Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 167: Mo Bei: I am my own stumbling block

Chapter 167 Mo Bei: I am my own stumbling block

Mo Bei's mood had basically stabilized. When he looked at Si Ningning again, his eyes returned to their usual cold and calm tone. Not only that, but his tone also returned to normal: "It's just a few words. Just listen to what I said. From now on, It’s up to you to decide what to do.”

Si Ningning nodded slightly.

“Si Zhiqing, I hope you can understand that no matter how harmonious we get along with the members, the educated youth at Zhiqingdian are the group.”

"I think comrades who are also educated youth should be more trustworthy." Mo Bei lowered his eyelids to hide the struggling and hesitant look in his eyes.

 He ​​just started reporting his family name, just to tell Si Ningning that they were from the same place, and that both parties should be more familiar with each other's situation, in other words, more credible.

 Si Ningning, you can trust him completely.


 He doesn’t like to be influenced by his emotions.

Mo Bei clenched his fists, turned sideways, and said in a cold and serious voice: "You are a lesbian, and you look... In short, you must be more vigilant, don't think about taking shortcuts, and don't easily believe what a man says, especially that If you want to be a good-looking and tall man.”

Mo Bei almost said the words "Don't trust that man named Huo", but Si Ningning didn't understand what he meant at all.

In fact, Mo Bei usually worked diligently no matter what job he was assigned to. He would only nod and say hello to his uncles and aunts on the team without much communication at all. Si Ningning had never seen him and Huo Lang confront each other head-on. Naturally, Unexpectedly, he was referring to Holang between the lines.

At this moment, Si Ningning’s focus was on Mo Bei’s words, “Don’t think about shortcuts.”

Combined with the previous speculations, the message this sentence sent to Si Ningning was that Mo Bei was warning her not to take his shortcut.

Si Ningning has never been a person who likes to put a warm face on a cold dish.

She lowered her eyes, removed the coldness from her eyes, and responded with a clear and decisive voice: "Mo Zhiqing, please don't worry, I understand what you mean."

Just for a moment, she looked up at Mo Bei with a bright smile, "Thank you for reminding me, I know what to do."

Mo Bei frowned and looked at her for a long time, and finally couldn't help but asked, "Do you really understand what I mean?"

“Of course.” Si Ningning smiled and nodded.

Even if she doesn’t have space or a house in her hands, just knowing the future direction well, what awaits her will definitely not be the end of the road.

  She would never betray herself just for a small profit.

 She doesn’t allow others to look down on her!

"Well, if there's nothing else to do, I'll go back first." Si Ningning turned around decisively, walked out for two steps, then suddenly slowed down and looked at Mo Bei, "I'll call Li Lingyuan to bring the stuff to you later."

 "Okay..." Mo Bei nodded.

When Si Ningning entered the room, he frowned again, something? what?

With doubts in mind, Mo Bei returned to the room where the male educated youth lived.

Little did they know that in the room where the female educated youth was staying, Si Ningning stormed the room with a sullen face, shocking Xu Shuhua, Jiang Yue and the others.

Si Ningning took out the key to the rattan box, banged it open and opened it.

Xu Shuhua and the others were sitting by the bed chatting. When they saw this movement, they all put on their shoes and gathered around Si Ningning, "What's going on? Ningning? What did Mo Bei tell you? Why are you so angry all of a sudden?" "

"It's okay." Si Ningning's little face tightened with displeasure. She took out half a bag of rice from the box. Holding the bag of rice, she looked around at the girls and said, "I'll be busy starting tomorrow. As you know, I also have some arrangements for me. I have done a lot of work, and I won’t be able to deliver water to everyone starting tomorrow...but I will boil a pot when cooking in the morning, and everyone will take it directly to the field to drink.”

 After saying that, Si Ningning walked out of the room, leaving the three girls looking at each other.

Si Ningning raised her voice and called Li Lingyuan at the door. Li Lingyuan over there didn't know what happened between Si Ningning and Mo Bei, so he came out immediately.

Si Ningning handed the rice bag to Li Lingyuan, "This belongs to Mo Zhiqing. Please help me bring it to him."

“Huh? Jie, what’s in the jie?”

Li Lingyuan held the bag and squeezed it. He wanted to ask again, but Si Ningning had already turned around and entered the house.

 There was no other way, Li Lingyuan had no choice but to carry the bag back to the house and give it to Mo Bei.

As soon as Mo Bei saw the rice bag, his handsome face almost turned green. He held the bamboo cup in his hand and made a "squeak" sound, pinching out two fine lines like spider silk.

