Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 158: take the first step

Chapter 158 Taking the first step

"Chocolate is like this. It will melt when the temperature is high...Don't hold it so tightly." After Si Ningning finished speaking, he looked at Hegu again with a slight smile at the end of his eyes, "Hegu, if you don't eat it again, you have to It’s melted~”

Hegu hesitated and resisted, but in the end he couldn't resist Si Ningning's expectations and encouragement. He opened the silver tinfoil and pecked it quickly like a chicken drinking water, as if if he bit off more, he would be poisoned to death.

Si Ningning was angry and funny when she saw it.

But when he saw Hegu's brows stretched and chewing carefully, Si Ningning's crescent eyebrows slightly raised, revealing a heartfelt smile.

 Obviously, the little guy is satisfied.

"Eating is just like food, it has many sides. Don't shrink back when it's your first time. Encourage yourself to try it. Maybe you will make new discoveries." Si Ningning looked around the three little ones, and finally felt uneasy. Bu Zhong looked at He Gu and said, "Boys should be braver."

Zhou Xiaocui and San Yafei nodded in understanding, while He Gu looked at Si Ningning with a bulging face.

 Talk too much and it will cause resistance from He Gu, and today is only the first day. Si Ningning is already very satisfied with the current progress.

 So just stop there, don’t be in a hurry.

Stretching, Si Ningning's deer eyes flashed, and he said, "It's getting late, I have to go back to the educated youth point. You guys should go home quickly. Don't run around when it's hot at noon. Wait until you have lunch. Take a nap and come play again in the afternoon.”


Si Ningning smiled lightly, and after talking to the three little carrot heads, she picked up the rice bran bag and water bottle placed in the corner and walked to the educated youth spot.

 On the other side, Hegu is also on his way home.

Although he is small, He Gu also has his own independent thinking and can still think about some things.

For example, when I was in contact with Si Ningning today, every time he felt that Si Ningning’s actions made him uncomfortable or he resisted, Si Ningning would immediately retreat, change his mind to something else, or do something else.

 There are two possibilities here:

Si Ningning did it on purpose.

 Si Ningning had no intention of doing so.

Hegu's thoughts are very simple. Even though he may feel uncomfortable, he doesn't think that Si Ningning did it deliberately, because there is no reason and no benefit.

 So, it must be a coincidence, right?

 “Hey hey~”

Hegu coaxed himself, relaxed his frown a little, jumped and hummed into the bamboo forest path, and ran home quickly.

Huo Lang had just returned from the county. He took a drink of water and was about to go out. Before he could take a step forward, he bumped into a grain of rice and came back.

Without saying a word, Huo Lang bowed and lifted Hegu on his shoulder, making Hegu chuckle.

Holang carried the grain into the house, and finally put the grain on the bamboo bed in the hall like a chicken, "Is Si Zhiqing back to Zhiqing Point?"

"Hmm." Hegu sat on the edge of the bamboo bed, his legs as thin as bamboo poles swinging back and forth. He grinned and said, "I should go back to cooking."

 Speaking of cooking, Hegu thought of the cold skin he had eaten in the morning and quickly looked up at Huo Lang, "Brother, Si Ningning gave me cold skin today. It's such a big bowl!"

As he spoke, He Gu also gestured with his little hands to show the size of the lunch box. He Gu continued to add in an exaggerated tone: "And there's a lot of oil in it, much more than what we use for cooking at home."

Horang’s deep eyebrows were raised slightly, catching the slightest message, “Have you eaten?”

Hegu thought he would be scolded, so he hesitated for a moment before nodding: "Well..."

After a moment of wilting, he raised his little head like a newborn chicken and said: "Brother, I know this is not good. I will never do this again! Can you give me some food?" Please return Si Ningning’s Liangpi?”

If Hegu was a normal and healthy child, Huo Lang would definitely correct this situation as soon as possible.

But now the situation is extraordinary, and with the previous agreement with Si Ningning still in place, Huo Lang rubbed He Gu's head and relaxed his tone, "Si Zhiqing is easy to talk to. Big brother will be busy during this period. If you entrust Si Zhiqing to do it for you, Rice, can you have a good meal?"

Huo Lang knew the taste of Liangpi, so he speculated in his mind: Maybe it was Si Ningning who was a good cook, so Hegu didn't refuse.

 “Huh?” Hegu was frightened and surprised, and couldn’t react.

Surprised that the eldest brother did not blame him, but happy that the eldest brother asked Si Ningning to cook for him?

