Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 157: Qiao "stuck" power

Chapter 157: Clever "Stuck" Power

 Zhao Hongbing was not well educated, and Si Ningning spoke too professionally, so he couldn't understand it and could only understand it.

 So after he said "Oh", he suddenly lowered his head and put it close to the palm of his hand.

Si Ningning noticed Zhao Hongbing's movements and quickly stopped him, "Hey! Uncle, don't..."

However, it was still a step too late. Zhao Hongbing had already sucked the mint tip from the palm of his hand into his mouth.

Most types of mint are edible, but the "taste" also depends on the type. The few packets of seeds that Si Ningning bought were all mint from country Y.

The characteristic of country mint is that it has a pungent taste at the beginning, and then the pungent taste gradually dissipates and gradually cools down. It is generally used to garnish fruit tea and make dishes.

 If you eat it dry, especially those who try it for the first time, they generally cannot accept the pungent taste.

Zhao Hongbing is.

He heard that Si Ningning said that mint can relieve wind and heat and can ward off heat, so he thought that mint was a good thing. He wanted to chew it and swallow it, but after just two chews, his rough black face wrinkled into chrysanthemums.

Si Ningning was a little confused by Zhao Hongbing's operation. When he realized what he was doing, he quickly picked up the kettle and said, "Uncle, I'll pour you some more water. Please wait!"

Zhao Hongbing waved his hand and almost vomited out the mint after retching several times, but he finally held it back.

Hunting his neck and swallowing the mint, Zhao Hongbing's eyes turned red, as if he had suffered a serious crime.

Zhao Hongbing's eyes were red and he didn't respond in time. When the young men cutting grain in the adjacent paddy field heard the movement, they all raised their handsome black and red faces and shouted: "Captain, if you don't drink, let's drink!"

“Si Zhiqing, how many more do you have? Can we even out half of the tank?”

 “Yes! Si Zhiqing, hahaha!”

There were chats and teasing, the young men were laughing and joking, and Tianlang was very lively.

These days, supplies are relatively scarce, and buying anything is expensive. Si Ningning added three spoons of sugar to the water, which was diluted by the large pot of water. The educated youth may not be able to taste it, but Zhao Hongbing tasted it clearly.

  After all, they are a generation that has really endured hardship these days. They are more sensitive than educated youth.

It doesn’t matter if you drink something without knowing it. If you know the situation and still drink from others, it would be unethical.

 Zhao Hongbing doesn’t have that face.

Zhao Hongbing was stubborn, he was short-tongued, and he couldn't bear to see the young juniors in the team grow soft. He immediately burst out and shouted: "You're such a bitch! When you're thirsty, I'll call you and I'll give it to you. If it doesn't work, just drink from the ditch." !”

Like quails, the young men instantly stopped smiling. After pushing each other twice, they all honestly lowered their heads and continued to cut grain.

Zhao Hongbing had a sullen face and said to Si Ningning: "Okay, go deliver water! It's going to rain in the next two days, so the educated youth comrades should work harder."

Si Ningning thought that Zhao Hongbing was warning her, and it was not good to delay her at the moment. After responding, she walked towards the fields where other educated youths were working.

Si Ningning didn’t know that as soon as she walked away, the boys in the team started to raise their heads again and started cheering:

“Captain, did that water taste good just now? Why do you look at me like that?”

"Shuangxi, what are you asking? If it doesn't taste good, the captain will definitely vomit. Didn't you see? The captain is reluctant to vomit, so it must taste good!"

“Isn’t it just water? Uncle Hongbing, why are you so stingy that you don’t let us drink it?”

 After the ridicule passed, some voices of complaint emerged one after another.

Most of the young men in the third group are from sixteen to twenty years old, and most of them are unmarried. Si Ningning is pretty and pretty, and she always has a gentle and gentle smile when talking to everyone. I don’t know how many of these young men there are. People are staring in the dark, and whenever I get the chance, I want to get close to them and make my presence felt.

If it weren't for Zhao Hongbing's regular knocking, the threshold of the Educated Youth Point would have been repaired countless times.

  Normally, these young men would not dare to make any noise due to being severely restrained. Now, they dared to say these words only because they were seeing people and could not suppress their thoughts.

They just complained a few times, and some wanted to mutter a few more words, but everyone started to jump "ouch, ouch, ouch" to avoid the mud **** that Zhao Hongbing smashed at them.

“You bastards, you bastards! I can’t control you anymore, can I? If you continue to fool around with your ideas of female educated youths, I’ll knock your heads off! You’re a bastard…”

Zhao Hongbing transformed into a super baseball pitcher, picked up mud and threw it out, hitting the boys' bodies and faces steadily.

