Chapter 166 Awkward

"Do you like Si Ningning?" Mo Bei asked straight to the point.

"What's the problem?" Huo Lang was stunned for a moment, and then smiled heartily, "Is this what you're asking me for?"

In front of this child of his former comrade-in-arms, Huo Lang showed much more ease and patience than he did with Si Ningning, "I guess he likes her."

"I just..." Mo Bei turned away, frowned and stared at the dead buds of Maozhu beside him, and defended awkwardly, "I can barely be regarded as the person in charge of the educated youth. The personal safety of female educated youths is within my concern. "

"Well, not bad, very good." Huo Lang nodded, his thin lips curved, he laughed twice in a hoarse voice, "Haha", and praised: "As expected of the Mo family, you are very responsible. I think highly of you."

"I am me, and my father is my father. I hope you don't mix them up." Mo Bei turned sideways and looked at Huo Lang with cold eyes, and emphasized again: "If you have no interest in Si Ningning, I hope you will avoid suspicion. Stay away from her."

"Relax, kid, Si Ning... Si Zhiqing is now 16? 17?" Huo Lang's smile faded, his peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of seriousness appeared on his tough face, "To me, she is just a little girl, and there will always be a relationship between us. impossible."

Huo Lang thought the truth was as he said, but he didn't know that when he said these words, there was an elusive look in his eyes when he looked at Mo Bei.

Having fully seen Mo Bei's hostile expression, Huo Lang felt a little panicked for no reason.

 Smelly boy…

What kind of look is that?

 In what capacity and what qualifications is he speaking these words now?

 The person in charge of the educated youth center?

 It is understandable to be responsible for personal safety, but it is a bit too much to interfere with personal feelings.

Huo Lang's face gradually became colder, and he and Mo Bei looked at each other as if they were competing, neither of them would take a step back first.

The wind started blowing in the bamboo forest, and the rustling was accompanied by the chirping of birds. Just as the two were in a stalemate, they suddenly heard a cry from the side of the educated youth house below, "Is Comrade Educated Youth here? Let me tell you something. Son!"

Zhao Hongbing's voice disrupted the rhythm of the two people who were facing each other **** for tat.

"I have to work in the afternoon. If I have nothing else to do, I'll leave first." Huo Lang regained consciousness first and turned around to go around the production team from the forest path.

Mo Bei pursed his lips and suddenly raised his voice to remind, "I hope you remember what I said today."

Horang didn’t respond and disappeared into the forest in a few steps.

Mo Bei Jian frowned tightly. Although he received Huo Lang's assurance, he still felt heavy in his heart and always felt an invisible sense of oppression.

 But the point has already been made, and he has no position to ask for too much.

Mo Bei took a breath and turned back to the educated youth spot.

The educated youths have gathered at the gate of the educated youth point, except for Mo Bei.

Seeing Mo Bei coming down from the bamboo forest at the back, Zhao Hongbing gave a reminder, "There are many snakes in this season, so don't go deep into the mountains or deep into the bamboo forest."

Mo Bei nodded, "I just walked around casually in the back."

 Then he returned to the team.

Si Ningning handed the kettle to Mo Bei and looked at Zhao Hongbing. Seeing that Zhao Hongbing was concluding his words without looking over here, Si Ningning looked up at Mo Bei and asked casually: "You just said you wanted me to fill the water for you, and all of a sudden... Kung Fu is gone, why are you running so fast?”

"I remembered the bamboo shoots I ate before, and it happened to be fine while I was standing, so I went to take a look at the back." Mo Bei lowered his head and lied casually to explain.

 Perhaps the excuse was too perfunctory, or maybe it was something else, but Si Ningning suddenly became a little unhappy.

Her crescent eyebrows stood up, and her clear voice became hardened, "Mo Zhiqing, I have helped you after all, right? Can you give me a look when you answer the question? You are acting like this, which makes me feel very rude and disrespectful. !”

Mo Bei paused for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at Si Ningning.

I don't know if it was an illusion. The moment Mo Bei raised his eyes, Si Ningning vaguely seemed to see his lips pursed in frustration?

Si Ningning bit her lower lip and opened her eyes to look carefully, but she saw Mo Bei's brows were furrowed as before, and his whole face was filled with impatience.

Si Ningning let out a sigh of relief and thought: It is indeed an illusion.

The two of them tilted their heads and looked at each other. Si Ningning's eyes flickered and she felt a little embarrassed. She was thinking about how to get over the matter. Suddenly, she heard Zhao Hongbing's loud voice: "Mo Zhiqing, I know the signs of Si Zhiqing's growth. But you should look at me for now. When I finish everything, you can take the time to read it later. "

Xu Shuhua and the others looked sideways and glanced at Si Ningning and Mo Bei with a joking look. At that moment, Si Ningning lowered her head suddenly and wanted to dig her toes on the ground in embarrassment.