"Would this be bad?" He Gu subconsciously felt that this was not good, but his little face could no longer suppress a smile of joy. When he asked, he chose to respect his inner intention, "Is this okay?"

 “You need to give money tickets when you eat, and you are not allowed to cry or be picky.” Huo Lang patted Hegu’s shoulder lightly.

"I know, brother! I help Si Ningning work, I, I wash the dishes for her, and help her feed the pigs!" He Gu shouted excitedly, with a trace of blood appearing on his pale and yellow face.

But soon, Hegu gradually calmed down again, "Brother, will you and Sanae go with me?"

The smile on Huo Lang's face paused slightly, as if after careful consideration, he touched Hegu's head and said, "You and Sanae go, brother has a place to eat."

He Gu didn't think about anything else. He thought that when Huo Lang said he had a place to eat, the leader would arrange it when he went to work in the county, so he agreed quickly, "I know, brother, don't worry."

In the blink of an eye, He Gu lowered his head and sighed with contradiction, "Brother, this is all what you thought about, but can things go smoothly? Can Si Ningning agree? I went to the educated youth center today and found that Si Ningning seemed to be If we have to cook for seven or eight people, and Sanae and I are involved, Si Ningning will definitely be very tired.”

Huo Lang raised his eyebrows slightly and noticed the subtle changes in Hegu's body.

 Huo Lang knows Hegu very well. Hegu's character cannot be said to be good, it can even be said to be cunning, but when it comes to matters related to Si Ningning, he seems to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and can consider everything...

 “I will talk about it.”

Horang was not a man of many words. He decided the matter directly and then told Hegu: "Be obedient and don't make trouble."

Hegu nodded first, then blushed and defended: "I, I didn't make trouble at home! No, I never made trouble!"

"Crying while eating is making trouble." Huo Lang picked up Hegu and placed it on the ground. He tapped Hegu's shoulder with his index finger and poked the person back and forth. "Eat more and grow more meat. Little men must be responsible. They are so thin." …If someone wants to take Si Ningning away, you can’t stop him.”

"There is a big brother in the third team, so no one dares to trouble the female educated youth. If there is, the eldest brother will put him in jail!" "Where did you learn the ability to bully others?"

"How can this be bullying? People who do bad things will go to jail."

He Gu pursed his lips and talked nonchalantly, trying like a calf to resist Huo Lang's finger, but he was still pushed back.

 Huo Lang sighed that when he was near red, he would be red, and when he was near ink, he would be dark. He had only been with Si Ningning for a short time, and his words had almost become as sharp as Si Ningning's.

Seeing that the little thing couldn't resist his fingers and had already begun to stamp its feet with an annoyed look, Huo Lang simply turned his hand and pressed the little thing in front of his knees to scratch it. Hegu immediately started to laugh happily again:

 "Brother, brother, stop scratching, stop scratching, I lose, I lose!"

After chatting and laughing, Huo Lang helped Hegu, who had tears in his eyes, to stand still. "Okay, let's get ready. It's time to eat."

“Then I’m going to wash my hands!” Hegu said, noticing the bamboo basket beside Huo Lang’s legs. The bamboo basket is usually hung on the clothes drying pole in the backyard and is only taken off when going out.

He Gu raised his little head and looked at Huo Lang, "Brother, do you want to go out?"

 “Let’s go after dinner.” Huo Lang patted Hegu on the head and took Hegu to the kitchen.

 Huo Lang originally planned to go find Si Ningning, but when He Gu came back and mentioned it, he realized that the time was not right, so he postponed the matter and planned to wait until Si Ningning went to work in the afternoon.

In the kitchen, Sanao had already served the rice on the table. Hegu had eaten late in the morning and was not very hungry this time. However, he obediently picked up the bowl due to Huo Lang's pressure.

The dish is brought up, but if you want him to eat it, he will inevitably have to write ink for a while, such as "Brother, there is too much rice", "Brother, there is water on the bowl", "Brother, can you help me flatten the rice", etc. The requests and excuses kept coming.

Hegu also knew how to look at people's faces. When he saw that everyone at the dinner table was basically going as he wanted, he stopped talking in time and started eating before his eldest brother slapped the table and scolded him.

The dinner table was quiet for less than a minute before Hegu raised his head again and said, "Brother, I, I want to use your knife!"

 “What to do with a knife? Children cannot play with knives casually.”

Holang sat upright and picked up a chopstick of food without even raising his eyelids.

