Chapter 155 Look at it

It was impossible for a male educated youth to enter the female educated youth's room, but when he walked back and forth, Mo Bei had already guessed the location of Si Ningning's bed through the sounds of conversations in the room.

 Facing the window...the bed closest to the window is Si Ningning's.

 The wreath hung in front of the window for three days in a row, and was not taken down until it withered completely.

 If you didn’t like it, you would have picked it off and thrown it away early in the morning, right?

 “Boss Mo? Boss Mo?”

Suddenly hearing Li Lingyuan's voice calling, Mo Bei said "Huh" blankly?

Li Lingyuan looked at his distracted look and thought he was still feeling uncomfortable, so he said, "I said I was going to fetch water for a bath. Can I fetch water for you too? Isn't hot water better for you because you're not feeling well today?"

"Just cold water." Mo Bei shook his head, opened and closed his thin lips and uttered two more words, "Thank you."

 “Okay, I’ll be back in a minute!”

 On the other side, the female educated youths finished cleaning the house and each fetched water to wash themselves.

Si Ningning took a shower behind the door.

 I sweated a lot during the day, and I originally planned to get up at night and take a good shower. However, because I walked too much during the day, my body was really tired. After I went to bed and fell asleep, I slept straight into the next morning.

After making breakfast, Si Ningning drank some porridge made from sorghum rice, and then climbed into bed to catch up on her sleep.

 When I woke up again at noon, just like last time, the Educated Youth Spot was particularly quiet, and another garland appeared on the window.

 The garland is the same as last time, tightly tied and delicate. The difference is that this time, there are several pink wild roses embedded in it.

Si Ningning’s face was covered with sleep marks from the mat. She approached the window and was about to touch it when she noticed a small brown bee lying on the rose flower in the wreath.

The little bee's wings remained flat and motionless, and a few small black legs flew across the flower stamens. Gradually, tiny yellow pollen stuck to its legs and abdomen.

Si Ningning found it very interesting to observe bees up close for the first time. Along with the fragrance of flowers, there was always a sense of wonder brought by nature.

A bright and soothing smile appeared on her face, and she wanted to continue reading, but at this moment, through the corner of the window, she noticed a little man sitting on the steps at the door of the Educated Youth Point.


 Remembering what she had agreed with Huo Lang two days ago, Si Ningning hurried out.

The main door of the main room was wide open. As soon as she left the room, she met the sight of He Gu who had stood up and turned around at the door.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Why didn't you call me?" Si Ningning asked softly.

"No. I just went to the pigsty first, and I didn't see you before I came here." Hegu shook his head, indicating that he had just arrived.

Probably because Huo Lang was busy in the county some time ago, Sanmiao couldn't coax Hegu, so Hegu looked even thinner than before.

The skin on his thin face is so white that it has no blood color, which makes the blue veins on the sides of his cheeks and where it connects to his neck very obvious.

At first glance, it looks very similar to the apocalyptic disaster movies that Si Ningning watched before traveling through time, in which the early stages of human beings were infected and diseased.

 Looks scary, but also really pitiful.

Si Ningning felt inexplicably weak.

Because the specific situation of Hegu could not be determined yet, in order to avoid Hegu's resistance, Si Ningning did not touch Hegu easily. Instead, he pretended to go back to the room to get a comb, and invited Hegu to come into the hall and sit down, "You sit here for a while." Son, I’ll clean up and we’ll go to the pig pen later.”

"Uh...oh." He Gu responded and sat down at the table in the main room.

Si Ningning came back with the comb and sat across from the grain. While combing his hair, he looked at the grain.

Aside from being too thin, the little guy is actually quite cute in his daily movements and behavior.

 “You came here, what did your elder brother say?”

"No." Hegu shook his head subconsciously, then nodded quickly when he thought of something, "As I said, my eldest brother went to the county in the morning, and when he left, he asked me to come home on time for lunch, and he also said..."

He Gu stuttered and tilted his head to look at Si Ningning, "He also said that he would let you have time to visit his home."

Si Ningning pushed her hair to her chest and tilted her head to braid it. When she heard Hegu’s words, she paused her hands slightly and asked, “Are you a guest?”

The first sentence seems to be Holang's style, but what the **** is "being a guest" in the second sentence?

 Is it hinting to her? Want to see her for something?

Si Ningning frowned and thought for a while, but before he could figure it out, He Gu asked again: "Si Ningning, do you think educated youth are good?"

He seemed to feel that the question was inappropriate, and Hegu added: "I mean, male educated youth. Do you think male educated youth are good?"

