much.

Seven people, according to a rough calculation, can raise a pound and three taels of votes and money. Everyone has a share, but the amount of money paid varies.

Take Xu Shuhua for example. The money she just saved this month and the gas money that Si Ningning helped advance last month, she only has a few cents left.

 So when paying the money, she said very straightforwardly, no matter the meat, just take two sips of soup.

This request is not too much, and the others are not tricky people, so the matter is settled.

 “Then who will go then?”

Si Ningning quickly raised his hand: "I'll go. I'm almost busy with work today, and I will have a little more time than everyone else... I will go to the team to ask tomorrow. If the captain agrees to my request for leave, I will confirm the time then. Come back and tell everyone.”


Just as the meal was finished, a group of people happily dispersed to wash their lunch boxes.

Si Ningning packed up his lunch box and planned to go to the well to wash himself. As he was about to get up, he noticed Mo Bei opposite.

 The food on the table had long been eaten by others, but the rice in Mo Bei's lunch box was basically untouched.

A trace of doubt flashed across Si Ningning's face, and she asked casually: "Is today's dish not to your liking?"

This young master, maybe he thought the cold dish she made was too perfunctory, so he didn't want to eat it, right?

 At first glance, Mo Bei's face was a little pale, his eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and he seemed to be uncomfortable.

 Did you also suffer from heat stroke?

Si Ningning's brows were slightly worried. She couldn't touch her forehead to confirm as she did to Jiang Yue when dealing with Mo Bei. She was wondering what to do when Mo Bei suddenly looked at her and said, "Si Zhiqing..."


Mo Beixing's eyes were dull, he looked lackluster, and his whole face was full of discomfort.

He stared at Si Ningning for a long time, as if he had made up his mind, and asked, "Can you make some more tea you made before?"

Tea? lemon tea?

Si Ningning paused and asked, "The very cold one?"

Mo Bei nodded slightly, and the next second, his head rested softly on his arm, as if taking a nap, and his whole body was lying on the table.

Mo Bei did indeed suffer from heatstroke, and the condition was more serious than Jiang Yue's. He vomited in the field in the afternoon and noticed physical discomfort. He relied on perseverance to last until the end of work in the afternoon.

At this moment, Mo Bei felt dizzy and his eyelids were heavy. He probably wanted to sleep, but he was too stuffy to sleep.

For some reason, Mo Bei suddenly remembered the water Si Ningning had given him when he was working before.

 Jiang Yue also brought water today. The taste was exactly the same as that given by Si Ningning, but it didn't feel as cold.

Maybe it was because Si Ningning's iced lemon tea was in his mouth before, but this time the tea did not meet expectations. In addition, due to heat stroke, Mo Bei felt weak all over after drinking it.

 (End of this chapter)

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