Chapter 164 A rare holiday

Hegu was also captivated by the delicious food and had stopped crying. However, most little boys were face-saving and would inevitably feel shy and embarrassed after crying. Therefore, even though he thought the pork liver noodles made by Si Ningning were delicious, Hegu just buried his head in pain. Eat, and did not respond to Sanae.

After the two little ones finished their meal, the other educated youths came back one after another. Before they even entered the door, they could hear Jiang Yue’s loud voice shouting: “Didn’t you say you bought the bones? Why are the bones so fragrant!”

“Hurry up, I almost don’t have time to swallow my saliva!” Li Lingyuan said.

The stick bones have been stewed in the pot for more than an hour. There are both bones and meat. Plus Si Ningning added bay leaves, cinnamon and some other seasonings. The fragrance has already spread.

 Li Lingyuan and Jiang Yue rushed into the main room first. He Gu and San Miao were startled before they got off the table. They jumped off their chairs and moved behind Si Ningning.

Li Lingyuan and Jiang Yue were also confused and didn't know what was going on.

“The rice is in the back pot, you pick your own lunch box first.” Si Ningning blinked, took the two bowls on the table, and went to the well with He Gu and San Miao.

After filling the pool with water, Si Ningning asked Sanmiao and Hegu to wait for a while, then picked a leaf with a larger leaf on one side, pretended to go back to the house to get something, and squeezed some detergent.

When he returned to the well, Si Ningning looked at Hegu and said, "Remember what this is, right?"

Hegu nodded.

He just used it yesterday. He remembered that it was very clean for washing dishes.

Si Ningning bent her eyes and smiled slightly, "Okay, I have to do some work now. Sanae has never used this before. Can you take my place and teach Sanae how to use it?"

Hegu tilted his head and thought for a moment, then nodded, "I can."

"Very good." Si Ningning patted Hegu's little head in approval, and then told the two of them to only wash in the pool and not lie down by the well. After receiving the guarantee, Si Ningning returned to the educated youth point.

In the main room, Xu Shuhua used the wooden basin she usually used to wash vegetables to put out the stick bones and soup from the pot. Everyone was sitting at the table, and when Si Ningning came in, everyone looked at her with shining eyes.

“Si Zhiqing, why are you so old? How much does it cost?” Li Lingyuan asked.

Jiang Yue twitched the tip of her nose, covered her mouth with her hands and said, "Hey! Si Ningning, how did you make it? It tastes so good!"

It looks like saliva will flow out if you don't cover your mouth.

"This large pelvic bone actually weighs three kilograms and two taels, and there is also half a piece of pork liver, which is four and a half kilograms in total. It cost one yuan in total, and the ticket was not spent." Si Ningning told the story he had thought of in advance. Listen, everyone, "The stick bones cannot be sold at high prices. Although pork livers are free of charge, they are basically unavailable. Comrade Huo Lang can buy these because he has some connections."

 Pork liver and pig offal are less expensive than meat. You don’t need a ticket to buy them at the butcher shop, but you can’t buy them at all.

 Because of this kind of thing, workers in the meat processing factory basically default to internal digestion.

Although it is not serious meat, it still tastes delicious. People either eat it themselves or sell it on the black market.

Everyone, look at me and I’ll look at you.

 Taking it as a matter of fact, of course they were grateful to Holang, but most of them felt embarrassed.

No one said anything, Si Ningning continued: "After dinner, I will take out the remaining money and tickets, and everyone will figure out how to divide it."

There was silence in the room again.

Mo Bei stared at the white rice in front of him and was distracted for a moment.

He gave Si Ningning rice before and asked him to take a different day to cook it for him depending on his mood. Last night, he gave Si Ningning sorghum rice in advance, thinking that Si Ningning would make sorghum rice today, but...

Mo Beiqing's cold eyes flickered and he raised his eyes to look at Si Ningning, "Who are those two children?"

Others also reacted and said all at once: "I know that little girl, her name is Sanae. I heard from my uncle and aunt in the team before that she is Comrade Huo Lang's sister, right? Why are they here?"

"The farming is busy during this time, and Comrade Huo Lang is the strongest worker in the team..." Si Ningning had already expected this scene, so he calmly replied: "He knew in advance that he would be very busy in the next period of time, and he might not be able to spare time to take care of his two younger siblings. . I heard from my aunt on the team that I was responsible for cooking at the Educated Youth Point. When I asked him to help me buy meat, he casually entrusted me with this matter..."

Worried that someone might have bad thoughts, Si Ningning pursed her lips and continued: "Comrade Huo Lang has been given rations. They eat here and it will not affect everyone."

 “I didn’t mean that!”

 “I, I, I, I don’t mean that either!”