 How are male educated youths? What the **** is this problem?

Although he was confused, Si Ningning still answered truthfully: "Everyone is very good and easy to get along with. They are always friendly and help each other. Just like Sanya and you."

Hegu’s little eyebrows wrinkled, and he thought to himself: Sanya and the others are so dirty. They dig dirt and **** all day long. I won’t help each other with them.

 Halfway through the thought, Hegu's heart skipped a beat, and he realized a serious problem: Si Ningning seemed to like male educated youths more than his elder brother!

Furthermore, recalling the scene when he came out of home in the morning, his eldest brother was still wearing that coat, his arms and back looked stiff, and he didn’t look like a scholar at all.

His elder brother really didn't listen to what he said at all.

He Gu wrinkled his face and suddenly blew out a breath of displeasure from his nose.

When Si Ningning saw him like this, he immediately remembered what Huo Lang said before, that Hegu would become irritable without warning.

 But, emotions cannot be without symptoms, there must be traces to follow.

 At present, I have not seen any scenes of Hegu interacting with other educated youths. It probably has little to do with educated youths. So, is it about Huo Lang?

Because the mention of Huo Lang reminded He Gu of the memory of being force-fed, so he felt conflicted and his mood was affected by this?

  seems to make sense.

Si Ningning pretended not to notice Hegu's change in mood and casually changed the subject: "Did you come over for dinner this morning? What did you eat?"

If you treat someone directly as a sick person, it is easy to get resistance, but if you treat him as a friend and the conversation is just a chat between friends, then the other person will also relax their vigilance.

 It has to be said that Si Ningning completely guessed Hegu's thoughts.

He Gu didn’t want to answer at first, but he remembered what Si Ningning said before: “No one likes impolite children.” In addition, Hegu looked at Si Ningning and saw only gentleness and indifference on her face, as if it was just a casual mention in the chat room.

The conflict between the grains and grains was reduced a bit, and he opened and closed his bloodless lips twice before replying: "I haven't eaten."

 “Why didn’t you eat it? No one cooked it? I still don’t like it.”

He Gu paused and seemed to be thinking. After a while, he said seriously: "There is water on the chopsticks. I don't want to eat it."

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. This answer seemed nonsensical, but she always felt that it might explain something.

Some related thoughts also flashed through his mind, but it was too fast and Si Ningning didn't grasp what the thought was.

Si Ningning held back her temper and continued to ask casually: "Are you hungry because you haven't eaten? I haven't eaten either. I have some cold skin that I just made in the morning. Can you try some of it here?"

He Gu shook his head decisively.

He was conflicted in his heart, not only because he didn’t want to eat, but also because he had to use the bowls and chopsticks here to eat here.

 He doesn’t want to use what others have used.

 Although this was the truest thought, Hegu's explanation was: "I'm not hungry. And the rations are very expensive, and my eldest brother won't let me."

If Hegu had followed his true thoughts, Si Ningning might really have nothing to do with him, but he just used Huo Lang as an excuse.

Si Ningning smiled brightly, and the moles at the end of her eyes trembled, which was especially beautiful. "I've eaten so much candy for you, but you still can't bear to part with this bit of cold skin? Besides, your brother has a job in the county, and his monthly salary is quite high, right?" If you feel it’s not appropriate, just ask him to come over with food stamps to pay for it.”

As he spoke, Si Ningning put the comb in his pocket without giving He Gu a chance to refuse. He went straight to the kitchen and quickly took out the basin of cold skin from the space.

Afraid that He Gu would come to the kitchen, Si Ningning hurriedly moved her hands into the bowl. At the same time, she stretched her neck and looked at the kitchen door several times. She was relieved when she saw that He Gu had not moved.

 After a long while, two portions of the mixed cold skin were served on the table, one in a coarse porcelain bowl and the other in an aluminum lunch box.

"Don't you like using other people's things?" Si Ningning pushed the aluminum lunch box in front of He Gu, "This lunch box is mine, and I wash it clean every time. Look at the top edge. There’s no oil stain at all, so use mine first, okay?”

If Hegu is really a germophobe, it is understandable that he would want to get close to her because she usually cleans up relatively cleanly and decently. But for things like tableware, after all, they are imported, and Si Ningning is really confused. Will Hegu accept it?

As expected, Hegu frowned and puffed out his lips, looking very resistant.

However, Si Ningning did not change her expression, but still looked at Hegu with a smile, and from time to time she would urge and ask: "Why don't you eat? Try it? Maybe you will find that I am not only good-looking, but also Are you good at cooking?"

