Chapter 159 Terrible

Song Shuhan sat across the table and stared at Si Ningning's hand for a while, then turned to look at the notebook under Si Ningning's hand.

This angle doesn’t allow you to see details, but you can get a general idea.

 At a glance, I have recorded more than a dozen pages of things in this book. The two most recent records are the last time I bought chickens and this time I bought meat.

“Si Zhiqing keeps accounts carefully and settles accounts quickly. If he returns to the city in the future, he will definitely find a job as an accountant and he will be very popular.” Song Shuhan said with a smile.

Si Ningning glanced at Song Shuhan with a smile, shook her head and said, "Stop teasing me, it's okay to count a few cents. If it's really hundreds of thousands, who knows what kind of mess I can make?"

Jiang Yue put her chin in one hand, snorted, curled her lips and joked: "Everyone thinks you can do it, but you are the only one who thinks you can't."

"What do you know? This is called proper modesty and promotes friendship between comrades." Si Ningning shrugged and winked in a playful manner, "If I am top-notch in everything, what will I do to you? You must be jealous to death. "

"Who is jealous of you?" Jiang Yue blushed with embarrassment. After a while, she lay back on the table and looked at Si Ningning lazily. "Oh, I think you are right. The small team really needs someone like you. …Hmm, leader?”

“How is he the leader? If you ask me, Si Zhiqing should be the eagle!” Li Lingyuan, who was sitting on the horse at the door, interjected.

Song Xiaoyun asked curiously: "Why an eagle?"

 Leader refers to Si Ningning’s strong ability. Apart from this, Song Xiaoyun feels that a peacock should be the most appropriate word to describe Si Ningning.

 Smart and beautiful, popular everywhere.

 No matter what, it has nothing to do with the eagle!

Let alone Song Xiaoyun, Jiang Yue, Xu Shuhua, and Song Shuhan all looked at Li Lingyuan.

At this moment, Li Lingyuan seemed to have his own highlight. He coughed twice and tried to pretend to be mysterious, but was frightened by Jiang Yue's move of raising his hand to hit someone.

Li Lingyuan shrank his neck and explained: "Haven't you heard that sentence? There are five kinds of people in an organization: the tiger that shakes the mountain, the eagle with foresight, the wolf that is good at fighting, the agile leopard, the guard dog..."

"Just think about it, since we came to Jie'er, has Si Zhiqing helped us arrange a lot of things in advance? Has it saved us from a lot of pitfalls? Doesn't Jie have foresight?"

The people in the room were silent, as if that was indeed the case.

 Others think it makes sense, but Si Ning would rather not.

In Si Ningning's eyes, Li Lingyuan has completely replaced Xu Shuhua. In other words, his rainbow fart is even more exaggerated than Xu Shuhua's. Instead of making Si Ningning feel proud and happy, he is so embarrassed that his toes want to touch the ground.

Si Ningning put the money notes in the book, closed the book with a snap, stood up and said to Li Lingyuan: "You are right, but not entirely right. To be precise, there are usually six types of people in an organization. "

“Huh?” Li Lingyuan was confused, “Six kinds of people?”

He had read this in a book before, and there were only five kinds of things written in the book.

Hearing Si Ningning talk about the six kinds, Li Lingyuan was successfully led astray. After realizing it, he asked cutely: "Then what is the sixth kind?"

Si Ningning returned the pen to Mo Bei, held the notebook under his arm, and counted the numbers on his fingers for everyone to hear: "The tiger that shakes the mountains, the eagle with foresight, the wolf that is good at fighting, the agile leopard, the dog that guards the house, and... the shit-stirring The stick.”

After saying this, he smiled with his eyebrows crooked and added: "Li Lingyuan, I think you need to correct your attitude. If you are always meddling in things, you should be the sixth type of person."

 “Hmm? I am the sixth type of person…”

 Li Lingyuan has a naive personality, and his reactions are always slower than others. He is still struggling, and the others in the room have already laughed:

 “Hahahaha, what a bastard!”

Jiang Yue laughed so hard that she punched the table, "Si Ningning, I think you are right, he, hahahaha, he is a troublemaker! Usually he can get in on whatever the big guys say."

 The room was noisy and the atmosphere was harmonious and lively.

Li Lingyuan also realized that Si Ningning was making fun of him. However, he was in a good mood and was not angry. Instead, he laughed along with everyone, "Those who stir things up will be stirred up! Aren't you guys quite happy to have me stir things up?" ? What a great atmosphere! I’m happy to be the troublemaker!”

