Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 154: Si Zhiqing, likes flowers

Chapter 154 Si Zhiqing, likes flowers

At this moment, he wanted to take another sip of the cold, sweet and sour water.

Si Ningning could see that Mo Bei was in a bad situation, but how could he make ice lemon tea now?

Moreover, if she agrees, if other people know about it, they will be designated to watch what she does...

Si Ningning thought about it for a while and asked, "Do you really want to drink it? It's too late to do it now. I still have some in the kettle... I'll pour the contents of the kettle to you, okay?"

 Mo Bei didn't answer, he must be really feeling uncomfortable.

Si Ningning didn’t do any ink, so he got up and started doing it.

Mo Bei's kettle was still hanging on his body, but seeing how uncomfortable he was, Si Ningning was too embarrassed to disturb him and let him pick it off.

There are also a few unused coarse porcelain bowls in the kitchen, which Zhao Hongbing sent to the educated youth according to Luo Daqing's instructions.

Si Ningning went to the kitchen and got a coarse porcelain bowl, pouring most of the water from her kettle into it.

The water in the kettle was brought out in the morning. She originally planned to go up the mountain to drink it, because Huo Lang brought her water. She drank it from the bamboo tube on the mountain, but the water in her own kettle didn't move much.

The quality of these military kettles is also decent. After pouring it into a bowl, you can feel the cool temperature in the palm of your hand while holding the bowl.

With the dim light in the kitchen, Si Ningning found chopsticks, picked out the four petals of a green kumquat and threw them into the swill bucket, leaving only a few mint tips rising and falling on the water.

Si Ningning brought the bowl to Mo Bei's hand and put it down, "The water is here, drink it quickly."

“I heard from my aunt on the team that I can rest for a few days after the busy farming season. I don’t know if that’s true?”

“Don’t look forward to it. I heard from the old man on the team that farmers have no time to relax all year round!”

"Can it be the same? We are not farmers... We go to the countryside to receive re-education. At most, we are farmers' students. Even students have to take a vacation!"

 “Okay, okay, you’re right, right?”

The educated youths were chattering outside the house, but there was a dead silence inside the house.

Si Ningning stood at the table for a while. Seeing that Mo Bei made no movement, she lowered her voice and called out again tentatively, "Mo Bei?"

There was a rustle, and Mo Bei moved, turning his head from between his arms to look at Si Ningning with one eye.

His eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes were a little bloodshot and red, but his face and lips were frighteningly white, and beads of sweat could still be seen faintly on his forehead. He really had a heart-wrenching and fragile look.

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows furrowed slightly, showing a faint look of worry.

After a while, she bowed and moved slightly closer to Mo Bei. Her voice was softer than before, "What's wrong with you? Tell me, and I'll see if there's any medicine for your condition in my box."

Mo Bei shook his head slightly and propped himself up on the table, but as soon as he stood up, he swayed and sat back down.

The long bench had no backrest. Si Ningning was afraid that Mo Bei would fall, so she subconsciously reached out to help him. However, the moment his hand was placed on Mo Bei's arm, Mo Bei bowed and spat out "Wow".

Si Ningning trembled and felt a warmth in her arms and calves. Mo Bei vomited a large amount of it, and it was all on her body.

Si Ningning was about to cry but didn't dare to look at the vomit on her arm. However, she quickly regained her composure.

Mo Bei only splashed a little in front of his knees. For fear of staining his clothes, Si Ningning quickly let go and stepped back, while not forgetting to comfort him: "It's okay, it's okay, just spit it out and it will be fine."

“Are you feeling better? There is water on the table. Please drink it slowly.”

 “I’ll clean up the floor later. I’ll go wash it first…”

Like a crayfish, Si Ningning held up two "pliers" and went to the well.

Li Lingyuan and the others were squatting or standing chatting by the well. Seeing Si Ningning's embarrassed appearance, they all came over one by one, "Si Zhiqing, what did you do to me?"

 “Ning Ning, what’s going on?”

"It's okay." Si Ningning curved her lips and smiled, "Get me a bucket of water. I'll wash up first..."

"Ah good!"

 The conversation by the well was heard clearly by the people in the hall.

Looking away from the vomit splattered everywhere, Mo Bei's bright starry eyes looked at the rough porcelain bowl on the table.

In the light yellow tea, emerald green mint leaves were leisurely swirling on the water. For some reason, Mo Bei's mind suddenly flashed into the vague figure of Si Ningning who stumbled out just now.

Just now, his stomach felt uncomfortable and his head felt groggy. Mo Bei felt as if his whole body was shrouded in a fog barrier. He couldn't see clearly or hear the people around him. He only had a vague feeling that Si Ningning seemed to be talking to him. say.

I actually didn't hear what he said clearly, but there were two words that Mo Bei could hear clearly.

  —Mo Bei.

 Clear and crisp, with a warm and gentle sound...