This may seem like a joke, but in fact it is Si Ningning quietly testing the bottom line of Hegu.

He Gu lowered his head and looked at the lunch box on the table in embarrassment.

The aluminum lunch box has a silvery metallic color, and the silhouette of a person is almost reflected on the outer edge. It is indeed clean.

The cold skin inside is about one finger wide, and is translucent and milky white, topped with red chili oil, served with minced garlic and shredded green cucumbers. In this era of relative scarcity of supplies, just smelling the vinegar and... The smell of sesame oil is enough to attract people's attention, not to mention that when paired with it, it looks so good.

Rao Shi Hegu refused to eat, so he couldn't help but take a second look at the bowl of cold skin.

Si Ningning saw this, put her fingers on the tip of the chopsticks, and pushed the chopsticks towards the grain, "Hurry up! I have to rush to the team soon."

Hegu's eyes shifted from the lunch box to the chopsticks. He hesitated for a moment and asked weakly: "Can I wash the chopsticks?"

“Of course, if you want, you can wash it yourself.”

So, under the leadership of Si Ningning, Hegu washed the chopsticks by himself at the well. After washing, he shook the chopsticks several times. Even though there were still water drops on them, he did not say "There are drops on the chopsticks." "Water" if you don't want to eat it.

Sitting back at the table in the main room, He Gu held his chopsticks and tried to touch the cold skin in the bowl several times, but finally withdrew his hand, resisting the temptation.

However, he was struggling, and after Si Ningning said "in a hurry" again, he finally picked up a "strip" of cold skin.

He probably has never eaten cold skin before, so Hegu's movements in eating cold skin were very clumsy.

Pick one end of the long piece of cold skin in your mouth, move your lips little by little with the help of chopsticks, and eat the whole piece of cold skin into your mouth.

The first bite was just like his elder brother Huo Lang's. He choked and coughed for a long time, and tears came out of the corners of his eyes. Si Ningning hurriedly brought a kettle, "Can't you eat spicy food?"

"I don't like garlic, it's very spicy and smelly." He Gu pursed his small mouth to swallow the food, shook his head and politely declined the water handed over by Si Ningning, lowered his head and continued to compete with the next piece of cold skin.

"If you don't like it, you don't have to let it go next time, but you have to finish it this time." Si Ningning wanted to solve Hegu's problems, but at the same time he did not forget to guide Hegu to establish a good social outlook, "A good child is No food will be wasted.”

Hegu held the cold skin in his mouth, carefully chewed it and swallowed it before nodding and saying: "Big brother said so too."

Si Ningning's lips curved up in an approving smile, and she praised without hesitation: "Hegu is very smart."

 The latter turned red in embarrassment, lowered his head shyly, and began to eat seriously.

Unexpectedly, the first attempt to get Hegu to eat went very smoothly, so smoothly that Si Ningning felt that the other person was just a child with a slightly awkward personality, and did not have any other psychological problems.

However, she didn't dare to make a conclusion easily. She took it one step at a time and looked at it later.

After the two of them finished eating Liangpi, Si Ningning made an excuse to go back to the room to get something, but in fact she took out the dishwashing liquid from the space and squeezed some into the palm of her hand. Finally, when she returned to the main room, she threatened to show He Gu a good thing, and then took He Gu with her. Gu went to the well.

Usually there is not much oil or water in the food, so you can wash it off just by rinsing it with water. However, the bowl with the cold skin mixture is different. There is a layer of red oil at the bottom, which cannot be washed away by just rinsing it with water.

Si Ningning rubbed the palm of his hand with a coarse porcelain bowl to scrape off half of the dishwashing liquid. The remaining part was rubbed on the aluminum lunch box in Hegu's hand, and then he bent down and threw the bucket into the well to fetch water.

 During this period, Hegu stood beside her holding an aluminum lunch box.

He Gu was not stupid. After eating, the next step was to wash the dishes, but he didn't want to touch the red oil at the bottom of the bowl, but he felt that if Si Ningning had to do it, he would feel very guilty.

  Big brother has taught me that food rations are valuable and should be cherished, and you should not just take other people’s things casually.

Si Ningning gave him something to eat, so he should do something for Si Ningning.


Hegu’s little face was wrinkled and his mouth was bulging, looking resistant and hesitant. He really didn’t know where to start.

Si Ningning placed the bucket on the stone platform in a "duang" manner, as if aware of Hegu's thoughts, her lips curved into a gentle smile, rolled up her sleeves and squatted by the pool, "Xiao Hegu, take a look."

 (End of this chapter)

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