“Hey~ you need to stir things up somewhere else!” Jiang Yue was still laughing and joking one second, but when she thought of something the next second, her face instantly wrinkled, “Don’t stir things up here, we are not shit!”



Facing a group of living treasures, Si Ningning’s rosy lips curled up, and she felt much happier.

 She stepped sideways across the bench and planned to go back to the room. In the meantime, she said to everyone: "Okay, let's take a nap while there is still some time before work ends."

 The men and women got up one after another and walked towards their respective rooms playfully.

As soon as Song Xiaoyun sat on the edge of the bed, she saw Si Ningning taking out the washbasin from under the bed and walking out. She followed curiously and asked, "Ningning, what are you doing?"

"Ah? Me?" Si Ningning paused for a moment, and explained with a crooked look: "I'm going to get some water. It's too hot, and the garland on the window has wilted... If you pour some water, it can hang for another half day, smell it Smell the fragrance and feel good.”

 The most important thing is that it can drive away the strange smell in the house.

As he spoke, Si Ningning walked out.

Among the male educated youths, Mo Bei was at the bottom. Si Ningning bumped into him in the main room. After nodding to each other, the two of them almost walked out of the door side by side.

 After that, Si Ningning went to the well to fetch water, and Mo Bei stood at the door of the hall and watched.

Song Xiaoyun, who came out behind, stood beside Mo Bei.

Song Xiaoyun is the shortest among the female educated youths, while Mo Bei is the tallest among the male educated youths. When they stand together, one looks like a handsome man in a handsome character, and the other looks like a cutie in a Q-version doll. They match The combination is indescribably strange.

Song Xiaoyun looked in the direction of the well and then at Mo Bei. In her impression, Mo Bei had always been a handsome, serious and rigorous existence.

Thinking that Mo Bei thought Si Ningning's flowers and plants were too eye-catching, Song Xiaoyun thought for a moment and then explained softly: "Ning Ning is handsome, and it's normal to like some flowers and plants. Mo Zhiqing, don't... "

 The word "think too much" stopped in Mo Bei's eyes as he glanced over.

That look was distant, cold, and cold to the core. The clear meaning was to warn her not to meddle in other people's business.

Song Xiaoyun trembled and took a small step back, a hint of fear flashed in her watery eyes.

However, Mo Bei had already retracted his gaze, without even looking at her again. He took long-legged steps towards the male educated youth's room as if he didn't recognize his relatives.

Si Ningning came back with a basin and saw Song Xiaoyun looking frightened, so she asked curiously: "What's wrong?" "No, it's okay. It's terrible, Ning Ning!" Song Xiaoyun shook her head like a rattle and spoke without words. The follower took Si Ningning's arm and led him into the house, "Hurry up, let's finish watering and take a nap!"

Song Xiaoyun looked as if there was a beast chasing her.

Si Ningning glanced outside the door with questions in her head. She didn't find anything strange or scary, so she didn't think much about it. She poured some water on the wreath in the window, covered the door, climbed into bed and took a comfortable nap.

In the afternoon, Si Ningning went out to work despite the heat wave. She was carrying iced lemon tea in her hand. When she went to the pig pen, she made a special detour to the threshing floor.

The threshing floor has been repaired and leveled, and the three divided areas are now in use.

Part of it is used for threshing wheat, part of it is used for grinding millet, and the other part is used by the two young sisters-in-law on the team to lay the rice layer by layer, waiting for the ox cart to come down, and then seamlessly carry out the second grinding process. work.

The busy members were all sweating profusely and looking extremely embarrassed. Si Ningning stood on the edge of the threshing floor and shook the teapot in their hands: "Uncle, sister-in-law, have you brought a teapot? I'll pour some for you. Come on!"

Her voice was crisp, and her accent was very different from that of a local girl. When some young sisters-in-law saw her, they all smiled and greeted her warmly: "Hey, Si Zhiqing, here we go to work!"

“Yes, sister-in-law, isn’t my job relatively free? I can’t do much else, so I just want to do what I can to provide some convenience to everyone.”

“Si Zhiqing, don’t say that. Feeding pigs may seem relaxing, but feeding the pigs is not easy at all!” the older uncle said with a smile.

At this point, the members who were busy in the threshing floor looked at Si Ningning and couldn't help but become more friendly.

Girls from northern cities are not only taller than local girls, but their skin is also very white.

Because of the hot weather, the legs of the black trousers were rolled up to reveal half of her white calves. Not only was she standing there clean and decent, she was also pretty and dewy, which made people feel much better just looking at her.

 At the beginning when the three teams of educated youth came, the members were worried that they would not get along well with others, so they were embarrassed to approach them. Now it seems that the educated youths in their teams are all easy to get along with.

