Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 165: Unkind person

 Chapter 165 The visitor is ill-intentioned

The fly was hovering in the room, sometimes landing on the table, sometimes on He Gu and San Miao, causing the two little ones to kick their legs in annoyance and sleep uneasily.

Si Ningning moved a small horse to the side and listened silently to everyone's conversation, occasionally reaching out to ward off flies.

Jiang Yue rubbed her head between her arms, breathed out a tired "hmm", and leaned on the table to look out the door with one eye.

Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua were talking, and Jiang Yue remained silent. Now she saw Si Ningning sitting at the door, caring for the two little ones carefully. Jiang Yue swallowed, propped up her head and said, "You are too careful in taking care of them, right?" , do you have any younger siblings at home?”

"No." Si Ningning answered simply. After a while, she realized something, her expression changed and she added: "I have a stepsister who is a few months younger."

"Huh?" Song Xiaoyun at the table was stunned for a moment, stretching her neck to look at Si Ningning curiously, "Don't you have any brothers? A stepsister who is about the same age... Then why doesn't the stepsister go to the countryside?"

 The word "stepsister" almost gave Song Xiaoyun a new idea about Si Ningning's background.

 The stepsister is the stepmother's child. How can I say that the biological father should also love his child more? When going to the countryside, of course I want to keep my biological children with me.

  However, it happened that Si Ningning went to the countryside.

Si Ningning stroked the scattered hair behind her ears, lowered her eyes and curled her lips with a smile, and was about to answer. At this time, a voice came from the side of the educated youth room:

 “Sanmiao, Hegu?”

Si Ningning was startled, glanced at the two sleeping little ones, quickly got up and walked out.

 The three girls in the room looked at each other and unanimously confirmed their suspicions.

Xu Shuhua said with emotion: "I always thought that Ning Ning was in the best situation among us. It turns out that she is also under pressure..."

Jiang Yue was silent and sighed: "Si Ningning is not older than us. He usually takes care of us... From now on, everyone should help themselves and don't blame others for everything."

Song Xiaoyun nodded with great approval.

Si Ningning is pretty, has a good family background, and knows many things. Whether he is in the educated youth center or the production team, the staff are very good.

To put it another way, Song Xiaoyun has always envied Si Ningning. In some moments, she was even jealous of Si Ningning.

But when she heard that Si Ningning had a stepsister who was about the same age, and it was Si Ningning who went to the countryside instead of the stepsister, Song Xiaoyun had already imagined a fierce fight in her mind.

At the moment, Song Xiaoyun only felt that Si Ningning was pitiful and pitiful.

Even with the good things that Si Ningning usually used, Song Xiaoyun felt that those were not the "love" Si's father had for his daughter, but a kind of "coaxing".

As a father, he coaxed his biological daughter into going to the countryside for his step-wife's daughter.

Thinking about it, Song Xiaoyun suddenly sobbed and wiped tears from her eyes, "Ning Ning, Ning Ning is so pitiful!"

 “Are you okay?”

Xu Shuhua and Jiang Yue looked puzzled and frowned at the same time.


On the other side, Si Ningning ran to the side of the house and collided head-on with Huo Lang.

"Have you finished your business in the county? He is asleep."

"Huh?" Huo Lang was confused for a moment, then asked: "What's the matter in the county? I calculated the time, and I guess he has been eating at the Educated Youth Point for a while. He has been at home without waiting for anyone, so he came over to take a look."

After saying that, Huo Lang paused and said, "You said they were asleep? Sleeping at the educated youth spot?"

Si Ningning pursed her rosy lips slightly, sensing something was wrong, but she still nodded truthfully, "Hegu said you were busy in the county. I thought there was no one at home, and he was both young. When I get back, I I was not worried, so I kept them as educated youth.”

 After going back and forth, Huo Lang and Si Ningning basically figured out the truth of the matter.

"You bastard, you are not learning well every day." Huo Lang suddenly darkened his face and walked towards the door of the educated youth center, wanting to take him home and teach him.

Si Ningning knew what he was thinking by looking at his face. He quickly took a step away and spread his arms in front of Huo Lang.

 She shook her head in disapproval, "Don't be so hasty to make a conclusion. What if you got it wrong somewhere? And you forgot what I told you? Be patient!"

 Many people’s ideas in this era are that filial sons emerge from the stick. No matter what happens, it can be solved with a “beat”. If it cannot be solved, another beating will be given.

 Yes, it does have some effect sometimes, but for a child like He Gu, who is seven or eight years old, his mind and cognition in all aspects have not yet been fully developed, so beating has no effect.