 On the other side, Mo Bei wasn't doing much better.

Although Mo's personality is a little cold, he actually has a thin face. After being teased by Zhao Hongbing like a rough guy, he looked straight ahead with a cold face, as if the matter was nothing to do with him, but he didn't pay attention. Suddenly, a faint and strange red appeared under his bright and cold eyebrows.

"Okay, don't look at it anymore." Zhao Hongbing grinned and clapped his hands. After focusing everyone's attention, he began to talk about the purpose of his visit. "The team finished cutting the remaining rice this afternoon, and we will start dividing the work again tomorrow." , I’m going to come over here during my lunch break today to tell you that from tomorrow onwards, male educated youths will be assigned every other row to go to the fields to learn how to work oxen and plow fields with old farmers, and female educated youths will be in charge..."

Zhao Hongbing's chatter temporarily relieved Si Ningning and Mo Bei's embarrassment. The busy farming season officially began. Everyone was assigned new tasks, such as male educated youths. The three of them took turns learning to plow the fields with oxen, and those who didn't get their turn picked up the tasks. or go to the threshing floor to thresh millet.

 The production team only has two cows in total. This time period is obviously not enough, so threshing the millet needs to be done manually.

 The work of female educated youths is relatively uniform, and they are still the same as before, pulling out seedlings and planting them.

Since Si Ningning is responsible for feeding pigs, she does not have to go to the fields to plant rice. However, she has added another item to her original job of feeding pigs: going to the threshing floor to help winnow millet in her free time.

According to Zhao Hongbing’s explanation, this job was not difficult and relatively leisurely. Si Ningning believed it and was very motivated.

After getting down to business, Zhao Hongbing waved his hand again: "Okay, disband! Everyone will have a good rest this afternoon. You can do whatever you want, and forget about the team's affairs for now."

 After talking about business, Zhao Hongbing left in a hurry.

 The educated youths had a rest in the afternoon, but he did not take a rest. There was still a lot of work to be done in the team.

“Actually, I feel that transplanting rice seedlings is better than cutting millet. Cutting millet always makes me itch everywhere. Soaking rice seedlings in water makes it less hot.”

"I think so…"

The girls were chattering and walking into the house together.

Si Ningning followed at the end, thinking about whether she could do the millet harvesting tomorrow. When she started walking again and was about to cross the threshold, Mo Bei's voice came from behind: "Si Ningning!"

The voice was as cold as ever, but it was obviously a little more urgent than before.

Si Ningning paused and turned to look back curiously.

Mo Bei stood at the bottom of the steps and looked at her. A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Zhou Zheng's handsome face, and his eyes turned away for a moment, but soon fell back on her.

"Si Zhiqing." Mo Bei changed his topic, "Can I just say a few words?"

Mo Bei stood sideways at the foot of the door, and Si Ningning stood at the door, less than two meters apart. The two looked at each other with their eyes facing each other. It was obviously a very natural and normal scene, which made people see it. , but as comfortable and beautiful as a painting. Si Ningning was hesitant and wanted to ask what was going on, but the laughter of Xu Shuhua and others behind her came first: "Ning Ning, go ahead. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with the educated youth. If there is anything, we will do it for you."

 One sentence put an end to Si Ningning's attempts to make excuses.

Si Ningning turned around and looked resentfully. Xu Shuhua and the others still remembered Zhao Hongbing's rough-and-tumble joking just now. Now, their faces were full of teasing smiles, and they all winked at Si Ningning.

 Even Jiang Yue is like this.

Jiang Yue has always been worried that some of her friends will go astray and lose control of their partners, but when it comes to Si Ningning, she has an inexplicable sense of confidence.

Si Ningning is very smart and will not make mistakes on this kind of issue.

Therefore, Jiang Yue also joined the teasing queue and said to Si Ningning: "Mo Zhiqing doesn't eat people, so go ahead!"

Si Ningning puffed up her cheeks and glared at them. After a while, she looked away and nodded to Mo Bei: "Let's go!"

Si Ningning is not embarrassed either.

 Just feel embarrassed.

Mo Bei is too cold, and it is very obvious that he doesn't like or hate someone. Although Si Ningning's impression of him has improved after a month or two of getting along, she still subconsciously feels that he is difficult to get along with.

She really couldn't imagine how ugly Mo Bei's face would be when people got along with her in the future if they didn't want to get involved with her.