Hegu thought seriously for a moment, thinking that even if he took his brother's knife, he might not be able to handle the wicker sticks, so he said again: "Brother, can you help me fold some wicker sticks? I want to make a pockmarked pole."

Huo Lang paused with his chopsticks and looked up at him, "Playing with the little guy on the team?"

 “…Hmm.” Hegu nodded hesitantly.

Si Ningning likes to play with the pockmarked pole, and Hegu’s original intention was to play with Si Ningning.

But according to his understanding of Si Ningning, if Zhou Xiaocui and Sanya wanted to play with them, Si Ningning would definitely agree.

 So he said he was playing with other children, which is not a lie at all.

  Holang was silent for a while, then tapped his fingertips on the table, "Eat."

"Brother, do you agree? Can you help me?" Hegu asked. He smiled with satisfaction only when he saw his eldest brother nodded.

Under the scorching sun, the green bamboo forest swayed like duckweeds in the wind. The Chen family courtyard was particularly lively this afternoon. The little girl's laughter and the little boy's serious instructions could be heard constantly:

"Sanae, when you go to the educated youth center with me from now on, you must wash your hands and face...Si Ningning usually cleans up very cleanly. When we go there, we can't let other educated youth think that we are dirty kids."

“Hehehehaha, second brother, I know, I will definitely wash my hands cleanly with honey locust!”

"That's pretty much it... That's right! Sanae, we went to Si Ningning's place and we have to help with the work! We must not cause any trouble, you know?"

"I know, I know." Sanae said with a smile, her little fleshy face bulging, revealing a row of neat little teeth, "Second brother, I heard everything the eldest brother said."

"Oh!" He Gu responded, frowning, lowering his head seriously, thinking about what else he didn't tell him, and he must tell Sanae clearly before going to Si Ningning's place.

 At the same time, on the other side, the educated youth point:

After returning to the educated youth spot, Si Ningning took advantage of his free time to ice a pot of lemon tea. After the meal, everyone sat around drinking tea and enjoying the coolness. Si Ningning took out the notebook he had used to keep accounts and sat down. Writing and drawing at the table in the main room.

Xu Shuhua was sitting opposite. Seeing this, she propped up the table and looked this way, "Ning Ning, what are you writing?"

Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun heard the commotion. They each sat next to Si Ningning and looked at it curiously.

"Didn't you talk about buying meat yesterday?" Si Ningning reached out and put the loose hair on his left cheek behind his ear. He shook his head and looked around everyone. His eyes were crooked and he explained with a smile: "I went to the team today and wanted to ask for leave. I happened to meet him. Comrade Huo Lang... He said he was going to the county tomorrow, so I thought there was no need to ask for leave, so I told him to help bring some meat back. "

Song Xiaoyun hesitated for a moment and asked, "Would this be bad?"

"Should it be okay? If you have it, take it with you. If you don't have it, don't take it with you. Besides, people can take a car to go to the county. Isn't it faster than us running on legs?" Si Ningning said.


This is just an excuse, and she didn't really entrust Huo Lang to help.

However, having said this, Si Ningning’s glowing fingertips tapped lightly on the book, “Then, everyone should pay the money and issue the tickets.”

 In the past, when buying meat, everyone just discussed how much they would pay, because the "asking for leave" had not yet been implemented and no one had handed over the money.

Now that we have asked others to bring it back, we must give the money to others first. Eight cents and a dollar may not be too much, but it may be a lot less, but there is no reason to let others take advantage of it.

“Okay, I have four points over there, I’ll get them!”

It would be a good idea to ask someone to bring him back along the way, so as not to have Si Ningning ask for leave alone, and then his work points will be deducted if he is delayed in working.

Xu Shuhua thought about it and shouted towards the door before entering the room: "The gays over there should hurry up too!"

So, Si Ningning wrote down everyone's names in a book. Every time he received money from a person, he wrote it down one by one in the book after the corresponding name.

When they were all collected, Si Ningning counted them.

  The rough calculation before was that I could collect a pound and three taels of money and tickets. This time I collected and counted, and I found that there were still 2 taels more than the last time.

"I told Comrade Huo Lang when I got to work in the afternoon that I can buy as much as I can with this amount of money. If I have any remaining money later, I will calculate it carefully and return it to everyone." Si Ningning stretched out the money slip and flattened it. Then put them away one by one.

She also holds a pen between the index and middle fingers of her right hand. Her slender little finger is raised up. Her small hands are white and beautiful. The orchid fingers that are raised inadvertently are also beautiful, and they do not hinder her at all from counting money and votes.

 (End of this chapter)

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