 Someone had his face covered with black mud and quickly begged for mercy, "No, I don't dare! Captain, Uncle Hong Bing! We, we have just had our fill of mouth, we have had our fill of mouth! Don't lose it!"

"Toads sleep with frogs. They are ugly and want to be beautiful! You little bastards, take a look at yourselves! If the educated youth can fall in love with you, their eyes will be covered with shit! Let's do that again! If I hear this, my head will explode!"

Zhao Hongbing cursed and kept picking up mud in his hands and throwing it into the adjacent fields.

Seeing that begging for mercy was in vain, the young men jumped one by one to pick up their shoes placed on the ridge of the field, and ran to the other side of the field, far away from Zhao Hongbing, to cut grain.

 “Damn it, look at you like grandchildren!”

 Zhao Hongbing was cursing, and he felt angry and amused when he saw the group of young men running like cowards, holding up their pants by the waist and crawling on the ground.

After a few more curses, Zhao Hongbing gradually stopped speaking and continued to work with his head down.

On the other side, Si Ningning finished delivering water and headed to the pig pen.

She is not a professional psychological teacher. In this era, there are no anti-stress medicines for Hegu's condition, so she can only take the guidance route, slowly guide Hegu, and let Hegu come into contact with things or things that he usually resists. Until you get used to it.

Today was the first step for Hegu. Si Ningning originally wanted to go back later so that Hegu could have more contact with Sanya and the others, but he was worried that this would be the first time. If he didn't keep an eye on things, something would go wrong. alright.

 Suddenly, his steps couldn't help but become faster.

However, as soon as Si Ningning stepped into the alley of the pig pen, she heard He Gu’s triumphant voice:

“Am I right? I can win ten times like you, but you will still lose if you try again.”

"You're talking nonsense! You've never played with us before. This is your first time playing with us, so I'll let you." Zhou Xiaocui defended.

Most children can't stand the excitement, and Hegu responded quickly: "Okay, let's do it again, watch it, I can beat you this time!"

 “Come just come, I’m afraid you won’t make it!?”

Sanya, who had been silent until now, weakly tried to persuade the two of them: "Hey, you two, stop arguing! It's normal to win or lose in games!"     If we continue to argue like this, we won't be able to form a team next time. At that time, everyone was thinking: So-and-so loses and likes to quarrel, and I won’t play with so-and-so.

It is normal to win or lose when playing games, but Hegu kept in mind that if he wins, Si Ningning wins, and if he loses, Si Ningning loses.

If he loses, Si Ningning will sigh and lament again.

 So, Hegu doesn’t want to lose.

 Zhou Xiaocui was completely aroused by Hegu's tone.

  Face and self-esteem have nothing to do with gender and age. Individuals will have some concerns. Zhou Xiaocui did not approve of Hegu's words, so he lost for sure.

It was nothing at first, but Hegu's few words were remembered by Zhou Xiaocui, and he threatened to do it again.

Not wanting to lose, Zhou Xiaocui still lost, even if he tried again.

At He Gu's age, the concept of girls needing care has not yet been formed, so one of the two little guys was angry and the other was proud, and the happy game at the beginning gradually turned into a quarrel.

 “This careless little thing…”

Si Ningning sighed secretly, and when he grabbed his palm with his backhand, four chocolate **** appeared in an instant.

Peeling off the outer layer of paper with labels, Si Ningning walked towards the Hegu people with a chocolate ball tightly wrapped in bright silver tin foil, "I'm back, what are you talking about? It's so lively?"

"Si Ningning, you win." He Gu immediately stood up and replied, with a rare hint of joy on his pale and yellow face.

Sanya squatted aside and pursed her lips with a shy smile, "Sister."

Zhou Xiaocui snorted at the back of Hegu's head, and smiled sweetly at Si Ningning: "Sister, an educated youth."

"Yeah." Si Ningning put a gentle smile on her lips, rubbed Hegu's head, took two steps forward and stuffed a chocolate ball into each of Zhou Xiaocui and Sanya, and finally turned to one side and walked away. The share given to Hegu, "The sun is getting stronger here, move over there."

Three small hands held the chocolate **** together and followed Si Ningning obediently to the shade under the eaves of the pig pen.

 “Sister educated youth, what is this?”

Zhou Xiaocui asked and quickly peeled off the tinfoil. Sanya saw it and said curiously: "Ah, it's so dark, it seems to be wrapped in melon seeds!"