 Let’s find an opportunity to explain it later.

Si Ningning thought, "tsk" and sighed deeply.

At the same time, the two of them had reached the well. Maybe they heard her sigh, and Mo Bei turned around to look at her.

Si Ningning’s bowed back straightened up instantly, she laughed to ease her embarrassment, and then asked seriously: “What is it?”

The well is surrounded by trees, their branches and leaves are overlapping, and the sunlight penetrates through layers, casting tiny spots of light on the girl's body and the ground.

The girl clasped her hands together behind her back, tilted her head, and her dark eyes were wide open. The sight she looked over always made people feel a bit burning.

Mo Bei looked at him, his ears feeling inexplicably hot, and the strange feeling in his heart made him want to avoid Si Ningning's gaze, but thinking of business, he slid his Adam's apple up and down twice to force himself to calm down.

 After calming down for a moment, Mo Bei finally spoke, "Si Zhiqing, you are from Beijing, right?"

"Yes." Si Ningning nodded hesitantly, his face slightly wrinkled in confusion, staring down at her and Mo Bei's toes.

 What is this strange development?

"I am also from Beijing." Mo Bei was silent, his starry eyes looking at the parted bangs on Si Ningning's forehead, "Ganjiakou, you know."


Si Ningning nodded again.

She didn’t know what Ganjiakou was like in the 1970s, but twenty years in the future, that area belonged to the Military Academy.

This "yuan" does not refer to a large courtyard, but a small courtyard of a single-family villa. Most of them are military officers who live there, and their military rank is not lower than that of a colonel.

 To put it bluntly, there is a lot of land that cannot be bought with money and is allocated by the state.

Si Ningning thought about it and couldn't help but raise her eyes to look at Mo Beilai seriously.

 He is tall and broad-shouldered, narrow-waisted. Although he is aloof, he speaks well and has strong leadership skills...

 Almost instantly, Si Ningning confirmed his identity as a descendant of Mobei Gaogan.

It was also an instant that made Si Ningning even more determined to find an opportunity to explain the oolong incident just now.

 She doesn't want to be misunderstood as a fawning **** or a materialistic woman...


Si Ningning opened and closed her lips. Before she could say anything, she heard Mo Bei say: "We are the only two of the educated youth who come from the same place. Now that you know my home address, you know me well. I..."

Mo Bei suddenly paused and realized later that it seemed inappropriate to say this.

This statement does not sound like a concern for the personal safety of fellow educated youths, but more like a self-introduction to someone you are dating.

Mo Bei blushed and became nervous because of his own thoughts. He was also worried that Si Ningning would misunderstand him and was anxious to explain. But he was a talkative person, and being anxious only made him more confused:

 “I mean, I didn’t mean that...don’t get me wrong.”

Si Ningning was confused, looking at Mo Beizhi with narrowed eyes and shaking his head.

Mo Bei felt even more anxious when he saw her expression. He subconsciously reached out to hold Si Ningning and tell her not to leave in a hurry until she finished speaking.

However, when his hand was about to touch Si Ningning, Mo Bei seemed to regain his senses and suddenly pulled his hand back.

"I'm sorry, I..." Mo Bei didn't say anything, and put his long-knuckled palms in front of his eyes and rubbed them.

 He didn’t know what was wrong with him.

It's obviously not a big deal and can be finished in just a few sentences, so why is it so urgent and panic-stricken?

Mo Bei had doubts in his heart, but at the moment when the doubts arose, fragmentary scenes flashed before his eyes, as if the questions in his mind had already been answered. afraid?

Afraid that Si Ningning would get closer and closer to the man named Huo...

The scene I saw when I walked across the rope bridge often comes to mind, and the feeling of being an eyesore becomes stronger each time.

Something seemed to have changed in his heart, but Mo Bei was not sure what it was and when it started to change.

 Is it that time when the other person looked at you with concern in the morning? Or is it the other person’s usual clumsy yet meticulous care?

  Or something else?

Mo Bei couldn't tell clearly.

Birds were chirping all around, and Si Ningning kept waiting for Mo Bei's next words. Mo Bei's big hands were covered in front of his eyes and he was constantly rubbing his temples, seeming very uncomfortable.

She thought for a while and suggested: "It's rare to have an afternoon of rest, why not take a nap first? You can talk anytime."

"No need." Mo Bei put down his hand, his eyebrows tightened, and his starry eyes were reddish with discomfort.


A Yao felt aggrieved and muttered:

 You don’t even give me five stars or comments! ! Can you bear to watch poor me update alone? !

 (End of this chapter)

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