 Especially, Hegu has some psychological problems now.

Si Ningning was obviously a little angry when he said these words.

Horang saw her stubborn and tight face, slowly lowered her steps, and asked patiently: "Then what should I do?"

"I will try to find an entry point to guide this matter." Si Ningning frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Moreover, I also found some detailed problems."

Si Ningning overturned all previous considerations of symptoms such as anorexia and mysophobia, and like Holang popularized some knowledge about "obsessive-compulsive disorder".

“His resistance may not be about eating, but about certain details while eating.”

“Observe it after you go back, adjust it according to what I said, and see if he still has any conflicting feelings when eating at home...”

"If it still happens, write it down first and don't scold him...tell me the situation later."

Si Ningning was talking nonchalantly. On the other side of the room, where the male educated youth was, Li Lingyuan sat at the door and stretched his neck to look outside.

Song Shuhan flipped through the little red book he borrowed from Mo Bei, glanced at Li Lingyuan's giraffe-like neck, and asked curiously: "What are you looking at so hard?"

The moment the words fell, Song Shuhan was already squatting beside Li Lingyuan, stretching his neck to look at the side of the house where the female educated youth was.

Song Shuhan squinted his eyes and couldn't see clearly. He took off his eyes, rubbed them, put on his glasses and continued to look there.

When he saw it clearly, Song Shuhan frowned, hissed, and asked Li Lingyuan: "Do Si Zhiqing know that security captain well?"

"You should be familiar, right? Otherwise, why would they take advantage of the relationship to help us bring meat? And also entrust Si Zhiqing to take care of his younger brothers and sisters?" Li Lingyuan spoke and glanced back at the room unconsciously.

Just at this glance, Li Lingyuan suddenly became excited, and his soul was almost frightened: "Oh, let me go! Boss Mo, Mo, aren't you taking a nap? You are so scary! Why are you standing there so silently? Coming from behind me? What a bastard!”


 After lunch, Mo Bei went back to his room to sleep. Song Shuhan simply borrowed Mo Bei's book to pass the time because he couldn't sleep.

Li Lingyuan, on the other hand, simply wanted to cherish this afternoon's holiday, enjoy the cool air to pass the time, and at the same time hope that time would pass slower.

Li Lingyuan never expected that the person who was lying on the bed a second ago would stand up from the bed behind him in just two words between him and Song Shuhan! Li Lingyuan patted his chest, still soothing his irritated little heart.

Mo Bei, on the other hand, ignored Li Lingyuan at all.

He stood at the door, or rather stood inside the door, looking at the side of the room where the female educated youth was standing sideways.

  The afternoon sun was very fierce, and the girl stood in the sunlight with her back to him, her small and slim body almost enveloped by the man's domineering and powerful body.

And that man, I guess he was considerate, raised his generous palm and placed it above the girl's head, barely covering the dazzling sunlight...

 It’s really an eyesore.

Mo Bei felt his heart was dull, his sharp eyebrows furrowed tightly, and he let out a deep breath.

Li Lingyuan finally calmed down his little heart. Hearing the exhalation, he subconsciously raised his head. When he saw Mo Bei's face, the corner of his mouth twitched and he immediately turned his head away.

Even though Mo Bei looked upright and upright, such a handsome face, with his eyebrows tightly knitted and anger covering his face, already looked very intimidating.

Mo Bei liked Si Ningning, and Li Lingyuan could feel it. He probably realized that it was his words just now that triggered his current mood, and immediately added: "It's not necessarily that he is familiar with it, or, it may be, that one, Si Zhiqing is sorry..."

It's okay if Li Lingyuan didn't make up for it, but when he did, Mo Bei's face became increasingly ugly.

A drop of cold sweat rolled down Li Lingyuan's forehead, and he thought to himself: I'll drop it on my grandma, it's really an unreasonable disaster. He's talking nonsense, what can't he say? Do you have to tell me something?

Thinking about it, Li Lingyuan could only bite the bullet and continue:

“Si Zhiqing must be too embarrassed to refuse, so someone else helped him...”

 Mo Bei's handsome face became darker, and he squinted at Li Lingyuan with a terrifying look from a condescending and strange angle.

Li Lingyuan pinched his index finger and thumb together and pulled on his mouth, making a zipper motion: I'm wrong, okay? I will never utter a word today.

Mo Bei turned around and went back to the room. Li Lingyuan exhaled a sigh of relief. Before he could relax, he saw Mo Bei walking out of the room again.