Si Ningning looked weird just now, and he knew that she couldn't understand what he meant.

 Mo Bei put the cup on the bedside with a "Duang" sound, took the bag from Li Lingyuan and went out.

Li Lingyuan was still confused when he heard Mo Bei's voice coming from outside:

“Si Ningning, come out, I have something to tell you.”

 “Si Ningning!”

Mo Bei's voice sounded cold, but in fact there was a hint of urgency, as if he was really angry.

But he waited outside the door for a long time, and even called Si Ningning several times without getting a response. Finally, the female educated youth in the room couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Ning Ning went to join the team. He just left." …Mo Zhiqing, if you have anything to do, wait until Ning Ning comes back to talk about it?”

Mo Bei’s eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and he could only return in despair as he clenched the rice bag tightly in his big hands.

There was silence outside the window, and then she heard the sound of footsteps fading away. Song Xiaoyun glanced at Xu Shuhua disapprovingly, "Why are you talking to him? Look at how angry Ning Ning is... He is determined to bully Ning Ning."

Song Xiaoyun said, remembering Mo Bei's cold look before, she suddenly got excited, lying on the bed next to Jiang Yue and seriously asked: "Men are deceitful, Jiang Yue, let me tell you, a man who looks like Zhou Zheng They are all transformed by monsters, and they may eat people at some point, so don’t let them fool you.”

Ever since that cold look, in Song Xiaoyun's eyes, Mo Bei was already like a big devil who eats people without spitting out their bones.

Without the entanglement of Mo Bei, Si Ningning has basically become the backbone of Song Xiaoyun. Now that the backbone is bullied by Mo Bei, Song Xiaoyun is naturally full of malice towards Mo Bei.

Jiang Yue frowned and hissed, and scratched the top of her head vigorously, but in the end, she nodded seriously.

Jiang Yue thought: Song Shuhan doesn’t look ugly at all. If he said that, Song Xiaoyun should be giving up, right?


It doesn’t matter whether he is a ghost or a monster, as long as Song Xiaoyun doesn’t make mistakes, it doesn’t matter.

On the other hand, because the female educated youth had a rest in the afternoon and could help cook dinner, Si Ningning finished her work in the pig pen and was not in a hurry to go back. After being begged by Hegu and reciting the lyrics of "Not afraid of the wind and snow" several times, Si Ningning sent Hegu and Sanmiao to play with Zhou Xiaocui and the others, while he went to the threshing floor.

The millet laid out in the morning has been threshed, and the elderly uncles are gathering the finished straw into a pile with wooden forks.

Si Ningning picked up the big broom at the edge of the threshing floor, followed the two young sisters-in-law, and swept the grains together.

While they were busy working, the sisters-in-law smiled and said, "Hey, Si Zhiqing. I heard that the educated youth have a rest in the afternoon. Why don't you come here to show off your work without taking a rest? We can do this!"

"Sister-in-law, to tell you the truth, I have also been assigned a new job. Starting tomorrow, I will go to the threshing floor to winch millet...I have no experience and don't know how to do it." Si Ningning rubbed his forehead. Han Han also had a frank smile on his face, "I just wanted to come over and see how it works."

"It's easy to winnow the millet. It's an easy thing." The sisters-in-law looked at each other in a funny way and continued with their work. "It's your thin arms and legs. It's your first time doing it, and your elbows can't bear it." "

With this said, Si Ningning basically had an idea.

 Let’s just talk about cutting millet and wheat. The main thing is to bend down and get tired.

And winnowing millet requires force on the arms and arms. Once or twice is fine, but if you repeat it too many times, you will definitely get sore.

Si Ningning helped in the threshing floor for a while. When all the straw was gathered aside and the grains were piled into hills, he saw an uncle bringing a wooden shovel.

The uncle was standing in the threshing floor observing the wind direction, while Si Ningning squatted in a shady place to observe him.

After confirming the direction of the wind, the uncle found a position downwind. He grasped the wooden shovel tightly with his thin but powerful hands, plunged the shovel into the grain pile, and then scooped up a whole shovelful of grains and raised it high.

Thousands of golden grains are like flowers scattered by a goddess. The breeze carrying a heat wave passes by the threshing floor, picking up the straw crumbs and dust that are blown up in the grains and taking them to the other side.

Si Ningning looked at it for half an hour, and while his uncle was drinking water, he took the initiative to ask Ying to try it.