Upon hearing what Si Ningning said, everyone quickly raised their hands to show their support.

"Comrade Huo Lang has helped us so much. If his younger brothers and sisters eat here, it won't affect us. I'm just sorry to trouble you, Si Zhiqing..." Song Shuhan pushed the frame slightly, "We collectively owe Comrade Huo Lang The favor will end up being repaid by you alone.”

  Isn't it?

Horang’s younger brothers and sisters eat at the Zhiqing Dian. Who cooks at the Zhiqing Dian? It's Si Ningning!

Looking at the steaming big stick bones in the basin, there are probably six or seven taels of meat on them...

Smelling the greedy fragrance, Song Shuhan, who had always been gentle, couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

 They...really took advantage!

Xu Shuhua also noticed this and said quickly: "They take care of us so much, do we have to find a way to repay them?"

 “No need!” Si Ningning’s heart skipped a beat.

She had already thought about getting rid of the "meat" thing at both ends. If she really held a thank you ceremony or something, would it be inappropriate to expose her secrets?

Thinking about it, Si Ningning stared at the blank gazes of everyone in the room, pretended to be calm and smiled: "I think there is no need to say more about this matter. Talking too much will easily cause misunderstandings. In case Comrade Huo Lang thinks that If we are so polite and unwilling to help, what should we think of you?"

“When the two little guys come over from now on, everyone just needs to be friendly, there’s no need to make things so complicated.”

 Si Ningning’s voice became weaker when he spoke about it later.

It is good for people to be simple-minded, but in this case, Si Ningning suddenly felt that "simple" was useless.

However, this group of people gave her the idea of ​​​​taking care of her as much as possible. Maybe it was the quality of "give me papayas and give me gold in return"...

As long as she is selfish and greedy, she will not be like this now, trying to break her head just to give everyone a bite of meat with the least amount of money.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning's crescent eyebrows stretched slightly, and she couldn't help but evoke a helpless smile.

 Fortunately, everyone agreed with her words.

"I think Ning Ning is right." Song Xiaoyun agreed, "The uncles and aunts on the team are also very kind to us. If we want to give back to those who have helped us, we can also use our own strengths!"

Jiang Yue thought for a while, let out a long "hmm", and said tentatively: "We are not as good at work as the members on the team. Our advantage is literacy, then... I will ask back and see which child on the team wants to Can you read?"

Jiang Yue looked around everyone, with too much uncertainty in her tone, "If there is, can we teach you?"

Xu Shuhua and Song Shuhan nodded, "I think it will work." Although things took a twist in the middle, fortunately, they developed as expected in the end.

Si Ningning felt relieved and said: "Let's eat first! Those who pay more will eat the stick bones, and those who pay less will drink the soup."

 There is bright meat on the stick bones, and the meat residue in the soup is sparse, but there is a lot of it.

While talking, Si Ningning went to the kitchen and quickly blanched a pile of lettuce, added some soy sauce and oil, mixed it up and served it directly to the table.

“The bone soup is very oily. If you feel tired of it, you can eat some lettuce.”

It has been almost two months since they went to the countryside, and no one has had any contact with meat. Now that there is a large basin of broth in front of them, a group of people have already started to feast on it, and no one is paying attention to Si Ningning. say what.

Si Ningning smiled and didn't care.

Si Ningning felt that the bone soup was a bit greasy after tasting it just now, so she did not go to the table to mix it with others.

Si Ningning mixed the remaining pork liver soup with rice and soup, then took the bowl and went out the door.

Hegu and Sanmiao had already washed the bowls, and now they were stacking the two bowls together on one side. They squatted under the shadow of the tree on the stone platform, playing with the pockmarked poles with their heads lowered.

Si Ningning took a casual glance and found that the pockmarked poles were different from the ones he played with before. The wicker had not faded and looked like it was newly made.


"Si Ningning, look!" Before Si Ningning could say anything, He Gu raised his little head and waved to her, with a cheerful smile on his pointed oval face, "My eldest brother made this for me. I'll wait for you to finish your meal." ,Let's play together!"

Si Ningning nodded and continued what he had just interrupted, "After dinner, we will take a break. Will you go home, or just stay here at the educated youth spot?"

 If she stayed here, she would take down the mat and walk out of the main room through the wind. The mat would be spread there, so she could take a nap comfortably.

  Sanae turned her head to look at He Gu, which means "Looking at He Gu".

Hegu said "Huh" and said uncertainly: "Brother seems to have gone to the county?"

Hegu actually didn’t know either, but thinking about his elder brother’s previous remarks about having a place to eat, he subconsciously felt that his elder brother had gone to the county.

As soon as Si Ningning heard this, she knew how to make arrangements.