Hegu looked over curiously, and then immediately said: "I know what this is, this is chocolate."

Si Ningning nodded in surprise: "Yes, this is chocolate. But it's not melon seeds, but almonds and hazelnuts."

After saying that, he asked Hegu again: "How do you know this is chocolate?"

"I've had this before. My eldest brother's friends in big cities often send things, and occasionally there are chocolates." Hegu said truthfully, and then frowned for a while, "But those chocolates are different from this one, look. It looks darker and lumpy."

 Speaking of this, Hegu thought of the irresistible bitter taste of chocolate, and his light brows furrowed even more.

 And what he said successfully attracted the attention of the two little girls next to him.

Sanya said enviously: "Hegu, then this candy...then this chocolate is very expensive?"

After Sanya asked, she realized a problem. Si Ningning was an educated youth and came from the city. The chocolate she gave him must have been bought in the city, and it was definitely not cheap.

Thinking about it, Sanya immediately stopped her hand that was about to pick out the tinfoil on the outer layer of the chocolate, and quickly brought the chocolate back to Si Ningning, "Sister, I won't eat this, you should keep this for yourself!"

Zhou Xiaocui had the same idea as Sanya, except that she had quickly removed the tinfoil and couldn't eat it now or yet. She just held the chocolate in bewilderment.

Si Ningning sighed in amusement and said comfortingly: "Remember the candy I gave you before? This chocolate is just like candy, it's not it."

 Sanya and Zhou Xiaocui didn’t quite believe it, and both turned their attention to Hegu, wanting to see if it was really not expensive.

 But Hegu is just the person responsible for food at home, so how can he know whether something is expensive or not?

He just handed the chocolate in his hand to Si Ningning, and said a little aggrieved and disgusted: "I don't like eating this, it's very bitter."

"Bitter? Isn't chocolate sugar? Can sugar be bitter?" Sanya asked curiously.

"It is bitter, even more bitter than fish gall! And Sanya, it's not called chocolate, it's chocolate." Hegu corrected Sanya's mistake seriously.

Sanya nodded her head seriously to show that she remembered.

However, because of this incident, Sanya and Zhou Xiaocui successfully diverted their attention from the price of chocolate, and were preoccupied with wondering whether the chocolate was bitter or sweet.

"There are many types of chocolate, and the taste is related to the ingredients, um..." Hegu and the others couldn't understand it even after careful explanation. Si Ningning thought for a moment and said directly: "That is to say, there are sweet and bitter chocolates. As for Is this sweet or bitter? Try it for yourselves."

After saying that, Si Ningning took out the last chocolate ball from the bamboo basket at his waist, peeled off the tin foil and bit into half of it. He chewed the chocolate with his eyes closed for a while, and made a malicious "hmm" sound of enjoyment on purpose.

Si Ningning was sitting on the stone pier beside the haystack, with his back leaning against the wooden pillar supporting the pig pen shed. He had sweet chocolate in his mouth and felt the coolness of the breeze on his face, which was very refreshing.

The three little ones surrounded Si Ningning, their dark eyes full of eagerness to try.

In the end, Zhou Xiaocui took the lead in eating the chocolate. As soon as he tasted the sweet and pure taste on his tongue, Zhou Xiaocui's eyes instantly turned into small crescents, his hands curled into fists, and he stomped his feet several times in excitement.

Looking at it like that, it looks delicious.

Sanya couldn't resist the temptation, so she peeled off the tin foil and took a bite. Compared to Zhou Xiaocui's excited reaction, she looked more like a cute groundhog. The chocolate was on the tip of her tongue and she couldn't bear to swallow it. Her eyes were shining with stars as she looked at Si Ning. rather.

"Sister, okay, okay..." With chocolate in her mouth, Sanya was a little slurred.

“Eat it slowly, this one is too sweet and will get boring easily.” Si Ningning’s long eyelashes trembled and she opened her eyes with clear eyes and a gentle smile. “I’ll get it for you next time when it’s available.”

Sanya blushed when Si Ningning saw her. After a while, she nodded cautiously and said "Yeah", showing a row of neat little teeth and smiling so hard that she couldn't even see her eyes.

At this moment, Sanya was completely seduced by Si Ningning's beauty and chocolate. As for her parents' usual teachings, she had long forgotten them.

The atmosphere was pleasant and beautiful. Si Ningning turned to He Gu, who had a sullen face and stared seriously at the chocolate in his palm. Just as he was about to speak, Zhou Xiaocui suddenly shouted in a panic:

"Ah! Sister, sister educated youth, this, I, I pinched it!"

 (End of this chapter)

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