Perhaps it was because his body felt better after vomiting, and his brain gradually returned to clarity. In a short period of time, many detailed images flashed through Mo Bei's mind.

 The calm heart is like a pebble thrown into it, and ripples appear again.

  Stupid mouse…

Mo Bei drank the lemon tea in one gulp. It was cool and sour, and the sweet and sour taste completely soothed his uncomfortable chest.

After a while, Mo Bei put down the bowl, got up and went to the kitchen to shovel some plant ash and sprinkle it on the vomit.

By the time Si Ningning returned to the main room, the main room had been cleaned. Except for the coarse porcelain bowl on the table, Mo Bei was nowhere to be seen.

 It’s time to go back home and rest.

Si Ningning didn't take it to heart and picked up the bowl to wash. As soon as he walked out of the main room door, he bumped into Li Lingyuan.

"Si Zhiqing!" Li Lingyuan chuckled like a bitch, stretched out his hand and handed a small cement-colored cardboard box to Si Ningning, "Boss Mo asked me to give this to you. Boss Mo said it stained your I’m very embarrassed about the clothes, and I said I would give them to you because they would be clean.”

As if he predicted that Si Ningning would refuse, as soon as he finished speaking, Li Lingyuan threw the carton into the bowl in Si Ningning's hand, turned around and ran away.

 “Eh! Eh!”

After two steps without catching up, Si Ningning stopped and picked up the small box in the bowl and looked through it.

 It’s a little heavy-handed and I don’t know what’s inside.

 Xu Shuhua came back from the well and saw this scene. She smiled and joked: "Did you go to the town to buy it today? The lighthouse brand is not cheap. Just use saponin for washing. The one at the end of the village is long."

 Lighthouse sign?

Si Ningning was confused for a moment, until she heard Xu Shuhua say "lighthouse sign", and some related memories flashed through her mind.

 Lighthouse brand soap, produced by Haishi, was considered a brand name in this era.

Other soaps generally cost between 30 cents and 80 cents. Its price has always been stable at 1.8 cents, and it is usually sold in department stores in big cities. If you buy it on the black market, it will be more expensive...

 Cannot be collected.

Si Ningning reacted immediately, but did not explain.

Putting the box into his pocket, Si Ningning smiled at Xu Shuhua and walked towards the well.

Song Xiaoyun and Jiang Yue were still at the well. The relationship between them had indeed eased. They had finished washing the dishes and were preparing to go back to the house.

Seeing Si Ningning coming over with a bowl, Jiang Yue asked, "When will there be another bowl? Why didn't you take it out just now so I can wash it together." Si Ningning did all the cooking, washing the pots and dishes. But it's not her business.

She smiled and said: "Just a bowl, just swipe and it's done. You go back to the house first."

Jiang Yue nodded and walked away with Song Xiaoyun holding the lunch box and two plates.

Si Ningning squatted by the well, poured some water from the bucket and washed the dishes. During the process, he raised his head and looked through the gap in the shadow of the tree at the door of the male educated youth.

Song Shuhan was sitting at the door enjoying the cool air. Mo Bei and Li Lingyuan were not there, and they didn't know what they were busy with in the room.

After looking at it for a while, Si Ningning raised her voice and shouted: "Li Lingyuan? Li Lingyuan."

As soon as her voice fell, she saw Li Lingyuan's tanned face pressed against the window coffin in the gap between the trees, and he shouted back at the top of his lungs: "Alas! What happened to Si Zhiqing?"

That look is funny and funny.

Si Ningning suppressed her smile and said, "Can you come over and help me fetch a bucket of water?"

 “Okay, the agent is here.”

Li Lingyuan quickly ran over and bent down to lift the bucket. When he lifted it, he realized that the handle felt wrong.

"Ah, Jie, Jie, Si Zhiqing, don't you still have half a bucket of water? Do you want to wash clothes? I'll fill the pool for you!"

Li Lingyuan poured the water in the bucket into the pool, and then wanted to fetch water. Si Ningning held down the handle of the bucket with his backhand. He lifted it but did not move it. He looked at Si Ningning in confusion, "Si Zhiqing, what's going on? Land?"

Si Ningning raised her head and looked at Li Lingyuan, pretending to be cautious and started to do the trick: "Li Zhiqing, I have something I want you to help me with."

But this Li Lingyuan, who usually looked quite naive, was excited now. He saw through Si Ningning's tricks at a glance: "If it's about returning the soap to Boss Mo, let's forget it! But if I can't do anything, Okay, maybe Boss Mo wants to win over me!"

Lala in Tangshan dialect means to fight or hit someone. Mo Bei's kind of person, of course, it was impossible to do anything.

But if something really happened, Li Lingyuan would rather be beaten by Mo Bei than face Mo Bei's ice face.

Li Lingyuan said, loosened the handle of the bucket, turned around and left.