She took a mouthful of rice, swallowed the food and said: "If there is no one at home, don't go back. When your eldest brother comes back in the afternoon, he will come to pick you up."

 “Okay~” Sanae nodded obediently.

Not to mention Hegu, he liked staying with Si Ningning and wished he could stay.

After finishing the meal, he washed the dishes by the well. Si Ningning took the two little ones back to the house. The male educated youths in the main room had dispersed, and Xu Shuhua and the others were clearing the table.

Si Ningning took out the money slips and accounting book and gave them to Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun, asking her to calculate them and return them to everyone in proportion according to what was recorded in the ledger.

Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun both have junior high school diplomas. Such small accounts are not a problem at all. Si Ningning is not worried.

After explaining this, Si Ningning cleaned the area at the entrance of the main room, then went back to the room and took out the mat and spread it on it. The quilt on the bed was taken out to the clothes drying pole and shaken out to dry.

He took out an old towel and wet it thoroughly, then wiped the mat once, waiting for the remaining moisture to be blown dry by the wind. Si Ningning squatted beside him, patted the mat, and rushed to Hegu and Sanae who were playing with the pockmarked pole at the door and said: " Okay, let’s play games in the afternoon and take a nap first.”

Xu Shuhua came out of the kitchen and laughed when she heard the words: "You know how to choose a place. Can you sleep on the floor?"

“Why not? The wind is blowing here and it’s cool.” Si Ningning bent her eyes and chuckled.

 It is still possible to take a nap if it is not raining or the tide is returning, but it is definitely not possible if you sleep for a long time.

 Easily susceptible to rheumatism.

Song Xiaoyun asked: "The two little ones sleep here, where do you sleep?"

 “I’m not sleepy.” Si Ningning shook his head.

“This place is great! The mat is also big, and they are both thin, so there is a large area available for sleeping.”

After Jiang Yue settled the accounts, the remaining money was divided into seven parts. Each of the female educated youths took it, and the remaining three parts were given to the male educated youths who would start working later.

As Jiang Yue said, she glanced towards Si Ningning, "Can I go up and squeeze in?"

“Okay, let’s see if you want to keep your legs or your head?” Si Ningning shrugged and joked.

The mat is only 1.5 meters wide in total. It is definitely enough for two small children to sleep on. It can also squeeze in another child, but if Jiang Yue gets up, it will not work.

Jiang Yue pursed her lips and snorted arrogantly, but did not continue.

He Gu and Sanae played for a while longer, washed their hands at the well, and then came back to lie down on the mat to try to sleep.

On the other hand, several girls in the room, who rarely took a nap, gathered around the table in the main room and sat together, some with their chins propped up, and some lying on the table, but the same thing was that they all subconsciously talked in a soft voice:

“The captain said that the harvest of this season’s millet is almost complete, and we will soon be busy threshing the millet and planting the next season’s seedlings. We will be given half a day off this afternoon and we will wait for arrangements tomorrow.”

"I'm completely shattered. Fortunately, our place isn't like that, um... Are we in HAN province or Hainan Island? Are we going to plant three seasons of rice?" Xu Shuhua scratched her neck and yawned lazily, "We have just harvested the first season. , If it really lasts three seasons, two layers of skin will have to be worn off.”

Si Ningning nodded without saying a word, but said in her heart: Who says it’s not the case?

This group of young people from the city have been able to persist for so long without complaining, which is already quite good.

Outside the door, the bamboo shadows and leaves swayed in the front and back of the house, and the wooden windows made a sore "creak" sound. There was a moment of silence in the house. Suddenly, Song Xiaoyun lowered her eyes and sighed: "I thought I could rest for two days after being busy for a while. , now it seems that it will be even busier in the next few days.”

"It's not bad...I'm tired, but if I could occasionally have a satisfying meal like today's lunch, I would be happy with just the broth." Xu Shuhua laughed embarrassedly, "I have many younger brothers and sisters at home. Parents let their children go, and the older ones let the younger ones go. No matter what they buy, I never get the slightest bit of it.”

Xu Shuhua looked at the green leaves outside the door with some emotion, "Actually, I think it's quite good. In a sense, it's quite comfortable."

He Gu and San Miao were already fast asleep. One of the two little ones was lying on their side, and the other was lying in a large shape. If they turned over after a while, they would roll to the ground.

Song Xiaoyun and the others talked about the busy work of farming and family. Si Ningning claimed that he had no position to interrupt, so he didn't say much.

He walked quietly to the door and squatted down. He carried Sanae and moved to the middle of the mat. Before getting up, Si Ningning raised his hand and waved horizontally.

 Most of the pig liver is left in Zhiqingdian. It may be because of the fishy smell that it attracted a few flies.

Daily thoughts:

If you could go back to the past, would you like to go back to the past?

 (End of this chapter)

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