Si Ningning usually goes to work in the pig pen, and often delivers water to her uncles and aunts who are busy in the threshing floor. These uncles and aunts see her as friendly and do not stop her at the moment. The uncle who is responsible for winnowing millet comes back from drinking water and sees Si Ningning. Ning Ning still couldn't figure it out, so she even gave some pointers:

"Si Zhiqing, don't hold the handle of this wooden shovel too short, otherwise it won't be lifted high enough and the dust won't be blown out... You are weak, and you won't be able to lift it if you hold it too far back. Just move it back a little. Try. Try...Oh, it’s just like this, give it a little more energy.”

 “Yes, yes, that’s good!”

Si Ningning went back and forth more than a dozen times, waiting for the corn to be hoisted properly. The back of his coat was soaked with sweat.

If this job is for men, it may be really an easy job, but if it is done by women, it is also quite strenuous.

Sweat dropped from his forehead like rain, and Si Ningning could hardly open his eyes.

 Raising his arm and giving it a rough rub, Si Ningning handed the shovel back to the uncle in charge of winnowing the millet, "Uncle, it's you who do it!"

 “Haha, okay!”

Si Ningning did not stay at the threshing floor for long. She boasted that she had almost mastered the skills of winnowing millet. She greeted several uncles and aunts, hugged half a bundle of dry straw, and turned back to the educated youth point.

Little did he know that after she left, the uncle in charge of raising millet took time out to chat with the others while raising the rice, "What did Hong Bing think? The educated youth ordered several male educated youths, so why did they ask Si Zhiqing to come over to raise the millet?" "

“You know that! I’m afraid I’m too busy to think of it at this juncture... We’ll see tomorrow. If it’s really Si Zhiqing who comes to raise millet, then we can discuss a change.”

 “Okay, I think it’s okay.”

At the other end, Si Ningning seemed to be returning to the educated youth spot, but in fact, he wandered into the space in a small corner where no one passed.

 She brought straw back with her just to make a regular chicken coop. She originally planned to take a bath after finishing all the trivial things in the space.

As a result, the space has a constant temperature. Although the sweat on his body dries quickly after entering, Si Ningning always feels that a heavy and unpleasant smell of sweat remains on his body.

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I took a shower first.

After taking a shower and drying her hair, Si Ningning buttoned her clothes in the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror when she left the bathroom.

 There is still no sign that the oval face has returned to roundness, but the color on the face is quite normal, and I don’t know if it is an illusion, but it seems to have grown a little taller.

The marble dividing line on the bathroom wall is reflected in the mirror. When I used to look in the mirror, the dividing line was about five centimeters from Si Ningning's head. Now it looks less than three centimeters. It should be because of the food nutrition and daily work. The amount of exercise hasn't dropped, and maybe he's really grown a bit.

With this thought in mind, Si Ningning touched the black rubber band on the sink and put her arms up on the stage to bring her hair together. However, as soon as she raised her arms halfway, her armpits became tight and there was a tugging.

Si Ningning took a quick look and finally confirmed the fact that she had grown taller, and even her clothes no longer fit well.

 Throwing the dirty clothes into the washing machine, Si Ningning turned around and rummaged through the clothes she had bought before, considering that she had been doing a lot of work recently. It was easy to find clothes suitable for her body size, but she might not be able to wear them.

 Looking at the black, red or orange T-shirts and jackets, Si Ningning gave up completely.

The colors of clothes in the world outside space are generally low-key, either black, gray and blue, or military green and some relatively simple colors. If she wears this black, the sun will heat her to death.

 What about other colors?

 If you wear it out, you will really become the most "beautiful" kid on the street.

Si Ningning had no choice but to give up the idea, and then her little mind turned around and remembered the sewing machine she brought back when she bought fabrics.

 Can I do it myself?

At first, the fabric alone cost more than 600,000 yuan, and most of them were in elegant and fresh colors. The more Si Ningning thought about it, the more feasible it became.

 The main thing is that I think I can do it.

Perhaps every girl has a dream of being a designer, especially if the equipment and conditions are sufficient.

Si Ningning was so impatient that she didn't even make a chicken coop. She spread half a bundle of straw in the backyard, moved her sewing machine to the study window and set it up. She poured a cup of iced lemon tea and put it by the table, then sat down. No more moving.

Si Ningning certainly doesn’t know how to make clothes, but she knows how to adapt, and she has abundant resources, including fabrics and clothes that she can disassemble and study.

 Although he had abundant resources at hand, Si Ningning did not cut fabrics and make clothes by hand at the beginning.

 Not at first sight.

Secondly, in the one or two months since she traveled back in time, she also realized how difficult it was for the people in front of her to do many things, and she was worried that rash actions would cause unnecessary waste.

 (End of this chapter)

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