Not only are they easy to get along with, they are also down-to-earth, and sometimes they are even more enthusiastic than the country folk.

In response to the compliments from the members, Si Ningning smiled and said a few polite words and did not continue the topic.

 After that, he poured water for everyone one by one and chatted for a while while drinking water. The topic naturally turned to the topic of soaking in water. Si Ningning repeated the same rhetoric he had told Zhao Hongbing before.

 A sister-in-law heard that mint can relieve summer heat. Thinking that it was a hot day now, she asked a few more questions:

“Si Zhiqing, what does this mint look like?”

 “Where do they usually take root?”

"Is this method of soaking in water difficult? If not, we can soak it ourselves later!"

"The mint grows over the green spots, and it's easy to grow. If my sisters-in-law have time, go back and dig a few of them. Get a handful of soil when you go home and plant them in two or three days, and new shoots will appear."

Si Ningning smiled with crooked eyebrows. Even if she was facing a group of rural women and men, she could talk and laugh with them in a friendly manner. "There is nothing special about making this heat-relieving tea. It just needs to be brewed with cold water. The mint flavor from the hot water is too strong to drink.”

  People ask about the method of soaking in water because they want to avoid heatstroke, but they are worried that it is the busy farming season and the sun will be so bright that people will be sunburned, which will slow down the work progress of the production team.

 So basically no one cares about the taste of water.

However, Si Ningning still added: "After brewing, you can take it to the field and drink it. If you want to have a better effect of relieving the heat and make it more comfortable to drink, you can also use well water to calm down."

“We’ve all taken note of the educated youths in the office! We’ll talk to the other old aunts and young wives when we get back to work.”

“If the number of employees does not decrease during the busy farming season this year, our production team will definitely win an advanced model worker award for ‘diligence and conscientiousness’. By then, you will be a great contributor to the team!”

"Sisters-in-law, don't say that. These are small things that I should do." Si Ningning waved her hands quickly.

After leaving the threshing floor, Si Ningning jogged for two minutes and turned into the alley of the pig pen.

There is still more than half of the water in the elephant trunk pot, which is enough for other educated youths to drink later. In order to keep the water cold, Si Ningning put the water bottle into the space as soon as he entered the alley.

It was so hot today that she didn’t even go to the ground. She was sweating all over just walking. She felt that the heat was unbearable. Thinking about it from her perspective, those who went to the ground were really suffering.

Sighing in her heart, Si Ningning clamped her chest with three fingers and shook.

The alley of Pig Pen is a wind outlet, and there are trees of all sizes around it. The breeze makes it very cool.

The sweat on Si Ningning's body gradually faded away. She picked up the military water bottle and drank some water before she felt much better.

 In the pig pen, several pigs huddled lazily and slept in the shadows. There was no feces on the ground and the troughs were clean.

 It’s not time to feed the pigs yet, but the weather is hot and animals, like people, are prone to dehydration.

Worried that a few pigs would be infected, Si Ningning scooped two ladles of swill into the trough, then threw the rice bran bag into the straw pile against the wall, grabbed a few straws for cover, and then moved to the back of the pig pen. Dispose of the pig manure that has not been processed in the space in the past two days.

 Having done all the busy work including washing hands and face to remove body odor, it was already half an hour before I came out again.

Si Ningning had just walked around to the pig pen from behind, when the three Huo Lang brothers walked in from the alley. The two sides were almost facing each other's line of sight and broke into each other's field of vision.

 “Si Ningning!”

  He Gu stamped his feet happily when he saw Si Ningning again after not seeing her for several hours.

He jumped up and ran towards Si Ningning. Hegu raised his little head and asked, "Si Ningning, what were you doing in the back just now?"

He ate a large bowl of cold noodles in the morning, and ate half a bowl of rice by counting the grains at noon. Perhaps because he had something in his stomach, his voice sounded stronger than usual when he spoke.

“What else can I do? I just need to go to the toilet.” Si Ningning replied casually, looking directly at Huo Lang, who was walking slowly.

Remembering what Hegu said in the morning, Huo Lang asked her to be a "guest" at home. It should be a hint to her that he had something to tell her. However, she did not go there at noon, so...

Did you come to your door on your own initiative?

Thinking about it, Si Ningning frowned slightly, and her eyes flashed with confusion, "What's wrong?"

Holang raised his chin to one side and did not answer in a hurry.

 Off-topic small theater:

Mo Bei: Reject all bright and dark... ah no, reject all women.

Song Xiaoyun: Hey~ It’s so scary. Ning Ning, let’s go inside and take a nap!

 (End of this chapter)

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