Li Lingyuan quickly straightened up and waited for instructions, but Mo Bei walked straight past him and Song Shuhan and walked towards the room of the female educated youth.

Li Lingyuan stretched his neck and followed him with his eyes.

Song Shuhan stared at him and sighed, then smiled for a while and said, "You are such a coward, why are you still looking at me? Aren't you afraid that Mo Bei will come back and cause trouble for you?"

Li Lingyuan didn't dare to confront Mo Bei, but he usually got along with Song Shuhan. When he heard Song Shuhan scolding him for being a coward, he suddenly became unhappy. He turned around and frowned and said, "Why am I a coward? I'm calling you a coward." A man can bend and stretch! What do you know?"

As he said that, Li Lingyuan glanced at Song Shuhan again, twisted his neck and said, "I think you are the real coward. Boss Mo likes Si Zhiqing, and at least he has a hint of it. What about you? Are you just watching? You are a coward!" "

Song Shuhan was speechless for a moment, but it was only for that moment.

He shook his head, smiled and sat on the threshold next to Li Lingyuan. He looked up at the sparrows on the branches, swaying their heads and chirping, and murmured in a low voice, like a sigh or emotion: "There are many kinds of things you like, and you don't have to be here." Together we are complete.”

“You will understand when you meet someone you really like in the future.”

Song Shuhan's mind suddenly flashed into the scene when he came back from the field for the first time and met Si Ningning by the well.

That girl is as bright as the sun, as beautiful as a flower, and as gentle as the moonlight...

In the case of Wu Yong, when it came to expressing his personal attitude, he was already at a disadvantage.

Even if Wu Yong hadn't happened, there would have been a lack of outstanding people around the girl, and he would never have been ranked high.

Song Shuhan was very self-aware, but at this moment he turned his head and glanced at the side of the room on the female educated youth side, and his lips suddenly evoked a smile with unknown meaning.

Gentle moon...

 Whose hands will it fall into in the end?

Song Shuhan put his hand on Li Lingyuan's shoulder and lowered his eyes inadvertently. His glasses covered the disappointment in his eyes. He smiled lightly and said: ", just be an outsider with me."

"What, what are you talking about? It's weird." Li Lingyuan frowned and complained, but he didn't push away Song Shuhan's hand.

On the other side, Si Ningning had just talked through Huo Lang and was planning to send Huo Lang back and come over to pick up Hegu and the others after work in the afternoon, or let Hegu and the others go back by themselves depending on the situation.

However, just as his lips opened and closed, before the sound came out, a cold "Si Ningning" suddenly came from behind.

Si Ningning said "hmm" and turned around. Huo Lang raised his eyes and looked with Si Ningning in the direction of the sound.

 “Mo Bei?” Si Ningning hesitated.

Looking at the kettle in Mo Bei's hand, Si Ningning remembered what she said in the morning, but when she thought about what Song Xiaoyun and the others had just said about taking an afternoon break in the room, she asked curiously: "Do you want water? Isn't there an afternoon break? ?”

"Well..." Mo Bei's expression remained as usual, and after nodding, he continued: "I plan to walk around during the break. Can you help me fill it with water?"

Si Ningning nodded, turned around and took the military kettle from Mo Bei's hand. When she was about to enter, she turned around again and waved to Huo Lang, indicating that if he had nothing to do, he could go back first.

  After Huo Lang nodded, Si Ningning entered the room.

Huo Lang turned his eyes to Mo Bei, who was as tall as him, nodded friendly and prepared to leave.

Mo Bei frowned briefly, and when Huo Lang turned around, he suddenly said, "It's convenient, can you lend me a step to talk?"

 The tone was cold with a hint of hostility. This was neither a question nor a request.


 Not good.

Horang paused slightly, turned his head sideways, and glanced back with his peripheral vision.

After seeing Mo Bei's frowning eyebrows and the cold brows that were completely different from the aura just now, Huo Lang became more and more sure of his guess.

However, Huo Lang didn't say anything. He just nodded slightly and walked ahead.

Si Ningning came out of the kitchen. No one saw Mo Bei or Huo Lang at the door. She turned around to ask Xu Shuhua and the others, but saw the three girls lying on the table fast asleep.

Si Ningning had no choice but to give up the idea and sit on the horse stall at the door with a water bottle in her arms, waiting with her chin in her hands out of boredom.

 Waiting for Mo Bei to come back.

Si Ningning guessed that Mo Bei went to the toilet or something.

However, what she didn't know was that in the bamboo forest more than a hundred meters behind the educated youth point, two men were facing each other **** for tat, neither of them losing momentum to the other.

 (End of this chapter)

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