Seeing that the trap failed, Si Ningning suddenly said in a sharp voice: "Stop!"

She usually has a smiling face, speaks crisply and kindly, how has Li Lingyuan ever seen her like this? She was immediately frightened and stood there.

Li Lingyuan turned around and said with a grimace: "Si Zhiqing, please don't embarrass me!"

 “I’m not going to embarrass you, let’s have a chat?”

 “What are you talking about?” Li Lingyuan was a little confused.

“Let me ask you, was the cold purslane you ate last time delicious?”

Si Ningning’s deer eyes flashed with amusement, and he started to set off for the second time, tempting!

“Of course it’s delicious! The food cooked by Si Zhiqing is so delicious that I can’t say enough, but Mr. Mo is too stingy, just give me a little bit!”

 Thinking of the cold purslane last time, Li Lingyuan's blood suddenly surged and he dissed Mo Bei's back several times.

 “Then do you still want to eat?” Si Ningning continued to coax.

Li Lingyuan clenched his hands into fists and replied without thinking: "I think!"

 After a pause, he asked urgently: "Si Zhiqing, when will you do it again?"

 “I’ll do it tomorrow,” Si Ningning said.

Li Lingyuan's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Really. As long as you take this back to Mo Zhiqing, I'll make a bowl of it tomorrow, and you can eat as much as you like. It's enough." Si Ningning's lips curved, and she took out a small cement-colored paper box from her pocket. .

Li Lingyuan's face froze when he saw the carton clearly, and his eyes looked at Si Ningning a little aggrieved, as if to say: I trust you so much, but you are waiting for me here.

"I have soap, but I really don't need this...and you should know how much this soap costs, right? I can't accept it," Si Ningning said.

 She thought that this matter was still a little hot, and Li Lingyuan would definitely not be willing to do it. However, she underestimated the temptation of cold purslane to Li Lingyuan.

After a brief moment of grievance, Li Lingyuan took the carton over and finally told Si Ningning a few words: "Si Zhiqing, just introduce me once! Purslane! Don't forget it!"

Even though it’s just a portion of purslane, Si Ningning needs enough ingredients!

Li Lingyuan is also really greedy, for a bowl of purslane, as much purslane as possible! After a while, he even admitted to being beaten!

Then, Li Lingyuan happily ran back to the door of the Educated Youth Point. After entering the house, his steps became sporadic again. He moved toward the room like an ant crawling. When he reached the door, he even stuck his head out without hesitation.

Seeing Mo Bei sitting on the bedside reading a book, Li Lingyuan leaned over and said, "Boss Mo."

Mo Bei raised his eyes and glanced at Li Lingyuan. Seeing what he was holding in his hand, Mo Bei was slightly startled, and closed the book with a pop in the next second.

 Think about it and you’ll understand what’s going on.

The things were clearly given out just now, but with that "help", the things came back again.

As soon as Li Lingyuan came closer, he saw Mo Bei staring at him coldly. He took a step back warily, hissed and said helplessly: "Jie, there's nothing I can do about it! Si Zhiqing doesn't want it, she said she has... I, I can’t force it, what if she hits me?”

 The last sentence was said casually by Li Lingyuan in a panic.

But his casual words were caught by Song Shuhan who came in from behind.

Song Shuhan pushed up his glasses and joked: "You are afraid that Si Zhiqing will hit you, but you are not afraid that Mo Bei will hit you? His fists are twice as big as Si Zhiqing's."

Li Lingyuan's face turned green, and he waved his hand to Song Shuhan in disgust, "Go, go, go, I won't open any pot, do you think I don't know? You are also interested in Si Zhiqing."

Song Shuhan's face flashed with embarrassment, his ears turned red, and he glanced at Mo Bei subconsciously, "Don't talk nonsense."

Mo Bei's expression was calm and he waved to Li Lingyuan calmly.

Li Lingyuan handed the box over knowingly.

Mo Bei held the box with an unclear expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

Li Lingyuan muttered: "Si Zhiqing is quite good-looking, but he is not only good-looking...but also strong."

Forced by Mo Bei's look, Li Lingyuan's voice became quieter and quieter: "It's definitely not okay to give money to people. Today's Hua Si Zhiqing really likes it. Boss, if you send flowers, Si Zhiqing might like it."

Although things like flowers are a bit sensitive, no one else will come to the Educated Youth Point except people from the security team.

 Send it quietly, who can find it?

What flowers...

Mo Bei lowered his eyes, seeming to be staring at the small box in his hand, but his thoughts actually drifted back to the honeysuckle garland swinging in the center of the female educated youth's window half a month ago.


Push another book by A Yao: Becoming a Boss’s Favorite in the Age of Traveling through Books has been completed, so you can feel free to dive in~

Finally, Ah Yao muttered: Please give me five stars~

 (End of this chapter)

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